in a sudden是什么意思_in a sudden短语搭配_in a sudden权威例句

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in a sudden

网络 突然

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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. A sudden change in countenance 勃然变色

2. A sudden rushing in 涌入

3. a sudden fall in temperature 气候的骤降

4. flashback in a sudden 夜光虫

5. A sudden rise in life 一步登天

6. take a sudden in 突然对

7. in a sudden moment 突然

8. take a sudden interest in


1. I was gripped in a sudden agony of despair as I considered that alternative.


2. May in a sudden, we have a perception of no moment to start the buffeting of the earthquake, many in shock and screams of fleeing the classroom.


3. Four blue back cards are reversed one by one magically, and finally all of them are reversed in a sudden.

四张蓝色牌背的扑克牌在观众面前一张一张的自动反转,最后更一次过的全部反转了。《provided by jukuu》

4. I was afraid that he might disappear in a sudden puff of smoke, and I would wake up.


5. Buck Mulligan sat down in a sudden pet.


6. She stood up in a sudden impulse of terror.


7. In a sudden burst of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.

在突然爆发愤怒时, 那男人撕碎了他能触及到的任何事物.《互联网》

8. Inter were leading twice, but Roma came back for 2-2 and it was only decided in a sudden death penalty shoot-out.

国际两度领先,但是随后罗马扮成2 - 2平,只有在突然死亡制的点球大战中一决胜负。

9. But last week they were released in a sudden, stunning plea-bargain.


10. All in a sudden they all jumped and told me that I passed.


11. And two skiers and two snowboarders got caught in a sudden slide of snow Tuesday.


12. Faced to the bad guys in a sudden, tortuose voice exposed my dread.


13. Trombones sharply pronounce a d, followed by tuba and oboe in a sudden diminuendo.


14. He had a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.


15. Milton has just been lamenting the fact that the laborious days of the poet might not result in a sudden blaze of fame.


16. All of a sudden, a group of lovely children were playing happily in the huge living room.


17. It's a disorder in which a person experiences a sudden change to their speech so that they sound like they're speaking in a foreign accent.


18. Numerical simulation of premixed turbulent reacting flow in a sudden expansion combustor


19. She felt a sudden stab of pain in the chest.


20. As each weekend is approaching, the one gets lost in a sudden.


21. There was a sudden movement in the undergrowth.


22. There was a sudden sharpness in her voice.


23. In a sudden paroxysm of rage, wilt picked it up and hurled it across the room.

威尔特突然火冒三丈,把它捡起来扔到房间的另一头。《provided by jukuu》

24. He broke out in a sudden , cold sweat, his feet rooted to the ground.

他站在原地发起呆来, 惊出一身冷汗!《汉英文学 - 散文英译》

25. Then suddenly, an idea came up to her, she stopped the car in a sudden .


26. In a sudden flood, however, people who never learned how to swim may find themselves struggling to keep their heads above the unexpected rush of water.


27. In a sudden introspection we start to review the digital world.


28. Everyone laughed but Stenson who, in a sudden rage to stop the game, shouted "Here--#4!


29. Whenever you hear the term "Mercury retrograde," it is a signal that conditions around you are in flux, moving in a sudden, fast, mercurial way.


30. On the return voyage, Shelley's yacht capsized in a sudden squall.


31. The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable position.


32. His coming, however, that I had happiness in a sudden burst of a better life.


33. We were caught in a sudden shower of rain and soaked to the skin.


34. She was uplifted by a sudden feeling that he looked quite beautiful in spite of his thinness.


35. In other words, bam! All of a sudden you had language.

换句话说,砰! 突然之间你有了语言。

36. A sudden purpose dawned in his face.


37. Occasionally, I moved slowly and dowdily, but sometimes I awakened in a sudden and bustled up to look after my aims.


38. It is because of that we are just so young and we could not deal with the things what happen in a sudden in a right way with our limited knowledge, I think.


39. The hard lines in his aunt's face relaxed and a sudden tenderness dawned in her eyes.


40. All in a sudden, they all jumped and told me that I passed.


41. We saw a boy named li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap.


42. In a sudden burst of anger, the man threw all the things he could get away.

在勃然大怒之下, 那个男子把能够够得到的东西都扔了.《互联网》

43. I like watch TV to the moment But I to go there in a sudden.


44. On the return voyage the yacht capsized in a sudden squall.


45. When gas is expels through the mouth in a sudden reflex movement.


46. I struck the cup down in a sudden fit of furry.


47. Towards the end of Middle English, a sudden and distinct change in pronunciation started, with vowels being pronounced shorter and shorter.


48. Even lost her parents in a sudden accident this autumn.

在一起突如其来的事故中失去了父母。《provided by jukuu》

49. Eg: She stood up in a sudden impulse of terror.


50. Numerical Study of Dense Particle-Fluid Turbulent Flow in a Sudden Expansion Pipe


51. Because of his relationship with Miss Sun, Hsin-mei could not very well give a flat refusal, but then in a sudden inspiration he recommended Fang Hung-chien.


52. It's the guerdon, the reward and the prize of fame that we're continually anticipating will burst out someday in a sudden blaze of glory.


53. In a sudden, I found there were some tadpoles near a big stone.


54. Set out in a sudden, energetic or violent manner. Staff Motivation Scheme [ Water Supplies Department]


55. In a sudden paroxysm of jealousy he threw her clothes out of the window.

突然一阵嫉妒,他把她的衣服扔出窗外。《provided by jukuu》

56. All his pent - up wrath burst forth in a sudden explosion.


57. Trombones sharply pronounce a d, followed by tuba and oboe in a sudden diminuendo.


58. Sometimes, while meditating on these things in solitude, I've got up in a sudden terror, and put on my bonnet to go see how all was at the farm.


59. Thetorchbearer 74-year-old Gina Macgregor was caught in a sudden downpour as she came onto the grounds of Windsor castle.


60. When cyclones devastate a city, when homes collapse in a sudden earthquake, the most urgent need is medical attention.


61. Now, we are in a sudden death. If Miss Heron can answer this problem correctly, we have a winner.


62. The pugilist blocked his opponent's blows and then put in a sudden right to the jaw.


63. Moreover, the calorific problem in a sudden cohesive process of clutch cannot be neglected, so it is also essential to do heat analysis on key parts of double clutch.


64. On the return voyage, Shelley's yacht capsized in a sudden squall.

在返航途中, 雪莱的游艇被突然袭来的狂风暴雨所倾复.《辞典例句》

65. India is revelling in a sudden growth spurt and the discovery that its industries can compete internationally.


66. We've been to so many different countries, maybe the difficulties come to us in a sudden such as big sandstorm in desert.



1. This system visually and audibly alerts the driver in the event of a sudden decrease in following distance and briefly tugs on the brakes.

ENGADGET: Porsche Panamera S E-Hybrid plug-in model brings 416 guilt-free horsepower

2. In effect, the end of Earth Hour is actually more detrimental to climate mitigation because simultaneously turning on so much equipment all at once creates a surge current that results in a sudden spike in power demand.

FORBES: Moving Beyond The Symbolism Of Earth Hour

3. Now not only does Phoebus Apollo make a sudden appearance, but he seems actually to interrupt the speaker of the poem in order to correct him.

不仅是他的登场让人措手不及,他似乎也打断了诗歌创作者的叙述,以此来对他进行纠正。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. In the second scenario, a sudden jump in interest rates, short-term and medium-term bond funds take an immediate hit in their value and then take about two years or more to climb back to their starting value.

WSJ: A 401(k) Defense Against Rising Rates

5. Builders were doing extremely well until a couple of years ago their stock was soaring--now all of a sudden they're in crisis.

直至前几年建造商们的表现一直非常优异,本来股票大涨,忽然就陷入了危机金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. If Mr. Market trashes your investments in a sudden panic, your margin debts may be "called, " forcing you to sell some of your assets to sustain the minimum account values you committed to under the terms of the loan.

WSJ: The Intelligent Investor: Borrowing Against Yourself

7. According to a chapter in this latest OECD Economic Outlook (in which it saw a risk of stagflation for the global recovery), 60% of the 260-odd recent examples of countries receiving large inflows of capital have ended in a sudden and destabilising way, and one in 10 have ended in either a currency crisis or a banking one (maybe both).

BBC: IMF follows the money in Brazil

8. Diving in from a pier or a jetty causes too sudden a change in temperature and is exactly the kind of stressor that could trigger a heart attack.

CNN: Are polar bear plunges good for you?

9. Everyone called him Mike until some way into his studies at the LSE when, in a sudden change of style, he swapped his grey suit for sharp beatnik attire and insisted on being called the rather more working class-sounding "Mick".

CNN: Rolling Stones celebrate 50 years of raucous rock'n'roll

10. You can work for a company that makes great products in a growing field only to find that someone has been cooking the books (corporate crooks) or that a sudden change in the law has a devastating impact on your industry (politicians).

FORBES: When Should You Exercise Your Employee Stock Options?

11. "There hasn't been a sudden collapse in confidence or a sudden outbreak of pests in any of the locations that have had private contractors, " said Mr Channon.

BBC: Could council budget cuts lead to a rise in vermin?

12. In 1995, a sudden shift in the distribution of North Atlantic temperatures increased hurricane frequency.

FORBES: Climate Change Alarmists Can't Seem To Buy A Major Hurricane

13. In summary, I believe that these recent price increases are more attributable to the excess liquidity in the financial system than a sudden positive shift in global economic fundamentals.

FORBES: After The Gold Rush -- Commodities Prices: Why So High?

14. Back in 1990, Taylor surprised the darting world by defeating his mentor Eric Bristow 6-1 in the final of the World Championship at the Lakeside, and then was involved in one of the greatest finals ever two years later, winning his second world title in a sudden-death leg against Mike Gregory.

BBC: Is Taylor the greatest sportsman ever?

15. All of a sudden a third element has been injected in to the comparison.

突然第三个元素又跃入眼帘了。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. It's the guerdon, the reward, the prize of fame that we're continually anticipating will burst out someday in a sudden blaze of glory.

我们一直期盼的奖赏,回报,名望,某天会突然带着荣光到来。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. At the same moment, in a sudden squall, a white shape broke out in front of him from nowhere, or from between two parked cars.


18. Last year, an A330-303 was forced to make an emergency landing in Australia after a sudden change in altitude injured 74 passengers.

CNN: A330-200: Ultra-modern and extremely safe

19. In a sudden change of direction, what appeared like a sure conviction of a seasoned sexual attacker turned into an unfair accusation by a misleading and socially deviant impostor.

FORBES: DSK Accuser Sues NY Post, Journalists For Calling Her A Hooker

20. Milton has just been lamenting the fact that the laborious days of the poet might not result in a sudden blaze of fame.

弥尔顿正在为寂寂无名的诗人的,艰苦的生活而悲叹。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. The app allows the firm to update employees' emergency plans automatically by pushing new information to their phones, which are among the few things that people tend to take with them in a sudden evacuation.

ECONOMIST: Adapting personal IT for business: The consumer-industrial complex | The

22. In case of a tie, each team shoots one end of three arrows in a sudden death shoot-off until one team wins.

BBC: Sport - Archery - Guide to Archery

23. Fund managers worried about the end of an extended bull market in bonds might look to Asia, where a sudden selloff in a certain class of risky bonds has left many investors with large losses.

WSJ: What's News

24. And the reason I was able to do that and keep with what my original intentions were was to have a career that was the fulfilling, in terms of helping people and being engaged in science, is all of a sudden I realized, as chemists, we can think about better ways to build molecules that are important for making medications.

我能够这么做,并且能不和我原来的打算冲突,是因为我的职业很有意义,能帮助他人,又和科学相关,于是突然我意思到,作为一个化学家,我们可以思考出更好的办法,制造出在制药方面十分有用的分子。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

25. We used a lot of the stuff from real life." That insight into the funnier side of pregnancy includes the sudden and insatiable hunger that,in the film, strikes Zoe when she spies a pot of stew bubblingon the stove in Stan's kitchen.

VOA : standard.2010.04.30

26. When a politician breaks the pattern and speaks the truth--normally in a crisis too sudden to permit the conducting of a public opinion poll--he gains instant beatification, as Rudy Giuliani and George W. Bush discovered after Sept. 11.

FORBES: Magazine Article

27. Even if our basic theory is that economy is elastic in response to nominal stress and plastic in response to real stress, a sudden change in rigidity combined with a large nominal shock could cause a very large plastic deformation in the economy.

FORBES: NGDP in the Long Run and Economic Plasticity

28. In a talk last week in Stockholm I had a sudden urge to rant about the desperate state of western leadership.

FORBES: I'll See Your Fiscal Cliff, and Raise You One Continent

29. Then came the third event - in one year, 1920, a rebound in births so sudden, so big, that it remains the record year for babies in UK history, a record that survives despite a large increase in the UK population of childbearing age.

BBC: Go Figure: When was the real baby boom?

30. "There are several problems with this notion of a failed state," "One of them is that somehow in Mexico,all of a sudden, the government has become heavily corrupted by cartels as if there wasn't corruption in the past.

VOA : standard.2009.12.18

31. On March 17, however, in a sudden capitulation, the government yielded to the Congress demand.


32. In other words, bam! All of a sudden you had language.

也就是说,砰地一声,突然语言出现了。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. DC the kingdom used to maintain spare pumping capacity of a few million barrels a day, enough to deal with an unexpected surge in demand or a sudden cut in supply.

ECONOMIST: Uncertainty looks a bigger problem than high prices

34. "We are a family in luge, so a sudden and tragic loss such as this impacts everyone deeply, " said Rosen in a statement released by the British Olympic Association.

BBC: Olympic luger Nodar Kumaritashvili dies after crash

35. All of a sudden the underperforming fund's record disappears and the assets are in a fund that has a better record -a record that you can actually market.

于是运作不佳的基金消失了,改头换面以优异基金的形式出现,其优良的记录可以用来做基金销售的依据金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. He has been a regular at the Scottish Open in recent years and has played at Loch Lomond on six occasions, losing in a sudden death play-off to Gregory Havret in 2007.

BBC: Mickelson to miss Scottish Open

37. Gallium arsenide switches ten times faster than silicon All of a sudden,I've got a clock speed ten times faster with no change in design.

砷化镓启动的速度是硅的10倍,突然,我得到了10倍快的时钟速度,但是设计没有发生任何改变。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. It's that moment in which Phoebus Apollo makes a sudden and unexpected appearance.

太阳神阿波罗,突然而又出人意料的出现了。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. Kevin Painter, whom Taylor beat in a sudden-death leg in an epic final two years ago, kept his hopes alive in another classic against Wes Newton.

BBC: SPORT | Other Sport... | Darts | Youngster Lewis defeats Priestley

40. In a sudden about-turn, Mexico's president, Vicente Fox, refused to promulgate a bill that would have legalised the possession of small quantities of drugs, both hard and soft.

ECONOMIST: Politics this week | The

41. "In just over a week's time it will have been one year since the best husband and father in the world was snatched from me in a sudden and cruel manner, " she told MPs.

BBC: Common Fisheries Policy debate

42. Northern Rock, which was a building society in the United Kingdom, had a sudden bank run in September 2007.

北岩银行,是英国的一家建屋互助会,在2007年9月突然出现银行挤兑金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. "He gave reaction in a sudden and extreme manner by assaulting his wife, " said Dr Doig.

BBC: Murder trial told 'choke hold' led to doctor's death





















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