
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp]play美 [rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp]play

  • n. (人、团体、国家等相互间的)关系;(人或事物之间的)关联,关系;恋人关系,性爱关系;血缘关系,姻亲关系

复数 relationships

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


relationship /rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp/

  • 1.
    可数名词 The relationship between two people or groups is the way in which they feel and behave toward each other. 关系

    ...the friendly relationship between France and Britain.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A relationship is a close friendship between two people, especially one involving romantic or sexual feelings. (尤指爱情或性的) 关系

    We had been together for two years, but both of us felt the relationship wasn't really going anywhere.


  • 3.
    可数名词 The relationship between two things is the way in which they are connected. 联系

    A number of small-scale studies have already indicated that there is a relationship between diet and cancer.




  • adj.

    relative 相对的;有关系的;成比例的

    related 有关系的,有关联的;讲述的,叙述的

    relational 相关的;亲属的

  • n.

    relative 亲戚;相关物;[语] 关系词;亲缘植物

    relation 关系;叙述;故事;亲属关系

    relativity 相对论;相关性;相对性

    relatedness 关联性;关系;亲缘

    relatum 被关系者

  • v.

    related 叙述(relate过去式)

  • vi.

    relate 涉及;认同;符合;与…有某种联系

  • vt.

    relate 叙述;使…有联系



1. intimate relationship 亲密的关系

2. sexual relationship 性关系

3. Sweet Relationship 美味关系

4. close relationship 亲密关系 ; 亲密的关系

5. inverse relationship 逆相关;相反关系

6. geometrical relationship 几何关系

7. interpersonal relationship 人际关系

8. customer relationship management 客户关系管理(简写CRM)

9. family relationship 家庭关系

10. international relationship 国际关系

11. blood relationship 血统;血缘关系

12. open relationship 开放式关系 ; 开放性关系 ; 开关系 ; 开放关系

13. relationship management 关系管理

14. cooperative relationship 合作关系

15. Customer relationship management 客户关系管理 ; 顾客关系管理 ; 客户关系管理系统 ; 系管理

16. causal relationship 因果关系

17. spatial relationship 空间关系

18. public relationship 公共关系

19. personal relationship 个人关系;人际关系

20. spurious relationship 伪关系 ; 虚假关系

21. relationship marketing n. 关系营销

22. genetic relationship 亲缘关系;语系关系

23. symbiotic relationship 共生关系;共栖关系

24. direct relationship 直系亲属关系

25. Casual relationship 性伙伴 ; 因果关系 ; 引导关系

26. linear relationship 线性关系




professional relationship 职业关系

working relationship 工作关系

abusive relationship 虐待关系

good relationship 良好关系

healthy relationship 健康关系

loving relationship 恋爱关系

close relationship 密切关系

intimate relationship 密切关系

romantic relationship 恋爱关系

sexual relationship 性关系


develop a relationship 发展关系

end a relationship 结束关系

have a relationship 有关系

maintain a relationship 维持关系

establish a relationship 建立关系


1. Together, they make up the reading component of your overall literacy or relationship to your surrounding textual environment.

它们共同构成了读者整体读写能力或读者与周围话语环境关系的阅读部分。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

2. Their relationship seems to lurch from one crisis to the next.


3. This part of brain judges the spatial relationship between objects.


4. But you do build up a good relationship with the client.

但是你可以和客户建立良好的关系。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

5. Our relationship is totally platonic, she stated.


6. “ So take a step back, switch off the automatic pilot and actually stop and reflect about things like our priorities, our values, and our relationships.

“所以要后退一步,关闭‘自动导航模式’,真正停下来,反思一些事情,例如那些我们要优先处理的事务,我们的价值观,我们的各种人际关系。”《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

7. Honesty is the bedrock of any healthy relationship.


8. Yudell said scientists need to get more specific with their language, perhaps using terms like “ancestry”or “population” that might more precisely reflect the relationship betwen humans

and their genes, on both the individual and population level.Yudell 表示,科学家应该使他们的语言更明确,或许用“世系”或者“种群”这样的词能更准确地从个体和群体的层面反映人类和基因的关系。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

9. It's important to nurture a good working relationship.


10. In any relationship, you have to make compromises.


11. There is difference and relationship among the concepts of architectural language, architectural image architectural conception.

建筑语言 、 建筑意象、建筑意境这三个概念既有区别又有联系.《期刊摘选》

12. Their relationship is strictly platonic.


13. It doesn't feel like a human or democratic relationship, even if both sides benefit.

这可不像一种人类的,或者说民主的关系,尽管双方均能获收益,《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

14. Don't think of an investment as a relationship but a business transaction.


15. A new, bright and searching light will eventually shine on that extraordinary political and romantic relationship.

一盏新, 明亮和搜寻的灯将最终照射那种特别的政治和浪漫关系.《期刊摘选》

16. I can't see any future in this relationship.


17. Family business is generated in organization based on the consanguinity relationship through the whole family.


18. Thus, Chinese early English education was in a close relationship with missionaries.

这样, 中国早期的英语教育便与传教士们有了千丝万缕的联系.《期刊摘选》

19. If you don't already have relationships with recruiters, now is the time to start developing some.

如果你尚未跟猎头建立起联系, 那么现在就应该着手做这件事了.《期刊摘选》

20. He was very frank about his relationship with the actress.


21. Their relationship was tolerated but not encouraged.


22. We make a short introduction of relationship of the plastic art and the human figure culture.


23. I have established a good working relationship with my boss.


24. If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowly to begin with.


25. They decided to end their relationship.


26. We should establish relationships with parallel enterprises to strengthen cooperation.


27. She wouldn't want to be in a monogamous relationship.


28. She parried all questions about their relationship.


29. It's clear that there is a definite relationship between tension, laughter and release of tension.

很明显,在紧张 、 笑声和缓解紧张感之间的的确确存在着某种联系.《期刊摘选》

30. It’s also hurting our relationships.

作压力还会影响我们的人际关系。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

31. It had been years since they had shared any meaningful form of physical relationship.


32. It is a symbiotic ( 共 生 的 ) relationship.

这是一种共生关系。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

33. He deliberately misled us about the nature of their relationship.


34. She has a very close relationship with her sister.


35. Their relationship soon went sour.


36. After their worst quarrel, Jim and Mary wondered if they should live apart for a time to try to improve their relationship.

吉姆同玛丽大闹了一场之后, 他们思忖是否应当分开一段时间以改善他们的关系.《简明英汉词典》

37. The relationship was particularly stronger in places where happiness was spread more equally.

 同样,这种关系在幸福传播更均衡的地方更为明显。 《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

38. analysis of market mechanisms and their relationship to state capitalism and political freedom.


39. An interest in the relationship between the function of society and culture became a major theme in European, and especially British, anthropology.

对社会功能和文化关系的研究成为欧洲人类学尤其是英国人类学的一个重要主题。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

40. The doctrine of the most significant relationship is a new theory in current private international law.


41. Is there any relationship between them?

它们之间有联系 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

42. By very beside any 10 guidelines, you can build a healthy, productive relationship with your boss.

藉由以上10项方针, 你没出国疑问与你的上司建立唯一有成效的联系.《期刊摘选》

43. I'm not sure of the exact relationship between them─I think they're cousins.


44. So the feel a responsibility to you to keep that relationship going

因此他们觉得有责任与你保持联系。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

45. The school has established a successful relationship with the local community.


46. Fashion is often regarded as a pursuit of beauty, and some cherished fashion’s trivial relationship to the fine arts.

时尚总被人当成是对美的追求,还有些人重视时尚与纯艺术间微不足道的联系。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

47. The play foregrounds the relationship between father and daughter.


48. Our relationship fizzled into nothing.


49. Cost behavior analysis examines the relationships between costs the activities, or cost drivers, that cause them.

成本习性分析审查了成本和活动之间的联系, 引起他们的成本动因.《期刊摘选》

50. Thoughts turn first to some sort of global statistic, some indicator which would rate the wealth of nations in both economic and environmental terms and show a relationship between the two.

首要思路是去研究某种全球性的统计数据,即某种能从经济和环境两方面评估国家财富并显示二者之间的关系的指标。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

51. Current evidences suggest evidence suggests a relationship between obesity, insulin resistance and colon cancer risk.

目前的证据表明肥胖 、 抗胰岛素性和结肠癌风险之间有一定的联系.《期刊摘选》

52. She's had a series of miserable relationships.


53. Chinese family values, ethics and affection, blood relationship in the brain, parents, children always ingrained family.

中国人的家庭观念强, 血缘关系,亲情伦理,在脑中根深蒂固, 父母 、 子女始终一家人.《期刊摘选》

54. The article was essentially concerned with her relationship with her parents.


55. This relationship is on its last legs.


56. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.

此外,公司鉴定亲属关系的计算机程序可能受到专利保护,从而可以不接受同行的检验或者外界的评估。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

57. Nursing attracts people who place relationships high on their list of priorities.


58. The age difference was a complication to the relationship.


59. The relationship caused her a great deal of heartache.


60. I've ruined every relationship with my possessiveness.


61. the relationship between mental and physical health


62. It has natural relationship with the emerging China capital market and the enterprises reform.


63. In ancient Burma, Theravada Buddhism kept a close relationship with the royal power.

在古代缅甸, 上座部佛教一直同王权保持着紧密的联系.《期刊摘选》

64. Are you in a relationship ?


65. The stars were having an offstage relationship.


66. The relationship between formal education and economic growth in poor countries is widely misunderstood by economists and politicians alike.

经济学家和政治家都普遍误解了贫穷国家中正规教育和经济发展之间的关系。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

67. The strangest aspect of the Tusken Raider is the mysterious relationship with the bantha.


68. My relationship with him was up and down.


69. I think it’s a nice, friendly relationship.

我认为这是良好而友善的关系。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

70. When it comes to relationships, people's eyes can be a a window into their hearts.

当人们与眼神联系起来, 它是人们的心灵之窗.《期刊摘选》

71. Their affair did not develop into a lasting relationship.


72. Cultivates, builds, and enhances relationship with current customers, as well as maintains constant contact with customers.

培养 、 建立和加强与现有客户的关系, 以及与客户保持经常联系.《期刊摘选》

73. The relationship between the police and the local community has improved.


74. I have a good working relationship with my boss.


75. An outsider might misconstrue the nature of the relationship.


76. Trust is the magic ingredient in our relationship.


77. Many scholar have different opinions about clinical relationship between negative pressure tympanogram and middle ear effusion.


78. If Gilbert and the Philharmonic are to succeed, they must first change the relationship between America’s oldest orchestra and the new audience it hopes to attract.

如果吉尔伯特和纽约爱乐乐团想获得成功,他们必须先改变美国最古老的乐团与它想吸引的新观众之间的关系。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

79. Their aim was to determine the relationship between these risk behaviors and mental health issues in teenagers

他们的目的是找出青少年的这些危险行为与其心理健康问题之间的关系《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

80. Eva told me about their relationship in confidence.


81. I'm not interested in a romantic relationship.


82. The crisis could well place the relationship at risk.


83. I didn't want to hear the sordid details of their relationship.


84. In fact, 73% of people interviewed put their relationship with colleagues as the key factor contributing to happiness at work, which is a very high percentage

事实上,73% 的受访者认为自己与同事之间的关系是带来工作幸福感的关键因素,这个比例非常高。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

85. In the karst collapse district, there is relationship between pollution of karst groundwater and karst collapse.

在岩溶塌陷区, 岩溶地下水污染与岩溶塌陷有著密切联系.《期刊摘选》

86. ...the friendly relationship between France and Britain...


87. We had been together for two years, but both of us felt the relationship wasn't really going anywhere.


88. In fact, the true love is not established on benefit, friendship and loyalty or blood relationship.

事实上, 真爱不是建立在利益 、 友谊与忠诚或者血缘关系之上的.《期刊摘选》

89. Having established communication way for stronger work relationship and more visibility.


90. She had niggling doubts about their relationship.


91. They decided to formalize their relationship by getting married.


92. Increasingly, researchers have begun to look at the quality of relationships, rather than at the frequency of contact, between the elderly and their children.

研究人员们开始越来越多地关注年长者与子女间的关系的质量,而非来往的频率。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

93. For example, last year, my students spent a week looking at their own purchasing and analysed it in detail from shopping to the relationship that they have with their retail banks and their mobile phone providers

比如,去年,我的学生花了一周时间研究自己的购物情况,并进行了仔细的分析,从购物到自己与零售银行、手机供应商的关系。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

94. Problems of family relationships feature prominently in her novels.


95. Having good personal relationships is the most important thing for me.


96. Many people are affected by their relationships and associations with others.


97. What is the real relationship between education and

economic development?那么,教育和经济发展之间真正的关系是什么呢?《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

98. Regular relationships exist between these objective forces.


99. Educational psychology can in part be understood through its relationship with other disciplines.


100. Their relationship flowered.


101. a father-son relationship


102. a master-servant relationship


103. relationships.


104. She is in a loveless relationship.


105. Thank you guys and visiting. The distance between us will never change our relationships.

谢谢你们, 虽然我们不能常见面,但是血缘关系是无法改变的.《期刊摘选》

106. There is a relationship between diet and cancer.


107. Our relationship was based on mutual dependence.


108. People alter their voices in relationship to background noise.


109. He confronted her with a choice between her career or their relationship.


110. In so saying he totally disregarded the blood relationship he had with them.


111. It was too late to repair the damage done to their relationship.


112. Banks need to have deep customer relationships to spot and respond to these changes, he says.

他表示,银行因该和顾客打造深厚的联系,从而才能发现这些变化, 并对此做出调整.《期刊摘选》

113. By for now , we set up our long term relationships with New Zealand and other countries.

欢迎国内外广大客户与我公司联系, 我们优质的产品和热情的服务一定会赢得您的信任.《期刊摘选》

114. He played a passive role in the relationship.


115. In this chapter, you'll find words and phrases about love and relationships.

这一章, 你将读到有关爱情和浪漫关系的字词和片语.《期刊摘选》

116. With both countries experiencing economic revolutions, it might be time to redraw the traditional relationship.


117. Her relationship with Mark has become stale.


118. This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation.


119. Responsibility accounting has a kin relationship with economic accounting system and economic liability system.


120. Chapter 3 mainly researched the essential relationship between the different information structure and model framework.


121. The different varieties of the language are in a dynamic relationship with each other.


122. Both companies have characterized the relationship as friendly.


123. Are you in a relationship?


124. Our relationship was now on a more secure footing.


125. Their first exchange set the tone for a new relationship.


126. We had a long, happy, fruitful relationship.


127. Trust is a vital component in any relationship.


128. Clearly you try to comprehend, in the sense of identifying meanings for individual words and working out relationships between them, drawing on your implicit knowledge of English grammar. 41______

显然,你会试图从意义上去理解,识别每个单词的含义,并利用你掌握的显性英语语法知识弄懂词与词之间的关系。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

129. Besides, the possible relationship between the LFO of the tropical monsoon and Meiyu occurrence is discussed.


130. She had invested all her adult life in the relationship.


131. There is close relationship between the abnormal high pressure and the gas formation, migration and accumulation.

该区超压分布具有明显的分区性,异常高压与天然气的生成 、 运移、聚集和成藏有着密切的联系.《期刊摘选》

132. Their relationship was totally asexual.



1. It involves the relationship of energy, mass and the speed of light, written as the letter c.

VOA : special.2010.07.16

2. It can be understood as the relationship between a reader and a text, and this can be put in a variety of ways.

解释学循环可以理解为读者和文本之间的关系,有不同的理解方法。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. And especially when we consider it, what tends to be important is the size of wavelength in relationship to its environment.

特别是当我们考虑它的时候,波长的量级和它所处环境,的关系就显得非常重要。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

4. Kirven and Antonio have had a long-term relationship with COCA, teaching young dancers at least once a year.

CNN: Alvin Ailey principal dancers retire to give back

5. But when a dictator came to power in Somalia the relationship soured in the 1980s.

BBC: Somaliland: Africas unofficial country

6. We just had a sisterly relationship.


7. While most clients seem to welcome a team-based model, some prefer a more personal relationship.

FORBES: Should You Merge Your Firm Or Stay Solo?

8. The feds assume a relationship between the economy and tax revenue that is divorced from reality.

FORBES: Will "Hauser's Law" Protect Us from Revenue-Hungry Politicians?

9. According to Faneuil, the broker spoke of his relationship with Stewart, emphasizing their intense loyalty to each other.

FORBES: Martha Trial: 'Everyone Is Telling The Same Story'

10. The relationship was irreversibly damaged.


11. Dr. ANDERSON: Oh, well the evidence on the relationship between educational achievement and income is very widespread.

NPR: Congress to Lift Student Loans?

12. One looking at the relationship between one particularly powerful member of Congress and lobbyists seeking earmarks.

NPR: Have Earmarks Really Earned Their Bad Rep?

13. The researchers used a national long-term survey of adolescent health to investigate the relationship between media use and depression.

VOA : special.2009.02.11

14. And, he came up with a relationship to calculate the percent ionic character.

他想到一个办法,来计算每个离子化成分。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. My husband I were both hard working career oriented people and our relationship suffered.

FORBES: Readers Say

16. One would measure the relationship between debt loads and how much students earn after they complete a program.

VOA : special.2010.07.29

17. A lot of this is just like the timing is off and our relationship just doesn't match.

这项工作很难,经常会出现,不论多久,关系就是调理不好的情况。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

18. Obviously, what predicts a long-term relationship are probably things less superficial than looks, or at least other things in addition to looks.

很显然,,能预测长期恋情的因素,可能没有长相因素那么肤浅,起码除了长相,还有其他因素。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. It explains her discoveries about chimp behavior, including the extremely close relationship between mother and child.

VOA : special.2009.11.18

20. Career wowen are equals in the relationship and expect to be treated as one.

FORBES: Readers Say

21. Kimberly Lisagore says she is starting to see a more balanced travel relationship between tourists and the places they visit.

VOA : special.2009.04.22

22. They have previously made statements about not wanting to damage their relationship with their fans.

CNN: Fans air concerns about new PlayStation, Xbox

23. And, of course, there's this-- another acoustical phenomenon here we've talked about before, what's the relationship within an octave?

当然,就是这个,我们以前谈论过的,另一种声学现象,八度的内部联系是什么呢聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. We obviously have an important trade relationship and economic relationship, as well as military-to-military relationship.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

25. The committee is conducting an ongoing enquiry into the relationship between Wales and Whitehall.

BBC: Welsh Affairs Committee

26. The draft agreement on their long-term relationship was signed in Kabul after months of talks.

BBC: US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher denied Afghan entry

27. And among the conversations I had with my Chinese colleagues was the very close relationship between Dewey's ideas and those of Confucius.

VOA : special.2010.01.07

28. So the government sees the relationship between citizen and state as, effectively, a deal.

BBC: Should we pick up other people's litter?

29. It should further be noted that in the first creation account, in any kind of unequal relationship before God.

我们还应该注意第一个创世故事中的描述,说他们在上帝面前有不平等的关系。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. The Western democratic allies require a true sense of the dimensions and terms of this relationship.


31. At the moment, I earn significantly more money than my spouse, but it does not impact our relationship.

FORBES: Readers Say

32. Things changed in nineteen sixty-eight when Rand discovered Branden having a sexual relationship with a younger student.

VOA : special.2010.06.06

33. In crisis and in celebration, we have forged a strong and enduring political and economic relationship.

WHITEHOUSE: Vice President Biden Speaks in Kenya

34. The book of Numbers, I think, is most remarkable for the relationship that it describes between Moses and God.

我认为在《民数记》中,值得注意的是,对摩西与上帝之间的关系的描述。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. So it's been tense, but it's been a, you know, a relationship that works.

NPR: Turkey Rattles Sabers at Kurdish Iraq

36. It was Balkan-style crony capitalism, creating far too cosy a relationship between politics and big business.

BBC: Slovenia struggles to avoid EU bailout

37. And I think it shocked me when I was in that room was that there were all kinds of adults setting there around the table talking about young people, the relationship to technology the relationship to culture the relationship to schooling and to each other.

在现场有一件事令我感到震惊,我们一群成年人来参加听证会,围桌讨论各种关于年轻人的问题,讨论年轻人与技术的关系,与文化的关系,与教育的关系以及年轻人之间的相互关系。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. Clients themselves may also prefer a more personal relationship with the advisor rather than a team.

FORBES: Should You Merge Your Firm Or Stay Solo?

39. She is in a loveless relationship.


40. If we look at the two graphs in relationship to one another you see how different they are.

如果我们把两张图表联系起来看,我们会发现二者有多么的不同关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. If you can somehow create a personal relationship with someone who you disagree with, take them for coffee and say: "I just want to hear your point of view."

如果你们能够以某种方式建立友谊,彼此虽然意见不同,你可以和他们一起喝咖啡然后说:,我只想听你的观点“人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

42. There were reports in October that Samsung would end its relationship with Apple in 2013.

FORBES: What Does Samsung's Guidance Say About Apple's Quarter?

43. In the play, Miller examines the relationship between the pressure to succeed and personal responsibility.

VOA : special.2009.11.29

44. His success in radio led to a long-term relationship with Paramount Pictures, a major film company.

VOA : special.2009.03.09

45. Fidelity announced that it was increasing its relationship with BlackRock in a number of ways.

FORBES: Fidelity Follows The Green Line Into ETFs With BlackRock

46. "People in Norway have a spiritual relationship with fire, " Mr Moeklebust was quoted as telling Reuters.

BBC: Norway's NRK broadcasts 12-hour wood burning programme

47. Rand and Branden began to have a sexual relationship even though they were married to other people.

VOA : special.2010.06.06

48. ''We have a good working relationship with the operational side of Croke Park, '' he said.

BBC: SPORT | Rugby Union | Irish | Financial boost for Irish rugby

49. With Jacob, who is now Israel, God seems perhaps to finally have found The working relationship with humans that he has been seeking since their creation.

在成为以色列人的雅各布身上,上帝似乎终于找到,与人类的劳作关系,他自创世起一直在寻求这种关系。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. China's export prices may rise, but an American diplomat said the action "takes an irritant off the table in the U.S.-China relationship."

VOA : special.2010.06.25

51. It's twofold: its inauthentic relationship with the things it looks at and also its inauthentic relationship with its own underpinnings.

它是两方面的:它与所观之物间非本真的关系,以及它与自己支柱间非本真的关系。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. So what we've discovered from this relationship dq that du at constant volume is equal to dq v.

从这个关系式里我们发现,恒体积时的du等于恒体积时的。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. For years, the couple's tempestuous relationship made the headlines.


54. But the relationship soured when Blunt was approached by a manager, Mr Burton wrote.

BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Royalty row over James Blunt hits

55. General McChrystal was one of the relatively few American officials to develop a good relationship with Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

VOA : special.2010.06.26

56. Is this metaphor, think about the relationship between the mind and the body as similar to the relationship between harmony and a harp.

思考思想和身体的关系,是否和这个比喻里,和声和竖琴的关系相同。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. But,they feel that the best way to make this happen is to act as if they disapprove of any relationship between their two children.

VOA : special.2010.05.24

58. It's often put in terms of the relationship between the part and the whole. I approach a text and of course the first thing I read is a phrase or a sentence.

经常可以理解为,局部和整体的关系,我看到文本后,首先读到的东西理所当然是一个短语或一个句子。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. "The relationship between the U.S. and Taiwan is pinching the nerves of China, " Chau says.

FORBES: One China, Many Choices

60. Microsoft is an oft-mentioned suitor for Nokia, but the two already have a tight licensing relationship.

FORBES: Just What Did Google Buy?

61. macro-relationship


62. The relationship between natural and social environment and cultural values of Southeast Mediterranean peoples.

UNESCO: South Eastern Mediterranean Sea Project (SEMEP)

63. The researchers say they did not find any such relationship with the use of other media such as movies,video games or radio.

VOA : special.2009.02.11

64. The event acknowledged the close relationship between UNESCO and Wales, and identified opportunities to develop this relationship further.

UNESCO: Welsh First Minister hosts UNESCO reception with the UKNC

65. So, before your next meeting, think about the relationship you want to establish with team members.

FORBES: Want Collaboration? Watch Where You Sit.



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