most qualified是什么意思_most qualified短语搭配_most qualified权威例句

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most qualified

adj. 符合资格;有条件的;有保留的;具备…的学历(或资历);具备…的知识(或技能);有限度的


英 [məʊst ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd]play 美 [moʊst ˈkwɑːlɪfaɪd]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. Assigning the most qualified people to handle each assignment.


2. In a competitive economy, companies need to hire the most qualified applicants.


3. My company chose me because I was the most qualified for the position that was needed for the Olympics.


4. The assumption is that the most qualified candidates are presently employed and would not be as willing to switch jobs if they had to pay the fees themselves.


5. The demand for truckers is very high, and it is relatively easy for most qualified truckers to find steady work.


6. Therefore, the most qualified to evaluate the students' work.


7. Blaming individuals can also make it harder to recruit and keep the most qualified employees.


8. The most qualified prospects who are most likely to set an appointment with you and buy.


9. You are probably the most qualified person on this planet.

你可能是这个星球上最有资格的人了。《provided by jukuu》

10. He is the single most qualified serve as chief executive of an trillion economy.


11. Then, DSP processor, higher performance and especially suitable for floating-point calculation, is the most qualified choice.


12. Even the smartest and most qualified job seekers need to prepare for job interviews.


13. Einstein, scientists and philosophers, is the most qualified one to talk about the scientific revolution, however, he never said about scientific revolution lightly.


14. As far as I'm concerned, she's the most qualified for the job.


15. We are careful to use only the most qualified specialists in all mechanical engineering.


16. But I am the most qualified for this job vacancy.


17. My company chose me because I was the most qualified for the position that was needed for the Olympics.


18. I felt like she was the next most qualified person.

我觉得她是最有资格的人。《provided by jukuu》

19. The most qualified person gets the job.


20. The most qualified applicant is Giles ; he has all the qualities we are looking for.

贾尔斯是最符合条件的申请者, 他具备了我们所要求的所有条件.《互联网》

21. Even before the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia was leaking its most qualified scientists.


22. Banks, still recovering from the recession, have been hesitant to lend to anyone but the most qualified mortgage applicants.


23. We should select several thousand of our most qualified personnel from within the scientific and technological establishment and create conditions that will allow them to devote their undivided attention to research.

要从科技系统中挑选出几千名尖子人才。这些人挑选出来之后,就为他们创造条件,让他们专心致志地做研究工作。《provided by jukuu》

24. He is the single most qualified person to serve as chief executive of an$ 18 trillion economy.


25. The demand for truckers is very high, and it is relatively easy for most qualified truckers to find steady work.


26. They are the most knowledgeable about your particular case and, therefore, the most qualified to discuss your treatment program.


27. Yes. As you may see ni my data, I 'm the most qualified. I can promise to bring much profit to this company.


28. As far as I'm concerned, she is the most qualified for the job.


29. If you're bidding into the number one spot because you find it drives the most qualified and engaged visitors, you're doing it for the right reason.


30. As an alternative, she recommends that job hunters write about the two or three positions they're most qualified for in a single letter.


31. Moreover, the active learning method was introduced to select the most qualified data for training and thus assist SVM effectively in fulfilling the intrusion detection task.


32. But even for the most qualified social media wizards, pure social media careers may not exist 10 years down the line.


33. Consider that the CTI application handles inbound calls by routing callers to the most qualified agent to handle each type of call.


34. Are you the most qualified?

你是最行的吗?《provided by jukuu》

35. They are among the most qualified teachers in China.


36. It is our top priority to find the most qualified and energetic teachers to educate you or your child.


37. Consider that the CTI application handles inbound calls by routing callers to the most qualified agent to handle each type of call.


38. They might be good at writing brochures, but are unlikely to be the most qualified for web copywriting.


39. He really is the most qualified.

他的确是最适合的人选。《provided by jukuu》

40. Even the most qualified people found they could get better jobs by moving to Shenzhen.


41. We provide education from the United States a with the most qualified instructors of the industry.


42. And with more than a decade at the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen may be one of the most qualified to run it.

Janet Yellen在联邦储备系统工作了近十年,她或许是最有资格管理这个系统的人之一。

43. The most qualified applicant is Giles; he has all the qualities we are looking for.


44. From looking at the history of human civilization, we are most qualified to lead this world.


45. Multiple paths are searched in parallel to find the most qualified one with imprecise state information.


46. The iterations practice is really about requiring people to make tough decisions that they are most qualified to make.


47. Most qualified people to make my dream come true, it's not the most talented you are, but the persistent he at last.


48. Then you're the most qualified.


49. Shortly after this the famous H.M.S.Challenger expedition established the study of the sea floor as a subject worthy of the most qualified physicists and geologists.


50. All these applications will go through a rigid screening, testing, and interview process so that we can select the most qualified and experienced teachers for our classrooms.


51. B: as far as I'm concerned, she's the most qualified for the job.


52. Another challenge for more than a million of the most qualified farm workers and managers is a non-existent path to citizenship — the greatest barrier to building a farm of their own.


53. Shanghai middle school teachers are among the world's most qualified, according to a survey by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD).


54. You think she offereeed you the job because you are the most qualified applicant?


55. Such a unique function of "balance" determines that balance is most qualified to be first principle of the cosmos.


56. Judge Gorsuch is one of the most qualified people ever to be nominated for this post.


57. He is quite simply the best, most experienced and most qualified person in the world to do the job.


58. Experts have rated Shanghai's junior high school teachers among the world's most qualified, thanks to their diversified teaching approaches, well-rounded training and rewarding career paths.



1. We enlisted the help of the most qualified coach we knew, Stacee Seay, and we had put together our team.

WHITEHOUSE: Champions of Change Blog

2. For example, a finance manager is the most qualified person to define policies around storage of financial information based on criticality of the data.

FORBES: Written by Kevin Cunningham

3. Clearly, the White House made a concerted effort to select the most qualified people for this program for the benefit of the American people.

FORBES: Connect

4. It was legitimate cause for concern: for the past several years, credit has been exceptionally tight as banks have been loathe to lend money to anyone except the most highly qualified borrowers.

FORBES: Could New Tighter Mortgage Rules Actually Ease Lending?

5. The principal is also allowed to send the chosen person a message after she makes the choice, letting the chosen person know whether she thinks the person is the most qualified or not.

FORBES: Why It's Better To Hire The Least Qualified Person For The Job

6. If the answer is yes, says Dutra, the current CEO should objectively and clearly demonstrate to the organization, the board and other key stakeholders why the family member is the most qualified candidate for the position.

FORBES: Fears of the Family-Owned Enterprise

7. But who are these people and who is the most qualified to invest your hard earned cash for you?

FORBES: Is Your Financial Advisor Independent, An RIA Or Wirehouse Rep? You Have No Idea But You Should

8. Showing poise, enthusiasm and willingness to work hard often goes further than just being the most qualified person for the gig.

FORBES: What's with the Attitude? Everything!

9. The most obviously qualified person to fill this vital role is former defense minister Moshe Arens.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The first rule of strategy

10. Often the most qualified candidate lacks interview skills, which are exposed by the extended process, and doesn't get the job offer.

FORBES: Careers

11. "He was one of the most highly qualified and highly skilled helicopter pilots in the UK, and his death is a great loss for the British aviation and his colleagues at Rotormotion, " spokesman Paul Blezard said.

CNN: 2 killed as helicopter crashes into crane in central London

12. She is far and away the most qualified person to be part of this team and it is a team.

CNN: AllPolitics - Jeb Bush Jumps Into 1998 Florida Governor's Race

13. But there is one question where I also hear the same response: Would you hire the most qualified but lukewarm candidate or the lesser but still qualified and enthusiastic candidate?

FORBES: 3 Reasons Why The Most Qualified Candidate Doesn't Get The Job

14. Local media say the Democratic Party has accepted Kuroda as the most qualified candidate for the job.

NPR: BOJ Gov Candidate Says Inflation Target Top Goal

15. In fact, both Australia and Canada use a point system to put the most-qualified immigrants at the front of the line, plans that the United States can and should emulate.

FORBES: A Common Cause for Both Parties

16. The most qualified candidate, by contrast, may feel like he deserved the job, and decide to approach it with a more relaxed attitude.

FORBES: Why It's Better To Hire The Least Qualified Person For The Job

17. Companies have a vested interest in hiring the most qualified candidate.

FORBES: Tattoos No Longer A Kiss Of Death In The Workplace

18. "It just happened that Kevin was the most qualified, " Tao said.

NPR: From Eggs To Film: A Japanese-American Studio Head

19. Instead of using senior recruiters to filter through the company's applicants, lower-level screeners process them first and only hand off the most-qualified.

WSJ: Recruiters Change Employee-Hunting Tactics

20. Again, I think the President has made clear what his view is, which is we support the timetable laid out by the IMF and we support the selection of the most qualified nominee.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

21. But because there is a shortage of shariah advisers - there's only about two dozen of them who are really the most qualified to sit on shariah boards - and that's the way it basically works.


22. "Vote on the basis of who's the most qualified, who has the most vision not who's the biggest rock star, not on who has the most money, not on legacies but on who has the plan for America, " he said.

NPR: Democratic Hopefuls Blast Away at Bush

23. Perhaps the biggest interview myth, according to Couper, is that the most qualified applicant gets the job.

FORBES: 10 Job Interview Myths Debunked

24. Delegating can be scary at first, but because I was able to do that, I had time to handle tasks that I was most qualified to work on.

FORBES: You Only Have 24 Hours in a Day: Use Them Efficiently

25. Having held three senior ministerial positions with distinction in three administrations, Juan Manuel Santos is clearly the most qualified candidate.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Introducing Colombias own Obama

26. McCain oversold it when he said Palin was the most qualified vice presidential candidate in recent history.

CNN: Commentary: Liberals let loose on Palin and Joe the Plumber

27. Relying on references to the "Reagan cookbook, " the former speaker argued his experience as a lawmaker in the 1980s and his stint as leader of the House made him most qualified to lead the country.

WSJ: Iowa Race Down to the Wire

28. "John McCain is the most qualified candidate to be the next commander-in-chief of the United States, " said Mr Giuliani.


29. For colleges and universities, branding is an investment that perpetuates itself in the continued matriculation of the most qualified and best-suited students.

FORBES: How to Make a College an Irresistible Brand

30. "Put one mistake aside, he is by far the most qualified and hard-working candidate" to seek the mayoralty in years, Mr. Schwartz wrote in the invitation for the event, which is to be held Wednesday at Loi Restaurant on Manhattan's Upper West Side.

WSJ: New York Mayoral Candidate Weiner Slates New Fundraising


















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