
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [əˈkrɒs]play美 [əˈkrɔːs]play

  • adv. 从一边到另一边;在……对面;朝,向;宽;横向字谜答案
  • prep. 从一边到另一边;横过,穿过;在……对面;遍及;在……上;跨越(政治、宗教、社会隔阂等)

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


across /əˈkrɒs/

  • 1.
    介词 If someone or something goes across a place or a boundary, they go from one side of it to the other. 过

    She walked across the floor and lay down on the bed.



    He watched Karl run across the street to Tommy.


  • 2.
    副词 Across is also an adverb. 从一边到另一边

    Richard stood up and walked across to the window.


  • 3.
    介词 If something is situated or stretched across something else, it is situated or stretched from one side of it to the other. 跨越

    ...the floating bridge across Lake Washington in Seattle.



    He scrawled his name across the bill.


  • 4.
    副词 Across is also an adverb. 跨越

    Trim toenails straight across using nail clippers.


  • 5.
    介词 If something is lying across an object or place, it is resting on it and partly covering it. 在…上

    She found her clothes lying across the chair.


  • 6.
    介词 Something that is across something such as a street, river, or area is on the other side of it. 在…另一边

    Anyone from the houses across the road could see him.


  • 7.
    副词 Across is also an adverb. 在对面

    They parked across from the Castro Theatre.


  • 8.
    介词 You use across to say that a particular expression is shown on someone's face. (表情) 在 (某人脸) 上

    An enormous grin spread across his face.


  • 9.
    介词 If someone hits you across the face or head, they hit you on that part. (击打) 在…上

    Graham hit him across the face with the gun, then pushed him against the wall.


  • 10.
    介词 When something happens across a place or organization, it happens equally everywhere within it. 在…各处

    The film opens across the country on December 11.


  • 11.
    介词 When something happens across a political, religious, or social barrier, it involves people in different groups. 在…里

    ...parties competing across the political spectrum.


  • 12.
    across the board →see   board
  • 13.
    副词 If you look across at a place, person, or thing, you look toward them. 向

    He glanced across at his sleeping wife.



    She rose from the chair and gazed across at him.


  • 14.
    副词 Across is used in measurements to show the width of something. …宽

    This hand-decorated plate measures 14 inches across.




1. come across 遇见 ; 碰到 ; 来到

2. Across the board 全盘的 ; 全面一致 ; 全线 ; 一刀切

3. get across 使通过 ; 解释清楚

4. across the board 全面地;包括一切地;以三等分的钱数赌同一匹马赢得前三名

5. across from 在…对面

6. ACROSS MEASURE 横量 ; 横度 ; 竖质

7. SHOULDER ACROSS 肩阔 ; 总肩宽 ; 肩宽

8. put aCrOSS 解释清楚 ; 说明 ; 做成

9. back across 后背宽

10. Across the Universe 恋爱心曲 ; 穿越苍穹 ; 恋爱宇宙 ; 纵横宇宙

11. cut across 抄近路穿过 ; 走捷径 ; 抄近路 ; 开匹

12. go across 穿过,横过;走过

13. BACK ACROSS 后背宽 ; 后违宽 ; 背面宽 ; 后背


1. She found her clothes lying across the chair...


2. The expedition used packhorses to carry their food and tents across the mountains.


3. I crunched across the gravel.


4. Walking through the desert, we came across a beautiful oasis.

穿过沙漠后, 我们看到了一片美丽的绿洲.《期刊摘选》

5. Thousands of farmers from across Europe have held a huge demonstration in the centre of Brussels...


6. Two blondes had driven across the country to see Disney World in Florida.


7. Yes I know the donut man who lives across the lane.


8. The highway runs across the railway.


9. He sat there quietly, with his arms across.


10. Crepe paper of bright colours was hung across the ceilings for the festival.


11. This view is common across all sections of the community.


12. I can't do 3 across.


13. Be those old men walking across the street?

那些老大爷在横过马路 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

14. The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed with under their tent!


15. The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.


16. It is organization setting across, powers and functions is unified without implementation.

一是机构设置交叉, 权能没有实现统一.《期刊摘选》

17. A smile flitted across his face.


18. He hit him across the face.


19. The rhetor cleared his throat, folded his gloved hands across his chest, and began speaking.

修辞班教师咳嗽了几声,清清嗓子, 把两只戴着手套的手交叉在胸前, 开始说话.《期刊摘选》

20. He walked across the field.


21. Why do I need your number if you're across the street, though?


22. Across geographic gradients, Levins expects allopatric races or coenospecies exist.

穿过地理梯度, 莱文斯预料有分布区不重叠的小种或近群种.《辞典例句》

23. The filter area is the strip across the top of the control.


24. When I saw you across the room I knew I'd met you before.


25. He sat with his arms across the chest.


26. It was across the aisle from Wendell Sander's office.


27. However, these were among workers with multiple exposures across industries.

然而, 这些横过工业是在有多样的暴露工人之中.《期刊摘选》

28. Ingrid darted across the deserted street.


29. Two women wearing identical dresses gave each other dirty looks across the dance floor.


30. There's a way across the fields.


31. They tried to ensure uniformity across the different departments.


32. He sat there with his arms across.


33. We have built the Green Great Wall across the north of our country.


34. They fled across the border.


35. She pirouetted across the stage.


36. She moved sharply across the room to block his exit.


37. The wind pushed his hair across his face.


38. She wheeled her bicycle across the road.


39. Children from the flats across the street were playing outside.


40. Her passage across the Pacific was uneventful.


41. It's too wide. We can't swim across.


42. We shall hear views from across the political spectrum.


43. I drew up even with him, braked quickly, leaned across the seat toward him.

我追上他, 猛然刹车, 倾身越过座位朝向他.《期刊摘选》

44. For a moment a shadow seemed to pass across Roy's face.


45. I barreled straight ahead, across the harbour and out over the sea.

张本译为,我笔直向前高速飞行, 越过港口,飞临海面.《期刊摘选》

46. Clouds drifted across the sky.


47. This hand-decorated plate measures 30cm across...


48. The frame format remains the same across each Ethernet segment.


49. The old woman walked across the road in small steps.


50. The yard measures about 50 feet across.


51. He turned away and sauntered across the road.


52. We rode across the fields.


53. When the river freezes over, we can walk across on the ice.

河流结冻时, 我们可以踏冰穿过河面.《简明英汉词典》

54. When my name was called, he looked across at me.


55. At each end, men armed with sticks eye each other across the divide.

每一个街头, 手持棍棒的人们眼睛互相盯着横穿鸿沟.《期刊摘选》

56. The cemetery is in Arlington, Virginia, across the River from Washington.

公墓位于弗吉尼亚州阿林顿, 横穿流经华盛顿的波拖马可河.《期刊摘选》

57. Then place both poles across your body.


58. To get across that distance, you have to be a mouse.

要穿过这段距离, 只有老鼠才行.《电影对白》

59. Another infusion of words came when Germanic tribes across the North Sea to settle in Britain.


60. As we were walking across the fields, we started a hare.

我们穿过田野时, 惊动了一只野兔.《期刊摘选》

61. He moved languidly across the room.


62. Curtain coating: A paper coating system in coating is injected horizontally across the web.

帘幕式凃布: 布纸张的一种方式.凃剂在横过纸卷,水平放置的喷嘴中喷射于纸面上.《期刊摘选》

63. He sat with his arms across his chest.


64. Pedestrians should always cross the road on a crossing, and should never run across the road.

行人应总是在斑马线处过马路, 一定不要横穿马路.《期刊摘选》

65. He rowed us across the lake.


66. The restaurant is across the street from the hotel.


67. Yes I know the hot dog girl who lives across the lane.


68. Do you know the donut man who lives across the lane?

你知道那个在小胡同的交叉口烤面包圈的人 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

69. I could hear his pen scraping across the paper.


70. A meteorite streaked across the sky.


71. The bridge was destroyed so we couldn't get across the river.


72. Dashing across the street, Mr Green was almost hit by a car.

格林先生匆匆横穿街道时, 差一点被汽车撞了.《期刊摘选》

73. She took his arm and led him across the road.


74. We can go across the freeze river.


75. The old man hobbled across the road.


76. And Shanghai harbor is on the fulcrum piece of bend and arrow photograph across.


77. She took her arm and guided her across the busy road.


78. Robert skimmed over the lawn, up the path, across the veranda and into the porch.

罗伯特越过草地, 踏上小路, 穿过走廊进了门廊.《期刊摘选》

79. I flew across the countryand spent the first evening admiring my friend's system.


80. I was very afraid as I watched the child tearing across that road.


81. Mrs. Chang closed her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. She seemed to doze.

她说了这些话,便闭上眼睛,两手交叉地放在胸前, 好像就要睡去似的.《汉英文学 - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26)》

82. There are no missed classes, and no bus rides across town to get to class.

有了它,您就不会再错过任何课程, 也不会遇到乘车穿过大半个城市去上课这样的麻烦.《期刊摘选》

83. Where's the nearest bridge across the river?


84. A plane shot across the sky.


85. He struck out across the fields.


86. From the gateway two paths led obliquely across the court.


87. Don't you see it? The way the light quivers across it?

你没注意? 光线交叉的方式?《期刊摘选》

88. There is a short cut across the field.


89. They drive across the plain way of a crossroad to the highway.


90. Caravans of trade goods overlandand great ships call from across the sea.


91. It's too tight across the back.


92. How is damage of ligament of knee joint across treated? Can heal?

膝关节交叉韧带损伤怎么治疗? 可以痊愈 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

93. This is a viewpoint of the people in TV and network across industry at least.


94. A few minutes later we came across the beautiful city and we were cheerful and excited.


95. He used striking visuals to get his point across.


96. Just put the knife and fork across the plate. That's all.

只要把刀叉交叉地放在盘子上, 就可以了.《期刊摘选》

97. The train was delayed because a tree had fallen across the line.


98. In 1927, a man named Lindbergh became the first person to solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

1927年, 有个叫林白的人,成为第一个单飞越过大西洋的人.《辞典例句》

99. Growth has not been uniform across the country.


100. Graham hit him across the face with the gun.


101. A train trundled across the bridge.


102. At intervals Karen Novotny moved across it, carrying out a sequence of apparently random acts.

卡伦-诺弗特尼不时地穿过房间, 做着一系列显然是漫无目标的动作.《英汉非文学 - 科幻》

103. He hurried across the fields towards the fire.


104. Jim came across the room to greet his friends.


105. A U ramp applies the gradient in a linear, vertical direction across the object.

在线性的Uramp应用于这个色彩梯度, 垂直横过物体.《期刊摘选》

106. We picked our way across the rough and rocky hillside.


107. I see someone being going across pedestrian road.


108. Kincaid was leaning against the refrigerator, arms folded across his chest, Budweiser in his right hand.

金凯靠在冰箱上, 双臂交叉在胸前, 右手拿着布德威瑟啤酒.《英汉文学 - 廊桥遗梦》

109. Her family is scattered across the country.


110. If you traded by ship across the Pacific, you cross the international date line.

如果你乘船越过太平洋, 你将穿过国际日期变更线.《期刊摘选》

111. Anyone from the houses across the road could see him...


112. The ChaoHe River also runs across the Great Wall here from north to south.


113. He turned and saw a shadow approaching from across the churchyard.


114. A rabbit lolloped across the path.


115. He squelched across the turf.


116. The physics department sits across the quad from the library.


117. He stepped across the threshold.


118. He watched Karl run across the street to Tommy.


119. Richard took the truck across the intersection heading north.

理查德把车开过交叉路口向北驶去.《英汉文学 - 廊桥遗梦》

120. The lights changed to red before I could get across.


121. Riding across the twinkling of an eye , at the head of the Andhi run.


122. We walked across the springy grass.


123. You certainly can't send sound or movies across that type of connection.


124. He barreled straight ahead, across the harbour and out over sea.

他笔直向前高速飞行, 越过港口,飞''.'临海'.''面.《期刊摘选》

125. A grin spread across her face.


126. The general had to get his troops across the river.


127. They went on a long train journey across India.


128. He laid two sticks across each other.


129. She walked across the floor and lay down on the bed...


130. We may as well cut across the playground.


131. A dark colour line across the printed sheet.


132. Ford looked across to Mr. Prosser, and suddenly a wicked thought struck him.

福特的视线越过普洛塞先生, 忽然,他捕捉到了一个顽皮的想法.《期刊摘选》

133. Fish in the top of the hill across from the rapid crawling.


134. In this system a course of bricks is laid across the wall.


135. Please tell the children to walk calmly across the road, not run across.

请告诉孩子们过马路时要镇静, 不要跑着横穿马路.《期刊摘选》

136. It's so much safer to get across the road at the traffic lights.


137. He zigzagged his way across the field.


138. Public highways run across the city in every direction and are always full.


139. Caribbean grill and bakery. Locations across the United States and Canada.

加勒比海烤架和面包房. 越过美国和加拿大的地点.《期刊摘选》

140. She rose from the chair and gazed across at him.


141. The patio gave an unimpeded view across the headland to the sea.


142. The horses thundered across the valley floor.


143. A shadow fell across her face.


144. As noted, there are some overlaps in the various attributes across several retail classes.


145. Jason had skidded across the floor to stop right in front of him Are you hurt?


146. He offered to ferry us across the river in his boat.


147. My house is just across the street.


148. They claim the Olmec left a clue from across the Atlantic long before Columbus.


149. We squelched across the muddy field.


150. We strode across the snowy fields.


151. Expertly he zigzagged his way across the field.


152. There are on either side of each seat and you buckle them across your lap.


153. He ran across the field, low and silent, and then jumped into the shaded hollow.

他横穿这块空地, 低而无声, 然后跳进阴暗的洞里.《期刊摘选》

154. He wore the watch on a fine gold chain across the front of his waistcoat.


155. Use square batten and across of round batten freely to build form combination to wear.


156. Long streamers of Northern Lights flashing blue wisps across the sky.


157. I climbed across mountaintops, swam all across the ocean blue.

我跨越过山顶, 游过蓝色的海洋.《期刊摘选》

158. The ducks waddled across the road.


159. We want to cut across lines of race, sex and religion.


160. A small tornado passed through this farm and cut across this field.


161. It would be convenient if we could will ourselves across lands and oceans.


162. They were able to operate from across the border.


163. Later, walking across the dunes, he saw the figure of the dancer.

后来, 在漫步横穿沙丘时, 他看到了舞蹈家的身姿.《英汉非文学 - 科幻》

164. The industry needs more investment across the board.


165. The boys swam across the lake.


166. We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains.


167. She walked confidently across the hall.


168. Hugging her arms across her chest , little Dana asked, Do you smell that?

突然,她静下来,把两只手臂交叉抱住自己的两肩, 小Dana问到, “ 你闻到了 吗 ? ”《期刊摘选》

169. They built force forts and other defective defensive positions across the sudden southern part the state.


170. We were clapping our hands while the performers were marching across the park.


171. They parked across from the Castro Theatre.


172. B : A dog ran across the road and the driver tried to avoid it.


173. And lo and behold, you come across the stone in a clearing.

而且看到, 你横过清扫的石头受到的影响.《期刊摘选》

174. And before long they were carrying on a correspondence that traveled only across the lawn.


175. Ok, this is a special crossing for the school children go to across the road.

好, 这是一个特殊路口,以便学校的孩子们穿过马路.《期刊摘选》

176. We have a right of way across his field.


177. We want to promote cosmetics that appeal across the colour barrier.


178. Halfway up the mountain, a cave across the fairy mountains, is JourneyAmazing Caves.

半山腰, 一座横穿仙山的山洞更是别有洞天.《期刊摘选》

179. Four days after setting out , while the Titantic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout.

启航四天后, 泰坦尼克号在穿过北大西洋多冰的海域时, 瞭望员突然发现了一个巨大的冰山.《用法词典》

180. There's a school just across from our house.


181. He glanced across at his sleeping wife...


182. He scrawled his name across the bill...


183. With almost every step, Jane's foot would kick the ball, sending it flying across the gymnasium.

几乎每迈一步, 简的脚都会踢到球, 然后球就会横穿飞过体育馆.《期刊摘选》

184. The film 'Hook' opens across America on December 11...


185. Haley's comet was shooting across the sky.


186. Tibetan refugees continue to pour across the Himalayas.


187. To get across town, you can take the shuttle from Times Square to Grand Central.

要横穿市区, 你可以乘坐时代广场到中央车站的穿梭巴士.《期刊摘选》

188. I drew a line across the page.


189. As described by Pfaffmann, taste is based on activity across a population of fibers.

据Pfaffmann描述, 味觉基于一定数量的交叉神经纤维进行活动.《期刊摘选》

190. The cemetery is across the Potomac River from Washington , D . C.


191. A meteor flew across the Draco.


192. You will keep your arms folded across your chest at all times.


193. The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the room.


194. She's not very good at putting her views across.


195. If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the international date line.

假如你乘船越过太平洋, 你将穿过国际日期变更线.《期刊摘选》

196. For across the sun's glowing sphere, slowly, Moon swims away.

越过太阳那炙热的球体, 慢慢地, 月亮游移而去.《期刊摘选》

197. An enormous grin spread across his face...


198. The child was knocked down by a lorry as he ran across the road.


199. Incidence of the disease is fairly evenly spread across Europe.


200. A long raised scar ran across his brown chest and down into his heavily muscled abdomen.


201. The path cuts across the forest.


202. We left the road and struck off across the fields.


203. Reach: To sail across the wind, or between the extremes of beat and run.

侧风: 横穿风向航行, 介入顺风和迎风之间.《期刊摘选》

204. So I dragged him across the cotton field to share the beauty of Old Woman Swamp.


205. The department store is across from the street.


206. At one point the railway line goes across the road.


207. She sat with arms across.


208. There are several dams across the Nile.


209. Across the porch railing went the flowers, into the lap of the old woman.

花束越过了走廊的栏杆, 放到了老妇人的膝盖上.《辞典例句》

210. A telephone submarine cable is laid across the English Channel.


211. JUST across the river from Il Palazzo is Nakasu Island, the city's red light district.

从IlPalazzo酒店出发,穿过一条河流,就是中洲岛, 即这座城市的红灯区.《期刊摘选》

212. 'Miss Manette, had you any conversation with the prisoner on that passage across the Channel?'

“ 曼内特小姐, 在越过海峡的时候你跟囚犯说过话 么 ? ”《英汉文学 - 双城记》

213. Moira shuffled across the kitchen.


214. The bank is just across the street.


215. ...parties competing across the political spectrum...


216. They galloped across the field.


217. The snails are no larger than one centimetre across.


218. The ugly scar runs across his left cheek.


219. ...the floating bridge across Lake Washington in Seattle...


220. There's a bank right across the street.


221. Draw a thick black line across the page.


222. Red Talons guard the dwindling wolf packs across the world.


223. The reform allows employees to work across different units.


224. He grated his knife across the plate.


225. Walking slowly across the grass he pointed the pipe at the lion and fired.



1. He had observed that students at colleges across the country had been organizing "teach-in" demonstrations to protest the war in Vietnam.

VOA : special.2010.04.21

2. Yet Egypt is not alone. Foreign investors worry about corruption, mismanagement and security problems across North Africa and the Middle East.

VOA : special.2011.02.04

3. She says only about two hundred informal schools across the country receive money for materials under the free primary education program.

VOA : special.2009.08.24

4. Nobody wants to become the next cautionary tale splayed across the pages of Forbes.

FORBES: Dissecting The Enron Verdict

5. The administration says a new private space industry could create ten thousand new jobs across the country in five years.

VOA : special.2010.04.28

6. So, if you're a small college with only $20 million in a portfolio you don't come across as a qualified purchaser.

因此,如果是一个,只有2000万资产组合的小学院,是不能通过合格购买者的审核程序的金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. There were tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of us scattered across Dixie looking for shelter.

NPR: Get Out of Town

8. And now, finally,the British, American, Canadian and other Allied forces felt strong enough to attack across the English Channel.

VOA : special.2011.06.16

9. If open course becomes a real movement, then how do we allow people to navigate across different open course platforms?

如果形成了开放课程的浪潮,我们如何让人们在不同的,开放网站的平台中浏览我们的网站?媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

10. She looks up at the telephone wires, and she thinks about all the messages, unintelligible, full of human longing, going back and forth across those wires.

她看着电话线,想着那些莫名其妙的,充满了人类欲望的信息电线上来回踱着步。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Their chief role will be disseminating their knowledge to others at events across the year.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Reserve gives local people the chance to become Dark Sky Rangers

12. Patrons include locals, backpackers staying in nearby hostels and music fans from across the city.

BBC: Sydneys bohemian heartland

13. The mound is a pile of rubble, 30 feet high and maybe 200 feet across.

NPR: With Climate Swing, a Culture Bloomed in Americas

14. Benton Brothers Fine Cheese stocks pungent offerings from across Canada and around the world.

BBC: Vancouvers 100-mile food trail

15. He made several stops for gas and a few hours rest before flying across the Bering Sea to Alaska.

VOA : special.2009.03.18

16. Highway 2 is a ribbon of two-lane road that stretches across the entirety of Washington state.

BBC: A route of life-changing moments

17. The clouds were scudding across the sky.


18. I come across things that are bent; I come across things that are more straight, more and more straight.

我遇见过弯的东西,我碰到过更直的东西,越来越直的东西死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. An ongoing programme, due for completion in 2015, is improving airstrip infrastructure across the country.

BBC: Papuas got a brand new bag

20. Central Park was a huge success and helped create a movement across the United States for creating public gardens.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

21. All across our base, soldiers sat in their rooms, listening for signs of escalation.

NPR: Spring a Season of Dread for Troops in Afghanistan

22. It's across the street from the Park Slope Food Co-op, which is like, it's been there for 40 years, and

它在斜坡公园的食品供销社对面,好像有四十多年的历史了,而且SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 布鲁克林的变化

23. And as they set off across the wild country of west Texas, their mother and father could hardly hear a thing.

VOA : special.2009.11.28

24. They go across the membrane - this is the trans-membrane part of the receptor that's going across the membrane.

它们跨越式的存在于细胞膜上,这就是受体的跨膜部分,它跨越了细胞膜生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. The National Weather Service said there were ten reports of tornadoes across the central and southern Plains states last Thursday.

VOA : special.2011.04.19

26. He was about half way across the river when the tree trunk moved suddenly, John fell from it onto the ice.

VOA : special.2010.06.26

27. Across the street from the dilapidated Michigan Central Station is Slows Bar BQ.

BBC: The rebirth of Detroit amid modern-day ruins

28. Sprawling out across the duneland of southern Brittany, the site is on a stupefying scale.

BBC: The perfect trip: Brittany and Normandy

29. You really had a remarkable success in academics, in the administrative... You've taught at great universities across the country.

您在学术界,行政管理层,都取得了巨大的成功。,您曾在多所美国名校执教。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

30. I ran across the road.


31. So as we go across the row, and this is my beautiful picture of a periodic table here.

那么当我们沿着行向右走的时候,这是我漂亮的元素周期表。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. She's been active in opera houses around the world, and across the United States.

NPR: Featured Artists in Janacek's 'Jenufa'

33. The closure followed as the deaths of the Siberians began to attract attention across China.

FORBES: Tigercide

34. Like the World Cup of the ice-sculpting world, the competition attracts artists from across the globe.

BBC: The origins of ice sculpting

35. Tumbleweeds bounced across the highway, piling against barbed-wire fences.


36. Stumble across a hand-blown glass candy dish in Italy or a basket maker in rural Ohio?

FORBES: Social Media Is Fashion's Newest Muse

37. Returning to shore, I saw a pod of beluga whales travelling across the fjord.

BBC: Canadas greatest cycling trail

38. But the past three years have seen two fundamental changes across the smartphone-laptop continuum.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

39. Watch the waves pound Beachy Head Lighthouse and gaze across the English Channel to France.

BBC: Walking Great Britains great coast

40. As I said last time when I showed you that letter to Pound, Yeats's London apartment is essentially across the street from where the number 30 bus blew up.

上一次我说,当我给你们看他给庞德的信时,叶芝在伦敦的寓所,正好在30路车爆炸,的那条街的对面。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. Last year, 86 people were hurt by fireworks across Northern Ireland, mostly young men.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Damage surges over Halloween

42. Victims were found throughout Yorkshire and across other counties including Essex, Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Nottinghamshire.

BBC: Fraud gang must repay more than ?415,000 after scams

43. The basic fare across public transport is 50p, but the Istanbulkart smart card gives discounts.

BBC: Mini guide to historic Istanbul

44. Is fear of being ridiculed stopping us from broadcasting our opinions across the Web?

FORBES: Come On Now, Hit 'Submit'

45. Suppose you came across a piece of writing that you knew nothing about just lying there on the table.

假设,你读到一段,你对它一无所知的文章。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. The sun comes out and sends a silver streak across one side of it.

FORBES: Go with the Floe

47. During winter, you may come across enough water in the day to camp wild at night.

BBC: Walking through Australias pure desert heart

48. I go up to the green line and go across and this tells me the best response for Firm 2.

根据这条绿线的对应法则,就可以对应出公司2的最佳对策博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Hundreds of firefighters from across the United States are helping local departments battle the blaze.

CNN: Colorado fire tops 55,000 acres, could spread with hot, windy weather

50. Venture folks have seen a market across the board turn sour on them before.

FORBES: Venture Vetting

51. The pink-suited lady follows at a neat trot, her heels click-clacking across the tarmac.

BBC: On holiday in North Korea

52. Investors are understandably bone-tired after seeing one accounting calamity after another splattered across the front pages.

FORBES: Watching The Books

53. And waiting for you across the street ultimately will be a whole lot of balloons, a whole lot of candy, family, friends.

最后在马路对面等待你的,是家人和朋友的鲜花和掌声。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

54. The traditional Noongar lands stretch across much of southwestern Australia, encompassing the urban sprawl of Perth.

BBC: Australia rediscovers its urban indigenous heart

55. Right now a program called the Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program is traveling to fifty cities across the United States.

VOA : special.2010.10.27

56. The next day, the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper printed four words in French across the front of the paper.

VOA : special.2009.12.14

57. In his first observations from Mount Wilson, Hubble used a telescope with a mirror one hundred fifty-two centimeters across.

VOA : special.2009.04.29

58. I walked across the bridge.


59. I hope that you've been inspired to get out there and engage your local community, people from across religious backgrounds.

我希望你受到了激励,立即行动,参与到当地的社区中,与有着不同宗教背景的人融合。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

60. Louisa watched him striding across the lawn.


61. Reagan's historic across-the-board tax cuts in 1981 were praised as a major victory against liberalism.

CNN: After Trump, will GOP accept higher taxes?

62. Their discovery started a rush of people traveling to the American territory of Alaska and across the border to Canada.

VOA : special.2009.02.11

63. High adherence scores, good adherence to the Mediterranean Diet across all these studies, was associated with these particular health outcomes.

高遵循度值,即在研究中高度遵循地中海式饮食的人,被证实与以下这些健康性结果有相关性关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. It could be, for instance, that language is such a good idea that every culture comes across it and develops it.

比如说,可能只是因为,语言是一个非常棒的创新,所有文化都接受了它,并且发展了它心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. we can go to the restaurant across the street that Italian place that we always go to.

我们可以去马路对面那家我们常去的意大利餐厅。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Let me 实战



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