most smoothly是什么意思_most smoothly短语搭配_most smoothly权威例句

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most smoothly

adv. 平稳地;自信地;连续而流畅地;顺利地;平静地


英 [məʊst ˈsmuːðli]play 美 [moʊst ˈsmuːðli]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. Most of time, I usually doubt that my English is going down straight as a reason that I could not read smoothly, listen carefully and write freely.


2. My timer is one of the most important tools in my home for keeping things running smoothly and helping me be productive on days that I am lacking motivation.


3. The deal was approved, markets opened smoothly and most investors remained happily unaware of the week's turmoil.


4. Marketers whose product is most desirable to the consumer must make sure that the transaction goes smoothly.


5. For that, in part, Reagan is TIME's Man of the year-for having risen so smoothly and gracefully to the most powerful and visible position in the world.

部分源于此因,里根成了时代杂志的年度人物- - - - - - -同时将他顺利而儒雅的提升到世界最有力而显眼的位置。

6. Electronic Payment is the most core and the most essential link of electronic commerce, is the foundation condition which electronic commerce can carry on smoothly.


7. Zhangming Yes, it was most helpful of you to make all the arrangements for us. We settled down very smoothly.

谢谢你替我们做出的所有安排。 我们都很顺利的住下来,酒店的房间也很好。 这是我的妈妈,它需要为他的背痛接受治疗。

8. While at work, things don't work smoothly in most of the cases as expected and a good "Engineer's" job is to make things work when they don't.


9. Show all the locus run by different kinds of wheels. Discover that the round wheels run most smoothly, so they can run fastest.


10. Custody is concerned with limiting suspect and defendant's freedom, is the important means to guarantee the investigation and try going on smoothly, and is the most severe kind of compulsory measure.


11. Your career will move along smoothly, although late 2016 and most of 2017 will be more about improving finances.


12. Several little simple colures come into being their appearance and state, on which the black block is painting smoothly with most simple colure, as truly appears anxiety and confusion of the girls.


13. It is is important not only while things move smoothly, but especially in times of trouble, difficulties or danger. Then it counts most.


14. Most election observers from African countries have said that so far their impressions on election day were that the process had gone reasonably smoothly.


15. The system running inside the emulator (called the guest system) won't need any modification (or at most, a few patches to guarantee that the OS works smoothly).

运行于模拟器中的系统(称为客户系统(guest system))不需要任何修改(或者,最多需要一些保证 OS 平稳工作的补丁)。

16. Our experienced resources spearheaded by EDS can transition even the most mission critical environment smoothly and without service interruption.


17. Most operations are successful and the patient progresses smoothly to complete convalescence and rehabilitation.


18. In this case, we should actively take advantage of this company, to ensure that they can be the most quickly to get help, to move more smoothly.


19. How to guarantee the maximum capacity of traffic flow and minimum of traffic delays based on expo vehicles passed smoothly is the most significant problem.


20. For most “classic” Mac users, the transition from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X went far more smoothly than even the most optimistic among us expected.

对于大多数的“传统的”Mac用户来说,从Mac OS 9到Mac OS X的过渡远比我们最乐观的预计还要顺利,但若是没有Classic Environment一切便不会如此。

21. Probably the most difficult thing about pursuing significant change is doing it when you don't have the knowledge, financial or emotional tools available to make the process go smoothly.


22. Your body has a natural bias toward health and energy. It's built to last for a hundred years and to perform smoothly and efficiently for most of that time.


23. But for the most part, voting seemed to go smoothly.


24. The most ideal wedding is definitely a dream wedding run smoothly

最理想的婚礼… 就是把梦想婚礼顺利完成…

25. I think I just might as the price for Mayfair was very good and most everything ran smoothly.


26. Show all the locus run by different kinds of wheels. Discover that the round wheels run most smoothly, so they can run fastest.


27. Accordingly, freshmen are supposed to make the most of the social resources in society-supported Network so that they can smoothly and successfully fulfill their college adaptation.



1. His role under Bill Daley was highly effective in terms of helping the operations of the West Wing run smoothly, and I am very confident that Pete will continue to be one of the most valuable players here in the West Wing.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

2. Currently the mobile apps appear to be the most polished, however all ran smoothly and featured a look apart from the other subscription streaming services.

ENGADGET: More Redbox Instant details revealed at CES; Vizio, LG and Google TV clients coming

3. In theory, in the worst cases, the parts of the banks that are thought to be most important to keeping the rest of the financial system functioning smoothly, for instance their deposit books and payment systems, will be quickly cut out and transplanted into a healthy bank or kept on life support.

ECONOMIST: Dealing with bad banks

4. Several regulators trying different approaches should reveal more about what leads to the most smoothly functioning securities markets.

ECONOMIST: The market for regulation

5. Making sure that Kindler's labs hum along smoothly is one of the most important tasks for the drug maker, which needs to surprise Wall Street.

FORBES: Magazine Article

6. Domestically, the prime candidates would seem to be Meredith Corp. and Hearst, either of which could smoothly absorb most of them into its existing portfolios.

FORBES: Time Warner Shopping Time Inc. Likely Price Tag? Try $2.5 Billion

7. The tournament wasn't a classic to satisfy the soccer purist, but the hooligans and terrorists stayed away, and the logistical obstacles posed by hosting the finals both in Asia and in two countries for the first time were overcome smoothly enough for the most part.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. By communicating with other cars, as well as with road signs and traffic lights, vehicles will not only be able to avoid most accidents, but will also move more smoothly through traffic, reducing congestion.

FORBES: Get Ready For Talking Cars That Don't Crash And Get You To Work On Time

9. In the event, despite an election-eve warning by al-Shabab, the poll went ahead smoothly in most of the country.

ECONOMIST: Somaliland's elections

10. The grid needs short-, medium-, and longer-term storage to run smoothly, and car batteries could most easily meet the short-term need, a process called frequency regulation.

FORBES: The Cash-Back Car: Monetizing Electric Vehicles

11. Commercial airline flights moved smoothly throughout most of the country on Sunday, the first day air traffic controllers were subject to furloughs resulting from government spending cuts, though some delays appeared in the late evening in and around New York.

NPR: FAA Furloughs Kick In, Some Flight Delays Appear

12. Measures such as these to make the single market work more smoothly would be most beneficial to European economies.

ECONOMIST: Actions speak louder than words | The



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