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  • n. 奖学金
  • 学问成就

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scholarship /ˈskɒləʃɪp/

  • 1.
    可数名词 If you get a scholarship to a school or university, your studies are paid for by the school or university or by some other organization. 奖学金

    He got a scholarship to the Pratt Institute of Art.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 Scholarship is serious academic study and the knowledge that is obtained from it. 学术研究; 学问成就

    I want to take advantage of your lifetime of scholarship.




1. Clarendon Fund scholarships 克拉伦登奖学金 ; 拉伦登奖学金 ; 月起

2. Chevening Scholarships 志奋领奖学金 ; 奖学金

3. Australian Scholarships 澳大利亚奖学金计划

4. Rhodes Scholarships 罗德奖学金 ; 奖学金 ; 罗兹奖学金 ; 罗氏奖学金

5. Strange Scholarships 形形色色的奖学金

6. consanguinity of scholarships 学缘关系

7. Applications for Scholarships 奖学金申请信

8. Number of Scholarships 获奖学金的人数 ; 上一篇

9. Pacific Alliance Oxford Scholarships 太盟牛津奖学金 ; 膝


1. On the strength of those grades, he won a scholarship to Syracuse University.


2. I know well how slight is my talent and how superficial my scholarship, and that I do not deserve so much praise.


3. Angela's$ 7,000 tuition at University this year will be paid for with scholarships.


4. The best students are awarded special scholarships.


5. But this does not vitiate his scholarship.


6. The athletes themselves are recruited and provided with scholarships.


7. 6 reasons to apply for scholarships.


8. So those who enter art have been expected to finish the four years and get a lot of scholarships.


9. Now, Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., says it will phase out merit scholarships altogether.


10. Some are pricey—a three-week intensive program can cost $4,500 or more—but most offer scholarships.


11. They have been given college scholarships purely on athletic ability


12. Scholarships are given solely on the basis of grades.


13. She marries wit with scholarship in her writing.


14. So brilliant was his musical skill that he won scholarships.


15. Scholarships are available for students who demonstrate talent and show promise!


16. He made no claims to sound scholarship.


17. So should you give up on scholarships altogether? Not necessarily.


18. Many programs have substantial scholarships available, but make sure you apply early.


19. Could you talk to me about scholarships, interships and fellowships?

你能给我介绍一下奖学金, 助教薪金和研究员薪金 吗 ?《出国英语口语25天快训》

20. Students must also pay 10 percent of any college scholarships or financial aid to EIC.


21. Some are pricey---a three-week intensive program can cost$ 4,500 or more — but most offer scholarships.

有些夏令营费用很高,比如三周的强化课程需要花费4500美元以上,但多数夏令营都提供奖学金。《六级真题- 2017年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

22. They have been given college scholarships purely on athletic ability.


23. This is undoubtedly a magnificent work of scholarship.


24. Angela's $7,000 tuition at University this year will be paid for with scholarships.


25. You could be eligible for a university scholarship.


26. Scholarships to Turkish universities were doled out during Mr Gul's latest trip.


27. She won a scholarship to study at Stanford.


28. He got a scholarship to the Pratt Institute of Art.


29. Many of the team's players got scholarships to play at powerhouse colleges.


30. Artistic merit scholarships require that applicants excel in a given artistic area.


31. No current merit-aid recipients will lose their scholarships, but need-based aid alone will be awarded beginning with students entering in fall 2008.


32. They spot bright youngsters and treat them to Tours of their campuses and scholarships.


33. I made up my mind to apply for a scholarship.


34. I was lucky enough to have my tuition covered by a lottery-funded scholarship called HOPE ( Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally ).

我很幸运的获得了名为“希望”(在教育上帮助杰出学生)的彩票资助奖学金来支付自己的学费。《六级真题- 2018年 6月 3卷 信息匹配》

35. Angela's $7,000 tuition at university this year will be paid for with scholarships.


36. His earlier donations founded the Desautels Centre and supported student scholarships.


37. He has sound scholarship.


38. The boy who won the scholarship was a quite outstanding student.


39. He is a man of flawless character and eminent scholarship.


40. All scholarships provide tuition expense only and require full - time graduate status.

所有的奖学金只够学费,而且只授予 全日制 研究生.《出国英语口语25天快训》

41. In the arcane world of scholarship and science, promotions are seldom speedy and almost always painfully slow.


42. Even if you could qualify for many scholarships, the potential reward may not be worth the effort.


43. Some scholarships are so specific, so restricted, so oddball, that few people ever qualify.


44. What Other Resources Can Help Me Find Programs and Scholarships for Studying in China?


45. OK. Financial aid in the form of scholarships, interships, grants, etc. is available to students.

好的. 给学生提供的经济帮助有奖学金 、 助教薪金 、 补助金等.《出国英语口语25天快训》

46. Max Out Financial Aid And Scholarships


47. Schools award scholarships for high academic achievement.


48. He is noted for his meticulous scholarship.


49. Merit-based aid is aid offered to students who achieve excellence in a given area, and is generally known as academic, athletic and artistic merit scholarships.


50. Inquiries about grants or scholarships should be to the College Bursar.


51. The book is a demonstration of scholarship without pedantry.


52. She has been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard.


53. My father was in ecstasy when I won my scholarship


54. Each country concerned could increase the number of scholarships and other financial support for doctoral theses and research projects in this area.


55. He's been wait-listed for a football scholarship to Stanford.


56. I want to take advantage of your lifetime of scholarship.


57. They awarded scholarships to needy students.


58. When he launched the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation in 1988, he offered scholarships and other help to young people.


59. May: And I also want to get scholarships to help me pay for the tuition.


60. Academic merit scholarships are based on students' grades, GPA and overall academic performance during high school.

学业优秀奖学金是根据学生的成绩、GPA 和高中期间的整体学习表现来评定的。《》

61. Students of normal schools at various levels shall enjoy professional scholarships.


62. They were given a year to shape up or risk losing their scholarships.


63. Thank you for contributing generously to the scholarship fund.


64. People'scholarships were granted to a number of students.


65. The girl who won the scholarship was quite outstanding.


66. Further complicating my college search was a flourishing stack career — I wanted to keep running but my times weren't quite fast enough to secure a scholarship.

使得我的大学选择变得更为复杂的是我蒸蒸日上的径赛事业——我想继续跑步,但我的跑步速度还没有快到足以获得奖学金。《六级真题- 2018年 6月 3卷 信息匹配》

67. Thomas University awards scholarships to excellent students.


68. The scholarship includes an allowance of$ 100 for books.



1. The issue here is not whether players should receive a stipend above their free scholarships.

FORBES: Tressel's Delayed Ouster Should Serve As Wake-Up Call

2. The fully-funded Oxford scholarships will be available to graduate applicants from anywhere in the world.

BBC: Oxford's ?26m donation from Atlantic soul family

3. Contest spokesman Doug Heintzman says the world champions receive prizes and scholarships.

VOA : special.2010.03.11

4. He came "to discuss mutual trade and investment cooperation, " and announced 10 scholarships for Thai students.


5. The cost of football scholarships was getting out of hand, so colleges conspired to cut them back.

FORBES: Three Cheers for a Cartel

6. Scholarships are free money that's yours for taking, but they can be hard to get.

FORBES: Magazine Article

7. Scholarships,fellowships and assistantships.

VOA : special.2009.02.19

8. These youngsters from Brazzaville or Capetown are awarded scholarships to learn Mandarin and attend Chinese schools.

FORBES: "The Four Goals": A New Soccer Plan For China

9. Groups of pilots are coming together to fund flight scholarships for people with disabilities.

FORBES: A Tale of Two Tuesdays: This Election Tuesday, I Look Forward to Another Tuesday

10. Financial aid and scholarships may reduce the cost.

VOA : special.2010.04.08

11. I spent my entire senior year applying to scholarships, everything I could find.

我用整个高三来申请奖学金,发掘可发掘的一切资源。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 斯坦福的奖学金

12. but you get a lot of financial aid, you get scholarships, so.

但是你能得到很多助学金,你也能得到奖学金。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 去美国留学

13. It provides scholarships and job training.

VOA : special.2009.01.28

14. Micro-scholarships will support intensive language training programs for Indonesians, and for more Americans to study there.

VOA : special.2011.04.14

15. In truth, the government has made a cautious start with cash payouts for pensions and scholarships.

BBC: Will cash transfers work in India?

16. Most folks assume that all scholarships and fellowships are federal income tax free to the student.

FORBES: Back to School: Scholarships and Fellowships

17. And it offers 4 scholarships for international students with special skills or talents.

VOA : special.2009.01.22

18. Are there any scholarships at your school?

你的学校有什么奖学金吗?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 学生会馆的实习部门

19. There are thousands and thousands of scholarships here.

这里有好几千个奖学金。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 未来的医生

20. Instead, students might consider looking for scholarships in the private sector or free money from elsewhere.

FORBES: Magazine Article

21. It is also building a dam and handing out scholarships to young Afghan students.

BBC: India: Afghanistan's influential ally

22. Of course, there is usually criteria for scholarships and fellowships that includes keeping your grades up.

FORBES: Back to School: Scholarships and Fellowships

23. The solution is clear: school choice, whether it's via "opportunity scholarships" (a.k.a. vouchers) or charter schools.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

24. Despite the substantial monetary obligation, these four-year scholarships attracted more than 1.2 million applicants.


25. People don't get scholarships for merit. People get, at least that's my understanding.

人们不因为成绩好得奖学金。人们,至少按照我的理解,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 对于奖学金制度

26. "We give scholarships for up to 21 years old."

VOA : standard.2010.08.02

27. Scholarships helped make it possible for me and for Michelle to go to college.

WHITEHOUSE: Town Hall on Americas Fiscal Future

28. Louis, has connected more than 2, 000 needy families with tuition scholarships within our city.

FORBES: Why Rahm Emmanuel Should Use More School Vouchers

29. And then there's also a lot of private scholarships you can apply.

你也可以申请很多私人奖学金。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 斯坦福的奖学金

30. But I get a lot of scholarships and financial aid

但是我得到了很多奖学金和助学金,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 去美国留学

31. Some grants are called scholarships or fellowships.

VOA : special.2009.02.19

32. Scholarships are for undergraduates; fellowships are for graduate students.

VOA : special.2009.02.19

33. Are there any scholarships offered here?

这里提供奖学金吗?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 斯坦福的奖学金

34. But universities can legally set the price of programs by colluding on the rules for scholarships.

FORBES: Three Cheers for a Cartel

35. We should also incorporate the fact that scholarships have been granted 1 year at a time.

FORBES: Student Athletes: Don't Count Your Stipend Blessings Just Yet

36. To be sure, there are many legitimate scholarships awarded to high-school seniors every year.

FORBES: Seven Ways To Beat College Scholarship Scams

37. So we're looking at all our options -- grants, scholarships, definitely the Stafford loans.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan Discuss College Affordability | The White House

38. They still need scholarships to actually reflect the true cost of a college education.

FORBES: Maryland and Rutgers Move to Big Ten: Savvy Realignment or Priorities Misalignment.

39. Merlefest is held on the campus of Wilkes Community College, and some of the revenue stays at the College, providing scholarships or going toward the construction of new classrooms.

VOA : standard.2010.06.07

40. " It also became seed money: "This year we plan to award 15 scholarships.

WSJ: 'Imaginative' Oxford Gift to Boost Humanities Study

41. The NCAA has docked Idaho football 15 scholarships over the past five years for lagging academically.

WSJ: Enough Already With the Little Guy in College Football

42. But fee-paying schools will probably not be able to avoid offering many more means-tested scholarships.

ECONOMIST: For those who pay, higher fees are on the way

43. There are also many niche scholarships offered to minorities, women, children of single parents--you name it.

FORBES: Shopping For Financial Aid

44. Scholarship providers rarely communicate with one another, so high-achieving students can land multiple scholarships.

FORBES: Weirdest Scholarships

45. From the start he was marked out as clever, winning scholarships throughout his school years.

ECONOMIST: John Fowles

46. The government's diversity drive for the grandes ecoles has prompted a call by a group of academics for the state to level the playing field in other areas, like offering more housing and scholarships to poorer students attending these institutions.

VOA : standard.2010.02.02

47. As scholarships decline and loans get more expensive, the money gap for many families is growing.

NPR: Paving a Path for Poor Students' College Dreams

48. The nonprofit gives college scholarships to teenagers who pledge not to drink while they're underage.

CNN: Basnet named CNN Hero of the Year

49. She says about 10% of in-state Boulder students get merit-based scholarships, which are highly competitive.

WSJ: Cost of College: Who Can Still Afford State University?



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