Arctic waters翻译_Arctic waters短语搭配_Arctic waters权威例句

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Arctic waters

网络 北极水域

英 [ˈɑːktɪk ˈwɔːtəz]play 美 [ˈɑːrktɪk ˈwɔːtərz]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. The Arctic Northwest Passage stretches from Beaufort sea at the north of Alaska in America in the west to the Davis Strait and Baffin Bay in the east across the Canadian Arctic archipelago waters and it finally connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.


2. Shell Oil hopes to begin drilling in these Arctic waters in the next few days-if the U.S. government grants permission.


3. What would happen if a similar disaster happened in the cold, ice covered and remote waters of the Arctic?


4. The Greenland shark lives in the icy Arctic waters and feeds on fish and seals.


5. The tiny mollusc Limacina helicina, which is found in Arctic waters, will be particularly vulnerable, he said.

加图索称,生活在北极海域的微型软体动物鯱螺(学名:Limacina helicina)特别容易受到伤害。

6. Scientists have discovered huge waves in the arctic waters.


7. Early in November, the Deutschland slung back to Germany, passing again through Arctic waters.

11月初, “德意志”号重新驶过北极的海洋,潜返德国.《辞典例句》

8. The waters of the Arctic are particularly perilous for drilling because of the extreme cold, long periods of darkness, dense fogs and hurricane-strength winds.


9. They fear that a drilling accident in the treacherous Arctic waters could have far more devastating consequences than the deadly Gulf of Mexico spill of 2010, when the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion killed 11 men and sent millions of barrels of oil spewing into the water.

他们担心,倘若情况复杂的北极水域发生开采事故,就会产生比2010年墨西哥湾的严重漏油事故更为惨重的后果。当时,深水地平线(Deepwater Horizon)钻井平台的爆炸共导致11人死亡,并致使数百万桶原油泄漏到了水中。

10. Warm waters passing through the strait into the Arctic Ocean might have helped reduce sea ice extent since the turn of the twenty-first century.


11. Normally, ice builds in Arctic waters around the North Pole each winter and shrinks during the summer.


12. Cleaning up an oil spill in Arctic waters has not been proven possible, despite this Shell still claim that they will be able to clean up 95% of any oil spilled.


13. When did Marchenko and his students discover huge waves in the Arctic waters?


14. Vessel transits in Arctic waters grew by about 25 per cent from 2007 to 2008, according to the Canadian Hydrographic Service.


15. But in some waters, such as those of the Arctic, a warming will make conditions worse for phytoplankton.


16. The lawsuit filed in U. S. District Court in Anchorage claims that federal officials violated laws designed to protect the animals and their sensitive habitat in the Arctic waters of the Chukchi Sea.


17. This ship was designed expressly for exploring Arctic waters.


18. This ship was designed expressly for exploring the Arctic waters.


19. The European researchers have focused on the way warming Arctic waters are expected to hasten thawing of permafrost beneath the East Siberian Sea off northern Russia, believed to contain vast deposits of methane.


20. Scientists have discovered huge waves in the arctic waters.

科学家在北极水域发现了巨浪。《中考真题- 2019 北京 阅读表达》

21. It is believed to be melting the polar ice caps, making the Arctic waters even more accessible to shipping, slashing journey times.


22. A rainbow is reflected in Arctic icy waters in Canada's Foxe Basin.


23. The Arctic mammals, known as "sea unicorns" thanks to their single long tusks, also transmitted measurements for the winter layer of surface water that shields sea ice from the warmer waters below.


24. It can be found in oceans, especially the arctic and Antarctic waters.


25. There is strong consensus that warming waters around Antarctica, and Greenland in the arctic, will result in centuries of rising seas.


26. The United States, Russia and three other nations with Arctic Ocean coastlines agreed last year to regulate trawling in Arctic waters newly free of ice.


27. Shell has been at the forefront of plans to drill in the Arctic waters of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas.


28. Theplentiful supply of krill at the point where the warm waters of the Kuroshiomeet Arctic waters, which attracted whales, no doubt increased the number of hyoryuminpicked up by Western ships.


29. Such concerns have blocked new drilling in Alaska's Arctic waters since 2003, despite a steep decline in oil production in the state and intensive lobbying by oil companies.


30. What exactly happened to the Arctic Sea, the enigmatic cargo ship allegedly seized by pirates, not off the wild coast of Somalia but in the genteel EU waters of the Baltic?


31. Canada exploit momentum, actively expand Arctic waters control pioneered use eco right expansion national sovereignty rights typical cases.


32. Even if these disputes are resolved, still-deeper Arctic legal waters remain to be fully explored.


33. The submarine sank in Arctic waters in August.


34. Most toxins, often from household products, are carried to Arctic waters by ocean currents, winds, or via migratory fish and animals.


35. Canada considers all five routes through its Arctic archipelago to be internal, not international, waters; the United States and others disagree.


36. This ship was designed expressly for exploring the Arctic waters.


37. In some waters, such as those of the Arctic, a warming will make conditions riper for phytoplankton, and these areas will turn greener.


38. Two German merchant ships are attempting the first commercial voyage through the Arctic waters of Northern Russia, a route known as the Northeast Passage.


39. In the cold, dark waters of the Arctic, life abounds as it has for millions of years.


40. While home to just 320,000 people, Iceland occupies a strategically important location between Europe and North America and has been touted as a potential hub for Asian cargo should climate change open Arctic waters to shipping.



1. For the moment, though, European and American security experts are more interested in another matter: what cargo a Russian vessel, Arctic Sea, was carrying when it vanished in closely monitored European waters, why a journalist who alerted the world to its disappearance had to flee Russia and why Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, paid an urgent and secret visit to Moscow just a few days later.

ECONOMIST: Russia's political leaders

2. As much as 150, 000 gallons of ultra-low sulfur diesel and about 12, 000 gallons of other petroleum products are on board the Kulluk, a double-hulled steel vessel with a helicopter landing pad and tower in the middle designed for drilling in Arctic waters.

CNN: Alaska drilling rig towed to harbor off Kodiak Island

3. The new observatory will "support longer-term, science-based understanding of the dramatic changes taking place in Arctic waters, " said Kim Juniper, with NEPTUNE Canada, in a statement from the University of Victoria.

MSN: Seafloor observatory to keep close eye on Arctic Ocean

4. Living near arctic waters, its bivalves clam up for four-to-six months each year, making the oyster's muscles bigger and meat sweeter.

WSJ: New Dishes Make Waves at Belgium's Seafood Showdown

5. The steel vessel is double-hulled and designed for drilling in Arctic waters.

CNN: Shell: Grounded drilling rig sound and fit to be towed

6. The cost of a blowout in the Arctic, far from land, in frigid waters, is incalculable.

FORBES: Why Shell Should Just Quit Its Alaska Drilling Fiasco

7. Using ever fancier technologies, the oil business is drilling in deeper waters, more difficult terrain and even in the Arctic (which, as global warming melts the polar ice cap, will perversely become the next great prize in oil).

ECONOMIST: Why the world is not about to run out of oil

8. Environmentalists worry that this drilling boom, and efforts to expand drilling even further not only in the Gulf but also in the Arctic waters off Alaska, where technical problems and regulatory uncertainty are hampering oil companies threaten to spawn another environmental disaster.

WSJ: Should the U.S. Expand

9. Jackie Grebmeier, a biological oceanographer, has studied animal populations in these Arctic waters for 25 years.

NPR: Natural Resources Key to Alaska Town's Future

10. The damage occurred during a test of what Shell says would be the first-ever containment system deployed in Arctic waters.

FORBES: After Mishaps, Shell Dials Back Arctic Oil-Drilling Plans

11. The Ministry of Defence has said several thousand who served on the Arctic Convoys had already received the Atlantic Star campaign medal, which was awarded for service in the Atlantic and home waters.

BBC: Campaign to recognise WWII Arctic convoy veterans

12. On the other hand, it suspended its plans to drill in Alaskan Arctic waters in 2014 because of uncertainties over federal regulatory and permitting standards.

FORBES: ConocoPhillips' New Finds Will Boost Outlook Amid Weaker Production

13. Chemical effects related to acidification have also been encountered in surface waters of the Bering Strait and the Canada Basin of the central Arctic Ocean.

BBC: Arctic Ocean 'acidifying rapidly'

14. When the vast ice sheets and glaciers melt, they lose their reflective power, and instead, oceans and land absorb the heat, causing the Arctic waters and the atmosphere to warm faster.

CNN: Ice melting across globe at accelerating rate, NASA says

15. At the moment, this route through the Canadian archipelago is navigable at best for a brief summer spell. (Sovereignty over the passage is one of the Arctic's many unresolved issues: Canada claims it, but the United States says the waters are international.) In theory, a complete opening of the Northwest Passage can shave 2, 500 miles off a journey from Europe to Asia.

















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