
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [pɔː(r); pʊə(r)]play美 [pʊr]play

  • adj. 贫穷的;可怜的,不幸的;(身体)虚弱的,衰弱的;不擅长的,不熟练的;劣质的,差的,次的;贫乏的;(数量、比率等)不理想的,不合理的
  • 【名】 (Poor)(美)普尔(人名)

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


poor /pʊə/ CET4 TEM4 [ poorer poorest ]

  • 1.
    形容词 Someone who is poor has very little money and few possessions. (人) 贫穷的

    The reason our schools cannot afford better teachers is because people here are poor.


  • 2.
    复数型名词 The poor are people who are poor. 穷人 (与)(the)(连用)

    Even the poor have their pride.


  • 3.
    形容词 The people in a poor country or area have very little money and few possessions. 贫困的 (国家、地区等)

    Many countries in the Third World are as poor as they have ever been.


  • 4.
    形容词 You use poor to express your sympathy for someone. 可怜的情感

    I feel sorry for that poor child.



    It was way too much for the poor guy to overcome.


  • 5.
    形容词 If you describe something as poor, you mean that it is of a low quality or standard or that it is in bad condition. (质量、水准、条件等) 差的

    ...the poor state of the economy.



    The gap between the best and poorest childcare provision has widened.


  • 6.
    副词 差地

    Some are living in poorly built dormitories, even in tents.


  • 7.
    形容词 If you describe an amount, rate, or number as poor, you mean that it is less than expected or less than is considered reasonable. 低的 (数量或比率)

    ...poor wages and working conditions.


  • 8.
    副词 低地

    During the first week, the evening meetings were poorly attended.


  • 9.
    形容词 You use poor to describe someone who is not very skilful in a particular activity. (技术) 差劲的

    He was a poor actor.


  • 10.
    副词 差劲地

    Cheetahs breed very poorly in captivity.


  • 11.
    形容词 If something is poor in a particular quality or substance, it contains very little of the quality or substance. (某特质或物质) 贫乏的

    Fats and sugar are very rich in energy but poor in vitamins and minerals.




  • adj.

    poorly 身体不舒服的;心情恶劣的

  • adv.

    poorly 贫穷地;贫乏地;不充分地

  • n.

    poorness 贫穷;拙劣;缺乏


  • adj.贫穷的;可怜的;贫乏的;卑鄙的

    mean   /   base   /   dirty


1. poor eyesight 视力很差;视力差

2. Working poor 在职贫穷

3. poor man 可怜的人,穷人

4. poor people 贫民,穷人

5. poor health 不健康

6. the poor 穷人们 ; 贫困者 ; 贫平易近

7. poor prognosis 不良预后

8. poor condition 状况不好;质量不佳

9. poor efficiency 低效率

10. in poor health 身体不好;虚弱

11. poor fellow 可怜的家伙,可怜的人

12. poor thing 可怜的人,可怜的家伙

13. poor soil 贫瘠土壤

14. poor light egg 穷光蛋


16. poor boy 切开中间夹肉干酪蔬菜等的大三明治

17. poor box 济贫箱 ; 慈善箱

18. poor performance 表现不佳

19. poor management n. 管理不善,治理不善;经营粗放

20. Standard & Poor 标准普尔 ; 普尔 ; 标普 ; 标准普尔公司

21. poor quality 质量差的;品质低劣的

22. Rich and poor 贫富 ; 穷富 ; 均贫富 ; 人心不足

23. poor student 贫困生;学困生

24. poor child 可怜的孩子/小孩

25. poor service 差劲的服务

26. the poor in spirit 温顺谦和的人

27. poor staking 铆合不良 ; 铆合没有良

28. poor appetite 食欲不振


1. The Little Match Seller is a story that shows how hard poor live.


2. It is not clear whether this can be redirected from rich countries to poor ones.


3. Another story is about a poor woodsman.


4. With these words, the wolf swallowed up poor Little Red Cap.

说着, 狼一口把可怜的小红帽给吞了.《期刊摘选》

5. Poor little heart all black'n'blue.


6. Those mounds were the tombs of poor people before 1945.


7. The most common complaint is about poor service.


8. The poor chap's gone doolally.


9. ...poor wages and working conditions.


10. The food was doled out to the poor.


11. Hospitals are poor at collecting information.


12. Even the poor have their pride.


13. Apparently the expressive sound of human feeling recalled the poor girl from the stupor of fear.


14. But as the poorest country in Central America Nicaragua is hardly prospering.


15. The rise in inflation was just one symptom of the poor state of the economy.


16. The usurer squeezed the poor people.


17. He was one of thirteen children from a poor family.


18. Poor chap — he was killed in an air crash...


19. Today's floppy disc drives are tolerant of poor quality discs.


20. Shares in the industry proved a poor investment.


21. He passionately championed the poor.


22. There is no disgrace in being poor.


23. She beat the poor boy black and blue.


24. He even scolded the prosecutor for her poor taste in fashion.


25. The tax increases will certainly hit the poor.


26. In terms of natural resources it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.


27. Poor him, he is snowed under with work.


28. She's a good teacher but a poor manager.


29. Now , these people , already quite poor, have no way to earn money.

现在, 这些本来就贫穷的人完全没有了赚钱的法子.《期刊摘选》

30. It's hungry—the poor little thing.


31. ...soil that is poor in zinc.


32. On examination I found the goods of poor quality.


33. The poor woman was extremely happy to be reunited with her two sons who had been carried off by a swindler.


34. It is of the poorest in the world.


35. Louis : My poor history! I think I still have a lot to work on tonight!

我可怜的历史 啊 !我认为在今晚我还有很多工作要做!《期刊摘选》

36. So one Thanksgiving, they loaded the Qing Dynasty to a basket of food to poor house.

所以感恩节一到, 她们就装上满清一篮食物亲自送到穷人家.《期刊摘选》

37. Never in his whole life had M. Geborand bestowed alms on any poor wretch.


38. You could also notice that the rich gets richer and poor gets poorer.


39. They looked poor and unhealthy.


40. The poor child was petrified with fear.


41. And poorer African countries less endowed with oil or minerals are also saving up.


42. The poor woman had to auction off all her jewelry.


43. The seller may invoice the goods at $ 70 per ton. Invoice us after the shipment.

卖方可以每吨70美元开具该货的发票, 请在装船后给我公司开具发票.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

44. He was a poor actor...


45. Poor Jim, recently he's been stuck between a rock and a hard place.

可怜的吉姆, 他最近处在一个两难的抉择里.《期刊摘选》

46. The reason our schools cannot afford better teachers is because people here are poor...


47. Blessed the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

承认自己灵性贫乏的人多么有福啊; 他们是天国的子民!《期刊摘选》

48. The poor are turning their past upside down.


49. Hath he not pleaded well for the poor woman?

他为这可怜的女人所作的请求蛮好 吧 ?《期刊摘选》

50. An inquest was held on the team's poor performance.


51. Poor John was the butt of all their jokes.


52. The country has a poor record on human rights.


53. Research has illuminated the physiological and behavioral effects of depression that accounts for these poor outcomes.


54. Poor irrigation, transport, education, and medicine multiplied the chances of disaster for the peasants.

不良的灌溉和运输条件, 以及贫乏的教育和医疗状况,都增加了农民们受灾的可能性.《期刊摘选》

55. It is dangerous to generalize about the poor.


56. the party's poor performance in the election


57. It's among the poorer countries of the world.


58. His words prejudice his children against the poor people.


59. He dedicated his life to helping the poor.


60. The poor killed each other.


61. a poor swimmer


62. The poor have accepted doles.


63. Yet the link between feeling good and spending money on others can be seen among rich and poor people around the world, and scarcity enhances the pleasure of most things for most people.

然而,全世界范围内,无论穷人还是富人中,都可以看到“将钱用到别人身上”和 “感觉更好”的联系,且对大部分人来讲,稀缺性提升了大部分事物的愉悦感。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

64. For all the twelve movings, they had sojourned until now in a poor country.

尽管他们已经搬过十二次家, 但总是停留在贫穷的乡间.《辞典例句》

65. He died a poor man.


66. Fats and sugar are very rich in energy but poor in vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre.


67. Poor housing and unemployment are the main problems.


68. Look at these poor crabs and tadpoles, How can they compare with me?

你瞧瞧这些可怜的螃蟹、蝌蚪, 他们怎能跟我比?《期刊摘选》

69. Lucinda : Oh, poor Tom. He'll have to have a cast put on, won't he?

卢辛达: 噢, 可怜的汤姆. 那他得上石膏了, 是 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

70. Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales.


71. a poor judge of character


72. Tom was a paupera poor beggar.


73. Nonetheless , because of our low starting point, China is still one of the world's poor countries.

但是由于底子太薄, 现在中国仍然是世界上很贫穷的国家之一.《期刊摘选》

74. The assumption that such violence afflicts only the poor or deserving is both fatuous and misguided.


75. The discovery of gold in the valleys will enrich the poor area.


76. The poor old man lived in a little wooden hut.


77. The King looked at the poor man and he looked at the little child.


78. ‘I have stacks of homework to do. ’ ‘Oh, you poor thing . ’


79. Poor communication exacerbated an already problematic arrangement with the between office cultures.


80. Priestly explains how the deep blue color of the assistant's sweater descended over the years from fashion shows to department stores and to the bargain bin in which the poor girl doubtless found her garment.

普利斯特里解释了其助理的毛衫所采用的深蓝色是如何逐年过时的:从时装展销到百货商店,最后出现在打折区。毫无疑问,这可怜的女孩就是从打折区淘来了这件衣服。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

81. There was very poor reception on my phone.


82. The editorial in today's paper took aim at the president's poor performance.


83. We aim to help the poorest families.


84. Poor women tend to have more children, which adds considerably to their chores.

贫穷的妇女倾向于多生孩子, 这也大大地增加了她们的负担.《辞典例句》

85. The poor child looks more dead than alive.


86. A good omen for poor English, eh?

这是贫穷的英国之吉兆, 是 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

87. The poor little thing! It's lost its mother.


88. To the poor peasant, the supermarket was an Aladdin's cave.

在那个贫穷的农民眼里, 超级市场藏有巨大的财富.《期刊摘选》

89. ...a settlement house for children in a poor neighborhood.


90. The report focused on poor urban areas, where farms in or near cities supply relatively inexpensive food.

该报告主要关注的是一些贫穷的城市地区,这些地区的农场位于城市内或者在城市附近,可以提供相对便宜的食物。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

91. It's hungry─the poor little thing.


92. Poor piggies. So friendly and yet unaware of their imminent demise.


93. Long ago, there was a poor farmer called Fred.


94. She was a champion of the poor all her life.


95. Children are the poorest millionaire, the most ignorant wise , the most Moji wise.

孩子是最贫穷的富翁, 最无知的智者, 最无忌的哲人.《期刊摘选》

96. Low interest rates in the rich world can impose costs on poorer countries.


97. Taxes should be levied more on the rich than on the poor.


98. A new organization is set up to help the poor in Africa.


99. He was marked down for his lack of organizational abilities and poor leadership skills.


100. Yet more expensive kerosene would hurt the poor ( not to mention the government's own electoral prospects ).

然而,比较昂贵的煤油将使贫穷的人们深受其害 ( 更无须提及政局的选举前景了 ).《期刊摘选》

101. In the old days they would be feeding the poor at the castle gate.


102. He was contemptuous of the poor.


103. The poor suburbs traditionally formed the bedrock of the party's support.


104. I used to be a fisherman a poor family that depended only on fishing.


105. There once was a poor farmer who had four sons.


106. The poor, rural and uneducated or those with little education are left out.

贫穷的 、 农村的、未受教育或受到很少教育的人们就被排斥在外.《期刊摘选》

107. to have a poor opinion of sb (= to not think well of sb)


108. Finally he strode home reluctantly, with his poor head full of visions.

后来他终于极不情愿地朝家走去, 他那可怜的脑瓜子里充满了各种各样的幻想.《英汉文学 - 汤姆历险》

109. He went on and on about how poor he was.


110. Her work was so poor that she was given the sack.


111. She's forever going on about how poor they are.


112. Too many poor people are living in overcrowded conditions.


113. The poor woman is reduced to begging.


114. He was a poor actor.


115. Rye is tolerant of poor, acid soils.


116. Poor little Hans fell down into a deep ditch and was at rest.


117. We led a poor but happy enough existence as children.


118. Gently! You'll hurt the poor thing!


119. What are you doing to this poor, motherless child?

你在对这个可怜的, 没妈的孩子干些 什么 ?《电影对白》

120. Kenya is the agricultural country with poor resource of a mineral products.


121. The poor children nestled up together for warmth.


122. A number of prominent economists have also argued that it ’ s harder for the poor to climb the economic ladder today because the rungs(横档) in that ladder have grown farther apart.

一些著名经济学家也表示由于贫富差距的拉大,如今,穷人更难在经济阶梯上向上爬了。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

123. Before liberation, it's a paradise of the rich and a hell of the poor.

那个地方解放前是富人的天堂, 穷人的地狱.《辞典例句》

124. Do you have any idea what it means to be poor?


125. It's hungry ─ the poor little thing.


126. poor food/light/soil


127. The organization dispenses free health care to the poor.


128. The flat was in a poor state of repair...


129. The rich is in honour bound to be generous to the poor.


130. She's lost all her money, poor soul.


131. Unfortunately, poor bug reporting is a classic mistake.

不幸的是, 低劣的bug报告是一个典型错误.《期刊摘选》

132. We need to try and narrow the health divide between rich and poor.


133. God sent him to help the poor woodcutter.


134. I feel sorry for that poor child...


135. I dodged, but poor Bill got it in the back of his neck.

我躲闪开了, 但是可怜的比尔却在后脖子上挨了一下.《辞典例句》

136. Public general hospital originated in the almshouse infirmaries established as early as colonial times by local governments to care for the poor.


137. She may be successful now, but she has known what it is like to be poor.


138. And the Bricklin car itself was destined to fail, due to its poor quality.


139. The poor boy smelled the delicious odour of cooked meat.


140. They aided the poor.


141. "My poor wife!" he said, remorsefully.


142. POOR living could be improved, poor soul could not be repaired.

匮乏的生活尚可以改善, 匮乏的灵魂则难以修补.《期刊摘选》

143. The poor man's down to his last $5.


144. They provided food and shelter for the poor.


145. This bare fact of certainty, however, is and admittedly the abstractest and poorest kind of truth.

但是, 事实上,这种确定性所提供的也可以说是最抽象、最贫乏的真理.《期刊摘选》

146. Have you heard about poor old Harry? His wife's left him.


147. Huge inequalities exist between the richest and poorest within many countries.


148. The man who has everything is in some ways a poor man.


149. I feel sorry for that poor child.


150. Do not deny justice to your poor people in their lawsuits.


151. The new tax laws are causing the poor a lot of hardship.


152. Visibility was poor.


153. The idea was good, but the execution was poor.


154. Thus poor countries might not be able to escape their poverty traps without political changes that may be possible only with broader formal education.

因此,如果不进行政治改革,贫穷国家就不可能挑出贫穷的牢笼,而政治改革只有通过广泛的正规教育才可能实现。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

155. Almost all these essays are about sex and poor people.


156. Rich people are excellent receivers, poor people are poor receivers.

富有的人是优秀的接受者, 穷人是低劣的接受者.《期刊摘选》

157. It was raining heavily and visibility was poor.


158. I hope you're not overworking that poor boy.


159. They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family.


160. They organized a benevolent institution to help the poor and disabled.


161. He is poor whose expenses exceed his income.


162. Many countries in the Third World are as poor as they have ever been.


163. True, not all U.S. students can match the performance of their foreign counterparts, but the American institutions do offer students from rich and poor families alike the chance to realize their full potential.

诚然,不是所有的美国学生都能比得上外国学生。但是美国学校确实会为富裕和贫穷的家庭提供实现他们潜能的同等机会。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

164. The poor director became the Aunt Sally to critics soon after that flim was on show.


165. Don't strain your eyes by reading in poor light.


166. He spoke angrily about the condition of the urban poor.


167. Leaf after leaf the fine gold the Swallow picked off and took to the poor.


168. The results implicate poor hygiene as one cause of the outbreak.


169. a poor sailor (= sb who easily gets sick at sea)


170. Poor old Willy is an incurable romantic.


171. Poor housing and unemployment are the main problems.


172. The gap between the best and poorest childcare provision in the European Union has widened...


173. Trembling with cold and hunger crept she on & def the picture of sorrow: poor little child!

她又饿又冷,哆哆 嗦嗦 地向前走着,这是一幅非常凄惨的景象: 可怜的小姑娘!《期刊摘选》

174. This failure rate is attributed to many things, including poor marketing, poor management and poor planning.

其失败可归结于许多因素, 包括匮乏的市场 、 薄弱的管理和苍白的计划.《期刊摘选》

175. Poor bugger! His wife left him last week.


176. That band really was piss-poor.


177. Inequality is dangerous, he argued, not merely because it doesn ’ t look good to have a large gap between the rich and the poor, but because inequality itself destroys upward mobility, making it harder for the poor to escape from poverty.

他指出,不平等是危险的,不仅是因为富人和穷人之间的巨大鸿沟看上去就不好,更是因为它本身就破坏了向上的流动,让穷人更难摆脱贫穷。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

178. They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids.


179. a country poor in natural resources


180. The poor man received a savage beating from the thugs.


181. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished.

作为一个群体, 美国穷人与营养不良的距离很遥远.《期刊摘选》

182. In poor, dry regions, untreated wastewater is the only viable irrigation source to keep farmers in business.

在贫穷的干旱地区,未经处理的废水是唯一可以使用的灌溉水源,否则农民将无法从事农业生产。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

183. The poor little thing ! It's lost its mother.


184. He's in hospital again. Poor dab.


185. to be in poor health



1. Many victims live in areas with poor or non-existent health care systems and where antivenom treatments are often not available.

VOA : special.2010.01.25

2. The West Texas seed had a reputation for poor by-products, and therefore brought low prices.

NPR: Texas Cotton: 'Farmer Profits at Every Step'

3. And the relay had closed on the poor creature, crushing it to death. The defense department didn't care about the loss of a moth.

可怜的虫子碾死了,国防部门并不关心,一个虫子的死活。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

4. Many poor countries are abandoning autocracy.


5. How can we prevent murderous schoolyard violence in children who have access to weapons,poor parental supervision, and a mean streak?"

如何防止校园暴力,这些暴力事件通常是由掌握武器,缺乏父母监管,或受到教唆的孩子引起的“幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

6. China is also unique in encountering a serious problem with aging while still a poor country.

WSJ: Aging Chinese Face a Bleak Picture

7. Government-run commercial enterprises are often justly criticized for their high costs and poor productivity.

FORBES: My Worst Vendor

8. Citigroup and HSBC aren't exactly tripping over each other to sign up sub-Saharan Africa's rural poor.

FORBES: Magazine Article

9. Poor nutrition during pregnancy almost triples the rate of antisocial personality disorder in adulthood.

CNN: Opinion: Unlocking crime using biological keys

10. If it is compromised, then the bees could not defend themselves against pesticides or fungal infections or bacteria or poor nutrition.

VOA : special.2009.09.15

11. The core reason for customer device returns at Cincinnati Bell was poor user experience.

FORBES: Improved Android User Experience Saves Half A Million Dollars

12. The government seized Superior in 2000 after it collapsed because of poor lending practices and shoddy bookkeeping.

FORBES: Is Your Bank At Risk Of Failure?

13. But, anyway, this poor guy's not doing very well up there and becomes this sort of big spectacle.

但是这个可怜的人在这上面肯定不好受,还成为众人的焦点欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. As the ONS has reported before, the contribution rates for them continue to be poor.

BBC: Pension provision still falling, says ONS

15. The Psalmist is going to use this motif when he denounces social injustice, exploitation of the poor and so on.

赞美诗的作者,也常常借用这种思想,谴责社会不公正,对穷人的剥削。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Why after all should we expect the nymphs to have helped poor Lycidas?

我们凭什么希冀女神们会帮助可怜的利西达斯?弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. However it was unclear to researchers whether unemployment caused poor health, or whether poor health led to job loss.

VOA : special.2009.06.09

18. Hamburg's Abendblatt said it was a poor spectacle with Germany getting through - "but only just".

BBC: Joy and relief for Germans

19. They also say wealthy nations did not offer enough money and technology to help poor countries deal with climate change.

VOA : special.2009.12.26

20. The Romans maintained peace to a great extent by keeping the poor poor.

罗马人通过使穷人更贫穷,来稳固和平。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. Our view is that many countries in the world are poor and they're food insecure.

NPR: Global Humanitarian Group Rejects U.S. Aid - Part II

22. Mr McGuigan said there were concerns about prescription medication and poor drug treatment processes.

BBC: Maghaberry prison 'is not safe enough'

23. I want to turn loose my hold on everything, and go sailing down,down, just like one of those poor,tired leaves."

VOA : special.2009.08.01

24. Hot weather also increases dangers for people who must take medicine for high blood pressure,poor blood flow, nervousness or depression.

VOA : special.2010.07.27

25. Certainly poor countries should not be made to adopt American or European environmental standards.

ECONOMIST: Local difficulties

26. Indeed, all of the biggest federal spending programs provide welfare, just not to poor people.

FORBES: Washington Sacrifices Its Financial Rating To Feed The Sacred Cows

27. When high-calorie, nutrition-poor foods like Pop-Tarts, Doritos and soda were expensive, the shoppers purchased far fewer calories overall.

FORBES: Cheap Foods That Are Good For You

28. Yet, for equity mutual funds, high past returns are a poor predictor of high future returns.

FORBES: How Selective Advertising by Mutual Funds Misleads Investors

29. Well, if you're a poor farmer, you don't know what else to do.

如果你是一个贫困的农民,你不知道自己能干什么古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. She was poor. But she never said 'no' to a hungry person who came to her farm and asked for food.

VOA : special.2009.12.12

31. Not Milton himself would cry up liberty to poor female slaves or plead for the lawfulness or resisting a private tyranny.

即便米尔顿本人也不愿为那些女奴的自由所呼号,辩解,或是反对这种私底下的暴行“弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. The school's exam results were poor.


33. Weak financial markets and continued poor performance from the unit have kept that initiative in limbo.

FORBES: Motorola Reorganizes Unit Before Earnings

34. He says projects designed to increase interpersonal trust can have a major effect in poor countries with undependable legal systems.

VOA : special.2009.12.19

35. Campaigning against the establishment and as a champion of the poor, he won 56% of the vote.

BBC: Hugo Chavez death: Thousands march with coffin

36. Poor Joshua Norton was not dangerous or violent, but he no longer knew what was real and what was only imaginary.

VOA : special.2009.12.14

37. Now, how many agree with that argument, agree with the libertarian argument that redistribution for the sake of trying to help the poor is wrong?

有多少人同意自由主义者的这一驳论,认为为了帮助穷人,进行财富再分配不对?公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. What, exactly is the plan for cutting these benefits to the elderly and disabled poor?

FORBES: The Catch 22 In Efforts to Cut Medicare Spending

39. `My poor wife!' he said, remorsefully.


40. And when he said they he's talking about diseases related to poor diet.

当他说他们,他讲到与不良饮食有关的疾病时关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. It is a collection of linked short stories about the lives of very rich and very poor people in Pakistan.

VOA : special.2010.01.01

42. So people have an understanding about poverty and they have an understanding about poor people.

NPR: Beware the Bad Home Loans

43. The idea is to provide extremely poor people with small loans so they can start and operate a business.

VOA : special.2010.06.16

44. It has been an achievable goal for the poor, and has brought human dignity.

FORBES: Haiti's Second Revolution

45. The quite remarkable thing about this globalisation, this neoliberalism, is how incredibly pro-poor it all is.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

46. The work has found the NHS has a poor record in investing in its managers.

BBC: Is the NHS really over-managed?

47. It used to be a different type of neighborhood at one point, it was very poor.

在过去的某个时候,这里曾是一个完全不同的社区,感觉很穷。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 这里不危险

48. Professor ABU MUHAMMED OSCARGONI (University of Tehran): Without state intervention, the poor cannot benefit.

NPR: Iran's President Sets Out to Ease Unemployment

49. Lib Dems Brendan Glynane said despite the party's poor performance people recognised "how hard we work".

BBC: Northampton

50. He showed a picture of Leonardo da Vinci's famous "Mona Lisa" painting to one hundred school children from poor city neighborhoods.

VOA : special.2010.07.09

51. Of course it could be that Pegasus is just a poor investment, as some have asserted.

FORBES: Attack On Pegasus

52. No one says," Oh, poor Luke, " he died when Darth Vader cut off the hand."

没人说,“哦,可怜的卢克,达斯·维特,砍掉他的手后,他就死了“死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. The medium-term economic prospects remained poor.


54. Poor little Laura, my baby, to whom I had told everything about Dean, began almost to cry."Oh, we shouldn't let him go like this.What'll we do?"

可怜的小劳拉,我的宝贝,我曾经把狄恩的一切都告诉过她,这时她几乎要哭了:“噢,我们不能让他就这么走“1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. Experts say the public's poor opinion of the national economy, including high unemployment, is the main problem facing Democrats this year.

VOA : special.2010.10.30

56. He said his views were influenced by the many poor and working class people he had met in his life.

VOA : special.2010.05.21

57. His grades were very poor.


58. Solutions are simple and do-able, but require approaches that are focused on the poor.

BBC: Powering our way out of poverty

59. From Mumbai to Rio to New Orleans, organized tours of poor areas have grown in popularity.

BBC: Do slum tours profit off the poor?

60. Muller acknowledged that many of the stations produced incomplete temperature records and had poor quality control.

FORBES: The Death Of Global Warming Skepticism, Or The Birth Of Straw Men?

61. And I conclude that we do have an obligation, to give significantly to help the world's poor.

我认为,我们的确有责任,慷慨地捐赠,来帮助世界上的贫困人口。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

62. We're trying to get them to change the structure of the company. We think the board is a very poor board there and we're trying to change what happens.

我们正在设法改变,公司结构我们觉得那个公司的董事会经营的,非常糟糕,我们正在设法改变现状。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. Christ came to comfort the poor and the sick and the essence of Christmas is a new birth.

BBC: An eye on simplicity

64. But the airports ah, the airports in these poor countries are First World havens, oases of cleanliness, serenity and order.

NEWSWEEK: Business

65. It's not the best form of food in that they're actually very poor in protein, and unfortunately very, very rich in cyanide.

但木薯的根并不是最好的食物,因为它的蛋白质含量很少,而更不幸的是,它的氰化物含量非常,非常高。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课



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