make game of翻译_make game of短语搭配_make game of权威例句

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make game of


英 [meɪk ɡeɪm ɒv]play 美 [meɪk ɡeɪm əv]play

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1. make game of sb 取笑某人


1. I tried everything, videos, books, parenting websites. I even tried to make a game out of it.


2. Seven years later, basketball became his strong wish, which led him to make an effort to master the game, regardless of his physical condition.


3. New trainers especially need to learn how to make a game of this work.


4. Any goal you want to accomplish: get yourself a calendar. Break the task down into little bits of time. Make it a game.


5. Getting all the toys in place at the end of the day is also not a big problem especially if your little one will help you (make it a game instead of a boring chore).


6. The letters are never signed, but girls, apparently, make a game of trying to guess who send them.


7. We could make a drinking game out of this week, but that would be too dangerous.


8. How do you make a game out of drinking chai with an elder?


9. Tell them why you wont buy their game, ask them to please make a port of their game for Linux.


10. All of its software is free to use, but once developers begin to make money from their worlds-from subscriptions, in-game advertising or sales of in-game items-they pay 10% of their revenue.


11. We should not make game of the weak.


12. The popularity of computer technology and personal computer make game industry the development of an unprecedented prosperous.


13. Make a game out of this simulation by trying to hit a target.


14. Nana understood that they would most likely make game of her, and so said nothing more.


15. There are lots of casual game developers in the world, and they don't make money. If you want to get into the business, then work hard to come up with something different, new and unusual.


16. Teach saving no childhood is complete with-out a piggy bank: for children as young as three, home banks help make a game out of saving money.

教会储蓄没有一个猪型扑满的儿童时代是不完美的。对那些才3岁的孩子来说,家庭银行能帮他把存钱变成一种游戏。《provided by jukuu》

17. I couldn't teach them skills in that short period of time, and so all we did was make sure they were fit and had some basic understanding of the game.


18. We content providers must understand the changing game of distribution and make a mark to support the future of news-gathering that serves the public interest.


19. I'd like to see someone make a whole game out of this.


20. She'd make a little game out of everything we needed to retain and put it to song.


21. Since a producer is ultimately responsible for the tools that his or her team USES to make a game, the author includes an overview of some key applications used by a typical development house.


22. if Beijing succeeds in this bid, it can make the Olympic Game one of the happiest festivals of the world,


23. Make a game of it.


24. Shifting backgrounds, constantly changing colors, morphing camera lensviews, and no form of help or assistance make the game extremely challenging --but therein lies the fun.


25. Once upon a time, the name of the real estate game was' let's make a deal. '.


26. He says many game developers make the classic mistake of creating a game only they want to play.


27. If you want to make your penguin play, then this book can help you to make the game of your dreams.


28. The characters, the writing, the sets and camera work, and the fantasy world itself, all of them areenough to make Game of Thrones one of the best TV shows on air.


29. It is a shame to make game of him like that.


30. Now a new wave of companies think that they have the technology to change the game and make unsubsidised profits.


31. I've also seen someone make an awesome and visually engaging game in assembly, impressive yet doesn't qualify assembly as the technology of choice to develop games.


32. This kind of game can make a good TV show but it doesn’t solve the real underlying problems.


33. Your child’s first soccer game is important, so make sure that gets on the list of top priorities.


34. Make the game of a few two3 lines more, you also can have been done.


35. Nana understood that they would most likely make game of her, and so said nothing more .


36. With tickets still available for the game, here's hoping the Frenchman's wealth of experience can make the FA Cup magic last a little longer at CoMS.


37. This brought a new set of requirements that demanded additional functions in your game environment — the need to leverage the gamer's love of playing (and for you to make the most profit).


38. If Beijing succeeds in this bid, it can make the Olympic Game one of the happiest festivals of the world


39. Make a game of eating healthy.


40. Publishers also might own a certain title or license and might want to make a game out of it, so they might shop it around to various developers who they know or have worked with in the past.


41. Em, kids love me. I'll make a game out of it.


42. We should not make game of his stammer.


43. The old partners have to accept that they can no longer set all the rules of the game-that is, make agreements that everyone else must abide by.


44. In these conditions, players should keep hydrated, as Ultimate Frisbee rules limit the amount of substitutions teams can make in a game.


45. Your child's first soccer game is important, so make sure that gets on the list of top priorities.


46. Few people ever noticed him, and those that did tended to make game of him.

很少有人理睬他, 而凡是理睬他的都倾向于恶意地捉弄他.《用法词典 》

47. If you have a study partner, make a game of it!


48. Remember, time is money, so the longer it takes you to get to your destination, the less profit you make, which is the aim of the game.


49. I was messing around with some new game ideas after completing Insaniquarium, one of which was to make a more defense oriented version of Insaniquarium.



1. And, although they were given a helping hand over the line by a Sussex side who were only too happy to make a game of it, this young side deserved their big day.

BBC: Worcestershire win promotion with victory over Sussex

2. Moreover, the Defense Department is playing the usual Washington game of threatening to make ostentatiously unpopular reductions.

FORBES: Republicans Mislead Their Base With Handwringing Over Sequester Defense Cuts

3. That's commonly used by game developers and 3D studio that make movies of it.

这种技术通常是游戏开发者使用,以及做电影的3D工作室使用。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

4. Make a game out of paying off your debt.

FORBES: Dump Your Debt and Reward Yourself

5. He accused Hunt of "colluding with News Corp. to provide them with information in advance" and of working with the company to make sure it would be "game over" for opponents of its BSkyB takeover bid.

CNN: UK minister rejects claims of improper Murdoch links

6. One of our clients decided to make a game of it, challenging herself to collect as many "no's" as possible.

WSJ: How to Find Your First Investors

7. In particular, I want to develop and make sure we all understand, what are the ingredients of a game?

就是我希望大家都够理解,博弈的要素有哪些博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. For all Everton's pressure, Howard was forced to make the best save of the game after 55 minutes.

BBC: SPORT | Football | Premiership | Fulham 1-0 Everton

9. Elima then followed this up with a nifty sidestep, and sensing that they could at least make a game of it in the second half, the Dragons went all out for a third try, a commendable approach seeing as they had lost captain Greg Bird through injury at half-time.

BBC: Catalans Dragons 16-36 Leeds

10. "The idea is to make a new kind of video game, a video game you can play outside, " says Seydoux, who is inviting independent software developers to build games for the drone.

FORBES: Coolest iPhone Accessory, Ever

11. Nintendo has it in them to make a great Pokemon game outside of handhelds, they just have to believe that as much as their fans do.

FORBES: Why Won't Nintendo Make a Pokemon Console Game?

12. The Longhorns finished 5-7 the previous year, failing to make a bowl game and losing five of their last six games (though they did defeat a fifth-ranked Nebraska team in Lincoln).

FORBES: Was Mack Brown's Contract Extension A Mistake?

13. The fear and anticipation of an attack should make the first half of the game more suspenseful.

FORBES: No Easy Mode Allowed: An Interview With 'Dark Souls II' Director Yui Tanimura, Plus New Screenshots

14. This is actually a very clever way to make the replay of the game a worthwhile endeavor.

FORBES: 'Torchlight II' Review Part 2: Polishing The Status Quo

15. Sales of virtual goods, such as tractors and seeds for its Farmville game, make up more than 96% of those revenues.

FORBES: Who Needs Ads? Zynga Pins IPO Hopes on Sales of Virtual Sheep

16. Are there business lessons to be gleaned from Game of Thrones that make it worth watching?

FORBES: Game of Thrones? Arrested Development? Ain't No Entrepreneur Got Time For That.

17. Down by 14 points midway through the third, the Raptors rallied to make a game of it in the fourth.

WSJ: Anthony scores 37, Knicks clinch playoff berth

18. The European banks and their good buddies in their governments are hoping to keep alive the game of make believe, particularly the part where Portugal, Spain and Italian government bonds owned by the banks are not worthless.

FORBES: Buyers Of Worthless Debt Keep Government Afloat

19. You can even make a game of it.

FORBES: 5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing

20. And when you lose a game, you kind of make a mental note to yourself, "That really screwed me up.

当你下输了一盘时,你也许会在心里记下,这次实在太糟糕了死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. Can you really make a game out of teaching kids about investing?

FORBES: Warren Buffett On Teaching Kids Smart Investing, With Cartoons

22. "They (Southern Kings) wanted to make a game of it, " McGeechan told PA Sport.

CNN: Lions warm-up for Test with sixth win

23. For the Lib Dems, the political dynamic between now and the next Assembly elections in 2016 will therefore largely be governed by the fortunes of the party at a UK level, rather than the ability to make any sort of game-changing move in Wales.

BBC: State of Play 3 - The Lib Dems

24. "Perhaps it is time for the U.S. to talk directly to the Israeli public and make it clear that they are serious and this old game that we've been playing for many years of this so-called peace process that does not lead to anything is over,".

VOA : standard.2009.06.09

25. Things got really interesting in August in the ongoing battle between BMW and Mercedes-Benz (with Lexus trying to make a game of it again) for the U.S. luxury-sales crown.

FORBES: Intrigue Builds As BMW, Benz Conduct Re-Match In America

26. New monsters, weapons, armor, and some of the most challenging bosses in the entire game make the Artorias DLC every bit as good as the rest of the game.

FORBES: The Best Video Game DLC Of 2012: Artorias Of The Abyss

27. We knew that to make this aspect of the game work, we needed to be able to tell whether your suspect was lying.

FORBES: How Designers Made L.A. Noire The Most Detailed Game Ever

28. To get them to relax, he tried to make a game out of the preparations.

BBC: Tony Mendez, the real CIA spy in Argo

29. Oklahoma City scored the first six points of the game and opened a 13-2 lead as the Rockets failed to make a basket for the first 6 minutes of the game and started out just 1 for 13 from the field.

NPR: Thunder Blast Rockets 120-91 In Game 1

30. He insists that even the most volatile players make emotions part of their game plan, often to stifle an opponent on a streak of several winning points.

FORBES: Magazine Article

31. If designers have done their job well, he thinks, people will care about their in-game decisions and really examine what kind of person outside of the game they are to make those choices.


32. That should make the game of chicken euro-zone politicians are playing with the recession-weary Greek public look much less appealing.

WSJ: Greece Deserves Credit, but Debt's an Issue

33. Ross stands to make hoards of cash from the game, likely taking a piece of the action on ticket sales, parking, concessions and merchandise sales.

FORBES: Super Bowl Billionaires

34. Second, "cradle-to-cradle" is a call to manufactures to assume responsibility for the end game of what we make, building in a recovery plan for every widget.






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