advance information翻译_advance information短语搭配_advance information权威例句

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advance information


英 [ədˈvɑːns ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn]play 美 [ədˈvæns ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn]play

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1. For your advance information 为您的预先信息 ; 为你推动信息 ; 对于推进信息


3. duty to provide advance information 预先提供信息的义务

4. advance information memory 高级信息内存

5. AI advance information 预报单页

6. To give you advance information 事先向你方提供信息

7. Goods traffic advance information 货运预报

8. advance information for participants 与会者须知


1. The key factor is to formulate scientific strategy to achieve client oriented service and advance information value of dummy space.


2. The advance in information sources is very important for the analysts to get their reputation and overtake their rivals.


3. Examples include but are not limited to advance information about earnings, dividends, securities offerings, acquisitions, major contract awards, major discoveries or inventions.


4. Financial regulators are examining emails and other records provided by a dozen major brokers-including the Japan arms of Wall Street banks-to check whether they leaked advance information of share offerings, allowing favored clients to profit before the formal announcement.


5. I'll find all the fields in advance, then just use the information that's already been found during processing of the arguments.


6. Both the police and the workmen were grateful to the student for this piece of advance information.


7. Does your factory check arriving cargo against advance information on the cargo manifest?


8. Through interviews and E-mails, she finds out in advance her listeners' educational level and what information they want to know.


9. The eighth one is to advance information moral of normal school students by different means.


10. All of such information is available if you spend enough time doing advance travel research.


11. Be proactive about gathering the required information in advance. Data-driven decisions go smoothly and avoid injecting emotion which will muddle the process.

摆出事实 .尽可能多的预先收集所有必要的信息.以数据作为根据的决策更为稳妥而且可以避免由个人情感因素而引发的决策过程中的混乱.

12. The development and extensive application of information technology speed the advance of information society.


13. Each Contracting Party shall give advance information to the other of its intention to notify any difference.


14. The weather broadcast made an advance information about a snow storm.

天气预报事先报道了一场暴风雪的消息。《provided by jukuu》

15. Advance of information communicating between external programmer and implanted electrical device


16. Moreover, we make sense of this mountain of information using search engine-based approaches. This represents a big advance in the way microscopes are used.


17. With the development of the times and the advance of information technology, management informationization becomes an inevitable trend of each work.


18. This implies markedly higher maintenance levels for the UK sector, although the issue is clouded by a paucity of advance information from UK operators.


19. Use this advance information to prepare for discussion.


20. They have got advance information of the storm's approach.


21. Sifting through the rest of the information, rumors and tidbits out there, here are seven things to know about Windows 7 before details start to emerge in advance of next month's conferences.


22. The information systems are simply here to advance, capture and report the state of these resources and activities.


23. This advance information makes interpretation easier.


24. As these sites do nothing to advance the cause of the web user looking to find useful information, search engines regard them as junk for end users, and thus as junk links to their linked-to sites.


25. Both the police and workmen were grateful to the student for this piece of advance information.


26. With the advance of information society, enterprise information technology has become in competition at the position of the effective means.


27. If you don't have time on your side, you'll have to advance with incomplete information and be open to adapting as you go.


28. Both the police and the workmen were grateful to the student for this piece of advance information.


29. When none of this information is known in advance, modeling the process flow for the overall process can be challenging.


30. If we want to advance agricultural information industrialization, we should increase investment, develop education and train professional talents, etc.


31. Risk investment is the catalyst bringing about an advance in information industry.


32. Cameras and road sensors aim to give drivers advance warning of problems, but many roads are not covered and the information can be unreliable.


33. Advance information management and sub-contribution systems can lead to a rapid response to customers' demand, reduce shortage possibilities for goods in stock, and keep the minimum inventory, by retailers.


34. In the Spirit of Reform to Advance the Information System of Hubei Power Industry


35. The advance information came in the form of visual cues, one representing a large reward and the other a small reward.


36. Take advantage of university information consultation and advance the information based process of small and medium sized enterprise


37. As the children advance in the task, these locations move further back in time, forcing them to sort through an increasing amount of information.


38. At the same time, it is a necessary choice for Inner Mongolia to adjust and optimize economical structure, improve traditional industries, advance information industry energetically, beautify the city environment constantly and strive for realizing the leaping development of social productivity.


39. Advance Passenger Information System used in USA.


40. The eighth one is to advance information moral of normal school students by different means.


41. Examples include but are not limited to advance information about earnings, dividends, securities offerings, acquisitions, major contract awards, major discoveries or inventions.


42. The rapid advance in information technology and the expansion of the digital and networked environment have a profound impact on collection development.

摘要信息技术的快速进展及数位和网络环境的扩充对馆藏发展具有深远的影响。《provided by jukuu》

43. Supply project information in advance, even if he or she is not a member of the team.


44. The application results show that this system can advance information sharing and guarantee real-time safety supervision and productive schedule of the whole mine.


45. I'm always in favor of gathering as much advance information on upcoming technology as possible, so this article is the first in a series on the new and reformatted features available in version 1.5.


46. Were the US to suffer another attack, the president could be blamed for not allowing the CIA to torture those who might have provided advance information.


47. Advance of information technology has become an extremely important factor to many enterprises, these changes have accelerated the complex project and more advanced project management needs.


48. The main task of Fault Diagnosis technique is trying to give a characteristic description of the failure when system meets trouble, using it to accomplish fault detection 、 advance information 、 separation& identification, and further making fault decision.


49. They have got advance information of the storm's approach.


50. Information serving is incessantly developing with the advance of information society and information industry.


51. One of these targets would give the monkey advance information about its future reward.


52. Today, we should notice that the professional subject is developing at full speed with the advance of information technology.

该专业课题在信息技术飞速发展的今天更应注意它的重要性。《provided by jukuu》

53. Simon (1947) counsels that (social) science does not advance by piling up information -- science organizes information and compresses it.


54. If an economist had a formula that could reliably forecast crises a week in advance, say, then that formula would become part of generally available information and prices would fall a week earlier.


55. While helpful, this does not in itself give the user any advance information about that site and what might be contained in it.

虽然很有帮助,但它自身不能给用户任何关于站点以及它可能所包含内容的预先信息。《provided by jukuu》

56. Due to the development of advance information technique and its using in library, the difference between net library and real library is more and more vague.


57. Contracting Party shall give advance information to the other of its intention to notify any difference.


58. Experimental objective: to study the preparation time and advance information on the effects of task switching and the difference between ordinary college students and athletes.


59. The weather broadcast made an advance information about a snow storm.


60. The purpose of professional networking is to gain information, increase your visibility in your field, and establish personal connections that will help you advance in your career.


61. If you could know in advance which information a user was going to ask for, you could use Ajax mechanisms to "get ahead of the game," asking for the data before it's required.


62. Along with the advance of information technology, the software of computer has gradually permeated into all aspects of social life.



1. Health Affairs editor Susan Dentzer says the rapid advance of information technology, along with declining prices, presents what she calls a spectacular opportunity in poor and middle-income nations.

VOA : standard.2010.02.24

2. Problem oriented systems can also be designed for use by patients in advance of the visit, and the future holds home-based information coordinated with professional clinical decision support.

FORBES: Do You Believe Doctors Are Systems, My Friends?

3. Our international coalition is trying to advance Afghanistan from feudalism, through the industrial revolution, and into the information age -- in just one generation.

CNN: Commentary: A tale of two wars

4. But others fear the machine is yet another example of a technological advance that gives doctors useless or ambiguous information in the operating room but can provide a treasure trove of evidence in the courtroom.

FORBES: Defensive Medicine

5. Often, for all the advance work, they can't get real information until they show up in a nearby town and work with local guides.

WSJ: Snowboarder Jeremy Jones's Secret Code of Snow | Creating

6. These incursions appear to have been government-sponsored, aimed at securing information and highly sensitive intellectual property years in advance of when the technology becomes public.

FORBES: Internet Security: Whom Should You Trust?

7. No advance information is available beyond the smoky teaser image above, leaving the door wide open for speculation.

ENGADGET: HTC schedules September 15 event, leaves us guessing as to what it's launching

8. The chancellor has since asked the permanent secretary to conduct a review of the practice of releasing embargoed Budget information in advance of the speech.

BBC: Evening Standard sorry over Budget leak

9. Now, I'd like to stress information technology because we are living in a time of rapid advance, as you know--I don't have to tell you this.

我想强调一下信息技术,因为我们身处一个飞速发展的时代,这你们都知道,我没必要再说一遍。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. Mr Dilnot said the current rules were "unsatisfactory" as they put those entitled to see the information in advance in a "difficult position" if they then had to speak in public and urged a review of the procedures.

BBC: David Cameron during prime minister's questions

11. The injunction preventing the publication of this story was initially granted at a private hearing by Mr Justice Lindblom, who said privacy could reasonably be expected over the information involved and publication would not advance the public interest.

BBC: Caroline Spelman's son 'took drugs after sports injury'

12. This reduces flexibility vital to businesses, which often know this information only days in advance, not the months required for an application.

FORBES: With the Economy Sputtering, Obama Must Allow High-Skilled Immigrants

13. The SEC said Steinberg used inside information to trade securities of Dell and Nvidia in advance of at least four quarterly earnings announcements by the companies.

WSJ: SAC Capital portfolio manager arrested in NYC

14. Secondly, individuals advance their education every day thanks to the information provided in the financial press and investment-related websites.

FORBES: Small Cap Research Can Have A Big Impact

15. And in a similar instance, a hedge fund manager was recently accused by Massachusetts regulators of paying a so-called expert consultant for advance information on a clinical trial (see this and this).

FORBES: Why Pharma Stocks May Rise Before Trial Data Is Released

16. Many were stunned last week when the Boston police announced via Twitter that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was in custody, and earlier this month the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) raised eyebrows when it said companies may use social media to release key information as long as they tell investors in advance which platform they will use.

FORBES: The Self-Publishing Era Creates Quandary for Brands

17. "The important thing for us is seeing what's there and having the opportunity to excavate it well in advance and record the information before it gets lost, " Phillip said.

BBC: Bronze Age finds at Guernsey airport

18. "It is important that consumers are asking questions about what checks have been made in advance and it is very helpful to get that information in writing before they purchase the car, " says Peter Lukacs, of the OFT.

BBC: Q&A: Buying a used car

19. News organisations are normally notified in advance if the government is seeking such information and are given time to negotiate.

BBC: Associated Press condemns US telephone record seizure

20. The firm adds that many entertainment events follow a set course - such as a character always appearing at the same point in a play - and this could be used to ready information in advance to ensure it is brought up quickly.

BBC: Microsoft patent

21. Until recently, the system has lacked both the information technologies and political will to advance a better model.

FORBES: Healthcare Reform: Rhetoric vs. Reality

22. He accused Hunt of "colluding with News Corp. to provide them with information in advance" and of working with the company to make sure it would be "game over" for opponents of its BSkyB takeover bid.

CNN: UK minister rejects claims of improper Murdoch links

23. On 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, UNESCO is organizing an event to present its actions in ensuring access to quality education, information and knowledge as well as showing how civil society can advance the rights of people with disabilities.


24. This invention of social security is well over one hundred years old, but I think that, because of the rapid advance of information technology, we're going to see a lot more progress.

社会保障的这种发明,已经经过了一百多年,但我觉得,由于信息技术的飞速发展,我们将会看到许多的进步。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. In light of the linkages between freedom of information and women's rights, the African panelists participating in the roundtable expressed concern for the low involvement of women organizations in processes to advance freedom of information in the region, despite the potential advantages of better information flows for their advocacy work.


26. Gather information and learning in advance to jump-start learning, partly by talking to as many as you can at different levels of the acquired organization.

FORBES: Three Priorities in Ensuring a Smooth M&A Deal

27. Anthony Smith, chief executive of watchdog Passenger Focus, has welcomed the proposals but said passengers would expect disruption caused by the works to be kept to "a minimum" and information about timetable changes to be provided "well in advance".

BBC: Network Rail's Wessex route to get ?1bn investment work

28. For example, the company just launched, a site with no advertising, to advance global wellness and health by providing cutting edge information on topics of nutrition, fitness, and relationships.

FORBES: A Career in a Year? Integrative Nutrition Is Breaking the Traditional University Mold

29. If you trade on advance information about a copper deposit, you are clearly guilty.

FORBES: Off With Her Head!

30. The first minister said there was a range of information in the public domain that many people were aware of in advance of last Sunday's article.

BBC: Photo of Scottish flag

31. The event is expected to foster reflection and exchange of ideas on freedom of information to advance empowerment, transparency, accountability and the fight against corruption.

UNESCO: 3 MAY 2010

32. Moda is trying to gain a competitive advantage by using the advance information they glean from trunk show sales.

WSJ: The Ladies Behind Moda Operandi | WSJ. Magazine May 2013

33. Their website is full of great information for advance care planning.

FORBES: Can Patients Make Good Decisions?









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