
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ɪˈventʃuəli]play美 [ɪˈventʃuəli]play

  • adv. 最终,结果

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eventually /ɪˈvɛntʃʊəlɪ/

  • 1.
    副词 Eventually means in the end, especially after a lot of delays, problems, or arguments. 终于

    Eventually, the army caught up with him in Latvia.


  • 2.
    副词 Eventually means at the end of a situation or process or as the final result of it. 最终

    Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult.




  • adj.

    eventual 最后的,结果的;可能的;终于的

  • vi.

    eventuate 结果为;发生,终于发生



1. Depressed and eventually died 郁郁而终

2. eventually consistent 最终一致性 ; 最终一致

3. Eventually is acting 最终行事 ; 最终的行动 ; 最终是代理 ; 最终还在是演戏

4. Car eventually work 车到山前必有路

5. Eventually Consistency 最终一致性

6. eventually ad 最终地 ; 终于 ; 最后 ; 终于最后

7. Eventually lead to 撩动

8. Eventually take its toll 最终受到处罚


1. After some disappointments and anxieties , he eventually signed with the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company of Chicago.

在一度的失望和担扰之后, 他终于与加哥的埃塞尼电影制片公司签订了工作合同.《期刊摘选》

2. The group was eventually found with the help of a GPS receiver.


3. The star eventually collapses point of zero volume and infinite density, creating what is knownsingularity.

最后恒星崩塌到体积为零,密度无穷大, 形成了所谓的“单一体”.《期刊摘选》

4. The camera eventually tracked away.


5. Eventually such dramatic representations were separated from religious activities.


6. The obscure we see eventually.


7. Therefore artificial intelligence will rely on human operation eventually still to satisfy human needs further.


8. A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top.


9. Eventually even their economic predominance was to suffer.


10. Mobutu ascended through the ranks, eventually becoming commander of the army.


11. Eventually she heard Jason dismissed, and he confronted her just outside Anderson's door.

最后她听到杰生解散, 而且他在安德逊以外仅仅面对了她门.《期刊摘选》

12. The wish of fully utilizing the natural resources will eventually come true.


13. People is after the winter sleep with long course, greeted the dawn that edifies wisdom eventually.

人们在经过漫长的冬眠之后, 终于迎来了启迪聪明的曙光.《期刊摘选》

14. Person's body will eventually decay, natural substances are also ongoing change.

人的肉身终究会腐朽, 自然也在不断进行着物质的更迭.《期刊摘选》

15. Eventually, Park's knee and fans'harsh assessment of him began to heal.

终于, 在膝盖开始恢复的时候,伴随着球迷刺耳的评价.《期刊摘选》

16. They were eventually rescued by helicopter.


17. You eventually become oblivious to the noise.


18. We waited three days for the letter and eventually it came.


19. Two years many, journal editor expended a number of painstaking effort, eventually preliminary achieved oneself goal.

两年多, 刊物编辑耗费了大量心血, 终于初步实现了自己的目标.《期刊摘选》

20. He eventually found his way into acting.


21. Finally, the damage that human activity causes will eventually have a negative effect on people.

最后, 人类活动所导致的损害终究会对人类本身产生负面的影响.《期刊摘选》

22. It's anybody's guess who she'll eventually marry.


23. Eventually buying high ( ly ) the goods of quality is worth.


24. These powers were eventually passed to municipalities.


25. Eventually the search was called off.


26. The news of this strange occurrence spread, and eventually reached the royal ears of the Emperor.

这件怪事传开了, 最后传到皇帝的耳朵里.《期刊摘选》

27. The escaped prisoners were eventually trapped in an underground garage and recaptured.


28. He eventually found his niche in sports journalism.


29. Follow the footpath and you'll eventually hit the road.


30. We eventually ran out of patience with his childish behaviour.


31. Eventually, the army caught up with him in Latvia...


32. They will eventually be able to claw back all or most of the debt.


33. Eventually she steps into the familiar dreamscape, awaiting the flowers to bloom quietly.


34. Eventually he retrieved his axe.


35. The talks eventually broke down in late spring.


36. If all are divine intervention all are the destinies, has been doomed eventually.

如果说一切都是天意一切都是命运, 终究已注定.《期刊摘选》

37. She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and eventually work for ‘The Times ’.


38. By sheer persistence, I eventually got her to change her mind.


39. The policeman eventually had his hands tied up and conducted him to a shelter.


40. They eventually rolled up two hours late.


41. The rumours eventually reached the President.


42. Linda will agree with you eventually, as long as you get the last word.


43. He eventually constructed a huge business empire.


44. Strange has been unfamiliar eventually, be familiar to forget.

陌生的终究一直陌生, 熟悉的也会淡忘.《期刊摘选》

45. The two sides eventually reached an uneasy compromise.


46. Eventually those ideas should reach the capital city.


47. Eventually her marriage broke down irretrievably.


48. I eventually soaked the stain off with hot water and detergent.


49. Eventually, of course, the debt bubble burst and with it , the last coping mechanism.

最后当然, 这最后一个处理办法,随着借贷爆破的破裂, 也破裂了.《期刊摘选》

50. No points destined eventually fail to beat you and I fiddle with fate.


51. Many women who miscarry eventually have healthy babies.


52. Eventually Suzanne fled to a refuge for battered women.


53. The new design will eventually replace all existing models.


54. I eventually arrived at my destination.


55. Eventually, the army caught up with him in Latvia.


56. The police eventually recovered the stolen paintings.


57. Eventually, we alighted on the idea of seeking sponsorship.


58. Eventually, a approaches who is confident he can mix the proper color.

终于, 一名绘画家想到了一个有信心的方法就是混合一些适当的颜色.《期刊摘选》

59. Maximum Sentence was handed down but the defendants were eventually bailed pending the appeal.


60. Eventually the client gives up waiting and exits.


61. However, a good management record, although the current work, but will eventually form a quantitative change.

但管理层屡出利好, 目前虽然奏效不大, 但量变终究会形成质变.《期刊摘选》

62. Eventually the police were called to move them on.


63. The couple eventually wed after three year engagement.


64. The Prime Minister eventually decided against reshuffling the Cabinet.


65. Hello everyone, today I will introduce the U.S. are Yamaguchi.

大家好, 今天我将为大家介绍的是山口胜平.《期刊摘选》

66. Eventually I broached the subject of her early life.


67. Bob Beamon's longstanding record for the long jump was eventually broken.


68. We eventually wormed the secret out of her.


69. We eventually wound up staying in a little hotel a few miles from town.


70. The eggs eventually hatch inside the mother's pouch.


71. The caterpillar will eventually metamorphose into a butterfly.


72. The follies of the nouveaux riches are fun but eventually pall.


73. Eventually we will not have enough water to go around.


74. So far, about doing pioneering work on Chinese dress net board hearsay, had clear result eventually.

至此, 关于中国服装网上创业板的传闻, 终于有了明确的答案.《期刊摘选》

75. The distance between starting place place is a circle of earth but it eventually is limited.


76. One of the largest feeders for high school math competitions—including those that eventually lead to the IMO— is a middle school program called MathCounts.

高中数学竞赛——包括最后会进入国际奥数竞赛的那些竞赛——最大的选手来源之一是一个叫做MathCounts 的中学项目。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

77. But eventually the ten swats were delivered and Melody was put to bed awfullest Christmas ever.


78. He eventually rose to the rank of captain.


79. Eventually, the army caught up with him in Latvia.


80. He was eventually brought to book for his treachery.


81. The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.


82. Eventually I felt strong enough to look at him.


83. Pouring rain eventually puts out the fiery passion that livens up the little hut.


84. I eventually grew tired of his antics on the tennis court.


85. As You Like It , you will eventually become one of cinnabar in my heart hemorrhoids.

如你所愿, 你终究成了一颗在我心头的朱砂痔.《期刊摘选》

86. No matter how you drill into the catalog, eventually you'll arrive at a list of products.

无论您是怎样进入该目录, 最后您都会获得一个产品列表.《期刊摘选》

87. He visited Paris and eventually settled there.


88. The flight eventually got away six hours late.


89. These cells eventually form spermatozoa.


90. After some argument, they were eventually won over to our side.

经过一些争论, 他们终于被争取到我们这边来了.《期刊摘选》

91. She had stored up all her anger and eventually snapped.


92. The hijackers eventually surrendered themselves to the police.


93. John waited a while but eventually he went home.


94. After failing four times, I eventually passed my driving test on the fifth attempt.

失败了四次之后, 我终于在第五次通过了驾驶考试.《期刊摘选》

95. It is only to be expected your son will leave home eventually.


96. I eventually realized I had to change my attitude toward medical practice.


97. I'll get round to mending it eventually.


98. He envisaged that she would eventually marry him.


99. Eventually the session came to a merciful end.


100. Cleopatra was eventually able to replace 200, 000 of the manuscripts.


101. She sees the bar as a starting point and eventually plans to run her own chain of country inns.


102. The Luneng people to welcome middle an expectation eventually the result.


103. Soothed by the peace of my journey, I had lost all count of time but eventually I became aware that the boat was gliding slowly towards the bank.

旅途平静,我们的心情也安定, 因此我失去了一切时间的概念.但是我终于觉察到我乘的小船在慢悠悠地向岸边荡去.《用法词典》

104. One per cent of total public spending should eventually go towards the arts


105. We eventually beat the enemy back after several days of bloody battles.


106. I believe that he will eventually come round to our way of thinking.


107. Facts will eventually scotch these rumours.


108. Schleicher eventually became defense minister.


109. News of his affair eventually reached her ears.


110. The leak was eventually traced to a broken seal.


111. Eventually, the new regulations will work to our advantage.


112. When will you be back? Eventually. ”

“ 你什么时候回来? ” “最后总会回来的. ”《简明英汉词典》

113. Eventually theand the mouse the jar on the floor of Thorpe Wood police station.


114. Eventually the search was called off.


115. Her persistence paid off and she eventually wore me down.


116. However carefully you drive, you will probably have an accident eventually.

无论你多么小心地驾驶车子, 你终究可能出事故.《期刊摘选》

117. I went a state university . I had a B + average . Eventually I got my CPA.


118. Eventually the star's contraction slows down.


119. It was several weeks before I eventually came round to answering her letter.


120. The process eventually involves the Bone anchoring the teeth, which loosen and may fall out.

最后侵犯到使牙齿固着的齿槽骨,使牙齿松动, 最后脱落.《期刊摘选》

121. The place grew in popularity , and was 26 eventually bought up by the Pepsi Company.

这家店逐渐普及, 最后被百事公司买下.《期刊摘选》

122. You nurse your beer and eventually decide to walk around the club again.


123. She eventually drifted into prostitution.


124. Eventually, his anger dissipated.


125. The Olympic suffered two crashes with other ships and went on to serve as a hospital ship and troop transport in World War I. Eventually, she was taken out of service in 1935, ending the era of the luxurious Olympic class ocean liners.

在第一次世界大战中,奥林匹克号与其他船只发生了两次碰撞,后来又负责医疗和军队的运输。(55)奥林匹克号最终于1935年退役,结束了豪华的奥林匹克级远洋客轮时代。《18年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

126. Our flight eventually left five hours late.


127. So you fantasize, and eventually, the fantasy's not enough and you relapse.

你幻想, 而且最后, 幻想已经不够了所以你有故态复萌了.《电影对白》

128. A marathoner , despite of breaking his leg in the race, managed to finish the game eventually.

一个马拉松选手, 尽管比赛中腿折了, 仍然最后完成了比赛.《期刊摘选》

129. Troops eventually quelled the unrest.


130. Use this one greenery eventually, braid gave green mountain, embroider green of great capacity.

终于用这一片一片的绿叶, 编织出了绿的山, 绣出了绿的海.《期刊摘选》

131. If so, will StreetView eventually look like one of those redacted CIA reports?

如果是, 街景地图最后会变成中央情报局编造的报告的样子 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

132. They were a sorry sight when they eventually got off the boat.


133. Both prosecutors eventually paid for their integrity and grit.


134. Eventually, of course, the inevitable happens.

当然, 不可避免的事最后终于发生了.《期刊摘选》

135. My innermost feelings sorrow however, but was eventually the strength, could not help.

我内心哀然, 但终究是出不了力, 帮不上忙的.《期刊摘选》

136. Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult...


137. As the starshine intensified , it eventually stripped electrons from the hydrogens, ionizing the atoms.

一旦星光增强,氢原子中的电子最后就会被打掉, 形成离子.《期刊摘选》

138. Eventually, he was excommunicated along with his mentor.


139. It eventually came home to people that the war would be long and bloody.


140. I did eventually find what I was after.


141. The picture that sets cupreous frame to macula of a bottom eventually greatly dump.


142. She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and eventually work for ‘ The Times ’.


143. Eventually, driven to despair, he threw himself under a train.


144. The taxi driver increases full horse power, eventually forereach gowithwith the car transverse blocked autocycle.

出租车司机加足马力, 终于追过暴走族,用车横向拦住了摩托车.《期刊摘选》

145. One per cent of total public spending should eventually go towards the arts.


146. So everyone put their heads together and eventually an amicable arrangement was reached.


147. Eventually, after everyone who is capable of selling has sold already, the Bear Market is exhausted.

最终, 当每个人把能卖的都卖了, 熊市也终于耗尽了能量.《期刊摘选》

148. He eventually took Charlie's place in a popular Latin band.


149. The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, It'seems, takes longer.

隐晦的,我们终究会体会. 显而易见的, 却似乎需要更长的时间才能看出.《期刊摘选》


1. Eventually, he was excommunicated along with his mentor.


2. Indeed, as Hellman becomes more powerful, eventually moving to San Francisco, his tale becomes progressively less interesting.

FORBES: California And The Jews

3. For the next two weeks this city plays host to experts, officials,activists and eventually world leaders as they try to clinch a deal.

VOA : standard.2009.12.06

4. "He hated me because of the problem that I had. He eventually left me and married another woman."

VOA : special.2010.08.09

5. He was eventually released unharmed, but we're told that both sides are currently holding hostages.

NPR: Gaza Cease-Fire Disrupted by Gun Battle

6. They are descendants of families who fled the fighting in 1948 that eventually created the state of Israel.

VOA : standard.2010.06.29

7. At the moment, trading is conducted over the telephone, but may eventually be done at computer terminals.

FORBES: Betting against God

8. Mobutu ascended through the ranks, eventually becoming commander of the army.


9. And so the balance of the attractive term and the repulsive term eventually leads us to this situation where we have the equilibrium spacing.

在吸引力,和排斥的共同作用下,得到这种结果,即空间上的平衡。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

10. Eventually, Californians convinced one of their representatives, Senator John Conness, to translate rhetoric to action.

BBC: Birth and spread of the worlds national parks

11. Eventually mossy rocks give way to dense hedgerows, coloured with foxgloves and buttercups, then a red telephone box.

BBC: The last piece of England

12. Since people are always talking, ideas get down stuff each other and then eventually, someone starts making something, and then we're done.

交流顺畅了,就会摩擦出智慧的火花,最终有人会着手实践新点子,这样就行了。扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

13. Eventually the disagreements became too much for Saban, and he and Carey effectively forced Loesch out.

FORBES: Beyond Power Rangers

14. Liberal Democrats, including Speaker Pelosi, insist that a public option must be part of any bill eventually passed by Congress.

VOA : standard.2009.09.04

15. Milan looked off-colour but eventually took the lead in the 82nd minute.


16. It's what we'd use to go to, eventually,to Mars or to the moons of Mars."

VOA : special.2009.12.30

17. And eventually this question would start, "Is this really all there is to life, ?" just simple pleasure like this?"

最终疑问会变成,“难道生命仅此而已,只是这样单调的快感“死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. He fled to Pakistan in 1989 claiming political persecution and eventually arrived in the UK in 1993.

BBC: Abu Qatada case: UK agrees assistance treaty with Jordan

19. Eventually in March 1998, I had a colonoscopy and a 10cm (4in) tumour was found.

BBC: Cancer 'ambassadors' Senedd lobby

20. Eventually, someone will figure out that this is just the tip of a virtual iceberg.

FORBES: A Surprisingly Simple Way To Date: Outsource It

21. It's a long sequence of instructions, it starts at the beginning, walks through, may jump around a little bit, but eventually comes down at the end. It's okay for the things you're doing for the early problem sets.

这是一长串指令,从开端开始,向前步行,偶尔来回跳一会儿,但是最终会走到结尾,这些足以解决最初级的问题。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

22. Eventually the proliferating malignant cells crowd out good cells and the body can no longer fight infection.

FORBES: The Race for a Cure

23. Until, eventually, he was ready to show his own singular response to Cezanne's investigations into perspective and abstraction.

BBC: Too famous to see?

24. So, initially they came up with four lines and then eventually five and even six, and then they went back to five by the fifteenth century.

那么,他们最初提出的是四条线,但是最终却是五条线,甚至六条线,然后在十五世纪又回到了五条线聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. And we see in the poem itself an anticipation of the struggle that results eventually in the eighteenth century in the new title of the mask.

我们看到,诗本身是一个预期的斗争,在18世纪面具的新标题中最终出现了。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. If it is just allowed to bleed and swell, he says, that person will eventually have more problems.

NPR: Outlook for Everett Optimistic, Doctor Says

27. At the time, Microsoft was in litigation with two small firms that eventually stung Gates badly.

FORBES: Patent Stalker

28. He eventually signed after tracking down the true owner of the patents: Intellectual Ventures.

FORBES: Patent Stalker

29. This involved 27, 322 papers and just under one in 10 (9.4%) of those was eventually upgraded.

BBC: Appeals rise over schools tests

30. His theory was that a smaller federal government would, eventually, benefit all, including new immigrants.

FORBES: People, Not Lobbies: Immigration And The 1920s

31. Investors fear European Union countries could eventually see significant economic losses if Greece fails to pay back its massive debt.

VOA : standard.2010.04.28

32. So,eventually a school friend invited me to Africa."

VOA : special.2009.11.18

33. Eventually Baron Cohen emerges and we take up position on a hotel balcony one sunny afternoon in Cannes.

BBC: Am I Sacha Baron Cohen's next target?

34. Without its chaperones, the amyloid protein settles in the brain and eventually clusters into plaques.

BBC: NEWS | Health | Proteins 'hold Alzheimer's key'

35. Eventually, I found my arms reluctantly outstretched with a ludicrously large tourist map in front of my face.

BBC: A caffeinated return to Florence

36. You know, it's all the destroyed It doesn't matter how long the Ambersons flourish, eventually they like everybody else, it's gonna be destroyed.

你知道,一切皆会被毁坏,安巴逊一家兴盛了多长时间已经不重要了,因为最终就像其他人那样,早晚都会毁灭。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

37. African territories eventually obtained their independence.


38. "We are helping establish a local beef herd, a regional beef herd, and eventually a national beef herd."

VOA : special.2011.05.24

39. The Arbuses eventually started taking photographs of clothing.

VOA : special.2009.08.09

40. But anyway, this isn't really something you want to have in your soda, so they did take it out eventually.

但不管怎样,它不是你会想在汽水中喝到的东西,因此最终它被去掉了。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

41. Born in Belzoni,Mississippi, Pinetop left home to work as a sideman across the Southern U.S., and eventually settled in Chicago.

VOA : standard.2010.07.20

42. If you have this so-called base case, can we actually get to a definitive answer eventually?

如果有了这个所谓的基本条件,那我们最终,能得到一个明确的答案吗?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

43. Eventually, I decided on an area of lush turf, between two gorse bushes that would serve as windbreaks.

BBC: Englands ghostly South Downs Way

44. I eventually got financial backing, but it was a slog.


45. I took that concept and eventually in 2000 realized that I had this beautiful picture of the city but it was all verticals.

我接受了这个概念,最终在2000年我意识到,我虽然勾画出了这个城市的美丽图景,但它都是垂直的线。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

46. Either way, the saplings took root and flourished, and eventually grew into a cathedral grove.

BBC: Englands ghostly South Downs Way

47. They may be beaten eventually to death by a man in their home or subject to what we consider torturous behavior or imprisonment.

或许,这些妇女最终被,家中的男人殴打致死,或者最终屈服于这种殴打折磨,甚至监禁。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

48. Eventually you will come to Jinghsen Qanyie Road and the moat and wall of the Forbidden City.

BBC: Peddling in the old kingdom of bicycles

49. The uses and benefits of ice as a resource eventually came to be known all over the world.

BBC: The origins of ice sculpting

50. And um, eventually, at first, I was just, you know, sitting in, but then I had to take a licensing exam

一开始我只坐在那里,可是之后还要进行一次许可考试,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 广播人员怎么样?

51. First he was an industrial pharmacist, and then he opened up an ingredient import business, which eventually failed.

BBC: The baker behind Macaus famous egg custard tarts

52. The bones were found in the first days of the dig and were eventually excavated under forensic conditions.

BBC: Richard III dig: DNA confirms bones are king's

53. We need to challenge governments, decision-makers and community leaders to stand together to fight TB and eventually wipe out this devastating disease."

VOA : standard.2010.07.12

54. The country even threatened to pull out of the tournament, but eventually gave in to FIFA's demands that they attend.

VOA : standard.2009.11.05

55. And the Aristotelian view held for a long time, but eventually it started to crumble in the light of more data.

而亚里士多德的观点在很长时间里得到了认同,但最终还是崩溃了,在越来越多的数据面前。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

56. Because eventually they will tell us maybe things about how heat is changing further on.

我们需要知道焓在系统中怎样变化,因为最终它们或许会告诉我们。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

57. And eventually, God will be completely displaced and the community will be left in a godless state, without blessing or protection.

到最后,上帝将会被替代,整个社会处于一个无神的状态,失去神的祝福和保护。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. A. in 2007 and planned to eventually set up his own real estate firm.

FORBES: Life After Wall Street

59. Luckily, she had an uncle qualified and ready to play mentor and eventually financier.

FORBES: Become A Family VC: How To Capitalize On Your Kid's Or Cousin's Business

60. But it was Riccardo Muti who eventually tied the knot last year after not a little persuasion.

BBC: Musical destinations: Chicago

61. Harmeling had lesson plans that she wanted to complete, but eventually she relented and let them go.

BBC: The trip that transformed me: The teacher

62. How is it possible for an abandoned kitten to transform a small library into a meeting place and tourist attraction, inspire a classic American town, bring together an entire region and eventually become famous around the world?

VOA : special.2009.02.23

63. Doctors say the damage brought on by these conditions eventually interrupts the natural exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs.

VOA : standard.2010.06.21

64. Once you open the window a crack, you're gonna have to throw open the doors eventually.

CNN: Review: 'The Muppets' still finding its felting

65. Like Rosenberg, like Rosenberg's poem, this one comes out of and returns eventually to sleep.

像罗宾森,罗宾森的诗,这来自同时最终也以睡眠结束。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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