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英 [ˈklɑːsruːm]play美 [ˈklæsruːm]play

  • n. 教室

复数 classrooms

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classroom /ˈklɑːsˌruːm/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A classroom is a room in a school where lessons take place. 教室



1. classroom building 教学楼;教学建筑;教学馆

2. clearn the classroom 打扫教室

3. Classroom Chic 形象设计室

4. The Drifting Classroom 漂流教室

5. Classroom Activities 课堂活动 ; 班级活动

6. classroom teaching 课堂教学

7. in the classroom 在教室里

8. classroom climate 课堂气氛;教室气氛

9. Studio Classroom 空中美语教室

10. Flipped classroom 翻转课堂 ; 颠倒的课堂 ; 翻转课堂教学法

11. classroom instruction 课堂教学;课程设计

12. go to the classroom 去教室


1. At that time the playground, when the classroom, when the corridor, at that time all these.

那时的操场, 那时的教室, 那时的走廊, 那时的一切一切.《期刊摘选》

2. To study the method should be the purpose on mobilizing student's interesting in the classroom.


3. Classroom behavior: Teaching practice and peer leaning will be highly valued.

课堂行为: 教学试讲以及同伴学习很重要.《期刊摘选》

4. The schoolboy sneaked out of the classroom while the teacher was writing.


5. Beyond all doubt, the valid classroom teaching activity attains dependable guarantee of the teaching target.

毫无疑问, 有效的课堂教学活动是顺利达到教学目标的可靠保障.《期刊摘选》

6. The students came running out of the classroom.


7. Every pupil is supposed to be in his classroom at 9 a.m.


8. A teacher who merely has an off day in the classroom cannot be dismissed for incompetence.


9. Don't play chess in the classroom.


10. Are there erasers in your classroom?


11. We had to find an ideal measure to get the practical work into the classroom.


12. Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom


13. She made zealous efforts to clean up the classroom.


14. These flowers brightened the classroom.


15. So is there anything left to say, outside the classroom, about the Sage of Concord?

那么, 在课堂之外, 还有什么关于这个康科德的圣人的东西没有说 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

16. Equipped with laboratories, equipment rooms, special classrooms, networked classrooms, totaling more than 50.

设有实验室 、 仪器室 、 专用教室 、 网络教室等共50多个.《期刊摘选》

17. The students trooped into the classroom.


18. classroom activities


19. There are thirty people in the classroom, counting the teacher.


20. Students trooped out of the classroom in a single line.


21. The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child's needs


22. Except for a desk or two, the classroom was empty.

除了一两张课桌外, 这个教室是空的.《期刊摘选》

23. Our aim is to allow student teachers to become familiar with the classroom


24. The classroom was quiet during the examination.


25. Please tidy up the classroom.


26. They held a harambee meeting to raise funds for a new classroom.


27. This potted plant can purify the air, beautify the classroom.

这盆花可以净化空气, 美化教室.《期刊摘选》

28. All students must go to their classrooms.


29. Half the learning in college goes on outside the classroom.


30. Classrooms are flexible learning spaces that support and adapt to student needs.


31. When I teach in classroom, we often end up talking about things like success and what leads to success

我在课堂上教课时,我们经常最终会讨论起成功和成功的要素。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

32. The students were still laughing away as they left the classroom.


33. A teacher's job is relatively safe, even if they perform under par in the classroom.


34. Nonverbal communication for classroom teaching also arouses the interest of scholars.


35. He insists on discipline in the classroom.


36. A quiet murmur passed through the classroom


37. The naughty boy left the classroom on the plea of a headache.


38. The teacher herded the children into the classroom.


39. School trips give children firsthand experience not available in the classroom.


40. The assumption is that children shouldn ’ t chat in the classroom because it hinders hard work; instead, they should learn to delay gratification ( 快乐 ) so that they can pursue abstract goals, like going to college.

人们的假定是:孩子们不应在教室里聊天,因为那样会妨碍刻苦学习;取而代之,他们应学习延迟快乐,由此才能追求升入大学等抽象目标。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

41. the use of computers in the classroom


42. Furniture in the classroom should not be changed around without warning the blind child


43. Efforts to increase foreign language instruction, Section of English into the classroom, full pull bilingual education.

加大外国语教学力度, 科科英语进课堂, 全面拉动双语教育.《期刊摘选》

44. This is our classroom.


45. The classroom was noisy.


46. He told the news to everybody in the classroom.


47. He said'Hello'to everyone in the classroom.


48. Everyone would stand up when the teacher entered the classroom.


49. The students filed in the classroom.


50. Computers are now commonplace in primary classrooms.


51. There was complete anarchy in the classroom when their usual teacher was away.


52. Classroom assessment is the strategy of improving teaching and learning in the American higher education institution.


53. a report claiming that teachers could be twice as effective if they returned to traditional classroom methods.


54. This thesis is a cooperation action research concerning teacher role change and language classroom environment construction.


55. Illustrate optimum strategy of classroom instruction from teaching goal, instruction method, relationship between teachers and students.

从教学目标 、 教学方法 、 师生关系等方面论述课堂教学优化的策略.《期刊摘选》

56. Not every student in this classroom is from China.


57. The teacher can't keep discipline in her classroom.


58. Teachers need to prepare their students to deal with real-world situations outside the classroom.


59. We have been assigned the two large classrooms.


60. We are always kept in the classroom during the breaks.


61. The corner of the classroom was damp where the roof had leaked.


62. Online Classrooms are quickly becoming an attractive and popular alternative to traditional classroom settings.


63. The children were drilled to leave the classroom quickly when the fire bell rang.


64. His heart and soul were still in the classroom.


65. Maybe he is in the classroom.


66. The head went on a tour of inspection of all the classrooms.


67. But like everyone else in the classroom I held my breath.


68. We've just cleaned the classroom.


69. Kate is drawing a classroom.


70. Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom.


71. Ann is in the classroom.


72. Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom.


73. To improve mathematics classroom instruction efficiency is one basic task of study on mathematics education.


74. She'd sent him outside the classroom.


75. I will attend you to the classroom.


76. Children were changing classrooms amid laughter and shouts.


77. The children cooperated with their teachers in keeping the classroom neat.


78. The teacher confiscated my radio because I was playing it in the classroom.


79. What if you cant find your classroom?

如果你找不到教室,那可怎么办 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

80. It is composed of the classroom instruction activity participation and extracurricular practice.


81. We'll have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the auditorium.


82. The students took turns to clean up their classroom.


83. When the bell rings, more than 1,000 children spill from classrooms.


84. Textbooks are designed to be used in conjunction with classroom teaching.


85. As one of the most often used classroom techniques, research in role playing is quite significant.

作为外语教学中最常见的一种课堂活动手段的角色扮演活动, 对其的研究确实具有重要的意义.《期刊摘选》

86. He is abstracted by a bird outside the classroom.


87. There is little evidence that this encouraged flexible, interactive teaching in the classroom.


88. Teachers are not people who are great at and consumed by research and happen to appear in a classroom.

教师并不是擅长科研且把精力耗在科研上,然后碰巧出现在教室的人。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

89. There was no one but/ except me in the classroom.


90. Furniture in the classroom should not be changed around without warning the blind child.


91. The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child's needs.


92. guidance for teachers on how to use video in the classroom


93. The presence of the teacher in the classroom frightened the boys out of the speaking.


94. The children's work has been mounted on cards and put on the walls of the classroom.


95. He is studying in the classroom.


96. Its circular entrance to a courtyard filled with flowers; the classrooms are around the outside.

学校的圆形的入口通向一个充满鲜花的庭院, 教室就分布在外围.《期刊摘选》

97. She'd sent him outside the classroom


98. The headmaster glanced around our classroom.


99. With standardized test scores in the U.S. 31 dropping in recent years, some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground.

由于近年来美国学生的标准化测试成绩一直在 (31) 下降,一些管理人员认为学生应该花更多时间在教室里,而不是在操场上。《16年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

100. Contrary to its title, the center is a clearing house ( 信息交流中心) for using technology in classrooms and in online courses.

和挂牌名称不同的是,这个中心就是一个为课堂和线上课程所涉及的技术应用所准备的信息交流中心。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

101. Discipline in the classroom is very slack.


102. This method has some referential value for schools to create multimedia classrooms.


103. If we replaced half of our administrative staff with classroom teachers, we might actually get a majority of our classes back to 20 or fewer students per teacher.

如果把半数的行政人员换为授课教师,那么我们实际上就有可能使大多数课堂回到每名教师带20 名或更少学生的水平。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

104. Chapter II analyzes the backwash of test to ELT classroom, Chapter III introduces continuous assessment.


105. They are experts at merging theory and application to guide students in the classroom and beyond.


106. They are cleaning the classroom.


107. There are no more than five students in the classroom.


108. In modern times, questioning has entered the classroom and attracted more and more attention.

至近代, 提问步入课堂,引起人们越来越多的关注.《期刊摘选》

109. The classroom holds 100 people.


110. But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure.


111. Every time the new teacher appears in a classroom he gets the piss taken out of him.


112. The students entered the classroom one by one.


113. Our classroom is crowded.


114. Our classroom was decorated with flowers on New Year's Day.


115. Simply not to concentrate in the classroom.


116. The children are cleaning the classroom. Some are sweeping the floor, others are cleaning the window.

孩子们在打扫教室, 正在扫地, 另在擦窗子.《期刊摘选》

117. They went into the classroom one after another.


118. Our classroom has two gates.


119. This paper talks about the effective management of Chinese classroom teaching.


120. A lot of things are not taught in the classroom.


121. The people that she had in her classroom were beginning learners.


122. She is a dedicated classroom teacher and is recognized for her enthusiasm and creativity.


123. Learner's individual difference is a very important factor which has an impact on classroom teaching.


124. Just as the teacher plays the role of leader in the classroom, so does the headteacher play a leadership role in the school.


125. There are clear benefits to be reaped from using creative writing in the language classroom.


126. Video an excellent means of bringing a living language into the classroom.


127. There is not any man inside the classroom.


128. The teacher made me move my seat to the front of the classroom.


129. The courses are easy to use in the classroom.


130. It was hot and stuffy in the classroom.


131. Discuss brush stroke a few situations of usage in the classroom teaching.


132. The teacher allows too much noise in the classroom.


133. Let's clean the classroom.


134. The more difficult a child ’ s life circumstances, the more important it is for that child to find joy in his or her classroom.

一个孩子的生活境况愈发艰难,对于这个孩子来说,在课堂上找到欢乐就愈发重要。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

135. It was hot and stuffy in the classroom even though two of the windows at the back had been opened.



1. As lecture content is moved online, instructors will be able to re-think the classroom experience.

FORBES: 5 Ways Technology Will Impact Higher Ed in 2013

2. She'd sent him outside the classroom.


3. In Tucson, they were prohibited from being in the same classroom at Sam Hughes Elementary.


4. Two years ago, it became the first school in the country to join the Confucius Classroom program.

VOA : special.2010.02.04

5. There,you can find transcripts and MP3s of Special English programs and a sectionfor English learners called The Classroom.

VOA : special.2011.05.16

6. His entire face lit up when he was in the middle of a classroom discussion.

WSJ: Journalist and author Haynes Johnson dies at 81

7. So I'm definitely in the classroom, getting hands-on to experience dealing with kids.

所以我肯定是有在教室里,亲自实践和小孩相处的经验。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我的梦想是当教师

8. Controlled assessment is GCSE coursework which is sat in the classroom under strict supervision and marked by teachers.

BBC: GCSE English: Teachers' anger over generous marking claim

9. But, does this example of a simple stock pitch and networking, extend beyond the classroom?

FORBES: Networking, Education, Conspiracy Theories and Social Responsible Investing

10. The classroom is filled with nearly soundproof cubicles to minimize visual and verbal distractions.

NPR: Why Can't Doctors Diagnose Autism?

11. The truth is, they would never countenance that treatment if it happened in the classroom.

CNN: Rutgers coach and sports' bully culture

12. Classroom discussions are an essential feature.


13. At age 12, he reportedly created a disturbance in the classroom with his unsolicited singing.

NPR: Opera Beyond Words: Rameau's Radiant Dances

14. And I think there is all sorts of different ways to learn that outside the classroom that complement the classroom. -Yes.

我认为,从许多事情中,我们都会了解到,正是课外活动,丰富了课内的学业。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

15. They would have appeared in the seventeenth century with line numbers because line numbers obviously facilitate the production of scholarly commentary and facilitate the study of those texts in the classroom.

它们与行数都出现在十七世纪,因为显然便于,学者写评论,还便于课堂上学习那些诗歌。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. So it's really the upfront cost to move to this, in terms of classroom space and developing pedagogy, and buying us top experiments.

因此搬到这种教室,才是最主要的花费,其中包括教室空间设置,开发教学模式,购买高级实验设备等。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

17. Most medical students spend their first two years mainly in classroom study.

VOA : special.2009.06.02

18. So it's not necessarily imposing other religions on them, but just kind of creating a sense of awareness in celebration of how different and diverse just within our classroom we are."

VOA : special.2009.12.24

19. This spring the universities of Minnesota and Wisconsin will try Croquet for collaborative classroom labs.

FORBES: Croquet, Everyone?

20. For example,some schools use computers for activities like video conferencing, to bring the world into the classroom.

VOA : special.2009.12.17

21. She then proceeded to the child's classroom and asked for the girl by name.


22. I was curious; I was even a user assistant at the time, I was certainly a geek at the time and yet I had no sense really of what actually went on in a classroom like this.

我很好奇,在当时我是一名助教,那时我肯定是一个怪胎,我真的不知道,这样的课上讲的是什么东西。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

23. She believed that women were teachers both in the home and in the classroom.

VOA : special.2010.06.27

24. He entered a classroom on the first floor and killed four children in one class room.

FORBES: Brazil Soccer Star Ronaldinho Causes Stir in Rio Hospital

25. When I ask for classroom discussions, I'm going to have one of the T.A.S go to you with a microphone much like in "Donahue" Or something. Okay.

当我们进行随堂讨论时,我会请一位助教拿着麦克风到你那,就想多纳休那样博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. For medical students, real experience begins not in a classroom but at a teaching hospital.

VOA : special.2010.02.10

27. First, I'd like to explore two dimensions of education and I'm thinking not only in terms of classroom education which you are familiar with but also the distance education which is so prominent in the development today.

首先,我想探究两个维度的教育,其中一个角度是,你们熟悉的课堂教育,另一个角度是远程教育,现在它的发展十分显著。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

28. I think that if a classroom devolves to the point where physical force is required to gain control,

我认为,如果一个课堂秩序十分混乱,以至于要用武力来维持秩序,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 反对体罚

29. Shortly after noon recently at the University of Miami, students shuffle into a classroom.

NPR: Islamic Studies a Hot New Course at U.S. Colleges

30. And so, I coordinate with the parades and the parties that we have in the classroom.

NPR: Author Shares Tricks And Treats For All

31. Schools may offer groups to help with improving social skills or extra classroom support.

BBC: Mental health: Conduct disorders

32. "But,professor, where will the students sleep?" "Where they always sleep in the classroom!"

VOA : special.2009.07.19

33. After class, Sandre tells me why he is passionate about confronting prejudice in the classroom.

BBC: Norway debates immigration in wake of Breivik killings

34. Dan Patrick, a Houston Republican who is sponsoring legislation to train armed teachers for classroom gunfights.

WSJ: Even in pro-gun states, bid to arm teachers stalls

35. We need to find more creative ways to discipline our students and to maintain control in the classroom.

我们需要用更有创意的方法约束学生,维持课堂纪律。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 反对体罚

36. That concludes this lecture and I won't be here on Monday, but we'll have a lecture in this classroom on Monday

以上是今天课的全部内容,下周一我不会来这,但你们下周一要来这间教室考试金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. By then, Menezes went into a nearby classroom and managed to kill 8 students.

FORBES: Brazil Soccer Star Ronaldinho Causes Stir in Rio Hospital

38. Energy retrofitting offers administrators the opportunity to redirect money from energy bills to the classroom.

FORBES: California To Invest $2.5 Billion To Retrofit Energy-Wasting Schools

39. The Confucius Classroom program is in about forty countries, including more than fifty American schools and universities.

VOA : special.2010.02.04

40. Education institutions contain a wealth of research that often goes no further than the classroom.

BBC: Protecting that great idea with a patent

41. She makes literacy come alive in her third-grade classroom.


42. That's how teachers can determine what they should be doing differently in the classroom.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces $4 Billion Investment in Education | The White House

43. The next day, at their school, the woman asks the man to keep an eye on, or watch the young students in her class while she is out of the classroom.

VOA : special.2009.09.06

44. And bullying has been shown to lead to absences and poor performance in the classroom.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & the First Lady: Conference on Bullying Prevention | The White House

45. There was not a dry eye in the classroom that day, the teacher included.

FORBES: Charlotte's Web, The BFG: Why Adults Read Children's Books

46. (OMITTED) Lieutenant Zacharia Davis says the soldiers are taught how to treat nuclear bomb blast injuries in the classroom.

VOA : standard.2010.07.26

47. Most probably they'll post them somewhere so people elsewhere can have the benefit of what you have sitting in the classroom.

一般来说他们会把这些视频资料发到网上,这样世界各地的人们就能,和坐在教室里的你们一样从中获益基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. His schoolfriends have recounted how he was the joker of the pack in the classroom.

BBC: New Zealand mine disaster: Profiles

49. Reading aloud is an important classroom activity.


50. Picture a young preschool teacher, sitting on a classroom floor surrounded by seven children.

NEWYORKER: Most Likely to Succeed

51. Officials say Matti Juhani Saari began firing in a classroom at the college before shooting himself.

CNN: Finnish gunman kills 10 at college

52. They are prepared to step out of the classroom right into the working world.

VOA : special.2010.07.16

53. The idea is that this should be the as honor truth as possiable and the classroom experence should have centrally be the same as they're not there.

这一计划的目标在于,让全世界看到真实的耶鲁课堂,让观看录像的人们获得与在座各位,同样的知识心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. OK. Come back into the classroom, class.


55. She taught so beautifully about how can you engage students. However, the teachers have the lecturer of the students remaining in the classroom.

她完美地阐述了,应如何吸引学生,然而,老师有权选择如何教育,留在教室里的学生。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

56. And certainly the MAPP program is one way of taking positive psychology from the classroom to the world.

宾州应用心理学硕士课程显然是一个途径,将积极心理学带向世界。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

57. You maneuver yourself around the classroom and enable the children to learn as opposed to telling them."

VOA : special.2011.03.10

58. If DVDs and online tests replaced the classroom, a lot of teachers would be rendered superfluous.

FORBES: Magazine Article

59. She had removed him from the classroom and he had been sick, the note said.

BBC: Comberton pupil Douglas Parr 'terrified' by Psycho scene

60. He'd win a marathon and be back in the classroom by the middle of the week.

WSJ: Breaking the Two-Hour Marathon Barrier

61. We have not yet perfected the art of entering and exiting this classroom yet, we're still working on that. Raise your hand if you need notes and we'll make sure we get those to you.

我们目前还没有把,进出教室的技术做的很好,我们仍在做这件事,如果你没有拿到讲义请举手,我们会被把讲义发给你。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

62. Their solar-powered light had become a serious endeavor that needed to go beyond the classroom.

FORBES: Social Enterprise Spotlight: Portable Solar Lighting

63. There is no evidence schools are using this Mr Men approach in the classroom.

BBC: Gove criticises 'Mr Men' history teaching

64. Instead of sitting in a crowded classroom taking notes, students in CTE programs learn a trade.

VOA : special.2010.07.16

65. And the rest, what we see of the rest, is nowhere in the classroom for Orson Welles in terms of technique. So that remake is interesting and that's why I spent the pages discussed it in my chapter. But it's not a competitor.

剩下的呢,就是我们所看到的,没有给奥森·威尔斯施展,他技艺的空间,所以翻拍版很好玩,这也是为什么我用许多页来,在我那一章中讨论此事。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课





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