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  • 政治经济学:研究公共政策在影响政治单位的经济和社会福利方面的理论或研究。

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political economy

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Political economy is the study of the way in which a government influences or organizes a nation's wealth. 政治经济学



1. pure political economy 纯政治经济学

2. Primer of Political Economy 富国养民策

3. One Political Economy 一种政治经济学

4. In Political Economy 在政治经济学

5. radical political economy 激进政治经济学

6. Global Political Economy 书名

7. popular political economy 通俗政治经济学

8. Manual of Political Economy 富国策


1. The National System of Political Economy


2. He explained scientifically the most important questions of political economy.


3. Opponents of the measure say it's political grandstanding that could prove devastating to the economy.


4. Distribution principle is a long controversial topic in political economy.


5. My Viewpoint of the Text System of Political Economy of Colleges


6. After exposing the metaphysics as foundation of theology and political economy, it is the logical conclusion that "the end of history" is bankrupt.


7. They refrained from genuflecting to the laws of political economy.


8. They refrained from genuflecting to the laws of political economy.


9. Beyond this week's political and military maneuvers, the outstanding question is: Who will bail out the Ukrainian economy?


10. The Political Economy of Repetitive Investment: A Model


11. Costa, Dora L. "Estimating Real Income in the United States from 1888 to 1994: Correcting CPI Bias Using Engel Curves. " Journal of Political Economy 109 (December 2001): 1288-1310.


12. International Political Economy: History, Theory and Methods


13. Comparative Institutional Analysis and Design& A Theoretical Framework of Constitutional Political Economy


14. The premise of such tentative ideas is to have very active political economy climate suppose.


15. During this period, Marx established the theory of surplus value, and establish a Marxist political economy.

这一时期, 马克思创立了剩余价值理论, 进而建立马克思主义政治经济学.《期刊摘选》

16. The tectonic plates of the world's political economy are shifting.


17. The session's secretariat has received 296 proposals from political advisors as of 5 pm Monday, with the economy and employment being the main concerns.


18. The themes refer to international cooperation and international conflict. The studies of international relations include international security study and international political economy.

国际关系的分析方法分为三个层次 ,即个人层次、国家层次和体系层次 ;

19. Duality Trend of World Political Economy after World War I


20. Article provided by University of Chicago Press in its journal Journal of Political Economy.


21. Political economy applies economic principle to the analysis of political decision making.


22. An Analysis of the Eastern Asian Model from Political Economy Perspective


23. Reflections on Theoretical System of Establishment of Socialist Political Economy


24. Understanding and grasp of Marxist philosophy, political economy, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory.

理解、掌握马克思主义哲学 、 政治经济学 、 毛泽东思想和邓小平理论.《期刊摘选》

25. The past, people tended to notice the influence of Hegel's dialectics, Feuerbach's materialism and Political economy and often neglect the role of Max Stirner.


26. Marx exceeds rationalistic metaphysics and Political Economy and realizes the ontological transform of production.


27. Thought on the Course Reform of Political Economy


28. At college, he had specialized in finance, political economy, and scientific agriculture.

在大学里, 他专修财政学 、 政治经济学和科学农业.《辞典例句》

29. On the construction of the theoretical system of political economy in China


30. An International Political Economy Analysis on the Sovereign Wealth Funds


31. International Political Economy of the Joint Development In South China Sea


32. Analysis of The Reform of State-owned Commercial Banks: A Political Economy Perspective


33. Review of the Development and Study of Political Economy in 2004


34. Like geo-political conflicts or the global economy, they are too big.


35. The tectonic plates of the world's political economy are shifting.


36. New Political Economy Analysis of Government Failure


37. Using the Political Economy Paradigm, this paper provides an integrated framework for analyzing channel governance.

本文运用政治经济模型, 为渠道治理研究提供了一个统一完整的分析框架体系.《期刊摘选》

38. The statistical calculation of Marine economy at home and abroad has been an important issue in the academic and political, different countries have great differences in the content and results.


39. This book deals with questions of Political Economy.


40. Is the Theory Basis of Socialist Market Economy Marxism Political Economy or Western Economy?


41. Firm Behavior and International Trade Friction: An Extended Political Economy Model


42. Irrational Prosperity: the Political Economy Analysis of Higher Education Capital Risk


43. Exploration into the Interactive Political Economy Mechanism in International Relations


44. Towards the Development of a Discipline of Political Economy


45. Political economy of Marx is foundation of economic theory of scientific development view.


46. Climate change is a very important issue of international political economy.


47. Marx had solved this contradiction in his manuscript for his CRITIQUE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY.

马克思在《政治经济学批判 》 手稿中,已经解决了这个矛盾.《期刊摘选》

48. An Analysis on the Political Economy of GATT/ WTO System


49. The Origin and Methodology of the New Political Economy


50. Paradigm of Environmental Regulation and Its Political Economy Analysis


51. The answer has much to do with political economy.


52. The Wealth of Nations is the germinal book of modern economics or political economy.


53. Thirdly, the mathematical analysis of political economy.


54. The Purpose of the Political Economy in Economic Sanctions and Its Evaluation


55. Britain's political economy is on trial as much as its economy.


56. Ecological political economy mainly elaborates the ecological production mode.



1. Protecting China's water, soil and air requires a change in its political economy.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: What's in China's Water?

2. "Croatia depends about 20%, directly or indirectly, on tourism, " Will Bartlett, a senior research fellow in the political economy of South East Europe at the LSE, told CNN.

CNN: Croatia PM: We need Italy to recover

3. The Laffer Curve is one of the most hotly contested concepts in political economy.

FORBES: In Which We Spot The Laffer Curve In The Wild

4. The model of a political economy set up in response to the industrial revolution is now worn out.

FORBES: When Sovereign Default Is The Most Attractive Option

5. Uwe Reinhardt is James Madison Professor of Political Economy at Princeton University.

FORBES: Uwe Reinhardt

6. Foreign Secretary Miliband says for Britain,the new government in Kabul must be credible and it must have a clear view of Afghanistan's future regarding its security, its ability to achieve political reconciliation and its ability to build its economy.

VOA : standard.2009.09.11

7. Harrigan is a fellow of the Institute of Political Economy at Utah State University.

FORBES: Unwilling to Get Real On Spending, Obama Pulls Out the 'Washington Monument' Card

8. The tradition of American political economy was placed squarely in this direction in 1913, only to be traduced by now eighty years of oily enablers of leviathan.

FORBES: Romney's 47% Has a Venerable Legacy in the 1913 Origins of the Income Tax

9. Four of the seven build and manage roads and bridges, an activity that has come to represent everything that is wrong with Japan's political economy.

ECONOMIST: Once again, Japan's bureaucrats are under attack

10. He currently teaches and conducts research on macroeconomics, political economy and development with the rank of Associate Professor at the Whittemore School of the University of New Hampshire.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Russia extends a helping hand to Chavez

11. Welcome to the modern political economy: small, isolated problems are rolled up into bigger and bigger ones.

FORBES: Sovereign Debt Levels Imperil Entire Financial System

12. His main research interests are in the areas of comparative political economy with the focus on the developing countries.

他主要的研究领域在于,对比性政治经济,特别是发展中国家的政治经济。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

13. Miss Tett does a fine job with the narrative, and in setting one bank's story in the larger tragedy of Japan's broken political economy.

ECONOMIST: Japan's sick economy

14. For instance, the Center for International Political Economy predicted a 15 percent rise in exports for both sides.

FORBES: To Expand Commerce And Grow The Economy, Trade Freely With Europe

15. You also learn a valuable lesson in political economy: The utility crews and insurance adjusters have already arrived, sent in by their private companies.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

16. Her argument sounds -- and some of you may recognize this argument -- it sounds so distinctly like a political argument, an argument from political economy.

她的论点听上去--你们可能也发现这一论点-,听上去就像一个政治论点一样清晰,像是政治理财的理论。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. The author, Harold James, a professor of history at Princeton University, is an eminent scholar in the political economy of the period.

ECONOMIST: Lessons from the Great Depression

18. What they saw was an attempt to use the crisis to push the political economy of America in a more statist and Washington-centric direction.

ECONOMIST: What did Barack Obamas stimulus package really achieve?

19. At Johns Hopkins, she was managing editor for the Review of International Political Economy, the university said.

CNN: American grad student dies in Iraq

20. As with geocentrism, the president's pre-Copernican political economy is based in religious belief.

WSJ: Henninger: The Obamaian Universe

21. Now, there's going to be lots of questions about the political economy of what can get enacted and what can't.

WHITEHOUSE: Detailing the FY2011 Budget

22. Republican wonks may complain that European-style socialism is bad economics, but, really, the root fear is that the wrong political economy can wreck a culture.

FORBES: Richard Rorty, Rand Paul, And Conservative Soul-Searching In The Ruins Of Europe

23. India is best compared, as I subsequently said in a posting at Forbes.com, with Indonesia in terms of political economy and the impediments to growth.

FORBES: Magazine Article

24. James Harrigan is a fellow of the Institute of Political Economy at Utah State University.

FORBES: Ben Bernanke's War On Senior Citizens

25. His research interests include economic reform in China, U.S. fiscal and monetary policy, and constitutional political economy.

FORBES: James Dorn - International Political Economy

26. But, as the staff primly admit, "the current political economy is divided on the need for such an approach".

BBC: A fork in the road for the euro?

27. He is said to be exercised by competitiveness in "the wider British political economy".

BBC: Competitiveness before breakfast lunch and dinner

28. As the book winds to a close, Johnson gets at his real passion: banishing stupidity from the political economy and increasing the level of rational debate.

FORBES: Connect

29. But when you look at the experience of Britain and the Dutch Republic, they do share things that, in a way, determine the kind of political economy that they would have.

但当你反观英国和荷兰共和国历史时,会发现他们都有一些共同点,在某种程度上,这些特点,决定了他们所具有的政治经济的类型欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. The two well-respected economists created a minor stir in academic circles a few years back when they published "A Theory of Prostitution" in the Journal of Political Economy.

FORBES: The Economics Of Prostitution

31. The UNESCO Chair develops the political economy of education comparatively within the context of international development objectives.

UNESCO: Chairs and UNITWIN Networks

32. And if these issues of political economy are not addressed, it is likely that Tunisians will continue to radicalize.

CNN: Why Tunisia's leaders must resist urge for power grab

33. One does not read or hear from them in the more philosophical realm of political economy.

FORBES: Academic Appeal for "Small Government"

34. Arthur Fellow in the Accounting and Management unit at Harvard Business School, where he studies the political economy of corporate accountability and financial reporting.

FORBES: Are the 'Big Four' Audit Firms Too Big to Fail?





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