retirement years翻译_retirement years短语搭配_retirement years权威例句

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1. The Retirement Years 退休阶段


1. Even if people can economically support a retirement at 65, over thirty years of potential inactivity is harmful to cognitive and emotional vitality.


2. The average Frenchman spends 24 years in retirement, against an OECD average of 18 years.


3. The proportion of the population who are over retirement age has grown tremendously in the past few years.


4. Spain, for instance, is lifting its retirement age to 67 years by 2025.


5. As the children become financially independent of the family, the emphasis on family financial security will shift from protection to saving for the retirement years.


6. He spent the last fourteen years of his life in retirement.


7. Women who make it to 65 these days can expect 20 years of retirement.


8. Hang in there, retirement is only thirty years away!


9. If the average retirement age were raised to near 70 to qualify for retirement and elderly health benefits, retirees would still have more absolute years of retirement than they did 90 years ago.


10. The past couple of years have proven tough for most retirement accounts.


11. First, more women have entered the work force in the past few years, and more of them plan to remain working until retirement age.


12. One widely touted idea is to phase in retirement over a number of years.


13. As their ranks swell in coming years, the burden of financing their retirement will mount.


14. Men who retire at age 65 have typically worked on the average about 45 years, so retirement years for these men is about 40% of working years.

在65 岁退休的人一般平均工作有45 年之久,因此退休时间大约是工作时间的40%。

15. Meanwhile the 10 years after retirement are the happiest period of life, at least according to those studies that ask people how happy they are.


16. They do not have many years to live after retirement.


17. Life expectancy after retirement has already reached 21 years for French men and 26 years for French women.


18. As you get closer to your retirement years, you want to hold onto the capital you've built up over time.


19. Imagine that you're making a speech at your retirement party years from now.


20. It's no wonder that 62 percent of younger boomers (ages 51 to 65) expect employment to be a source of income in their retirement years.


21. A little advance planning can help you to make your retirement years worthwhile and meaningful.


22. Protests are expected in Spain on Tuesday February 23rd against an official plan to lift the retirement age by two years to 67.


23. Fulfilling our filial duty to the best of our abilities allows them to enjoy life in midlife years, retirement and the twilight years.


24. After five years in retirement, he staged a comeback to international tennis.


25. Maintaining the ratio of working to retirement years is a reasonable first approximation to a guideline for determining the eligible age for retirement and health benefits.



1. That legacy of discouraging work after retirement remained for years and still remains for those who take early retirement.

FORBES: A Small Step Toward Reforming Social Security

2. The average Frenchman spends 24 years in retirement, against an OECD average of 18 years.

ECONOMIST: French public finances

3. That being said, there are several ways that retirees can stretch their dollars during their retirement years.

FORBES: Simple Ways To Save In Retirement

4. Only 14% of Americans surveyed by Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI) are very confident that they will have enough money to live comfortably throughout their retirement years, while half are not too confident or not at all confident that they will have enough.

FORBES: Cold Hard Reality: You Must Save For Retirement

5. It seems to be macho to say that one is not counting on Social Security being around in their retirement years.

FORBES: Americans Want More Social Security, Not Less

6. As they move toward their retirement years, the lifetime of wealth that they have accumulated is showing up in the types of homes they are demanding - and falling interest rates mean that they can afford to buy even more.

BBC: Why the US housing market is still booming

7. More and more couples are actually finding work they can do together in what were once the retirement years.

WSJ: The Experts: How Spouses Can Avoid Conflict in Retirement

8. He thought about retirement a few years ago and wisely decided it was not for him.

BBC: Alan Hansen's column

9. The baby boomers are now entering into their retirement years and they are relying upon their pensions to provide for their retirement security.

FORBES: No One's Fulltime Job: Speech at Florida Atlantic University, School of Accounting (June 1, 2006 )

10. Given longer expected lifespans, new retirees can anticipate spending more money during the retirement years than previous generations.

FORBES: You May Have To Rebalance Your Portfolio Due To Health Care Costs

11. The end result is that, with the help of a financial professional, retirees may spend less time worrying about income sustainability and more time enjoying their well-deserved retirement years.

FORBES: A Bucket Strategy For Retirement Income

12. You know, as Americans we believe that if you help make America stronger, safer and more prosperous, then you should be able to count on your retirement years being better, healthier and more secure.

CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security

13. Published reports everywhere trumpet the coming retirement years of the "boomer generation, " a view that lumps today's 60-year-olds with those just turning 40, hardly a homogeneous group.

FORBES: Magazine Article

14. That's because, well, when you buy your first house you might be twenty-five, so thirty years brings you to age fifty-five; that's close enough to retirement.

这是因为,你可能在25岁时买第一套房子,当还清30年的贷款时你已经55岁了,都快退休了金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Thus it is that a neutron star in a binary star system gets to spend its retirement years as a millisecond radio pulsar.

ECONOMIST: The dizziest, giddiest stars

16. Martin came out of retirement two years ago to oversee the development of three new helicopters, including the long-anticipated Comanche.

FORBES: Magazine Article

17. They might include a salary continuation plan for additional retirement income, even if retirement is years away.

FORBES: How Much Should You Give Away In 2011-2012?

18. As people settle into their early 40s and begin to look out over the horizon of their lives, the closest and most obvious thing they see is their own parents, who typically are just starting their retirement years.

FORBES: How Much Is Enough to Retire? Careful Now...

19. He says it's a good idea for people to save for their retirement during their earning years but it's wrong.

他说,让人们在能挣钱的年头为退休而攒钱,社保的初衷是好的,但这样做不对。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. She held the seat without trouble until her retirement 33 years later.

WSJ: Paul Johnson: The World-Changing Margaret Thatcher

21. Limiting government spending, and keeping the budget on a firm financial footing, is crucial as we approach the retirement years of the baby-boomer generation.

FORBES: Limiting Government by Expanding Public Healthcare

22. Amounts saved in retirement nest eggs are usually intended to finance an individual's retirement years, or to be left as an inheritance for loved ones.

FORBES: Don't Let Failing Health Crack Your Nest Egg

23. Makeba announced her retirement three years ago, but despite a series of farewell concerts she never stopped performing.

BBC: Mandela mourns icon Miriam Makeba

24. "Most families have to make a significant adjustment from their working lives to their retirement years, " said financial planner Sheryl Garrett, who runs the Garrett Planning Network.

MSN: Poll reveals baby boomers' retirement fears

25. If someone's saving for their retirement you better have a lot more than that; $100,000 is only a few years of income even for low-income people.

如果你们一直存钱存到退休,肯定比这数目多多了,10万美元,不过是低收入群体几年的收入金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Mr. Kitces says he focused on returns during the first half of a projected 30 years of retirement, because preserving your nest egg for the first 15 years means you would be in good shape for the rest.

WSJ: Say Goodbye to the 4% Rule for Retirement

27. As Millennials enter the workforce with exit strategies in mind, older workers are also redefining the traditional retirement years.

FORBES: Why Do The Mega Rich Continue To Work?

28. He entered Parliament in 1945 in Labour's post-war landslide and became Speaker in 1976, a post he held until his retirement seven years later.

BBC: News | UK Politics | Speaker's memories go under the hammer

29. Do the right thing for America-let dollars sprint from old assets to new ones at the speed of light. n Bill Gates, chairman and CEO of Microsoft: Don't let the bozos get you down. n Jim Barksdale, CEO of Netscape: Be kind to yourself in your Mississippi retirement years.

FORBES: Digital rules

30. This parable may seem, I think, to be a little more compatible with Milton's general temperament in the years of his studious retirement.

我认为,第二则寓言与弥尔顿,的性情更相符,在他潜心学习的那几年里。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Some people may deliberately budget a little extra spending in the early retirement years to prepare for this, in addition to further retirement activities like extra vacationing.

WSJ: The Experts: How to Plan for Retirement Expenses

32. We expect the state to do it all for us, or our parents to prepare themselves for their own retirement years.

BBC: News | Talking Point | Is Europe's workforce retiring too early? Your reaction

33. The RDP was formed two years ago after its leader, Hidipo Hamutenya, lost his bid to become SWAPO leader upon the retirement of Namibia's first president, Sam Nujoma.

VOA : standard.2009.11.27

34. And they graciously allowed me to hold them up to the audience as living proof of how to change careers successfully, to keep working in retirement years, and to make a difference in this world.

FORBES: Must Love Chocolate...and Washing Dishes

35. It behooves you to understand all these subtleties, because if you don't you will get penalized by the IRS and spend your retirement years bagging groceries at a supermarket in Florida.

FORBES: Roll Over and Die Laughing





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