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英 [ˈsɒkə(r)]play美 [ˈsɑːkər]play

  • n. 英式足球,足球

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soccer /ˈsɒkə/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Soccer is a game played by two teams of eleven players using a round ball. Players kick the ball to each other and try to score goals by kicking the ball into a large net. Outside the United States, this game is also referred to as . 英式足球

    ...a soccer match.




1. play soccer 踢足球;踢(英式)足球

2. soccer mom n. 足球妈妈;非常重视小孩休闲活动,亲自开车接送小孩参加运动,活动的母亲

3. Shaolin Soccer 国粤双语 ; 我就知道他们都认识

4. Pro Evolution Soccer 实况足球 ; 职业进化足球 ; 足球游戏 ; 实际情况足球

5. Kung Fu Soccer 功夫足球 ; 经济版 ; 少林足球 ; 第二部

6. Soccer Aid 足球援助 ; 足球援助赛

7. World Soccer 世界足球 ; 天下足球 ; 卡通足球 ; 绿茵五洲

8. Soccer Night 足球之夜

9. beach soccer 沙滩足球 ; 沙滩足球奖杯

10. soccer ball 英式足球

11. soccer field 足球场

12. FIFA Soccer FIFA世界足球 ; FIFA足球 ; FIFA脚球

13. Soccer city 足球城 ; 足球城体育场 ; 足球城运动场 ; 体育场

14. soccer player 足球运动员;足球选手


1. Just like soccer, basketball and baseball, e-sports has become very popular around the world.

就像足球、篮球和棒球一样,电子竞技在全世界都很流行。《中考真题- 2017 山西 任务型阅读B》

2. How long have you been playing soccer?


3. Have you ever played indoor soccer?

你玩过室内足球 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

4. Soccer is the world's favorite sport.


5. I never play soccer.


6. Below are printed the answers to the Brain of Soccer 1993 quiz.


7. We played soccer after school.


8. He is absorbed by the soccer training dvd we got for his birthday.


9. The soccer field is far from the library.


10. The Zambian game is much more aggressive than European soccer.


11. He called Moore one of the immortals of soccer.


12. His soccer skills continue to be put to good use in his job as football coach to young hopefuls.


13. They are playing soccer on the field.


14. soccer players


15. In the world of professional soccer, no star shines brighter than David Beckham.

在职业足球界, 没有哪个明星比大卫?贝克汉姆更加光彩夺目.《期刊摘选》

16. My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team.

我女儿在一个休闲足球队踢球。《高考真题- 2015 全国2卷 完形填空》

17. Not everybody likes soccer.


18. Robot soccer competition in the offensive program, with the distance test, the speed control.

机器人足球比赛中的进攻性计划, 随着距离的测试中, 速度控制.《期刊摘选》

19. I am crazy about soccer.


20. Brazilian soccer boss Carlos Parreira hit out angrily last night after his side were barred from training at Wembley.


21. Mark was mainly interested in sport at school, playing rugby as well as soccer.


22. I like all kinds of sports, especially soccer.

我喜欢各种运动, 尤其是足球.《期刊摘选》

23. I love soccer so much and I don't play as well as others, of course.

我非常喜欢足球, 当然,我踢得没有别人好.《期刊摘选》

24. Did you play soccer yesterday?


25. Coca-Cola is an official sponsor of the Belgian soccer federation.


26. Soccer is spreading like wildfire through all the States and gaining in popularity on baseball.


27. Shall we play soccer?


28. We play basketball, soccer, and baseball.


29. Aggressive behavior and assertive behavior of soccer players were studied with the method of psychology questionaire.


30. When I'm on the soccer field, I'm at my happiest.


31. I like soccer and swimming.


32. We play soccer every day.


33. They both play soccer, don't they?

他样两个都踢足球, 是不是?《期刊摘选》

34. A mate of mine used to play soccer for Liverpool.


35. He likes watching soccer.


36. Another things we do is Basketball, Soccer, and Acrobatics.

其他的训练项目也包括篮球, 足球和体操.《期刊摘选》

37. Chinese's soccer team won the Asian's soccer title again on Sunday.


38. It was the final game for my eight-year-old son's soccer team.

这是我八岁儿子的足球队的最后一场比赛。《中考真题- 2017 包头 完形填空》

39. I don't play soccer.


40. Robot Soccer game is an international and high-tech oppositional activity that develops rapidly in recent years.


41. Julie and Michael are watching Steven's final soccer game.


42. Burkoth lettered in soccer.


43. One day, when he went to get his 7-year-old son from soccer practice, his kid greeted him with a downcast face and a sad voice.

有一天,当他去接他完成足球训练的7岁儿子时,他的孩子满脸沮丧,声音悲伤。《四级真题- 2015年 12月 1卷 信息匹配》

44. Soccer is way easier to play over there than basketball.


45. I don't like playing soccer.


46. A. I heard you had a soccer match against Class 4 yesterday. Did you win?

A、我听说你昨天和四班有一场足球赛。你赢了吗?《中考真题- 2018 哈尔滨 短文填空》

47. I usually play soccer.


48. Well-off families are ruled by calendars, with children enrolled in ballet, soccer and after-school programs, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

皮尤研究中心的一项新调查发现,富裕家庭完全按日程安排行事,子女跳芭蕾、踢足球、参加课外项目。《六级真题- 2017年 6月 3卷 信息匹配》

49. Read the story of soccer fans.


50. Soccer in the States has never taken off in a big way.


51. Soccer makes me crazy.


52. The next soccer season is around the corner, our team will surely play better.

下一个足球赛季就在眼前了, 我们队这次肯定会好些.《期刊摘选》

53. He coaches basketball and soccer.


54. Peter is good at soccer ball.


55. Let's play soccer.


56. Soccer fans are people who love soccer.


57. At a deeper level, many Americans – especially conservatives – resent having soccer foisted upon them.

在更深的层面上, 很多美国人尤其是保守派人士对于足球的渗透非常怨恨.《期刊摘选》

58. When visiting Brazil for the World Cup, soccer fans will be able to seize the chance to try out the local delicacies1.


59. The soccer match had to be postponed because of heavy rain.


60. Sebastian: Probably the same as female soccer players. I'll see you in two weeks.

大概和女足球队员的机率差不多. 我们两周后见.《期刊摘选》

61. Soccer needs to clean up its image.


62. A good deal of my time is taken up with driving the children to soccer games.


63. They chose soccer ball.


64. He is good at playing soccer.


65. A soccer game between two rival teams is also sometimes referred to as a "derby." A derby is the soccer equivalent of the sort of game that is called a "crosstown rivalry2" in North American sports.


66. Is he still playing soccer?


67. Thanks to our soccer players and cheer team ! Let's cheer them on!


68. Chiyu: I played soccer and volleyball for a long time. Perfect ! Perfect!

CHIYU: 我玩了很久足球和排球, 完美!《期刊摘选》

69. Soccer needs to clean up its image.


70. The soccer team had won no games, but it hadn't lost heart.

足球队虽然没赢过一场球, 但并没有使队员们气短.《现代汉英综合大词典》

71. The coach had criticized him for not focusing on his soccer drills.

教练批评他不注重足球训练。《四级真题- 2015年 12月 1卷 信息匹配》

72. For example, "I know you play soccer very well, but we only need one teammate ."

例如,"我知道你踢足球踢得很好,但我们只需要一个队友。"《中考真题- 2019 吉林 七选五B》

73. He played soccer ball.


74. Modern soccer betting originated England, it had the form of Odds SpreadSpread Betting and Betting Pond.

现代足球博彩起源于英国,现代足球博彩主要有赔率制 、 “让球制”、指数博彩和彩池博彩等几种形式.《期刊摘选》

75. I prefer playing soccer.


76. It prompted UEFA to remind officials with the teams that players should respect the sponsors and the contributions they make to European soccer.


77. The coach had criticized him for not focusing on his soccer drills ..

教练批评了他,说他在足球训练中不专心。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

78. Let's play soccer after school.

放学后我们去踢足球吧。《中考真题- 2019 济南 完成句子》

79. VS: Why do you take another sports like basketball and soccer for the training?

你为什么选择篮球、足球这样的运动来进行训练 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

80. He often watches soccer matches.


81. We produced the best soccer of the tournament. Nobody would argue with that.


82. I played semi-professional soccer for Walsall.


83. Soccer referees have a thankless task.


84. Today there a professional league called the North American Soccer League ( NASL ).

今天,美国已经有了的被称为“北美足球联盟 ( NASL ) ”的足球专业组织.《期刊摘选》

85. A famous soccer coach has just won the biggest game of his life.


86. I like playing basketball and soccer.


87. a soccer pitch/team/match

足球场 / 队 / 比赛《牛津词典》

88. The facility included a natatorium swimming and stadium for soccer.


89. Draw a soccer ball on the board.


90. Mark was mainly interested in sport at school, playing rugby as well as soccer


91. I play soccer on weekends.


92. After lunch, they all played soccer during their break.

午餐过后, 他们在午休时间踢足球.《期刊摘选》

93. Gunner beat forest 3 1 in a soccer friendly.



1. The Woodburn High School boys soccer team has reached the state soccer championship playoffs for twenty-five straight seasons.

VOA : special.2010.11.25

2. But why has it been so difficult for Americans to take soccer to their hearts?

CNN: When U.S. postmen and miners humbled England

3. They argue that the horns drown out singing and chanting, the traditional soundtrack for soccer.

CNN: How I learned to love the vuvuzela

4. So are churlish fans: last week Spanish ones hurled racist insults at black English soccer-players.

ECONOMIST: Brawling basketballers

5. Banner's team played in the NCAA division two tournament all three years he was on the soccer team.

VOA : special.2010.06.02

6. Today we tell about the highest level of men's soccer in the United States - Major League Soccer.

VOA : special.2010.06.02

7. Let's just try, any of you on the Yale Soccer Team?

我来看一下,有人是耶鲁足球队的吗博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. And you've been working really hard to get on the soccer team, you've been training.

你为了能入选特别刻苦地锻炼,还参加了训练。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I was 课堂

9. However, Major League Soccer executives are upping their game when it comes to line management.

FORBES: Professional Line Talkers And Flash Mobs Coming Soon To A Queue Near You

10. He came to Belgrade to watch soccer matches and to dine out at a well-known restaurant.

BBC: Ratko Mladic capture: Hope of justice at last

11. Elsewhere in sports only Manchester United, the U.K. soccer team, carries a billion-dollar price tag.

FORBES: Unlikely Dynasty

12. In basketball, the gridiron, baseball, soccer, countless examples of the power of cohesion between players exist.

FORBES: No European Renaissance In Sight For Italy's Deteriorating Serie A

13. Indoor tennis courts, soccer fields and rock climbing centers permit people to take part in these sports in all seasons.

VOA : special.2010.01.29

14. And speaking of different, EA is supporting the Nintendo Wii U launch with FIFA Soccer 13.

FORBES: Connect

15. a little bit of a soccer team and um, that was, that was exciting to be over the airwaves.

还有一些足球队的消息,都是一些值得播报的令人振奋的新闻。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 广播人员怎么样?

16. The reason I got to be a soccer team captain in the first place was because my coach said,

我最初之所以成为球队队长是因为我的教练说,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 足球部队长的领导力

17. They are soccer dads and hockey moms or in long, complicated relationships with lacrosse.

WSJ: Jason Gay: Building a Child Sports Prodigy (Kidding)

18. Sports facilities include a multicolored soccer stadium in Barakaldo, Vizcaya, by Eduardo Arroyo of NO.

WSJ: Spain's Extraordinary Building Boom

19. Then in nineteen ninety-six, he came back to America to play for the newly formed Major League Soccer.

VOA : special.2010.06.25

20. The biggest soccer game of the year takes place tomorrow at Wembley Stadium in London.

NPR: German Soccer Teams Face Off For League Championship

21. But it was also an attempt to establish a top professional level for soccer in America.

VOA : special.2010.06.02

22. It is a real nice place to come visit. You can play soccer, you can play handball.

它是一个观光的好地方。你可以踢足球,打手球。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在梅可姆公园

23. Ronaldo is the planet's most famous soccer player.


24. He had been married, had kids, had coached their soccer league had done all kind of things.

他们结婚多年,并且生养了孩子,并且辅导足球联队踢球等等。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

25. I know a few people who play tennis and soccer just with other people.

我认识一些人,他们会与其他人打网球或者踢足球。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 伯克利的水上运动

26. It's not just soccer, I don't like any team games.


27. The district is pursuing his dismissal, claiming he witnessed varsity soccer players haze younger players.

FORBES: Hazing Cases Rock Arizona, Illinois High Schools

28. What is your favourite soccer team?

你最喜欢的足球队是哪一支?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 知道朴智星吗?

29. No manager in soccer's other major European leagues can match his record of 13 domestic titles.

WSJ: Some Lavish Praise for Alex FergusonManchester United

30. Burkoth lettered in soccer.


31. But I play soccer for my, in the intramurals sports with my college.

不过我代表我们学院参加了院际足球赛。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 去学校聚会的路上

32. Their stories tell a lot about the past,present and future of professional soccer in America.

VOA : special.2010.06.02

33. Already, Ferguson's remarkable record makes him the most successful and longest-serving coach in English soccer history.

WSJ: Some Lavish Praise for Alex FergusonManchester United

34. Currently it only works for soccer but could soon come to other sports as well.

FORBES: With $10.7M More, Luminate Launches App Store For Images

35. FIFA,the international football federation, says the United States has twenty-four million soccer players-second in the world.

VOA : special.2010.06.02

36. But you know their soccer team do really well last year.

但你知道他们足球队去年取得了很好的成绩。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

37. He was chosen to play for the Chicago Fire professional soccer team in two thousand seven.

VOA : special.2010.06.02

38. I was a soccer player and I played soccer there for the four years that I was at school.

我是个足球运动员,在大学的四年里一直踢足球。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 已经成经济学学徒了

39. But his development team at Michigan-based military contractor Cybernet has great ambitions for their soccer-mom mobile.

FORBES: Magazine Article

40. Thiebaud coaches Twain's son in soccer, and she said the 11-year-old is a happy child.

NPR: Shania Twain Announces Fall Show Dates In Vegas

41. football It's kind of bizarre, but the French call soccer football. And then I can index in it.

但是法国人不说soccer说,因此我可以把它加入索引。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

42. In the absence of a soccer pioneer then James seems to be a plausible stand-in.

FORBES: The Most Important Soccer Performance Analyst You Have Never Heard Of

43. Now if you can just persuade the English and Portsmouth soccer players of this lesson, I'd be very happy.

现在如果你能让英格兰或者朴茨茅斯球员,学会这个规律的话,我会非常高兴的博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. She made me dresses with big crinoline skirts and watched as I played soccer in them.

FORBES: Bringing Up Baby: Moms, Kids and Taxes

45. The Los Angeles Galaxy won its second consecutive Major League Soccer title with him last fall.

WSJ: David Beckham to Retire

46. Basketballs are just the start: they are promising soccer, volleyball, hockey, and football next.

FORBES: Exponential Growth in Small Machines - Don't Fear, They're Here to Protect You

47. Is soccer that important to people in Madrid?

足球对于马德里人来说就那么重要么?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 来自西班牙

48. In that soccer-mad state perhaps the best soccer state in the U.S. Agudelo began to hone his game.

FORBES: Names You Need To Know: U.S. Soccer's Juan Agudelo

49. He was able to coach their son's soccer team, and he never missed a ballet recital.

CNN: When mom earns more, it's tough on dad

50. During that time, Onalfo thought about what he really wanted to do with his life: play soccer.

VOA : special.2010.06.02

51. I just want to exercise or something I'll go and play soccer, basketball, dodge ball, things like that.

我想锻炼的时候我就去踢足球、打篮球、打躲避球,这一类的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我喜欢运动

52. so boys of all ages are in soccer teams, and they play right in that section.

不同年龄段的男生在各个球队里,他们在那儿玩得很好。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在公园碰到的母子

53. While the World Cup is being played in South Africa, our listener wants to know more about the famous American soccer player Cobi Jones.

VOA : special.2010.06.25

54. Major League Soccer still does not enjoy the economic success of other popular American sports.

VOA : special.2010.06.02

55. Electronic Arts hired Snoop to promote its new EA Sports FIFA 13 Soccer game.

FORBES: Connect

56. We are often told that soccer managers and coaches are in the results business.

FORBES: Terry, Messi, Ronaldo, MLS Handicappping, Managing A Dangerous Profession And Rangers Snagged By The Binos

57. It will be interesting to see what Underarmour does next in the soccer market.

FORBES: Underarmour Continues To Gain Strength Across The Pond

58. Soccer is a sport for a reason, you win and you lose, no matter your quality.

FORBES: No European Renaissance In Sight For Italy's Deteriorating Serie A

59. Soccer referees have a thankless task.


60. My kids wear orange shirts and black shorts when they suit up for soccer matches.

FORBES: Zero Dollar Fix

61. Yet soccer team values have been climbing, and clubs are selling at rich valuations.

FORBES: Got Game!

62. soccer stars (endorsable faces known nationwide)


63. I would say it's going to show up in our soccer game as well. I believe the creating their own style of play."

VOA : special.2010.06.02

64. They are some of the best soccer players in the entire country and the entire world.

WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Welcomes Kids to a Lets Move! Event with the LA Galaxy | The White House

65. The new generation of American coaches and players is building a tradition of soccer that is as individual as each of their stories.

VOA : special.2010.06.02
















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