
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˌekspekˈteɪʃ(ə)n]play美 [ˌekspekˈteɪʃn]play

  • n. 期待,预期;期望,指望

复数 expectations

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expectation /ˌɛkspɛkˈteɪʃən/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Your expectations are your strong hopes or beliefs that something will happen or that you will get something that you want. 期盼

    Their hope, and their expectation, was that she was going to be found safe and that she would be returned to her family.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A person's expectations are strong beliefs they have about the proper way someone should behave or something should happen. 期望

    Stephen Chase had determined to live up to the expectations of the company.






1. expectation of life 平均寿命;预期寿命(等于life expectancy)

2. live up to expectations 按照期望做到,不负众望

3. rational expectation 理性预期;合理预期

4. Role Expectation 角色期待 ; 色期望 ; 角色期盼

5. Expectation value 数 期望值 ; 量子 期待值 ; 预期值

6. Mathematical expectation 数 数学期望 ; 数学期望值 ; 期望值 ; 数学的期望值

7. inflation expectation 通胀预期 ; 通货膨胀预期

8. expectation effect 期望效应

9. expectation value 期待值

10. expectation measures 预期测度 ; 预期揣测

11. Expectation surface 期望曲面

12. have expectations of (对…)抱有期望

13. in expectation 期望着;意料之中

14. beyond expectation 出乎意料

15. mathematical expectation 数学的期望值




expectation of privacy 隐私期待

sense of expectation 期待感


realistic expectation 现实的期望

reasonable expectation 合理的期望


1. Stephen Chase had determined to live up to the expectations of the Company.


2. Harboring some expectations, Iknow they are mine.

我怀着一些期待, 相信那是我的期待.《期刊摘选》

3. He had that look of eager, deserving expectation.

他的目光也流露出那种急切的 、 理所当然的期待.《期刊摘选》

4. Issue of new shares to restart the rumors and expectations, are A shares linger over.

商言新股发行重启的传闻和预期, 正在A股上空盘桓.《期刊摘选》

5. By the both reason , as a vegetable, China Toona wined a lot expectation.

因此椿做为一种蔬菜, 似乎赢得人们更多的期待.《期刊摘选》

6. Against all expectations , she was enjoying herself.


7. He holds certain expectations about the teacher's role


8. Endure with the same joy and expectation.


9. The champion is our common expectation.


10. We thought Dave would do well, but he has succeeded beyond expectation.

我们认为戴夫会干得挺好的, 可没想到他竟取得了出乎意料的成功.《期刊摘选》

11. The adjustment of the reserve requirement ratio came a little bit earlier than expectation.


12. I think we all to help him succeed , and we should start by reducing expectations.

我认我们都应该帮助他 、 同时,我们也应该降低期望值.《期刊摘选》

13. The new vaccine, which is different from the annual flu vaccine, is available ahead of expectations.

新疫苗不同于按年发放的普通流感疫苗,比预期的提早问世。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

14. Charles Dickens, Siyu had replied andadded that she was trying to memorize Great Expectations.

“查尔斯狄更斯, ” 思玉回答说,她告诉戴教授,她想把《远大前程》背下来.《期刊摘选》

15. Expectation: How Much Does Your Trading Method Earn in the Long Run?

期望值: 你希望你的交易方法长期下来赚多少?《期刊摘选》

16. Bobo : Expectations are too high around the world for the Obama administration and its foreign policy.

全世界对奥巴马政府和它的外交政策 期望值 太高.《期刊摘选》

17. Expectations have begun from the ancient past.


18. The quality and safety expectations of Chinese consumers are evolving quickly, Mr Murtaugh believes.


19. They also lowered the 2008 and 2009 performance expectations.


20. I think Mo's success is out of expectation.


21. We all hope that the result will answer to our expectation.

我们都希望结果和我们预料的一样。《provided by jukuu》

22. Lack expectation that preserve a bit, the care in people can unrestrained.


23. Pip is not only a character; he also tells the story of Great Expectations.

皮普不仅是一个角色, 而且讲述了《远大前程》的整个故事.《期刊摘选》

24. Q: Has the Monaco breakthrough changed your expectations for the races to come?

问: 摩纳哥的突破是否会改变你在接下来几场比赛中的期望值?《期刊摘选》

25. Chief Executive Rupert Stadler at Audi a unit of Germany's Volkswagen, lowered expectations a newspaper interview.

奥迪(德国大众的一部)的行政总裁鲁珀特?施泰德, 在新闻采访中表现得期望值很低.《期刊摘选》

26. Match two "onlies" and you have partners who subconsciously expect each other to continue fulfilling this expectation, while neither has much experience in the "giving" end.


27. We are in momentary expectation of the arrival of you.


28. Develop & maintain a strong relationship across the department and consistently strive to exceed expectations.


29. It's an expectation that exists irrespective of their abilities or levels of performance.


30. A feeling of expectation and obsession, a kind of secret happiness.

那份期待与痴迷或者说是向往所激发的情绪, 似乎有着偷天的快乐.《期刊摘选》

31. Complete product specifications, available immediately, if demand for services expectations.

公司产品规格齐全, 供货即时, 若有需求,期待服务.《期刊摘选》

32. The term expectation value is often used instead of average value.


33. People had very low expectations.


34. The expectations bar may be set so low that there is plenty of room positive surprises.


35. Results The rural disabled group maintains the relative satisfaction brought out by primary and low expectation.


36. They even offered him plenty of money with little expectation in return.


37. The beauties of the West Lake in spring were beyond his expectation.


38. You need expectations that match reality before you can make some progress.


39. If not optimistic about the prospects for economic entities, will change the market's expectations.

一旦经济实体前景不乐观, 也会改变股市的预期.《期刊摘选》

40. Detached from this indistinction mass, their story is a story of waiting, expectations, boredom, and oblivion.

被从模糊的人潮身影中分离开来, 等待, 期待, 厌倦与遗忘是他们的故事.《期刊摘选》

41. Its success has surpassed all expectations.


42. Her husband and children will also have to re-examine their expectations.


43. How much higher inflationary expectations — and to quell them, interest rates — will go is the question.


44. They may be "expectation damages", "reliance damages" or "restitutionary damages".


45. Contrary to our expectation, the Miami Heat won the game.

与我们所期待的相反, 迈阿密热火队赢了这场比赛.《期刊摘选》

46. Anne left Britain in expectation of seeing her family again before very long.


47. Being aware of your self-expectation with a clear future blueprint lays a foundation for this important decision.


48. Expectation value theory assumes everyone is rational, and this can't explain why insurance is purchased.

期望值理论假定人们都是理性的, 无法解释人们为何投保.《期刊摘选》

49. Normal attitude means reasonable expectation, not going to extremes , and playing it cool.

平常心就是期望值合理, 做事不过分,处事淡然.《期刊摘选》

50. Some parents have unrealistic expectations of their children.


51. The choice of Bernanke , an accomplished scholar, apparently reflected Bush's acceptance of the public's expectation appointee.


52. The job failed to measure up to her expectations.


53. She went to college with great expectations.


54. There was an air of expectation and great curiosity.


55. Contrary to expectations, interest rates did not rise.


56. It is shocking to realize just how few of them lived up to expectations.


57. Students' expectations were as varied as their expertise...


58. Boeing Co. said its profIt'slipped from a year ago, but results still topped expectations.

飞机制造商波音公司表示利润同比有所下滑, 但是财报收益超过预期.《期刊摘选》

59. Many people have unreal expectations of what marriage will be like.


60. If the price of some asset is soaring according to expectation, speculative capital is immediately magnetized.

在某种资产价格被预期将上涨时, 就会吸引这些投机资本.《期刊摘选》

61. Sales have not lived up to expectations this year


62. Students' expectations were as varied as their expertise


63. At the end, wish Chinese Textile Importation Web develop faster and better with our expectation!

最后, 愿中国纺织品进口网在大家的期待中茁壮成长!《期刊摘选》

64. Apple's per share profit for the third quarter conformed to analysts'earlier expectations.


65. They have risks that a steady stream of people won't come and be making a steady stream of bets at which each of them has a slightly negative expectation.


66. Expectations of Copenhagen should be recalibrated.


67. The young have a completely different set of values and expectations.


68. In March, from dawn to Starlight, is enthusiastic expectations.

月, 从黎明至星光, 是热情的期待.《期刊摘选》

69. Judging what expectations are at any given moment is, granted, something of an art form.


70. The teachers also all spoke to express to the assistant progressive affirmative and future expectation.


71. Almost all of them to this moment full of expectations, anticipated the emergence of a miracle.

几乎所有的人都对这一时刻充满了期待, 翘首以盼着奇迹的出现.《期刊摘选》

72. The study argued, "There is no expectation that markets will return to their pre-crisis mode of operation soon."


73. I found, as Hacker observed years before, that most wives want their husbands to be, first and foremost, conversational partners, but few husbands share this expectation of their wives.


74. Set against these dire expectations, the court has not done too badly.

相比那些骇人的期待而言, 该法院的行为绝不至糟糕至极.《期刊摘选》

75. Expectation damages are used in contract law.


76. We have considerably extended our expectation of life.


77. Unpractical expectations make some students disappointed in their college life.


78. Her final piece of advice is not to have exaggerated expectations.


79. The car has been General Motors' most visible success story, with sales far exceeding expectations...


80. Out of my expectation, I made great achievements soon.


81. Earlier, the broker expressed in 2008 the performance of listed companies of pessimism, reduced earnings expectations.

此前, 券商表达了对2008年上市公司业绩的悲观态度, 下调了盈利预期.《期刊摘选》

82. It can also become an expectation that anything they do must be rewarded with praise.


83. The product sales is out of our expectation.


84. When an experience meets your expectations, your mental model of reality remains intact.

当经验满足你的预期时, 你的现实大脑模型保持不变.《期刊摘选》

85. To increase motivation expectation, effective communication is necessary and it demands expedite channel and enough incentive.

为了提高激励的期望值, 需要有效的信息交流机制,这要求保证信息交流渠道的畅通和参与者交流的动力.《期刊摘选》

86. Contrary to expectations , interest rates did not rise.


87. Match two onlies and you have partners who subconsciously expect each other to continue fulfilling this expectation, while neither has much experience in the "giving" end.


88. Ministry of Commerce said orders for goods in January dropped by 5.2 %, decline exceeded market expectations.

商务部表示一月份耐用品订单下降了5.2%, 降幅超出了市场预期.《期刊摘选》

89. With the social development and progress of the times, the expectation of higher education.

随着社会发展和时代进步, 社会对教育事业的期望值越来越高.《期刊摘选》

90. Today's athletes are defying expectations by playing longer and better than ever before.


91. Are metrics defined and applied to measure the departures from expectations?

量度是被定义并用来衡量对期望值的偏离的 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

92. People have such high expectations of you.


93. Do we have to lower our expectation and our standard of living?


94. As you progress you'll be given a lot more work and expectations will be higher.


95. An insurance company can tell you the expectation of life of a man forty of age.


96. However, the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their jobs at the end of the war was only partly fulfilled.


97. Expectation is better than realization.


98. The team set off without any expectation of success.


99. He failed to live up to his parents' expectations.


100. To use a technical term , it provides a positive expectation over a long series of trials.

要使用一个技术指标, 在经过长期的系列试验后它能提供积极的期望值.《期刊摘选》

101. The most important factor for any girl is having parents who have high expectations for her.


102. The performance fell far short of our expectations.


103. This year's sales figures go beyond all our expectations.


104. The event did not live up to expectations .


105. ...the expectation that the grieving process should have a time limit on it.


106. The child's black eyes were sparkling in expectation of all the things to come.


107. His achievements have exceeded expectations.


108. Expectation of life is the prediction of the average of years that one can live.


109. Perhaps she thought my expectations not so well founded as I imagined them to be.


110. But if inflation expectations rise, it may have to increase rates while unemployment is unpalatably high.

但是当通胀预期增长的时候,如果失业率又很高的情况下, 美联储就必须提高利率了.《期刊摘选》

111. His works include A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield , Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, and numerous other novels.

他的作品包括《圣诞颂歌》, 《大卫·科波菲尔德》, 《远大前程》, 《雾都孤儿》等等.《期刊摘选》

112. Expectations have been raised with the Government going on about choice and market forces.


113. Their hope, and their expectation, was that she was going to be found safe and that she would be returned to her family.


114. The problem is expectations – older women won't accept what's available.


115. This textbook account puts expectations at the heart of the inflation process.


116. He was on tenterhooks of expectations during our conversation.


117. Expectation of rising education and health care costs has been a major deterrent to consumption growth.


118. Announced that the European Central Bank kept interest rates unchanged, in line with market expectations.

欧洲央行宣布维持利率不变, 符合市场预期.《期刊摘选》

119. The following evening great expectation reigned in the house.


120. I applied for the post more in hope than expectation.


121. Hence there should be more attention and expectation on her writing.


122. Women are too often constrained by family commitments and by low expectations


123. There was a general expectation that he would win.


124. It had been a success far beyond their expectations.


125. What are his expectations of the BMW Asian Open 2007?


126. The expectation is that property prices will rise.


127. The hotel fell far short of their expectations.


128. Women are too often constrained by family commitments and by low expectations.


129. Scale back your expectations just a bIt'so you won't have to face unnecessary disappointment.


130. I do this because each container needs to adequately set expectations for what it contains.


131. The weight of expectation was getting to them


132. We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery.


133. The event did not live up to expectations.


134. Kids should do chores, he writes, "for the same reason adults do, because the chores need to be done, and not with the expectation of compensation."


135. The numbers attending fell short of expectations.


136. The expectation and pressures on athletes differ from school to school and sport to sport.


137. The attack succeeded beyond all expectations.


138. In expectation of war, many people like to store up food.

预期战争将至, 许多人囤积食品.《期刊摘选》

139. A terrible moment of expectation and silence ensued.


140. However, this must be attributed to a very conservative market expectations.

但是, 这主要应归功于市场极为保守的预期.《期刊摘选》

141. Expectations have been raised with the Government going on about choice and market forces


142. Instead forward with positive expectation, and you'll find yourself quickly moving in a forward direction.

相反,带着积极的期望期待, 你会发现自己迅速朝着前进方向.《期刊摘选》

143. While gathering this information, you also want to dampen their expectations.

在收集资讯的同时, 你也要想办法冷却卖家满心的期待.《期刊摘选》

144. Membership has ballooned beyond all expectations.


145. This paper summarized research actuality and expectation of biotech drugs in China.


146. Western Farmers borrowed with the confident expectation that the expanding economy would keep farm prices high, thus making it easy to repay loans when they fell due.


147. The results exceeded our expectations.


148. There is amusement to be found here, for those with low expectations.


149. At different phases of life, there were different expectations.

不同时期的人生路上, 有过多种不同的期待.《期刊摘选》

150. Expectations are high as these products begin to hit the market.


151. He took an umbrella with him in expectation of rain.


152. The test succeeded beyond our expectations.


153. The expectation against ourselves and our lives is higher and higher.


154. A: He labored under the weight of great expectation.


155. It greatly surpassed my utmost expectation.


156. The plaintiff is aged 30 and has a normal expectation of life.


157. Against all expectations, she was enjoying herself.


158. The mood is one of paranoia and expectation of war.


159. Unfortunately the new software has failed to meet expectations .


160. Croatia and Macedonia have had to lower their expectations.


161. Seventy-four percent of the respondents surveyed report a "good to excellent" expectation of real-estate profitability in 2015.



1. Why should I act in such a way if I have no expectation or reasonable expectation that those around me will reciprocate?

如果我对别人的报答,没有期望或合理的期望,我为什么要这样做?政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. I wanted to call attention to a few places in the text in which it is a question of expectation and of the way in which this expectation can be violated.

作品中有一些地方,我想引起大家的注意,那是一个关于,期望,和造成期望可违背的方式,的问题。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. The 0.5% decrease compared with economists' expectation for an increase by the same percentage.

WSJ: Stocks Post Fourth-Straight Drop

4. unwilling levitation meeting heaven before expectation.

VOA : special.2009.04.17

5. "There is a perception that President Obama brings with him a sensibility and sensitivity to the region and I think that will stand him in very good stead because there is already a very strong expectation that President Obama will set a new direction for US policy towards its partners, towards APEC, and in particular towards Asia."

VOA : standard.2009.11.08

6. A sense of reciprocity is establishedbetween the tow truck and the person who helps the tow truck out of being stuck -a fine sense of reciprocity, so the expectation is that there will be a moral.

在托运车和把托运车从困境中解救出来的人之间,建立起了一个互惠主义关系,相互帮助,一个很好的感觉,所以期待是这其中会有一个寓意。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. the expectation that the grieving process should have a time limit on it


8. The expectation of increased spending on roads and railways has helped to lift raw-material prices.

ECONOMIST: For those looking gamely for bright spots, China flickers

9. It's great because there's huge expectation that we are gonna bring this agency back, that we are gonna restore EPA with places, the protector of air, water and land.

这么做很好,因为人们期待着,环境保护署重新回到视线当中,期待环境保护署能够重新,发挥对大气,水以及土地资源保护作用。领导能力简介课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

10. "My expectation is that we will probably continue to see unemployment tick up for several months,"

VOA : standard.2009.07.14

11. He told reporters in 2005 there was a "huge expectation" from Syrians of economic change.

CNN: High-ranking general defects from Syrian military

12. I'd be much happier if I don't care, if I lower my levels of expectation.

不在乎会让我更快乐,如果我降低期望水平。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

13. And,that is what our expectation is as well.

VOA : standard.2009.07.20

14. The wrong reasons are its non-core capabilities, the expectation to engage in financial engineering.

FORBES: Hiring Apple Computer, Microsoft, and Google to Manage your Money? Not a Good Idea!

15. The men who stood around and did nothing until they were called to act earned precisely the same amount as those who had been laboring in the vineyard all day. They're not punished for their unprofitable expectation.

那些站在那里什么都没干,直到有人来催的人和那些在葡萄园里,干了一整天的人拿的钱一样多,他们没有因为没有上进心。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. "Were he to return, then the expectation is that he's managed to secure a consensus of sorts,at least to get the government formed and let it get on with its daily business."

VOA : standard.2009.09.11

17. Difference calls for an adaptation of parental expectation, challenging traditional ideas about nurture and support.

NEWYORKER: Little Strangers

18. Could this imbalance of responsibility and expectation be another reason more women are abandoning their children?

CNN: Why there are more walk-away moms

19. In our case, we are managing institutional funds that have a high expectation for return.

FORBES: Investment Strategy- Physic Venture's Plans for Food & Health Tech

20. That was quite a nice expectation.

这是个非常高的预期金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. So I don't think the expectation is that he will dramatically change the policy.

NPR: Obama Win Changes Perceptions Abroad

22. Because now the expectation and the opportunity to build interfaith cooperation has grown and that gives me that much more to do."

因为现在对建立跨信仰合作的期望,和机会都增加了,这使我的任务更重“人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

23. All right. Now this is a wonderful example of the tension between having expectations, the expectation that someone will help Tony, and being in a state of suspense, not knowing who it will be.

好的,这是个很好的例子,来说明二者之间的张力,一个是有期望,期望有人会帮助托尼,另一个是处于一种悬念状态,不知道会是谁来帮托尼。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Thus, my expectation that my brother would become a talented musician came to nothing.

NPR: Literature and Lullabies from the 'Axis of Evil'

25. We have this suspense, as I say, between expectation, the possibility of violation, and simply not knowing.

我们有这么一个悬念,正如我所说的,在期望和期望被违背的可能性之间,而且我们完全不知道。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. This is a big increase from the industry expectation of thirty to forty percent utilization.

FORBES: Google Unveils Secret, Worldwide Networking Project

27. The right expectation is to believe in change from within.

正确的期望是相信内在的改变。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

28. They told him that if earnings go up-- we try to keep a target payout ratio-- but if earnings suddenly shoot up, we're not going to increase our dividends right away because that would set too high an expectation and we don't want to have to cut it.

他们告诉他,如果收益提高,我们会努力维持既定的股利发放率,但如果收益大涨,我们不会马上提高股利,因为这样会导致过高的期望,我们也不想降低股利金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. The expectation is that it would have an ultra-low operating cost, achieved through routine operation.

BBC: Skylon: Ending 40 years of hurt

30. There's an expectation that 2013 will be the year of decision on the Iranian nuclear issue.

CNN: Don't expect an Obama-Netanyahu blowup

31. Now Mr. Milton took some risks when he separated himself from his cash and lent money to his clients, or lent more money to his clients than the collateral, the gold, was actually worth. And the motive for that risk, of course, the motive for that investment, was the expectation of a profit.

但是弥尔顿先生却冒着把自己和他的现金,也丢了的风险,或者借出去的钱比担保财产还要多,他这么投资的动机是,希望获得收益。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. Except for home town Canadian analysts, the overall expectation for RIM is fairly grim.

FORBES: Research in Motion: Too Little - and Far too Late Playbook

33. This also encourages the company to maintain that expectation or even over deliver, in some cases.

FORBES: Bud Light Gives You Four Ways To Create A Powerful Brand

34. They love to kind of luxuriate in the opportunity to show off their voice on a leading tone, build up expectation, make you wait even more for that tonic.

他们总是喜欢借机,在导音部分卖弄下自己的歌喉,以增加听众的期望,让大家更渴望听到主音聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. This is the expectation given this belief.

即所持信念下的预期收益博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. The Karachi stock exchange hit a record high on the expectation of a Sharif-led government.

BBC: Pakistan election: Sharif poised to take over as PM

37. So in any case we have an expectation.

所以无论如何我们有一个期望。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. These loans are offered at below-market interest rates and are issued without expectation of repayment.

FORBES: China's Coming Solyndra Crisis

39. The expectation of record crowds has created extra security and transportation problems.

VOA : special.2009.01.19

40. We regarded the official survey with expectation.


41. They speak openly of their expectation of confrontation and violence when they declare independence.


42. That's wrong expectation.

那是错误的期望。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

43. The expectation is that a further wage cut lies ahead - of up to 30%.

BBC: Pity the Greeks

44. But when we start charging people for things, they have an expectation about getting good service.

FORBES: Liveblog: Kleiner Perkins' Social Web Fund Event

45. The expectation of pain relief produced real pain relief in the absence of medicine.

FORBES: Magazine Article

46. It's like a child, raised with hope rather than expectation, love rather than fiscal projection.

BBC: Trick of the light: A California road trip

47. And is there any expectation that the Justice Department might take action in the future?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

48. This coincides with the expectation that an average Hearthstone duel will run around 7-15 minutes.

FORBES: New Hearthstone Video Showcases Mechanics

49. Followed by a long history of inferior schools and segregation, and also expectation, continued disparity in terms of school and education, which comes to another question.

经过了长时间的,低等教育和种族隔离,以及学校及教育上,长期的歧视和不平等,这就牵扯到了另一个问题。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

50. It is our view that nobody has a legitimate expectation to permanent employment.


51. They have risks that their overhead won't cover their risk is that a steady stream of people won't come and be making a steady stream of bets at which each of them has a slightly negative expectation.

他们的风险是能否支付管理费用,他们的风险是不再有稳定的客流来消费,同时每一个人都怀着一丝消极的期待,下源源不断的赌注。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. When Curiosity approached the volcanic rock, there was never really any expectation that it would pique great excitement.

BBC: Cosmic coincidence on the road to Glenelg

53. you're definitely like raised a little bit with the expectation of coming here. Like, you know,

他们会在你的成长过程中,对你来这里就读有一定的期望。比如说SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我们是普林斯顿家族

54. The financial writer Jim Grant once described liquidity as the expectation that everything will go right.

NPR: Bailing out Bear Stearns

55. Here a social expectation leads to the opposite result, but not in the Mitys sense.

WSJ: Book Review: A Case for Irony

56. I was in hourly expectation of a summons to execution.


57. As a result, upon passage, the expectation was these rates would continue to dramatically increase.

FORBES: Does Obamacare really cut Medicare Benefits to Senior Citizens?

58. It is wrong expectation to expect that getting into a certain place, getting a raise, finding our dream partner, is responsible for our happiness.

错误的期望认为进入某间公司,获得升职,找到理想的伴侣,就能让自己更快乐。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

59. However,in a meeting at the U.S. Capitol with House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders, four prominent economists dampened that expectation.

VOA : standard.2009.03.10

60. Expectation has been raised very high for this next thirty minutes and I know you will meet them.

观众们对接下来的半个小时都期望很高,但我相信您一定会不负众望。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

61. The stocks didn't suffer very much and began moving up in expectation of better days ahead.

FORBES: Magazine Article

62. Tiger parents express their love through expectation of greatness, not in acceptance of mediocrity.

CNN: Why tiger moms are great

63. The mood is one of paranoia and expectation of war.


64. We didn't really have any expectation of which direction it could go into."

VOA : standard.2010.06.30

65. So the expectation is that the central bank will buy government bonds of Spain and Italy.

BBC: Eurozone crisis: Buying time by buying bonds







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