passing fad是什么意思_passing fad短语搭配_passing fad权威例句

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passing fad

网络 昙花一现;一时的兴趣

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1. a passing fad 一时流行的风尚 ; 一时的流行


1. Or are they exploiting a passing fad which will fade when the economy recovers and high-flyers realise that safe jobs are preferable to sitting by the phone waiting for the talent agency to call?

它们抑或只是昙花一现? 因为当经济复苏时,那些胸有抱负者就会意识到安稳的工作要比整天守在电话机旁等人才中介来电要强许多。

2. In terms of costume history it's only after a trend has been around for several years can we acknowledge that it's more than a passing fad and deserves recognition in the archives of history.


3. Perhaps this is just another passing fad, like the FAO Schwarz floor piano.

也许这只是另一次短暂的热潮,就像FAO Schwarz的地面钢琴一样。

4. A passing fad is something that is very popular right now, but will lose its popularity in a short time.


5. It's too early to tell whether Facebook-like features in the workplace will be a passing fad or a lasting trend, but IBM says it's eating its own dog food.

类似Facebook的社交网络功能在职场中究竟会成为一种经久不衰的潮流,抑或只是昙花一现? 现在下定论还为时过早。

6. It's just a passing fad.


7. Will Tom continue to collect stamps or is it only a passing fad?


8. His Ph.D. was in Communication Science because they thought Computers were just a passing fad, when he earned it 44 years ago.


9. Yes, it's popular now, but I think it's just a passing fad.


10. To make it into the hall of fame, games must have icon status, prove to be more than a passing fad and leave a mark on other games or forms of entertainment, pop culture or society in general.


11. Even though health food was thought to be a passing fad back then, people welcomed Shakarian's store.


12. The interest in things Japanese is not just a passing fad.

对日本的东西感兴趣并非只是赶时髦。《provided by jukuu》

13. Far from being a passing fad, feng shui continues to be taken seriously by companies in the west as closer business links are forged with Asia.


14. By now, I think it's clear to all of us in the technology world that computer games are not just a passing fad.


15. And this extreme form of worshipping is not a passing fad: it's been around for centuries.


16. was in Communication Science because they thought Computers were just a passing fad when he earned it 44 years ago.He and Mom made a big sacrifice for that degree.They argued at times over pennies, while raising my newborn brother.Mom typed my Dad's dissertation by hand, kind of ironic of those computer science dissertation 。


17. When you first started to learn Chinese, I thought it was nothing but a passing fad.


18. Even though health food was thought to be a passing fad back then, people welcomed Shakarian's store.


19. Yes, it's popular now, but I think it's just a passing fad.


20. Rap music proved to be more than just a passing fad.


21. His interest in photography is only a passing fad.


22. It's just a passing fad.


23. His interest in photography is only a passing fad.


24. Rap music proved to be more than just a passing fad.


25. A passing fad is something that is very popular right now, but will lose its popularity in a short time.


26. Hamnett does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad.


27. That is partly because he believed, wrongly, that minicomputers were a passing fad.


28. But while I'm pleased there's more attention being devoted to time management, I'm wary that the notion of tacking on hours will become a passing fad.


29. It's too early to tell whether Facebook-like features in the workplace will be a passing fad or a lasting trend, but IBM says it's eating its own dog food.


30. When they hear about a new social media craze they cringe in agony, desperately hoping it's a passing fad and not another new goddamn thing they'll be aimlessly paddling around in for the next decade.


31. Hamnett does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad.


32. Currently , Pu'er Tea is very popular , but maybe it's just a passing fad.

当下茶叶市场上把普洱炒得火热, 不知是不是昙花一现?《互联网》

33. Let us hope this is a passing fad: it is inappropriate, and actually a fiction.


34. Far from being a passing fad, feng shui continues to be taken seriously by companies in the west as closer business links are forged with Asia.


35. This long perspective makes the pessimistic view of our prospects seem more likely to be a passing fad.


36. In other words, this expression has been around a long time. It's not one of those slang expressions that come and go quickly with some passing fad.



1. Close to half of Americans think Facebook is a passing fad, according to the results of a new Associated Press-CNBC poll.

CNN: The anti-social network: Life without Facebook

2. What if all the interoperability turned out to be a passing fad?

FORBES: McKinsey Adds Insight About Social Media ROI

3. In 2005, when we started researching an earlier book extolling its virtues, there were less than 4 million people using it and many business people dismissed it as a passing fad.

FORBES: Age of Context: Social Media Becomes a Mature Platform

4. "This is definitely not a passing fad, " he tells FORBES GLOBAL from his yacht off the coast of Turkey.

FORBES: Making Money In Style

5. As he said to me yesterday, he is concerned that the current wave of protest votes against excessive executive pay could turn out to be a passing fad - and he therefore wants a constitutional change that would lead to a permanent transformation of big institutional shareholders into properly informed and engaged proprietors.

BBC: What kind of democracy for votes on bosses' pay?

6. He has dismissed the calls for his resignation as a passing storm and a silly fad.

ECONOMIST: George Bush is a fool for keeping Donald Rumsfeld in his job

7. Energy Efficiency: A Passing Fad?

NYTIMES: Energy Efficiency - News - Times Topics - The New York Times - Narrowed by 'DEATHS (FATALITIES)'

8. Both are equally important for you to make sure content evolves into a core function, not simply a passing fad.

FORBES: Why The Brand Content Trend Is One Marketers Can't Bypass

9. Some think "outsourcing" has now been revealed as a passing fad.

BBC: Is 'Made in the USA' coming back?

10. Halloween-inspired attractions like haunts aren't just a passing fad.

CNN: Raven's Grin Inn

11. Are e-readers just a passing fad?

FORBES: Tablet Wars: What the New Kindle Fire HD Means for the Future of Reading

12. Some see his ownership of Chelsea as a passing fad, a plaything he may soon, for want of new trophies, tire of.

FORBES: No Way! Jose Quits Chelsea

13. Additionally, maybe MusclePharm turns into a passing fad.

FORBES: Blast Off Time For MusclePharm: $12 Million Offer is Complete

14. IR You omit two developments that may cause the current wave of interest in business ethics to become more than a passing fad.


15. So is the rise of the Greens a passing fad, or is it part of a more fundamental realignment of progressive politics in Australia?

BBC: Greens enjoy taste of power in Australia's parliament

16. If a new study by research firm Latitude is any indication, this kind of integration between game and meaningful life moments is no passing fad.

FORBES: Portal 2 Proposal: New Study Shows How Games Will Marry With Our Lives

17. Are low-carb diets like Atkins a passing fad?

FORBES: The Atkins Guide To Stock Picking





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