light into是什么意思_light into短语搭配_light into权威例句

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light into

play play

  • 攻击或袭击:对某人进行身体上或口头上的攻击或批评。

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


light into

  • 1.
    动词 to assail physically or verbally 痛打; 口头上中伤



1. Come into the light 站到明处来吧 ; 到日光下来吧 ; 站到明处来

2. We can glide into light 我们就能翱翔进光明


4. From light into paint 第一章从光线转为颜色

5. Into Light 重返光明 ; 光之隧道 ; 走进光明 ; 去光中

6. Light into the copper 光进铜退

7. bump into 20 light signal 撞击20次信号灯

8. From light into beings 光带来生命的希望 ; 光带来生命的唏望

9. bring light into 阐明


1. However, having a mirror on stage can cause technical issues, such as reflecting light into the audience or into places never intended to be lit.


2. Cyanobacteria convert light into chemical forms of energy.


3. They bring light into darkness, and sunshine into shadow.


4. Insert orientation light into the cover.

将方向灯插入封盖。《provided by jukuu》

5. Sadness lies in your smile, but always shines a light , into light!

夹带悲伤, 但你的微笑依旧如此闪耀,发光.《互联网》

6. They try to mimic plants in turning CO2, water and light into chemical energy, only better.


7. The resolution of white light into its separate monochromatic components is called dispersion.


8. It converts a larger spectrum of light into electricity.


9. Fell from the Light into the darkness.


10. That means a smaller area of cell can be used to convert a given amount of light into electricity.


11. A coupling system of space light into fibre was designed.


12. The experimental system is used to make space light into multi-modes and into single-mode fiber.


13. The grating converts the light into a central peak plus side peaks.


14. Turbulence-induced fades on coupling space light into single mode fiber


15. Select plants that allow filtered light into the building.


16. Fit control unit for cornering light into the foam part for the bulkhead.

将转向灯控制单元安装到隔板泡沫件中。《provided by jukuu》

17. 23. Bring light into your room.


18. The purple tinge is due to the combination of filters. The surround is black because I was letting so little light into the lens.


19. He tried shining a bright light into the eyes of some blind people.


20. The narrow windows admit little light into the room.


21. The photochemical reactions transform the light into electrical impulses.


22. The narrow windows admit little light into the room.


23. Click on the center point (inside the circle) and drag the light into the position where you want it.


24. It was quiet and the mirror opposite him was reflecting the light into his eyes. He squinted2, looking at the image of the door behind him.


25. Photodetectors are transducers that convert light into an electric signal.


26. A specific vacuum tube which converts light into electrical energy.


27. The guide flashed a light into the cave.


28. This is the first step in the transformation of light into electricity.


29. Perhaps the following three ideas can help shed some light into solving the puzzle.


30. An incandescent bulb and fiber were used to collimate light into this speedometer indicator.


31. The photochemical reactions transform the light into electrical impulses.


32. The guide flashed a light into the cave.


33. It lets light into your soul; it does not produce its own.


34. The first is the need to project some light into the shadows.


35. Be inspired by nature. I love going outside, to take a breath of fresh air, to stretch, to get natural light into my computer-strained eyes.


36. There are the obvious: like turning light into chemical energy like plants do. Or eating plants like many animals do.


37. If we take the light into consideration, we can use glass blocks to make the wall.

如果考虑采光的话, 可以选用玻璃砖来做墙.《互联网》

38. They convert light into nerve signals-and warnings.


39. When I woke in the morning, the sun was pouring a sea of sparkling autumn light into the room.


40. She would light into anyone with the slightest provocation.


41. Based on matrix optics method, a model for coupling free space light into single mode fiber is established.


42. Massage the light into your face, your eyes, your ears, your whole body and think "light, light."..


43. The spins inside the diamond can be both changed and measured by shining laser light into the diamond.


44. Light entering the eye forms an upside-down image on the retina. The retina transforms the light into nerve signals for the brain.


45. It was quiet and the mirror opposite him was reflecting the light into his eyes.He squinted, looking at the image of the door behind him.


46. Often he would work by candle light into the evening.


47. He flashed his light into the boat and saw the fishing-line


48. He is driven from light into darkness and is banished from the world.


49. Influence of atmospheric turbulence on coupling space light into single mode fiber


50. The resolution of white light into the colors of the spectrum produces a rainbow effect.


51. In January 2010 researchers reported using a computer-controlled hologram to twist beams of laser light into pretzel shapes.


52. Specifically, both mantis shrimps and DVD or CD players are able to convert light into different forms so it can be stored and then retreived.


53. He shone a light into a very dark place.


54. Iceland SPAR is a form of calcite that splits light into two beams.


55. The prism resolved the light into the colors of the spectrum.


56. A maser is a collection of molecules — in this case, water — that amplifies light into a powerful beam.


57. When the exposure cycle the number of additional light into the relative value of the excluded.


58. A ring of LEDs projects infrared light into the space immediately in front of the user so a camera in the device can interpret gestures.


59. Crazy English brought light into my life.


60. For the finale, he creates a rainbow by shining a bright light into a glass sphere containing a single drop of water.


61. The door swung open again, spilling light into the cell.


62. Specifically, both mantis shrimps and DVD or CD players are able to convert light into different forms so it can be stored and then retrieved.

具体来说,无论是螳螂虾还是 DVD 或 CD 播放机都可以将光转换成不同的形式,从而将光信号存储起来,之后还能再调取出来。

63. He flashed his light into the boat and saw the fishing-line.


64. The size and electrical properties of nitrogen trioxide, though, are such that it is easily broken up by light into nitrogen and ozone.


65. The prism broke the light into all the colors of the rainbow.



1. The moon was shining and its pale light reached into the room.

VOA : special.2009.06.27

2. Entries in the Diary have allowed historians to cast light into these painful rows and also to see areas where he was ahead of his time.

UNESCO: 2014 UK Memory of the World Register

3. A special needle is inserted directly into the tumor and light energy is passed through a laser.

VOA : special.2010.11.23

4. That golden light represents where she and everyone else moves on to, so the idea is you can put whatever you choose into that golden light.

VOA : standard.2010.01.08

5. Here you've got a red light which doesn't seem to enter into this sense of the arbitrary and differential.

这里,红灯看起来并没有,任意性和差异性。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Although the snowfall was light into Friday afternoon, the forecast appeared to shape the normal activities of New Yorkers.

WSJ: Officials Urge Caution as Snow Starts Falling

7. A red light means get into position. Yellow light means ready.

VOA : standard.2009.09.10

8. He wakes onto the morning and he realizes that the armies of the night are the armies of light and that he's in the company, he's been seized into the company of people who wander on the road forever and yet find this need that's promised forever.

清晨,他醒来,意识到,昨晚的人群其实是光明的使者,而他正是其中一员,他变成了跟他们一样的人,这些人一直在流浪,尽管如此,他们仍然信仰上帝。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

9. The mirrors reflect light into the etched glass, producing a greenish, satiny wall surface.

WSJ: Architects' Fussiest Clients

10. "The policeman who ran into them was not only drunk, but had gone through a red light and had no siren on.

VOA : standard.2010.05.19

11. It also shines a light into the sort of systemic, cultural patterns that sustain poverty in places where people simply have no better opportunities.

FORBES: The Town as a Modern Robin Hood Parable

12. In addition, there is a spectrograph that will slice light into its component colours so scientists can discern something of the chemistry of far-flung phenomena.

BBC: Science & Environment

13. An app can be as simple as a program that turns a mobile phone into a flashlight to light your way at night.

VOA : special.2011.03.22

14. These implants convert light into electric current that stimulates local retinal neurons, which then send signals to the brain, meaning no wires are necessary to stimulate the retina.

WSJ: The Quest to Create A Bionic Eye Gets Clearer

15. The essence of his architecture can be summed up at the Kimbell: 16 parallel vaults supported on a beautifully articulated concrete frame allow perfect natural light into the humanely scaled galleries.

WSJ: Ancient Modernism | 'Louis Kahn: The Power of Architecture' | Vitra Design Museum, Germany | By Colin Amery

16. So, for example, here we're showing rubidium and potassium and sodium plotted where we're plotting the frequency -- that's the frequency of that light that's coming into the metal versus the kinetic energy of the electron that's ejected from the surface of the metal.

让大家看来都是可以理解的事情,就是把不同金属的观测结果,画到一张图里面来,例如这里,我们展示的是钠,钾,铷的频率-这是照射金属的光的频率,和金属表面出射电子动能的关系。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

17. In this case the operator would wear goggles that convert infra-red light into an image that the eye can perceive.

ECONOMIST: Landmines: Clearing the killing fields | The

18. The Nicmos sees even farther than the ACS - to the most distant galaxies yet recorded - because the expanding Universe has stretched their light into the near-infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Hubble sees the faintest galaxies

19. One example the company has developed is a crystal fibre that squeezes light into such a narrow core that the intensity of the light modifies the optical properties of the glass itself.

ECONOMIST: A new approach to making optical fibres

20. "We use some kind of light oil that we heat up and we actually work it into the oily feathers.

VOA : standard.2010.06.08

21. "With reform, we will make our financial system more transparent by bringing the kinds of complex backroom deals that helped trigger this crisis into the light of day."

VOA : standard.2010.05.15

22. Iceland spar is a form of calcite that splits light into two beams.

ECONOMIST: How Norsemen found their way round in cloudy weather

23. They are too bright, too sensitive and often badly angled, sending unwanted light into neighbouring windows and the night sky, say critics.

BBC: Light pollution: Is there a solution?

24. It would please the few misguided MPs who still imagine that the press was wrong to shine light into the murky world of parliamentary expenses.

CNN: Why the UK should avoid muzzling its free press

25. It has now been shown that it is of Iceland spar - a form of calcite known for its property of diffracting light into two separate rays.

BBC: 'Viking sunstone' found in shipwreck

26. With followup spectroscopic measurements that broke up the light into its constituent wavelengths, the astronomers identified one very faraway galaxy.

MSN: Newfound galaxy may be most distant ever seen

27. The experts expect their one-year global probe into secret detention centers to shine more light on the extensiveness of these facilities and how they operate.

VOA : standard.2009.03.21

28. Detectors at the carpet's edge convert the light into electrical signals which are then analysed by a computer.

BBC: 'Magic carpet' can detect or even predict a fall

29. That means a smaller area of cell can be used to convert a given amount of light into electricity.


30. Solar panels that heat pools or power handheld calculators rely on silicon semiconductors to turn light into electrons.

FORBES: Innovators

31. Bob Dotson is back now to shine a little more light into history's shadows.

MSN: Investigative reporter

32. Light waves from an object speeding away from you will stretch into longer wavelengths.

VOA : special.2009.04.29

33. This slowly moving clump was composed entirely of sodium atoms, effectively turning light into matter.

BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Cool clouds turn light to matter

34. The road and the mountains run out at the Cap de Creus lighthouse which sends flashes of light into the dusk.

BBC: Over the Pyrenees to Dalis house

35. This involves shining a light into the brain to discern how much activity is there, and examining the corresponding oxygen level.

CNN: Brain-controlled devices may help paralyzed people

36. Only when they are seriously out of pocket do investors shine a light into companies' darkest corners.

ECONOMIST: Buttonwood

37. Ultraviolet light from the sun changes a substance in the skin into vitamin D.

VOA : special.2009.04.21

38. They made the device from a photoactive plastic that converts infrared light into an electrical current.

ENGADGET: UCLA creates transparent solar cell, dreams of current generating windows

39. Is he the man to shine a light into what should be one of Germany's most profitable business niches?

ECONOMIST: Wholesome food, unwholesome profits

40. When working, it splits light into its component colours, to reveal information about the chemical content, temperature and motion of planets, comets, stars, interstellar gas and galaxies.

BBC: Brute force helps Hubble renewal

41. But now the simple invention of a cathode ray tube, transforming light into electrons, registering their impact on the magnetic tape, had torn the curtain away.

CNN: Seize the immigration deal

42. America travels light into this region.

WSJ: Pakistan's Struggle for Modernity

43. Instead, let us come out into the light of day.

VOA : special.2009.04.02

44. And the reason that quantum mechanics is going to work where classical mechanics fails is that classical mechanics did not take into account the fact that matter has both wave-like and particle-like properties, and light has both wave-like and particle-like properties.

上发生的行为,量子力学得以成功,而经典力学却失败的原因,是因为经典力学,不能包容物质的,波动性和粒子性,和光的波动性和粒子性。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

45. He could turn off a light and then jump into his bed before the room got dark.

VOA : special.2009.01.24

46. When illuminated, these "opsin" proteins change the flow of electrically charged ions within the cell, to help the cell turn light into energy or as a sensory cue.

WSJ: Scientists Cast Light Onto Roots of Illness Deep in the Brain

47. The cases against Cardona and Reta -- both are in prison serving long prison sentences for murder -- shed new light into the workings of the drug cartels.

CNN: Police: U.S. teens were hit men for Mexican cartel

48. He left the cold, black shadow of the lander and stepped into the blinding white light of the sun.

VOA : special.2009.07.15



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