coming months翻译_coming months短语搭配_coming months权威例句

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coming months

网络 未来几个月;未来数月

英 [ˈkʌmɪŋ mʌnθs]play 美 [ˈkʌmɪŋ mʌnθs]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. In Coming Months 在未来几个月中

2. The Coming Months 接下来数月内

3. Coming months when the black 月黑之时

4. In The Coming Months 在接下来数月 ; 未来几个月


1. Half of that total has been completed in the last five years alone, with a further 3,700 kilometers due to open in the coming months of 2021.


2. Some analysts say borrowing costs are set to rise further in coming months.


3. Let us hope he follows up in the coming months with more concrete solutions.


4. This obviously depends on the weather in the coming months.


5. We hope this spirit will continue and build in the coming months.


6. Jeff: So I can expect lots of changes in the coming months?


7. So I would still expect to see tighter policy in coming months.


8. If so, the trade surplus should stabilise in coming months.


9. The government has to provide against a possible oil shortage in the coming months.


10. The coming months will test Mr Sarkozy's image anew.


11. More will be revealed as firms start drilling in the coming months.


12. That's what we want to show in the coming months.


13. And that's what I'll be fighting for in the coming months.


14. The coming months provide a test.


15. Look for a nationwide ban in the coming months.


16. The economy might confound downbeat expectations in the coming months.


17. More detail on the specific initiatives will follow in the coming months.


18. Rising pork prices could therefore push up China's inflation rate over coming months.


19. However, it could have an impact on the way policy evolves over the coming months.


20. Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months.


21. That suggests the US trade deficit with China may increase again in coming months.


22. We hope this spirit will continue and build in the coming months.


23. We hope that the coming months will see its use grow substantially.


24. I'm hoping to do more pottery work in the coming months!


25. Much of that metal will come back into circulation in the coming months.


26. Lower imports over the coming months look certain.


27. PwC expects five companies will do so in the coming months.


28. So what should we look for in the coming months?


29. Market indicators that signal the state of the economy for the coming months.

为未来几个月的经济状况做指示的市场指标。《provided by jukuu》

30. The industry could receive a further boost in the coming months as the oil surplus grows.


31. We plan on having two new major releases in the coming months.


32. We expect the pace of loan growth to moderate further in the coming months.


33. Mr Rajoy faces a dilemma over the coming months.


34. I am establishing a task force to implement these structural changes over the coming months.


35. The display will travel to 25 other cities in Germany in the coming months.


36. Over the coming months, I expect to see more success stories up here.


37. Many other analysts are also predicting a sharper slowdown in the coming months.


38. These concerns will play out in the coming months.


39. In the coming months, we will step up publicity efforts progressively.


40. That means the social network’s lead is likely to increase in coming months.


41. In February they made adjustments to the format, dropping some catwalk items immediately and promising that others would launch in the coming months.


42. In the coming months, Europe may be forced to decide.


43. We hope that the coming months will see its use grow substantially.


44. More deals are likely in the coming months.


45. Association officials said they expected the market to strengthen further in coming months.


46. Make sure you're getting enough iron during the coming months.


47. Many of those bonds are due to mature in the coming months.


48. We plan on having two new major releases in the coming months.


49. Politics rather than markets will probably dominate in the coming months.


50. If so, the trade surplus should stabilise in coming months.

如果是这样的话,贸易顺差将在下个月趋于稳定。《provided by jukuu》

51. South Korea and Taiwan are also expected to tighten monetary policy in the coming months.


52. Many of those bonds are due to mature in the coming months.


53. Analysts expect the most recent moves to help cool down property market activity in coming months.


54. We expect Beijing to roll out more targeted measures in the coming months.'


55. More are going to join them in the coming months.


56. This obviously depends on the weather in the coming months


57. Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months


58. He expects the unemployment figures to rise even higher in coming months.


59. In the coming months, her website page helped lots of kids.



1. This is the crucial question for all the upmarket titles over the coming months.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Death of the broadsheet?

2. It's his budget blueprint for 2007 and Congress will have at it over the coming months.

NPR: Battle Looms over Cuts in Federal Programs

3. Members of this community say they're determined to show the same resolve over the coming months as they did 20 years ago when they moved here to start a new life.

VOA : standard.2010.05.15

4. They say they are planning more events for young Jews and Muslims in the coming months.

VOA : standard.2009.10.19

5. Other botanicals that she wants to experiment with in the coming months include thyme and rosemary.

WSJ: Creating: Rebecca Reid, Brewmaster at Anheuser-Busch

6. One reason may be their equally strong expectations for an increase in interest rates in the coming months.

FORBES: The Smart Money Is Conflicted

7. More owners plan to reduce employment in the coming months than plan to create new jobs.

FORBES: Small Business To Obama: Give Us A Budget, Please

8. Of course, pro racers aren't the only ones doing more driving in the coming months.

FORBES: Magazine Article

9. The United States is preparing for an increase of more than twenty thousand troops there in the coming months.

VOA : special.2009.05.09

10. That would be on top of the additional 17,000 American combat and support troops the president wants to send to Afghanistan over the coming months.

VOA : standard.2009.03.26

11. Simon expects to see and hear a lot more from Giffords in the coming months.

CNN: Gabby and Mark: The new 'Bradys' of gun control

12. When pressed, ATT says it will be rolling 4 G out in coming months.

FORBES: Bumpy Transition to 4G Cellular

13. However, analysts said that exports were unlikely to boost economic growth in the coming months.

BBC: UK trade deficit narrows after export boost

14. That has led to concerns that Japan's growth may be hurt further in the coming months.

BBC: Yen notes being counted

15. In the coming months, quite a few indie titles will roll out, especially for the Vita.

FORBES: Sony Courts Indie Games With Pub Fund: 10 Titles Headed To PS4, PS3, And PS Vita That You Don't Want To Miss

16. But the Kepler mission's chief scientist, William Borucki,says eighty percent of the possible planets will probably be confirmed in the coming months and years.

VOA : special.2011.02.09

17. You need to create a roadmap- what you think will happen in the coming months.

FORBES: Maintain Positive Cash Flow in a Tough Economy

18. Energy leaders in California and Nevada also recognize the opportunity of solar power and are planning to build new plants in coming months.

VOA : standard.2009.10.27

19. This is a very high priority for this administration and we're going to pursue this vigorously in the coming months."

VOA : standard.2009.06.09

20. He says he will work with world leaders to reach a legally binding treaty in the coming months.

VOA : special.2009.12.26

21. In remarks to reporters, German Defense Minister Franz Joseph Jung suggested that security would be beefed up with the recent deployment of a European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo,or EULEX, and the expansion of Kosovo's own security force in the coming months.

VOA : standard.2009.06.11

22. So, Lees can expect to be talking to Steve a lot in the coming months.

FORBES: Meet Andy Lees, The Man In Charge Of Saving Microsoft

23. We expect to see a continuing expansion of digital rights in the coming months.

ENGADGET: VUDU first on-demand service to sell HD and HDX movies HD

24. Nico, developed by computer scientists at Yale University, will take the test in the coming months.

BBC: Robot learns to recognise itself in mirror

25. In fact,some Microsoft stores could open right next to Apple stores in the coming months.

VOA : special.2009.07.17

26. For ten months, we have talking about coming to study in the United States.

VOA : special.2009.07.16

27. Despite recent wet weather across much of the continent, climatologists warn that a looming El Nino pattern could bring drier conditions to Australia in the coming months.

VOA : standard.2009.06.24

28. "You've got congressional elections coming up in a few months, another presidential election coming up in 2012.

VOA : standard.2010.07.30

29. The mortgage market was likely to "remain constrained" in the coming months, the group said.

BBC: UK mortgage lending fell 13% in January, CML says

30. And studios are planning to release new 3D movies in the coming months.

VOA : standard.2010.03.11

31. The Director-General invited Mrs Mubarak to visit UNESCO headquarters in Paris in the coming months.


32. Techcrunch will likely see a big fall over the coming months after the recent drama there.

FORBES: Who Is Tops in Business News?

33. Divorce Hotel hopes to announce a deal with a United States broadcaster in the coming months.

FORBES: Las Vegas Is About To Become Irrelevant: Say Hello To 'Divorce Hotel'!

34. Joblessness stands at 9.5 percent, and many economists expect it to top 10 percent in coming months.

VOA : standard.2009.08.05

35. And the strength of his party's support for him faces critical tests in the coming months.

ECONOMIST: A wounded president fights on

36. They face many hard choices in the coming months.

VOA : special.2009.10.02

37. He described the call as "gracious". Franken conceded that he will have some catching up to do, coming in six months after the Senate session began.

VOA : standard.2009.06.30

38. For now,the deployment in the coming months will be smaller than the top American commander requested.

VOA : special.2009.02.21

39. We look forward to announcing additional opportunities for stakeholder engagement in the coming months.

WHITEHOUSE: The United States and Canada Announce Progress in Regulatory Cooperation | The White House

40. The BBC said it will be releasing further material across other areas over the coming months.

BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | BBC News opens archives to public

41. Debate is expected sometime in the coming months.

VOA : standard.2010.06.14

42. Discussion will continue in coming months on how to allocate those funds, said Ms Cox.

BBC: World Bank to lend to Burma for first time in 25 years

43. The rainy season has been anything but rainy, and the coming months are traditionally even drier.

CNN: Drought endangers wildlife in African park

44. And that's something that we all need to remember right now and in the coming months.

WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference

45. But it's not,". The Pentagon says there are now about in Afghanistan, with more on the way in the coming months.

VOA : standard.2009.10.13

46. The number of World Cup artifacts coming into the library has increased in recent days, and Kale expects that trend to continue for the next few months.

VOA : standard.2010.07.10

47. He had an army of thousands of men, and it would get much larger in coming months.

VOA : special.2009.08.27

48. Fans will also get a chance to see Ellie live in the coming months.

BBC: Ellie's song for the children

49. Ted Dagne,African Affairs Specialist with the Congressional Research Service, predicted that violence is likely to increase in coming months as the Islamist group al-Shabaab, backed by foreign fighters, attempts to oust the transitional government.

VOA : standard.2009.06.26

50. Iowa City is the first stop of many President Obama is expected to make in the coming months to promote the health care package.

VOA : standard.2010.03.25

51. we have elections coming up, um, in the next couple of months.

选举会在几个月后举行。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 有名的毕业生

52. Fierce fighting is expected in the coming months, when the U.S.and its allies start an offensive in Kandahar province, the Taliban's birthplace.

VOA : standard.2010.05.22

53. DeShazo also believes the appearance was timed to coincide with Cuba's release of the first of 52 political prisoners it has promised to set free in the coming months.

VOA : standard.2010.07.13

54. Those programs are expected to begin in the coming months.

VOA : standard.2010.07.16

55. Unemployment continues to rise and is bound to pressure consumer portfolios in the coming months.

FORBES: Shiny Returns, Shaky Foundations

56. Geithner said officials from both countries would be holding a series of talks to address remaining concerns in the coming weeks and months.

VOA : standard.2010.05.25

57. In the coming months, four additional brigades and two Marine battalions will follow suit.

NPR: Text of Bush's State of the Union Address

58. Brown Brothers Harriman, meanwhile, looks for the dollar to strengthen in the coming months.

FORBES: Analysts: Euro Seen Holding Ground Or Edging Higher Against Dollar In Fourth Quarter

59. And,the upward unemployment trajectory is expected to continue in coming months, even if the overall economy begins to recover.

VOA : standard.2009.06.07

60. We look forward to hundreds if not thousands more pitches in the coming months and years.

FORBES: A Start-up Accelerator For A New Generation Of Entrepreneurs






















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