to give up翻译_to give up短语搭配_to give up权威例句

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to give up

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  • 放弃:自愿放弃或放弃(某事物);停止做或尝试某事。

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1. to give up the gost 见阎王

2. I refuse to give up 我拒绝放弃 ; 我不愿放弃 ; 我不想放弃 ; 重复

3. To Give Up the Seat 让座

4. I refused to give up 我不愿放弃

5. willing to give up 愿意放弃 ; 愿给 ; 舍得

6. Learn to Give Up 学会放弃

7. Unwilling to give up 不死心

8. I'm going to give up 我有点想放弃了 ; 我要放弃 ; 我要去放弃

9. to give up the ghost 见阎王 ; 废弃 ; 去世 ; 将死


1. Glick had a bad accident two years ago and had to give up farming.


2. You have no choice but to give up.


3. To give up smoking has many advantages.


4. He urged them not to give up on peace efforts.


5. He was wise to give up smoking.


6. The song The Youth tells people never to give up their dreams.


7. If she had had to give up riding she might have taken up sailing competitively


8. Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.


9. They'll have to give up completely on certain of their studies.


10. He wants to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is overdoing it a bit.


11. He counselled them to give up the plan.


12. When things aren't going well, he encourages me, telling me not to give up.


13. A long time ago, I wanted to give up learning Chinese.


14. When faced with adversity she was never tempted to give up.


15. She was not going to give up her hard-won freedom so easily.


16. He was not prepared to give up that easily.


17. He'd be a fool to give up that.


18. They paid bounties for people to give up their weapons.


19. Each time they were about to give up, their father cheered them up patiently.


20. When things aren't going well, he encourages me, telling me not to give up.


21. This is so difficult that I want to give up.


22. He felt so tired that he decided to give up.


23. Why did Mr. Twain finally decide to give up running for governor?


24. His wife would love him to give up his job.


25. He suffered a serious injury that obliged him to give up work.


26. He was reluctant to give up the chase.


27. Leaders have to give up to go up.


28. The time has arrived when I need to give up smoking.


29. But I have refused to give up on Venus.


30. We had to give up the castle to the enemy.


31. Georgia refuses to give up any territory.


32. Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.


33. They have led some birds to give up on migration.


34. He has determined to give up smoking.


35. She is loath to give up her hard-earned liberty


36. ' A lot of people find it very difficult indeed to give up smoking. '—'Oh yes. I used to smoke nearly sixty a day.'


37. Every time when she fails, Jane tells herself not to give up.


38. He was reluctant to give up the chase.


39. He's trying to give up smoking.


40. The boy wanted to give up.


41. If she had had to give up riding she might have taken up sailing competitively.


42. He is unwilling to give up the opportunity.


43. We were warned not to give up an interest in creating in our life.


44. To go up, you have to give up.


45. I've been trying to give up smoking for getting on for two years now


46. He had a bad accident two years ago and had to give up farming


47. What decided you to give up your job?

什么因素使你决定放弃你的工作?《用法词典 》

48. Sometimes he even wants to give up.


49. He suffered a serious injury that obliged him to give up work.


50. He made a firm resolve to give up gambling.


51. We lost him in the narrow streets and had to give up the chase.


52. He could not bear to give up the fun at Widow Douglas'.


53. Under these conditions we have to give up the plan.


54. On the one hand they'd love to have kids, but on the other, they don't want to give up their freedom.


55. She was not going to give up her hard-won freedom so easily.


56. He took the doctor's advice to give up smoking.


57. He urged them not to give up on peace efforts


58. He has had to give up luxuries as he scrimps and saves while looking for a job.


59. He promised to give up being on the bend.


60. Mom, you taught us never to give up what we love.


61. To save her, he decides to give up the money.


62. Georgia refuses to give up any territory


63. I know people who find it practically impossible to give up smoking.


64. When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.


65. I ought to give up smoking.


66. At that time I wanted to give up French.


67. We surveyed 500 smokers and found that over three quarters would like to give up.


68. They'll have to give up completely on certain of their studies.


69. Some girls want to give up their virginity just to be rebellious.



1. And the fierce competitor is not about to give up on her Olympic ambitions just yet.

BBC: Sotherton eyes 400m after injuries end heptathlon hopes

2. Musharraf had promised to give up his army role at the end of 2004.

NPR: Musharraf Gives Up Pakistan's Top Army Post

3. And the owners are hardly likely to give up this unearned, government-defended surplus without a struggle.

FORBES: Million Dollar Taxis: Another Wall Street Ripoff?

4. Until that point, we have no reason to really give up on our current existing ideas about what justice is.

直到完全了解,我们没有理由放弃,我们目前现存有关正义的概念。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. That in many cases, I can gain efficiency if I'm willing to give up space. Having said that though, there may still be a problem, or there ought to be a problem that may be bugging you slightly, which is how do I guarantee that my hash function takes any input into exactly one spot in the storage space?

普遍存在的增益和权衡,在许多的例子中,可以通过牺牲空间而得到效率方面的增加,话说回来,仍然存在一个问题,或者应该会有一个问题困扰着你,就是我如何保证我的哈希函数能够准确将,任一输入映射到相应的唯一的存贮空间中去?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

6. The law at that time required black people seated in one area of the bus to give up their seats to white people who wanted them.

VOA : special.2009.03.08

7. "We weren't ready to give up on the dream of becoming really big, " he says.

WSJ: Start-Ups Get Snapped Up for Their Talent

8. They did not want to give up their old ways of living.

VOA : special.2010.04.01

9. What do you really want, and what are you willing to give up in return?

FORBES: What Are You Willing to Sacrifice for Personal and Professional Growth?

10. And he had promised not to give up any federal property in the states that seceded.

VOA : special.2009.08.06

11. In, over my life? Oh my gosh! I hope a long time, but I think my knees are probably going to give up.

我的一生吗?天啊,我希望我能跑很久很久,但我想我的膝盖可能受不了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在马拉松认识的朋友

12. It promised to give up all of its highly enriched uranium by two thousand twelve.

VOA : special.2010.04.17

13. The fourth step is resisting the temptation to give up or reach for Google.

FORBES: The Pittsburgh Six: The Template for Innovation

14. You have to look into yourself and say what would I really feel about that, what am I willing to give up in order to help save a life.

你必须去反省自己,说出自己真正的感受,问问自己为了拯救一个生命会放弃什么。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

15. They need to give up a bit of upside for protection on the downside.

FORBES: You're on Your Own

16. "The more options you look at, the more you have to give up, " he says.

FORBES: The Average American: 1967 And Today

17. is how to give up your self-interest to help the community.

就是教学生怎样放弃自我利益,而是以集体利益为重。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 与哲学系教授

18. Francis Bacon, influenced by Machiavelli, urged human beings to employ their reason to force nature to give up its secrets, to treat nature like a woman, to master nature in order to improve man's material well being.

弗朗西斯·培根受到马基雅弗利的影响,提倡人们运用理性,来让自然原形毕露,像对待女人那样对待自然,去征服自然以提升人类的物质生活古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. This is not to give up the struggle, but to start a different struggle.

BBC: Ocalan statement: Key excerpts

20. Nobody really wants to give up their tax breaks (home mortgage interest deduction, anyone?).

FORBES: Fix the Tax Code Friday: Lower Tax Rates

21. Through the language of force and threats, you cannot persuade Iran to give up this right.

NPR: Iran's New President Stirs Political Turmoil

22. If you are not for it, a second way is to give up the Union.

VOA : special.2009.10.29

23. "Because he was only 17, we were not ready to give up, " Sreedhara recalls.

NPR: Doctor Outlines West's Role in India's 'Brain Drain'

24. In other words, for an electron donor to give up its electron, the electron donor needs to have an electron acceptor.

换句话说,如果一个电子给体要失去电子,它就必须找到一个电子受体。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

25. Lee decided that his only hope was to give up the two cities.

VOA : special.2009.12.17

26. Public knowledge of the situation forced many of them to give up their holdings and stop resisting tariff reform.

VOA : special.2010.09.23

27. What are Americans prepared to give up in terms of privacy and convenience to combat terrorism?

FORBES: Americans Neither Worried Nor Prepared In Case of a Disaster: SUNYIT-Zogby Analytics Poll

28. Number one, the basic structure is that you have a pointer and it points over to a pointee, but the pointer and pointee are separate and the common error is to set up a pointer but to forget to give it a pointee.

第一,基本结构是,你有一个,指向数据的指针,但是那个指针和数据,是分开的,通常错误是声明了一个指针,但是没有指向一个数据。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

29. And it works on the principle of trying to figure out how to make your way through the world, how to satisfy your pleasures or, in some cases, how to give up on them.

它试图在现实中找到,满足本我要求的方法,找到追求快乐的方法,有时是去找寻放弃的方法。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. and it's something that is part of who you are that you will not be able to give up.

这是你的一部分,你不能放弃。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 演技要磨练出来

31. It seems that Americans would prefer to give up a lung than their mobile phone!

FORBES: Who Profits When Mobile Meets Social?

32. And obviously, as you know, the President has called on him to give up power.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

33. Grant had to give up any hope of a third term.

VOA : special.2010.03.04

34. Some parents were forced to give up work completely to care for their child.

BBC: Cancer 'drives families into debt', says charity report

35. "We're a resilient bunch and we're not ever going to give up, " Hefner said.

WSJ: Mets' miscues help Marlins to first win of season

36. At first,President McKinley wanted Spain to give up only Luzon, the main island.

VOA : special.2010.07.22

37. They get stuck in the mud, and this forces them to give up the chase.

他们陷入了泥中,所以放弃了追捕。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. When she split from her husband, Marryat had to give up her baby son.

BBC: 'Exorcisms' performed on Chechen stolen brides

39. TV stations are worried that they will be forced to give up some of their frequencies.

VOA : special.2010.03.19

40. The administration caved to their demands without asking them to give up their rifles and bandoliers.

WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Donald Kagan: 'Democracy May Have Had Its Day'

41. And if you're not prepared to believe it, it looks as though you've got to give up on the personality view.

如果你无法接受这个观点,那看来你得放弃人格理论的观点了。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Warner Bros. was reluctant to give up prime real estate that worked the last time.

FORBES: 'The Hangover 3' vs. 'Fast & Furious 6' in Summer 2013's Dumbest Movie Face-Off

43. I see women who give up on housekeeping altogether and let their house go to ruin and become vagrants.

我看到女人们一起停止干家务,让房子变成废墟,然后无家可归。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. And a merger might force Bristol to give up its own promising Acomplia-like drug.

FORBES: Why Bristol And Sanofi Shouldn't Merge

45. She said her age was the main factor in her decision to give up.

BBC: Swindon woman's sixth surrogate pregnancy to be her last

46. So the real question is how does he himself figure it out between " "I agree to give up my life, give up my property" when he talks about taxes or military conscription for the fact.

所以真正的问题是,他如何能自圆其说以下观点,“我同意放弃我的生命,放弃我的财产“,当他谈到税收制或征兵制时是这样说的。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. And thousands of farmers -- unable to pay their debts -- had to give up their farms.

VOA : special.2010.06.17

48. Rosa Parks was not the first black person to refuse to give up a seat on the bus for a white person.

VOA : special.2009.03.08

49. When he turned forty, he decided to give up cigarettes and pachinko and get in shape.

NEWYORKER: Master of Play

50. Women have to give up half a day and have their best friend along.

FORBES: A Fresh Face

51. The 424 state-paid judges are required to give up their special plates when they leave office.

WSJ: NY commission says judicial license plates are OK

52. She was testy with Ed, and small wonder, but she refused to give up.

NEWYORKER: After the Movie

53. It asked the Sioux Indians to give up the Black Hills.

VOA : special.2010.04.08

54. There is a striking parallel here in that the group one elements have a tendency to want to give up electrons, F Cl Br whereas the fluorine, chlorine, bromine, have a tendency to attract electrons.

这儿有高度的相似性,每个组都有,失去电子的趋势的,相反的,则是有得电子的趋势。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

55. Not willing to give up the fight, Miller approached a noted Canadian venture capitalist G.

FORBES: Internet Television Brings Immigrants Home

56. It is hard to ask Americans to give up benefits, even in good times.

ECONOMIST: Shocking numbers, just as sacrifices are being demanded

57. But he had to give up hope for both houses of Congress to pass bills before their August break.

VOA : special.2009.07.25

58. If something has a high ionization energy, it means that it really, really, really does not want to give up an electron.

如果某个东西有很高的电离能,这意味着它非常非常,非常不愿意失去一个电子。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

59. In Europe, investors never seem to give up hope and never seem to grow up.

FORBES: You Can Reshuffle Debt But Someone Must Ultimately Pay It

60. The billions of dollars in federal Medicaid funds are simply too much to give up.

FORBES: States' Efforts To Strike Down Health Care Law Harks Back To 1930s Jurisprudence



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