pay in full是什么意思_pay in full短语搭配_pay in full权威例句

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pay in full

play play

  • 全额支付:指支付所有欠款(账单或债务)的全部金额。

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1. pay amount in full 全部付清

2. To Pay In Full 去拜见里太守

3. to pay back in full 还清


1. If you must take credit card debt please ensure that you pay it in full within the stipulated time to avoid debt accumulation and other penalties such as late payment.


2. Among those inclined to pay the bill in full, the presence of the minimum payment hardly made any difference.


3. Jingzhou to return to the way from Chengdu, Cao Cao is not to play little tricks, pay the money in full, the full increase in oil.


4. According to the public document, Woods is required to pay off the mortgage in full by January of 2016, giving him a mere five and a half years to shed the debt.


5. For those who want to pay in full, they can also borrow against their policy and invest in higher-yielding products. Banks are willing to lend cheaply against insurance policies, which have cash value and are more liquid than properties.


6. Shareholders shall pay in full their respective subscribed capital contributions specified in the articles of association. If again unemployed, but add does an individual freewill pay cost, fixed number of year of around pay expenses is amalgamative computation.


7. One former temporary worker at BMW recalls that whereaspermanent staff get a 1 Eurodiscount on meals in the canteen, Zeitarbeitermust pay full price.


8. Therefore it seems that the investors shall pay the income tax in full amount without deduction.


9. Companies will be judged as defaulting in payment if they don't pay employees without a legal reason or don't pay in full amount, and face a fine of up to RMB200000.


10. Participating companies should pay in full to organizer to make sure the location of the booth.


11. Employers should ensure workers take their full annual leave entitlement and pay workers their wages in full during their holidays as required by law.


12. Media reports said Kong borrowed S$ 1 million ( 721200 US dollars) from the hotel, but failed to pay back the debt in full.


13. If a person is not able to pay the fine in full, the People's Court shall demand the payment whenever it finds the person has property for execution of the fine.


14. Can I keep the apartment if I pay my rent in full?


15. Two-thirds of the newly created jobs have been in industries that tend to pay above-average wages, and the vast majority of these jobs are full-time.


16. If you don't pay the bill in full within three days, we'll be forced to cancel your service.


17. Germany knows that the debtors cannot pay in full but before it agrees to a writedown, it is determined to extract guarantees that history will not repeat itself.


18. Worse, if Argentina is forced to pay holdouts in full, the price will be borne by Argentines.


19. According to the public document, woods is required to pay off the mortgage in full by January of 2016, giving him a mere five and a half years to shed the debt.


20. The city used that estimate as part of a deal to try to pay some creditors in full and pay others much less than they are owed in an effort to restructure$ 18 billion of long-term obligations.


21. The company said it would pay in full all its creditors.


22. The message from the markets was clear: investors don’t expect Greece and Ireland to pay their debts in full.


23. Article 54 The drawee shall pay the bill in full on the day when the holder presents the bill for payment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Article.


24. It leaves Argentina facing an appeal court order to pay the holdouts in full before it can make payments to other bondholders, whose next instalment is due on June 30.


25. In the case that Party B cannot pay in full , he should pay advance deposit to Party A as long as the contract has been concluded, which is not less than 20% of trading amount.


26. Siona Ibn Fuad al - Seyefa Atreides it is who curses you, Leto . You will pay in full!

辛娜·伊本·弗阿德·阿瑟叶法·亚崔迪诅咒你, 莱托. 你要偿还这一切!《互联网》

27. Moreover, the contractor has not corresponding right of making balance to which the law endowment, the man can still acquire this construction project forthwith even though the other party default and might fail to pay in full for the project after completing.


28. Asian people usually save enough money for the goods and services they need, and then pay in full.


29. The company said it would pay in full all its creditors.


30. For one thing, the market is full of eye-catching words such as "How to be an Industry's Expert in 5 Hours" and "15 Classes to Be a Master of Appreciating (欣赏) Classical Music", which sound like if you pay for it, you are sure to succeed.


31. While some don't always pay off their debt in full each month, nearly all don't let debt accumulate for long.


32. If a funds manager fails to pay the cash dividends in full before the specified time point, the CompanyCompany will postpone the allotmentdistribution of the cash dividends.

基金管理人未能在规定时点前足额划付现金红利的,本公司将推迟现金红利的派发。《provided by jukuu》

33. America has a well-developed system for getting companies to pay for the damage they do; and BP long ago accepted that it would pay in full.


34. When did you first become aware that you had insufficient assets to pay your debts in full and stop payment?

你在什么时候最先察觉没有足够资产偿还所有债务并停止付款?《provided by jukuu》

35. If you must take credit card debt please ensure that you pay it in full within the stipulated time to avoid debt accumulation and other penalties such as late payment.


36. If you want to save a little more money, you could pay in full now.

如果你想多省一点钱,您可以现在全额付清。《provided by jukuu》

37. It had insisted until the middle of last year that local governments must pay back their loans in full and on time.


38. We had to pay the full price in advance for an escorted tour.


39. Some cards attract interest rates higher than 20 per cent for customers so for those who fail to pay off their card in full they will pay a hefty price.


40. Will pay in full if no instruction is given.


41. Almost all of li's customers - traditionally wary of falling into debt - pay cash on the nail, in full, for their autos.


42. We don't pay in full until a contract matures.


43. The board is going to take full responsibility. It will be reflected in our pay.


44. I will pay in full.


45. Will pay in full if no instruction is given.


46. Many Germans were horrified to discover that the EU rescuepackage for Greece last year helped to bail out public-sector workers who could retire in their mid-50s on almost full pay.


47. In a given year, this elusive ideal might require more violinists, goalies, aspiring engineers or students who can pay the full cost of attendance.


48. I have just ordered your product, please correct the shipping charge. I would like to pay in full.


49. Shareholders shall pay in full their respective subscribed capital contributions specified in the articles of association.


50. Hungary, which did not have the same backing from America, has had to pay its debt in full.


51. The only way to eliminate your mortgage is to pay it off in full.


52. The company said it would pay in full all its creditors except Credit Suisse.


53. After auction succeed, the company will require the buyer to pay in full, including the remuneration paid by the buyer.


54. Article 25 Shareholders shall pay in full their subscribed capital contributions as specified in the Articles of Association.


55. And you qulify for the discount.But, you have to pay me in full for the whole run as soon as you take delivery of the first of four shipments.


56. But, you have to pay me in full for the whole run as soon as you take delivery of the first of four shipments.


57. The payment method is: When dealer ordering must pay40% deposits ( 20% for earnest money), the spare money in receive in ten thousand prosperous advice of arrival latter five days to pay in full.



1. You can work out default expectations by looking at the spreads on speculative bonds and making an assumption about the amount investors will recover from companies that fail to pay up in full.

ECONOMIST: Buttonwood

2. Others have found that the introductory period is too short for them to pay the debt in full, so they end up paying an even higher interest rate after the intro rate ends.

FORBES: 6 Credit Mistakes Retirees Make

3. Pirrone said he was able to get a 30-day payment exemption, but was told that he had a signed agreement with the bank, and he was still obligated to pay the loan in full.

CNN: FBI breaks up $25 million 'car cloning' ring

4. Following four days of evidentiary hearings, on August 20, 2012, Douglas was once again found in civil contempt for failure to pay in full the disgorgement judgment entered in 1983.

FORBES: UPDATE: SEC Inspector Javert Earns $1.8 Million Interest On $78,000 Judgment

5. Mr Preston asked for an adjournment to ascertain the size of the debt and pay it in full or allow a CVL or CVA to take place.

BBC: Llanelli AFC fends off third 'winding up' in tax dispute

6. To set things straight, I borrowed money from my older brother to erase my credit-card debt (I repaid him over time, without interest) and began using my cards only when I knew I could pay them in full each month.

FORBES: 11 Essential Money Tips For New College Grads

7. Pay your balance in full and on time each month and then try applying for a regular bank credit card in 6-12 months.

FORBES: 10 Steps to Repair, Rebuild, and Protect Your Credit

8. First, you can open a credit card, make purchases with it and pay for them in full each month in order to avoid interest costs and build the discipline of spending only what you can afford.

FORBES: Send Your Christmas List to FICO This Year

9. As I outline in an article in a recent issue of Forbes Magazine, holders of many states tobacco-backed bonds are worried about whether there will be enough cash on hand from the settlement to pay them out in full.

FORBES: Philip Morris Holds Back Ahead of Tax Day

10. There are sufficient Trust Fund bonds to make up the annual deficits and pay all benefits in full and on time for the next 25 years, and there are sufficient federal revenues to redeem the bonds without borrowing another dime from the public.

FORBES: Economic Lessons Learned From Number One Son

11. There will be bills that the government will find that it must pay in full in euros, such as those for imported drugs, but all other payments will be made in a combination of euros and demos.

FORBES: A Tax Plan That Will Reverse Greece's Ugly Implosion

12. And if you use your credit cards heavily to take advantage of reward offers, you could be penalized, even if you pay the amount in full every month.

WSJ: Getting Going: Why the Latest Credit-Score Fixes Fall Short

13. "Pays as agreed" means you pay the balance in full each month.

FORBES: Deciphering A Credit Report

14. Yet that, too, can be misleading: If you pay your bill in full every month, you may not think you carry a balance.

WSJ: Getting Going: Why the Latest Credit-Score Fixes Fall Short

15. You can also use your American Express Membership Reward points to shop at to pay in full or for part of your purchase.

FORBES: Credit Card Tips for Holiday Shopping

16. The Court ordered James to pay the judgment in full.

FORBES: Broadcom Billionaire Strikes Back

17. For the purchases that you will not be able to pay for in full each month (large purchases that amount to loans), go with a personal credit card because of the predictability of its interest rates on existing balances.

FORBES: How Personal Credit Cards Can Outperform Their Business Counterparts

18. Further, my budget from last year proposed that if a company with lots of unpaid taxes receives a federal contract, the government ought to be able to pay taxpayers back in full before it's required to pay the contractors themselves.

WHITEHOUSE: Tax Accountability in Government Contracts

19. And when a club is in administration it must pay in full its debts to its football creditors - a policy that is opposed by HMRC, which is no longer a preferential creditor and often has to settle for a greatly reduced offer.

BBC: League clubs approve transfer ban

20. Or they will try to pay off in full all the new charges.

FORBES: Credit Card Debt: Are you bailing water out with a thimble?

21. For those purchases that you will pay off in full each month, a business credit card is the best option because of its numerous inherent advantages.

FORBES: How Personal Credit Cards Can Outperform Their Business Counterparts

22. League rules state that any club which enters administration during the course of a season must pay all creditors in full by the second Saturday in May but Salisbury failed to meet the deadline.

BBC: Boss Tommy Widdrington welcomes Salisbury City appeal

23. Public service union boss Rodney Bickerstaffe savaged the government for slashing debt while refusing to honour last year's nurses pay award in full.

BBC: 'Dinosaurs' savage New Labour

24. Friends often told me that they didn't pay their taxes in full or work a complete day, and when they were confronted with the dirty reality of the Greek economy, they just threw up their hands and essentially said avrio maybe someday.

WSJ: Double Dribble: Basketball and the Greek Crisis

25. Unlike schools and academies, colleges are unable to claim back Value Added Tax and so have to pay it in full.

BBC: Sixth-form funding dip 'could stymie' talent, Gove warned

26. The situation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is in contrast to that in Scotland, where officers have received the back-dated pay rise in full.

BBC: Smith 'wrong' on police pay cut

27. Chinese pay their bills in full each month, show little loyalty to brands and are unimpressed by foreign-backed offers.

ECONOMIST: China's banking industry

28. Mallya said recently that he assured flight crew and engineers that he would pay them in full for at least 8 months of back pay after some of the reportedly threatened to disrupt a cricket match of the Royal Challengers Bangalore, a team owned by the ex-billionaire Mallya.

FORBES: On Verge Of Bankruptcy, Kingfisher Airlines Loses Airplanes

29. Financial institutions that have bought Spanish credit-card debt (or Spanish mortgages or whatever) may discover equally shockingly late that their bonds also will not and cannot pay off in full.

CNN: How the euro crisis will affect you

30. The old are driven to do so by the fear and reality that the government will not pay their pensions in full.

FORBES: Magazine Article




















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