
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈfɔːtʃuːn]play美 [ˈfɔːrtʃən]play

  • n. 时运,命运;好运,机遇;财富,巨款;未来,前途
  • v. 给予财富;偶然发生
  • 【名】 (Fortune) (英)福琼,(法)福蒂纳(人名)

复数 fortunes 第三人称单数 fortunes 现在分词 fortuning 过去式 fortuned 过去分词 fortuned

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


fortune /ˈfɔːtʃən/

  • 1.
    可数名词 You can refer to a large sum of money as a fortune or a small fortune to emphasize how large it is. 大笔钱强调

    He made a small fortune in the property boom.


  • 2.
    可数名词 Someone who has a fortune has a very large amount of money. 很大数额的钱

    He made his fortune in car sales.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 Fortune or good fortune is good luck. Ill fortune is bad luck. 好运; 运气

    Investors are starting to wonder how long their good fortune can last.


  • 4.
    复数型名词 If you talk about someone's fortunes or the fortunes of something, you are talking about the extent to which they are doing well or being successful. 运势

    The company had to do something to reverse its sliding fortunes.


  • 5.
    习语 When someone tells your fortune, they tell you what they think will happen to you in the future, which they say is shown, for example, by the lines on your hand. 算命

    I was just going to have my fortune told by a gypsy.






1. good fortune 好财运,好运;顺景

2. fortune cookie 签饼;福饼

3. fortune magazine 财富杂志

4. make a fortune 发财,赚大钱

5. reversal of fortune 命运的逆转

6. fortune teller 算命先生;预言家

7. cost a fortune 花大价钱;价格很高;值一大笔钱

8. the fortune buddies 爆笑角斗士 ; 劲抽福禄寿 ; 无敌福禄寿

9. Fortune Cookie 幸运饼干 ; 签语饼 ; 签饼

10. a small fortune [口,谑]一笔巨款;很多钱

11. make one's fortune ◎发财

12. Wheel of Fortune 命运之轮 ; 幸运轮 ; 幸运之轮 ; 幸运轮盘

13. Reversal of Fortune 豪门孽债 ; 命运的逆转 ; 逆转人生 ; 幸运逆转

14. wheel of fortune 幸运轮,轮盘赌

15. The Fortune 财富 ; 财富军团 ; 吉星剧院

16. The Fortune Cookie 飞来福 ; 签饼 ; 扭计师爷

17. by good fortune 幸而

18. Quinton Fortune 奎因顿·福琼 ; 科东尼

19. Outrageous Fortune 悍妞万里追 ; 非凡运气 ; 不义之财 ; 娇娃万里追

20. seek one's fortune 寻找发迹的机会;寻出路

21. fame and fortune 名声与财富


1. She inherited a fortune from her father.


2. The film follows the fortunes of two women.


3. The future of the small country is tied up with the fortunes of the ruling power.


4. His fortune was increasingly insecure.


5. Petrarch celebrated their greatness in conquering fortune and rising to the top.

彼特拉克歌颂他们战胜命运、达到人生顶峰的伟大。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

6. We've forked out a small fortune on their education.


7. I am rich, for you have one of the first fortunes in France.

我很富有, 因为您是法国第一流的富翁,我是您的独生女儿.《期刊摘选》

8. He had the fortune to find a job.


9. She went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune.


10. Fortune shcherry blossomsows her power when there is no wise preparation for resisting her.


11. Fortune ran against him.


12. He made a fortune on the stock market.


13. Fortune is a giver and a taker.


14. He made his fortune in car sales.


15. The fortunes of the biggest companies might then stir the whole economy, Mr Gabaix conjectures.

Gabaix先生推测到, 最大公司的命运随之会搅动整个经济运行.《期刊摘选》

16. There is always a piece of fortune in misfortune.


17. The government suffered a total reversal of fortune last week.


18. That holiday cost me a small fortune.


19. Investors are starting to wonder how long their good fortune can last.


20. He could have made a fortune as a lawyer.


21. He waits for the wheel of fortune to decide whether he wins or loses.


22. I guess he must be worth a small fortune.


23. Fortunately Nature is as generous with its problems as Nobel with his fortune.


24. The rich businessman gave his whole fortune to the church.


25. As the saying goes , Fortune sides with one who dares.

俗云:“幸运眷顾勇者. ”《期刊摘选》

26. I hope that fortune may smile upon you.


27. My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me. I supposed his fortune had some bearing?

我姐姐连对我都很少表达真正的感情. 我猜与他的财富有关?《期刊摘选》

28. For once, fortune was on our side: the sun shone that day.


29. She had cradled a child of fortune.


30. I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors.


31. Every man is the architect of his own fortune.


32. Fortune smiled on me (= I had good luck) .


33. He made a small fortune in the property boom.


34. Fortune or misfortune, I feel this world is full of histrionic.

无论幸运或不幸时, 我都觉得这世界充满了戏剧性.《期刊摘选》

35. His fortune is on the wane.


36. He suffered a reversal of fortune and lost all his money.


37. Fortune sides with one who dares.


38. We got through a fortune while we were in New York!


39. a reversal of fortune(s)


40. Fortune has not always smiled upon me.


41. She inherited a share of the family fortune.


42. She is hoping her US debut will be the first step on the road to fame and fortune .


43. That ring must be worth a fortune.


44. He would promise anything, everything, and trust to fortune to disentangle him.

他什么都答应, 一切的一切他都答应.让命运去解决这些难题吧.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

45. Then, share your good fortune with another.

然后, 把你的幸运与他人分享.《期刊摘选》

46. She is hoping her US debut will be the first step on the road to fame and fortune.


47. A fabulously wealthy court eunuch of China's Ming dynasty, Liu Jin abused his a great fortune.


48. Its fortune has flourished and declined with the economic development of Adelaide.


49. She was tortured with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune all her life.


50. Fortune smiles upon the Brave and frowns upon the coward.


51. He made his fortune in car sales...


52. In Chinese folklore the bat is a symbol of good fortune.


53. Fortune prevented him from knowing that there were rascals.


54. Ian is a lucky dog; his wife has just inherited a small fortune.

伊恩是个幸运儿, 他妻子刚刚继承了一笔财产.《期刊摘选》

55. She kept up with the fortunes of the Reeves family...


56. Fortune has rarely smiled on me.


57. He must earn an absolute fortune.


58. The gossip was that he had lost a fortune on the stock exchange.


59. That ring must be worth a fortune .


60. "Aventure" is often glossed as simply good or bad "fortune" or "chance."


61. She's milked a small fortune from the company over the years.


62. If you don't invest in this, you're saying no to a potential fortune.


63. We've forked out a small fortune on home improvements over the years.


64. It's all relative though, isn't it? We never had any money when I was a kid and$ 500 was a fortune to us.


65. We had to eat out all the time. It ended up costing a fortune...


66. Government ministers are starting to wonder how long their good fortune can last.


67. I had to lay out a fortune on a new car.


68. He made a fortune in real estate.


69. the fortunes of war


70. The owner of the clover will have good fortune in all four.


71. Good fortune will follow you, both in this world and the next.


72. But fortune disposed otherwise of me.


73. Fortune seems to run against him recently.


74. The young girl is favoured by fortune.


75. Fortune smiled on me.


76. Many are envious of our good fortune.


77. The future of the island is bound up with the fortunes of the ruling power.


78. But fortune was adverse, nothing was found.

但时运不佳, 竟毫无发现.《辞典例句》

79. By a stroke of fortune he found work almost immediately.


80. I am indeed not pierced by the shafts of fortune.


81. EVery abundance man is the architect of his own fortune.


82. He has gambled away half his fortune.


83. The man who founded the university must be worth a fortune.


84. He amassed a fortune from silver mining.


85. Jim's father wanted to invest his own father's fortune in the business, which unluckily went by the board.

吉姆的父亲想用吉姆的祖父的财产搞商业投资, 后来很不幸运,未获得成功.《简明英汉词典》

86. Though fortune does be pleasing I ll go along with you.


87. He made a small fortune in the London property boom.


88. She's milked the company of a small fortune.


89. She came into a fortune when her uncle died.


90. My father has just come into a fortune in diamonds.


91. Chiefly the mold of a man s fortune is in his own hand.


92. Was that not the turn of fortune we awaited so anxiously?

这不正是我们引颈翘望的时运转变 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

93. It costs a fortune to fly first class.


94. I was enraptured with the stroke of good fortune.


95. He is certainly being smiled on by fortune.


96. All offered up sacrifices to the minion of fortune.


97. The airborne forces however met hard fortune.


98. Fortune on him. He won a small fortune in the lucky draw.

他得到幸运之神的眷顾, 在抽奖中赢得不少金钱.《期刊摘选》

99. The house costs a fortune to maintain.


100. His socialist views sit uneasily with his huge fortune.


101. Arthur Pendennis had the good fortune to have such a mother.


102. The wheel of fortune is turning.


103. The morning's post had given the final tap to the family fortunes, and all was over.

早晨的邮件将这个家庭的命运推向了边缘, 再也没有希望了.《期刊摘选》

104. A car like that costs a small fortune.


105. May fortune smile upon you and favor you with many blessings!


106. Seeking fortune becomes a search for a wealthy bride or patron.


107. The government suffered a total reversal of fortune(s) last week.


108. Helen came into a fortune when her rich uncle died.


109. Every Chinese fortune cookie is accompanied with a fortune.


110. So much often depends on the turn of the wheel of fortune.


111. One of my client who is a manufacturer of fortune cookies.


112. She can tell your fortune by looking at the lines on your hand.


113. Intel's fortunes are tied to PCs and the computer servers into data centers.


114. The fortunes of the others mark a sharp rebound since the turn of the year.


115. We're not looking to make a fortune.


116. Everyone is the architect of his own fortune.


117. the changing fortunes of the film industry


118. Fortune favors those who transform fleeting time into lasting value.


119. A car like that costs a small fortune .


120. By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.


121. The late governor passed on much of his fortune to his daughter.


122. Application: mainly use to shave rust and oil paint.

用途: 主要用来刮除铁锈和墙漆.《期刊摘选》

123. I think our fortune is on the turn.


124. He rolled up a huge fortune.


125. You don't have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty, healthy meals.


126. The poet, thus meeting with fame and fortune , also secured happiness for his family.

诗人因此名声大振, 家庭也变得十分富有.《期刊摘选》

127. The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline...


128. A man is never so on trial as in the moment of excessive good fortune.


129. May fortune smile and favor you with many blessings!


130. Diligence is the mother of fortune.


131. How had he amassed his fortune?


132. The Gull of Fortune smiled upon him this once, and no one was killed.

命运之神在朝他微笑, 总算没有谁死于非命.《期刊摘选》

133. He lived in the smiles of fortune and basked in the favor of the great.


134. She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts.


135. The novel follows the fortunes of a village community in Scotland.


136. Fortune helps the brave.


137. Her fortune was large, and our family estate much encumbered.

她很富有, 而我们的家庭则负债累累.《辞典例句》

138. Fortune has not always smiled on him.


139. Having spent his rich wife's fortune, the Major ended up in a debtors' prison.


140. PLAYER. Mystical. Approval. Fortune smiles. Confidence.

你是神秘, 我对你赞同,命运向你微笑, 我对你有信心.《期刊摘选》

141. The rich alumnus endowed the college with half of his fortune.


142. You won't have to shell out a fortune for it.



1. My ex-husband, a stock broker, was a compulsive gambler who lost a fortune of my inheritance.

FORBES: A Three-Step Plan: Getting Smart (or Smarter) With Money

2. Jimmy Carter farmed successfully and Herbert Hoover made his huge construction fortune as a young man.

FORBES: Supply Side's Dark Night

3. Doing business in China relies on more than an optimistic message in a fortune cookie.

FORBES: B-school Boots on the Ground

4. The drop in his fortune also has little to do with his political spending.

FORBES: Nets Owner Mikhail Prokhorov Worth Billions Less

5. His personal fortune totalled £7 million.


6. I can tell your fortune if you give me twenty dollars.

如果你给我20美金,我就可以透露你的命运。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I can 实战

7. "A willingness to follow your passions, regardless of whether they lead to fortune or fame,"

VOA : standard.2009.05.14

8. Eventually, Schlosstein left to co-found the investment firm Blackrock, where he made a fortune.

NEWYORKER: What Good Is Wall Street?

9. This is Hobbes' answer to Machiavelli's famous call in chapter 25 to master fortuna, to master chance or luck, fortune.

这就是霍布斯对马基雅维利那句有名号召的答案,那个号召在第25章中,说的是要掌控命运,掌控机会,掌控运气,掌控时机。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. Nothing! Nothing but the bones of a lazy,dishonest, good-for-nothing fortune-seeker.

VOA : special.2010.04.24

11. As it is, 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies were started by immigrants or their children.

FORBES: Why the U.S. Should Attach a Green Card to Immigrants' College Diplomas

12. The lists of reasons to kill himself were "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," "a sea of troubles," and "the heartache in the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to."

一张是要自杀的原因,“命运的种种捉弄和折磨”,“无穷尽的烦恼“,”血肉之躯必定要承受无数的,锥心之痛“心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. One tradition that has been passed down through the generations is coffee fortune-telling.

BBC: The worlds many cups of coffee

14. Bourke-White had worked as a photographer for one of Luce's other magazines called Fortune.

VOA : special.2009.05.17

15. He made a fortune in 2007, buying Chinese, Indian and Gulf States stocks and non-U.S. currencies.

FORBES: Soros Vs. Levy Vs. Buffett

16. We wish you all happiness and good fortune in the New Year, and hope will join us again next time for THIS IS AMERICA in VOA Special English.

VOA : special.2009.12.28

17. She married Mister Fortune, also an anthropologist, in nineteen twenty-eight.

VOA : special.2011.07.03

18. Fortune magazine sent her on a trip through the central part of the United States.

VOA : special.2009.05.10

19. He was in London, and as I mentioned, he deeded his fortune to the Cambridge University.

正如我提到的,他在伦敦,他把他的财富捐给了剑桥大学。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

20. fame, fortune, money, or maybe just a better understanding of yourself.

是名誉、财富、金钱或者只是更好地了解自己。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢的书

21. He published Time and Fortune magazines.

VOA : special.2010.08.08

22. Then they said, I'm going to ask you a question but before you answer the question I'm going to spin a wheel of fortune.

他们说,接下来我要问一个问题,但是在你们回答之前,我会转幸运轮盘金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. He is certainly being smiled on by fortune.


24. She accepted a job as photographer for Fortune magazine.

VOA : special.2009.05.10

25. Well, it turns out that people tended to give an answer close to the number that came up on the wheel of fortune.

结果表明人们会更愿意给出,接近他们刚才转出数字的答案金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. An active philanthropist, he leaves his sizable fortune in the hands of the Sorenson Legacy Foundation.

FORBES: Billionaire Sorenson Gave It All Away

27. They see an opportunity to grow wealth within the company rather than seeking their fortune elsewhere.

FORBES: Why You Should Care About Your Employees' Retirement Plans

28. CEO Something like 96% of Fortune 500 CEOs get their full severance package, even if they're dismissed for anything other than a major felony.

财富500强中的96%的,即使他们因为除了重罪之外的,任何理由而被解雇,他们也拿到了巨额的解雇费。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. For the roughly 2, 800 citizens of Leadville, the sudden reversal of fortune has proved disappointing.

NPR: The Best Laid Plans Of Mines And Men

30. Acting on that certainty, Rockefeller built the greatest fortune the world had ever seen.

FORBES: The John D. way

31. For another, Scull made a fortune on works he had bought not too long before.

FORBES: Revenge of the Nerds

32. Quietly, he staked a claim, made a fortune and lost it, before dying penniless.

BBC: The ghostly shore of Namibias Skeleton Coast

33. Indian firms sense a fortune to be made by selling rustic folk their first fridges.

ECONOMIST: Indias small towns are the next frontier

34. And he had Presidents, He had CEOs of Fortune 500 companies coming spend the weekend with him.

有国家总统,财富500强公司的CEO和他一起过周末。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

35. This view is what ultimately keeps him motivated and hard at work, despite his massive fortune.

FORBES: Warren Buffett To Millennials: 'The Future Is Terrific'

36. Many of you, or some of you have had the good fortune to go to one of Europe's most wonderful cities.

你们中许多人,或一部分人有幸,去过这个欧洲最美妙的城市之一欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. It will probably have to stay clear of Fortune's vodka brands too, because of antitrust concerns.

ECONOMIST: Raki with a bourbon chaser?

38. Some of them only go so far as Athens, which had the good fortune somehow of not being destroyed, one of the few important Mycenaean places that is not destroyed.

有些人逃到了雅典,很幸运的是雅典并没有遭到破坏,它是极少数逃过一劫的迈锡尼重要城邦之一古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. With HP now the largest PC maker, that could be all AMD needs to reverse its fortune.

FORBES: AMD's Deal With HP Chips At Intel's Dominance

40. Not surprisingly, Fortune 500 companies are building mindfulness into leadership development programs with profound effects.

FORBES: Talent Management: It's All in Your Mind

41. and families visited temples to pray for good fortune in the year ahead.

VOA : standard.2010.02.14

42. Gold ornaments are a traditional wedding present to brides and a gift of the precious metal during Hindu religious festivals augurs good fortune.

VOA : standard.2009.09.19

43. She met a student from New Zealand, Reo Fortune,on the long trip home.

VOA : special.2010.01.17

44. Lazaridis, 52, leaves his fortune in the hands of the new CEO, Thorsten Heins.

FORBES: Both BlackBerry Founders Are Gone Now. Could Either Become A Billionaire Again?

45. So, he was the director of the laboratory, and Cavendish made a fortune in the 1700s, and willed it to Cambridge.

而他是实验室的负责人,卡文迪许在18世纪留下一笔财富,捐给给剑桥。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. The sable brushes cost a fortune.


47. Terry Waghorn is an adviser to senior executives in companies ranging from small to Fortune 500.

FORBES: Sustainability

48. Heinecke has been building his fortune in Thailand and throughout Asia for nearly five decades.

FORBES: American Born Entrepreneur Becomes Billionaire In Thailand

49. But it is no fortune. While waiting outside the city's National Museum for the tourists to emerge, he talks about the changes in his half century of pedaling people around Phnom Penh.

VOA : standard.2010.06.14

50. Companies like Intuit (Nasdaq:INTU) and Paychex (PAYX) have made a fortune by selling to SMBs.

FORBES: Axcient: Finding Big Business With Small Businesses

51. Despite chintzier budgets, the new barbarians can reap a fortune on this fourth wave.

FORBES: The New Barbarians

52. What all of us have in common, though, is the great fortune to be here.

FORBES: Go with the Floe

53. The Fortune 500, in turn, found that an increasing CPI made it easy to squeeze suppliers.

FORBES: Now We Know Where the Inflation Went

54. So you have the low fat diets, you have the low carb diets like Atkins, etc., and so--and even the experts who aren't out there trying to make a fortune on diet books have their own favorite foods and things.

比如低脂肪饮食,和阿特金斯的低碳饮食,即使是想靠出版食谱书赚大钱的专家们,也有自己偏好的食物关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. What they did it--they said, we'll ask you the question and think about it, but while you're thinking about it--don't answer yet -we're going to spin this wheel of fortune.

实验是怎么进行的呢,他们说,我们会问你们问题,考虑一下,先不要回答,我们会转这个幸运轮盘金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Brooke was married to Vincent Astor (died 1959), an heir to the Astor fur and real estate fortune.

FORBES: The Father, the Son and High Society

57. Fortune Brands hired Goldman Sachs in 2000 to find a buyer for its office products division.

FORBES: Breaking Up Is Good to Do

58. Solon, as he looked around at his fabulous wealth and great good fortune, who do you think is the happiest, he said, fortunate man you ever knew?

梭仑看到了他身边无数的财宝,和数不尽的财富,然后回答,"谁是你知道的最幸福,最幸运的人"古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. "To be,or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?"

VOA : special.2010.01.06

60. Based on Fortune's observations, that's more than Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Dell, HP and Apple each spend.

ENGADGET: When being better doesn't equal victory: Samsung's curious overshadowing of HTC

61. Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by superstition.


62. When Venus appears high, there is fortune in battle and little mishap.


63. We had a good fortune to start it with a very top person in the GDMG, feeling it is a very important initiative within his organization.

我们运气很好,可以从GDMG的,一个顶尖人才开始研究,我们认为这一动机,是他的组织的原动力。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

64. Accepting the award, Cranston reflected on the flawed character, and his own good fortune.

VOA : standard.2009.09.21

65. Mowbray is hopeful of making Nancy striker Marc Antoine Fortune his first signing and others to his squad.

BBC: Hartley and Dutchman leave Celtic







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