
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈfaɪn(ə)l]play美 [ˈfaɪn(ə)l]play

  • adj. 最终的,结束的;(出现次序)最后的,末尾的;决定性的,不可变更的;无比的,极度的
  • n. 决赛;期末考试,课程终结考试;主调音;当日报纸的末版;(飞机进入着陆跑道的)最终边,第五边

复数 finals

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


final /ˈfaɪnəl/

  • 1.
    形容词 In a series of events, things, or people, the final one is the last one. 最后的

    Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit.



    This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.


  • 2.
    形容词 Final means happening at the end of an event or series of events. 最终的

    You must have been on stage until the final curtain.


  • 3.
    形容词 If a decision or someone's authority is final, it cannot be changed or questioned. 不可更改的

    The judges' decision is final.


  • 4.
    可数名词 The final is the last game or contest in a series and decides who is the winner. 决赛

    ...the Gold Cup final.


  • 5.
    →see also   quarter-final semifinal
  • 6.
    复数型名词 The finals of a sports tournament consist of a smaller tournament that includes only players or teams that have won earlier games. The finals decide the winner of the whole tournament. (锦标赛的) 决赛阶段的比赛

    Poland knows it has a chance of qualifying for the World Cup Finals.




  • adv.

    finally 最后;终于;决定性地

  • n.

    finale 结局;终曲;最后一场;最后乐章;尾声

    finalist 参加决赛的选手

    finality 定局;终结;结尾;最后的事物;最后的言行

    finalization 终结,结束;终止化

    finalisation 最终确定;定稿

  • vi.

    finalize 把最后定下来;定案

  • vt.

    finalize 完成;使结束

    finalise 使…结束;把最后定下来



final eventual last 【导航词义:最后的】

final adj. 最后的,最终的

〔辨析〕 只作定语,指一系列行动、事件、故事情节等中最后的。

例1: The final examination will take place next month.


例2: I like the final installment of her Paris tetralogy.


eventual adj. 最终的,最后的

〔辨析〕 只作定语,指经过很长时间或很多事情之后终于发生的。

例1: Which country was the eventual winner of the negotiation?


例2: The eventual outcome was exactly the same as he had predicted.


last adj. 最后的

〔辨析〕 指最后发生或存在的,强调再无后续的。

例1: The last page of the magazine was torn out.


例2: She received the gift in the last week of December.


例3: This elderly lady is the last person who can speak that language in her tribe.


例4: She was last to arrive home.



1. Final Fantasy VII 最终幻想VII ; 最终幻想 ; 片 ; 最终幻想7ps镜像版

2. final round 决赛;最终角逐

3. final price 最后价格

4. in the final analysis 归根到底

5. cup final 总决赛

6. final project 毕业设计;最终方案

7. Final Solution 最终解决方案 ; 最后方案 ; 最终解决 ; 最终方案

8. Final Fantasy IX 最终幻想IX ; 最终幻想 ; 最终幻想九 ; 最终幻想九专辑

9. final exam 期末考,期末考试

10. final decision 最后决定

11. final inspection 最后检查;最终检查

12. final result 最终结果;决赛成绩

13. the world cup final 世界杯决赛

14. Final Destination 死神来了 ; 最终目的地 ; 终点

15. final design 最终设计;完工图纸

16. final test 最后试验;最后测试

17. final stage 末级

18. final solution 最终解决;屠杀方案

19. Final Fantasy 最终幻想 ; 最终幻想系列 ; 最终幻想高清壁纸集

20. final assembly 总装

21. final destination 最终目的地

22. final examination 期末考试

23. semi-final 准决赛 ; 半决赛 ; 准绝赛 ; 复赛

24. Final Fantasy VIII 最终幻想VIII ; 最终幻想 ; 最终幻想八 ; 最终幻想8

25. final product 最终产品;最后产物

26. The Final Problem 最后一案 ; 最后的谜题 ; 最后的问题 ; 末了一案

27. final report 最终报告;总结报告;决算报告

28. final acceptance 验收;最终验收;最后验收


1. The father had the final say.


2. Is there a final for this course?


3. The final outcome of end BE: We all became dripping wet.

最后的结局是: 我们都变成了落汤鸡.《期刊摘选》

4. You are an Olympic 10 meter air rifle finals of the athletes.


5. I'll text you the final score.


6. I'll give you $500 for it, and that's my final offer !


7. All the price in the lists are subject to our final Confirmation.


8. The many different genes interact by intricate rules, to create the final coat.


9. The final fate of these two remarkable locomotive does not seem to have to been recorded.


10. The judges' decision is final.


11. The first meeting laid the groundwork for the final agreement.


12. The general massed his troops for a final attack.


13. They to be involved in some way in the final peace agreement.


14. The Committee will present its final observations and conclusions in two weeks.


15. He boning up for his finals.


16. The tennis finals will come off tomorrow.


17. He is qualified to play in the finals.


18. The two sides will battle it out in the final next week.


19. Among the 128 heroes, will be used knockout decided at the final winner.

128名英雄之中, 将用淘汰赛制决出最终的胜者.《期刊摘选》

20. She sailed through her final exanination.


21. The final instalment on the loan is due next week.


22. The final part will be shown next Sunday evening.


23. Thinking about the final exams keys him up.


24. The ruling of the insect court is final.


25. As for the final of pregnancy, spontaneous abortion 1 case, induced labor 2 cases and hysterotomy 2 cases.

妊娠结局:1例自然流产, 2例引产,2例行择期剖宫产.《期刊摘选》

26. the final product


27. After, the final solution will be a factory for you benefit from the solution.

经过适当的指导, 最终的解决方案将是一个对你的工厂有好处的解决方案.《期刊摘选》

28. But the final moment was taking its time.


29. Representing in the interfaces of final OLAP result, both reports and charts be selected.

在最终的OLAP结果展现界面中, 可以以报表、图表等多种方式来显示最终结果.《期刊摘选》

30. This concludes my coverage of this project and you can see below, the final image.


31. Smith and Jones met in last year's final.


32. My work is rewarded in daily wages, I wait for my final value in love.

我的工作已有每天的工资做报酬, 我却在爱里等待我最后的价值.《期刊摘选》

33. During his time at Anfield the Basque midfielder made 199 appearances including two Champions League finals.


34. Pakistan's Jansher Khan has won the men's final at the Singapore Open.


35. Ziggy: I'm just making a final check before I start my journey across the US.

吉基: 我只是在为我横跨美国之旅做最后的检查.《期刊摘选》

36. I'm not coming, and that's final ! (= I will not change my mind)


37. The final decision will be made at the corporate executive group meeting tomorrow morning.


38. You almost made it to the finals with mouz.


39. He failed in the final exam.


40. Matier : It'seemed that you obtained the final ARCANA.


41. The final legislation should.

最后的立法应该会包含这一征税规定。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

42. On the final 200 meters she powered into the lead.


43. It's time to face the final curtain.


44. Here's the final model before applying the finish.


45. In any case, life will always be the same as a final outcome.

无论如何, 人生总会有一个相同的最后结局.《期刊摘选》

46. She came first in the final examination for the course.


47. This volume raises a final cluster of issues that is among its many strengths.


48. Only a few go through the final humiliation of meeting the bailiff at the door.


49. The final contest will be broadcast live on Hubei TV.


50. Once the final charts and tables are ready, I have to check them and organize a presentation.

一旦最终的图表准备好,我就得检查这些图表并组织一场陈述报告。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

51. The · time is a great author, she can write a future final outcome.

时间是伟大的作者, 她能写出未来的结局.《期刊摘选》

52. If anyone deserves a touch of good fortune in a final, it's Harry isn't it?

如果说在一场决赛,有人应当得到跟好运的亲密接触, 那应该是哈利,不是 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

53. The average of umpire assay and the nearest party assay shall be final for settlement.


54. He hardly needed to break sweat to reach the final.


55. Final diagnosis of MFH was achieved based on histopathology and immunohistochemical stains.


56. Thousands of football fans packed into the stadium to watch the cup final.


57. He could not face a final departure.


58. He agrees that these this latest study is not the final word.


59. If there is a controversy, it will be endless any final conclusion and left unsettled finally.

如果出现了争论, 那么,这种争论就会无休无止的进行下去而没有最终的结论,以至于最后不了了之.《期刊摘选》

60. His final outcome worthy of people thorough deliberation.


61. The winner of each contest goes through to the grand final .


62. The class are preparing for the final exam at high pressure.


63. She reached the final of the 100m hurdles.


64. Ok everyone, now the finals of our theater's singing and dancing competition starts!

好的各位, 本剧场的歌舞比赛的决赛现在开始!《期刊摘选》

65. The events of the weekend were unfortunate, but made no difference to the final result.

周末的事情是不幸的, 但不会对最后的结果造成什么不同.《期刊摘选》

66. You must make a final decision today.


67. I am told that we have passed the final exam.


68. In the final tonight, I've beaten Mr. Larsen of Denmark and win the championship title.

在今晚的决赛中, 我打败了丹麦的拉尔森先生,获得冠军.《期刊摘选》

69. Since love and marriage watch , diversity, their amatory final are also entirely and totally different.

由于爱情与婚姻观的不同, 她们爱情的结局也是大不相同的.《期刊摘选》

70. The final examinations are extremely important.


71. A great many of new physics phenomena appear in final results.


72. The judge has the final say on the sentence.


73. The final examination in English is on Saturday.


74. At length the final conflict took place between Aeneas and Turnus.


75. The New Testament itself had nothing at all about Peter's final end.


76. For the Spanish cup, Ronaldo could only help Barcelona to enter the final match.

对于西班牙杯, 只有罗纳尔多才能使巴赛罗纳俱乐部队打入决赛.《期刊摘选》

77. And so, my fellow Americans, for the final time: Good night.

所以, 美国人民, 在这最后的时刻: 晚安.《期刊摘选》

78. His horse fell at the final hurdle.


79. Wait until after final exams, usher is the winter vacation!

等到期末考试后, 迎来的,就是寒假! 加油 吧!《期刊摘选》

80. I'll give you$ 500 for it, and that's my final offer!


81. Be able to provide digital proofing and printing, complete the final printing tasks.


82. The final include theory contest ( written examination ) and experiment two stages.

决赛分理论竞赛 ( 笔试 ) 和实验竞赛两个阶段.《期刊摘选》

83. Canada got the least sleep of the year the night it beat Sweden in the Olympic hockey( 冰球) final.

加拿大人这一年睡得最少的一夜是他们在奥运会冰球决赛上打败瑞典人的那夜 。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

84. They swarmed back into the auditorium for the final show.


85. Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit...


86. Be sure of your final destination in case you are going the wrong way.


87. So in 1931 radio coverage of all matches was banned except for the FA Cup final.


88. to sit/take your finals


89. The war has already had a final result.


90. The final term will be devoted to project work.


91. Will students feel great shame at having failed the final exam?

学生们会为期末考试不及格而感到羞耻 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

92. I missed the final episode! will it be repeated?

我错过了大结局! 它将被重复 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

93. The final decision is yours.


94. Fig. 28 shows my final result: a pretty good base for the post production work.


95. I cheated on the final exam and got caught.


96. I shall not reveal the movie's final reel.


97. Speaking of the final exam, the students are not nervous at all. They're full of confidence.

讲到期末考试, 学生们一点都不紧张, 他们满脸都涉及自信.《期刊摘选》

98. I'm swotting at maths for final examination.


99. The final image is shown below as a wireframe and full rendering.


100. The arbitration award is final and binding upon all sides.


101. I asked a price as final price, please check the enclosed schedule.

我再次申请了一个最终的优惠价格, 请您查看下表.《期刊摘选》

102. his final act as party leader


103. The foundation's Liz Heliotis says the test is in the final stages of development.


104. A showdown in Istanbul between Arsenal and Barcelona would certainly be a final to salivate.


105. Lisa: I can't believe we're to waste a perfefectly good Sunday to study for our finals.

莉萨: 真不敢相信,我们要浪费那么好一个星期六来准备期末考试.《期刊摘选》

106. Though she makes great effort, still didn't pass a final.

尽管她很努力, 还是没有通过期末考试.《期刊摘选》

107. That student claimed that he didn't cheat in the final exam.


108. Ultimately, Judge Lewin has the final say.


109. Only judicial review is the best and the final choice of supervision.


110. Richard will face Jones in the final game next Saturday.


111. Your grade will be based on four papers and a final exam.


112. Have one better final outcome!

有个比较好的结局 啊 !《期刊摘选》

113. Was this my final downfall?

这是不是我最后的堕落 呢 ?《辞典例句》

114. A final settlement must respect minority rights.


115. And that set the stage for what turned outthe tantalizing collision in the Finals.


116. The final episode will be shown next Sunday.


117. Teachers always judge their students on the final examination.


118. You must have been on stage until the final curtain...


119. The final design is chosen after the pool of artists present their proposals.


120. How much will the final count in our final grades?

期末考试占总分的多少 啊 ?《期刊摘选》

121. You must be careful since the final exam will be tricky.


122. The final legislation might throw a public plan into the competition, but thanks to the fierce opposition of the insurance industry and Republican critics, it might not save much money.

最终的立法可能会在竞争中加入一项公共保险计划,但由于保险行业和共和党批评家、强烈反对,这项计划可能也节省不了多少费用。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

123. This should be researched before accepting final terms.


124. The campaign has entered its final stretch.


125. The project is in its final stages.


126. The young woman gained hitman's confidence anda betrayal and an unexpected ending at final destination.


127. This scene was cut from the final version of the movie.


128. Final a fill a vacancy inscribes is such: 100 of 1 square.

期末考试,有一道填空题是这样的: 1的一百次方.《期刊摘选》

129. It will continue until the final game is played in Minneapolis, Minnesota on April 2.

它会一直持续到4月2日, 在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市举行决赛的那一天.《期刊摘选》

130. No one of its notes is final, yet each reflects the infinite.

没有一种音符是有结局的, 然而每一种音符的意境却都是无限的.《期刊摘选》

131. Zhou Fang started to paint the fresco for the temple based on the final draft.


132. He spoke the final words of the play.


133. She put up a spirited defence in the final game.


134. She sailed through her finals.


135. The runner seemed to be rallied for a final sprint.


136. El amor verdadero no tiene final feliz. Porque simplemente no tiene final.

真正的爱没有快乐的结局. 因为真爱永不结束.《期刊摘选》

137. The umpire's decision is final.


138. Results of the analysis are considered final and valid for both parties.


139. Smith met Jones in last year's final.


140. Brazil trounced Italy 5–1 in the final.


141. Tickets for the final are like gold dust.


142. The band played a final gig in Japan before splitting up.


143. The proposal was presented as final package deal.


144. The final score was 4–3.


145. The final decision rests with the doctors.


146. Anna sat her finals in the summer.


147. The referee blew the final whistle.


148. India take on Pakistan in Johannesburg in the final of the inaugural ICC World Twenty 20.


149. They were comprehensively beaten in the final.


150. In the final analysis, it's a matter of personal choice.


151. The priest intoned the final prayer.


152. The final is going to be a real beast.


153. They demolished New Zealand 22 – 6 in the final.


154. Lastly, he had taken Albert to Normandy when he knew the final blow was near.

最后,当他得知决定性的打击就要到临的时候, 他就带阿尔贝去了诺曼底.《期刊摘选》

155. The judges' decision is final...


156. It is found that vacuum pressure influences the cooling time and the final temperature of product.


157. El amor verdadero no tiene final feliz.


158. Final exams at university can be as much a test of stamina as of knowledge.


159. Once voting is completed, the final decision is by majority.

一旦投票结束, 最终的结果就按照少数服从多数的原则.《期刊摘选》

160. The two women will meet tomorrow in the final.


161. The news that our team has won the final match is encouraging.


162. Only because the network network loses a lot after the final result.


163. Asian Youth Series HKG , Final fight amongyoungsters!


164. The White House has the final say...


165. The committee will present its final report to Parliament in June.


166. Students have a free choice of courses in their final year.


167. Education would be the best and final prevention against social evils.


168. The final team selection will be made tomorrow.


169. The judge's decision is final.


170. The countdown to the Notting Hill Carnival is in its final hours.


171. Everybody does their best to finish a final sprint as far as possible.


172. The final view is presented to the user as a dynamic HTML page.


173. I wish it to be clear that the decision is final.


174. In the final contest, Wangjunxia left her opponents far behind.

在决赛中, 王军霞把对手远远甩在了身后.《期刊摘选》

175. I'd like to return to the final point you made.


176. 4-1 was the final score.


177. Coursework accounts for 40% of the final marks.


178. His face and legs took final shape.


179. His final request stopped her cold.


180. Julie and Michael are watching Steven's final soccer game.


181. The final forecasted prices are the sum of the predicted approximate prices and detailed prices.


182. No, our parting is final and irrevocable.

不, 我们的分开是决定性的,不可挽回的!《辞典例句》

183. It is France versus Brazil in the final.


184. All the steps in the analytical process affect the final result.


185. Replaced by real grand union final outcome original make medium of formality of reunited.


186. ...the Scottish Cup Final...


187. But the final result is perfect, some people have an examination the ideal university.

但是最终的结局是完美的, 有的人考上了自己理想的大学.《期刊摘选》

188. Decisions made ateclipse time tend to be final.


189. Lang's final encore last night was "Barefoot."


190. France triumphed 3–0 in the final.


191. He kept his nerve to win the final set 6 – 4.


192. Poland know they have a chance of qualifying for the World Cup Finals.


193. This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee...


194. A key in which the keyer signal is faithfully reproduced in the final key effect.


195. Who has the final say around here?


196. Did you honestly believe you could reach the Final?

你真的相信你们能走到决赛 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

197. I have to go over the old lessons prepare for the finals.


198. Actually , the final result that the software quality was improved a lot within schedule and budget.


199. He put up a good show in the final examination.


200. He was overtaken on the final lap.


201. Thick love, often final outcome is so poignant.

粘稠的爱, 往往最后的结局是那么的凄美.《期刊摘选》

202. Li Ming: Sorry, It'slipped my mind. I'm preparing for the final exam.

李明: 对不起, 我忘了. 我在准备期末考试.《期刊摘选》

203. In dreamland we play them in the final.


204. the 2006 World Cup Finals (= the last few games in the competition)

2006 年世界杯决赛阶段《牛津词典》

205. He had just completed his final solo album.


206. His judgment is final.


207. Tonight's victory guarantees the team's place in the final.


208. This final observation seemed decisive.


209. The judge's decision is final .


210. The final journey, ends up to turn out orphaned shade accompanying unavoidably.

最后的旅途, 难免落得孤影相伴.《期刊摘选》

211. The level of the anchor point can matter greatly to a final takeover price.


212. Parrot : God know how he could fail the final.


213. No one could have predicted the final outcome.


214. The final section of road is programmed for completion next month.


215. Our story, have never written down final outcome.

我们的故事, 从未写下最后的结局.《期刊摘选》

216. They are set to meet head-to-head in next week's final.


217. Who refereed the final?


218. The prize at stake is a place in the final.


219. Panel of Judges decision is Final and binding.


220. The final result of the poll will be known tomorrow.


221. Our team is preparing for the World Cup Final.



1. And though she gave her final operatic performance in 1997, she appears in recitals to this day.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Celebrates Kennedy Center Honorees

2. Every extra year of life adds between 3-4% to the cost of funding a final-salary pension scheme.

BBC: Warning on pensioners' longevity

3. The poem's great final question concerns that perception: "Did she put on his knowledge with his power"?

诗的最后一个很好的问题,就响应了前面那种看法:,她是否借他之力获得了知识?现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. To rub salt into Newcastle wounds, Liverpool used the final 20 minutes to parade Carroll.

BBC: Liverpool 3-0 Newcastle

5. Prof Beddington made his comments in the final week of his tenure as the government's chief scientific adviser.

BBC: Science correspondent, BBC News

6. The fifty-nine year old Watson needed to make a short attempt on his final hole to win the British Open.

VOA : special.2009.08.01

7. On September 30th, the United States Commission on Immigration Reform issues its final report.

ECONOMIST: Immigration

8. College can be stressful. Sometimes doing nothing at all is just what a student needs after studying for final exams.

VOA : special.2010.06.18

9. What could be as exciting to loyal Oprah viewers as the final months of The Oprah Winfrey Show?

FORBES: The Oprah Winfrey Network Scores An Oprah Winfrey Show

10. They are quite distinct from each other, and you should be able to manage with that final exam without undue difficulty.

它们都各有特点,你需要在期末考之前解决所有困难。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. The final product is supposed to produce a top that can not only move in circles, but write or scribble.

VOA : special.2010.12.28

12. The judges' decision is final.


13. The BBC Trust document was its final report into cost-saving plans known internally as "Delivering Quality First".

BBC: Children's shows to leave BBC One

14. But when the final analysis happened, somehow, financial gain reigns out above the desire to do good.

NPR: A Local Perspective on the South Carolina Vote

15. Final selection of the Laureates is made by an international jury, chaired by Nobel Prize winners.

UNESCO: Professor Dame Carol Robinson

16. Tut's final resting place is one of the smallest of the rulers' tombs in the Valley of the Kings.

VOA : special.2009.12.15

17. The final exam: you should do well if you read, and if you come to lecture and if you attend section.

期末考:如果你读了,上课了,讨论了,期末考试对你来说将轻而易举。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. In the United States Open final, Graf retained overall supremacy.


19. The final document I want to use to make the point here comes from precisely the poems of Solon.

我陈述此观点所用的最后一份文献资料,来自梭仑的诗歌古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. That put beaten Twenty20 finalists Somerset through to their second one-day final of the season.

BBC: Marcus Trescothick stars as Somerset see off Essex

21. The winner will work with the council on the final design for the square.

BBC: George Square revamp: Six designs on display

22. It was June sixth,nineteen forty-four, the start of the Allied invasion of Europe, the final push to defeat Nazi Germany.

VOA : special.2009.08.16

23. And the final is-- we will give you on the last day of class the questions for the final.

期末是,在课程的最后一天,我会给你们期末的考试题1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. He now teaches strategy to students in their final semester of college while conducting research.

FORBES: Life After Wall Street

25. And the third thing I need to decide is how do I combine? You know, point out to you in the binary search case, combination was trivial. The answer to the final search was just the answer all the way up.

第三个问题是我需要决定如何进行合并?,就你们所知的,在二分查找中所打印出来的,合并的过程是非常简单的,最后查询的结果,就是一路上来所以的结果。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

26. He believed that Americans -- North and South -- would accept the decision as the final word in the dispute.

VOA : special.2009.05.21

27. For many hockey fans, the most important game of the Olympics will be decided on the final day, February twenty-eighth.

VOA : special.2010.02.10

28. The 41-strong British squad are making final preparations before the four-day event begins on Thursday.

BBC: SPORT | Other Sport | Davies leads British Euro squad

29. On our final Bozcaadan day (for now, at least), we visit all our favourite haunts.

BBC: Turkeys best-kept secret

30. In his final document to his family, he advised his descendants to "practice Virtue thyself, and encourage it in others."

VOA : special.2009.04.24

31. And that brings me to my final point about our Hobbesian civilization that conceals from us a very uncomfortable truth.

接下来我要讲的,是霍布斯现代文明观的最后一个观点,它将把一个残酷的现实呈现在我们面前。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. She will return to Usher Hall in Edinburgh for the final on 18 May 2014.

BBC: Young Musician 2014 launches new Jazz Award

33. The eurozone recession deepened in the final three months of 2012, official figures show.

BBC: Eurozone recession deepened at end of 2012

34. Indeed, Saddam's sentencing was only a brief interruption in the president's final campaign swing.

NPR: Bush, Democrats Weigh In on Saddam Sentence

35. But the final third - the reasons why the police suspected her son - remain secret.

BBC: The inquest that may never be

36. The House and Senate versions will need to be combined into final legislation for President Obama to sign into law.

VOA : special.2010.05.21

37. Using the material you've learned in class, you'll be expected to answer some big questions for an 8-page final paper that you'll turn in at a date to be assigned.

运用你在课堂上学到的材料,在8页论文中回答某些大问题,然后准时交给我。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. There is a third and final set of factors that make Brazil stand out.

CNN: Does Brazil deserve its 'B' for BRIC?

39. There is but one way. A full and final settlement, with justice,of all the questions disputed by the two sections.

VOA : special.2009.03.26

40. Lockhart pouched the final catch.


41. Let's say you have to go through three or four operations to get a final number, well, do it algebraically.

让我们说,你不得不通过3-4个操作,才能得到最终的数,好吧,用代数方法求解。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

42. The final aspect of self that I want to talk about is the idea that what you do makes sense.

我想讲的关于自我的最后一个方面,就是为自己的行为寻找理由。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. But first we go to a sports bar in Washington for the final game of this year's National Basketball Association championship.

VOA : special.2010.06.25

44. And even under normal circumstances, many public sector workers retire on pensions higher than their final salary.

BBC: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

45. And when the end of the final season drew near, the people of Scranton threw a parade.

BBC: American The Office clocks out

46. But you'll see that once you get to final projects frankly, you're not gonna want to implement everything from scratch.

但是一旦你得出了最终方案,你就不会愿意利用框架去,实现任何功能了。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

47. Then finally, the final step is to find what is the tangency line that goes through the riskless rate.

在最后,最终的步骤是找出一条,穿过无风险收益率的切线。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Davis faces Lee in the final on Sunday.


49. Delegates to the convention would make the final decision if South Carolina would remain in the Union or secede.

VOA : special.2009.07.16

50. Thurston converted and then added a penalty as Australia controlled the final stages of the half.

BBC: England 16-46 Australia

51. That year, Boro were also relegated from the Premiership on the final day of the season.

BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | West Bromwich Albion | Robson defends managerial record

52. And it's this final movement of the simile, according to this ingenious argument by Geoffrey Hartman, that Hartman calls the counter-plot.

根据哈特曼灵巧的论点看来,这就是这个比喻最后的深意,他称之为反计。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. So then, going from the initial to final states with a red path, ou start with an isobaric processand then you end with an isothermal process.

因此沿着,这条红色路径,你从一个等压过程开始,以一个等温过程结束。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

54. The third and final match between the two sides is in Grenada on Wednesday.

BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Windies halt Bangladesh

55. They are hoping to surround tornadoes in the second and final year of an international project known as VORTEX2.

VOA : special.2010.05.11

56. the final years of Margaret Thatcher's premiership


57. So kind of that strange cursive r, and our n final is 2, R so 1 over 2 squared minus n initial, so 1 over 3 squared.

因为我们可以在这里用到它,这个有点奇怪的花体。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

58. Literary analysis that is sensitive to the larger contours of the account will reveal the artistic hand of the final editor.

通常经过文学分析,会发现,最终版本都经过艺术加工。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. The consultation paper should pave the way for formal guidance to all final-salary pension schemes.

BBC: Warning on pensioners' longevity

60. He could support the Compromise of Eighteen Fifty and declare it to be the final settlement of the problem.

VOA : special.2009.04.16

61. Former Leinster fly-half Contepomi missed with a penalty attempt in the final minute of the half.

BBC: Munster 45-18 Toulon

62. This prompted a regulatory complaint from Newmont, who wanted it to be clear if this offer was final.

BBC: Gold battle nears end

63. But the Treasury protested, and the final version requires only a general notice that third-party contacts are possible.

FORBES: You have the right to be terrified

64. Severance and benefits packages were put together and final paychecks were printed out for the others.

FORBES: Survivor

65. Guests can try their hand at the cooking techniques, and of course, taste the final result.

BBC: Learn to prepare snails in Provence



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