
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [faɪl]play美 [faɪl]play

  • n. 文件夹(或箱、柜等);(计算机的)文档;档案;纵列;锉刀;(与某政策领域相关的)议题,职责
  • v. (把文件等)归档,存档;提起(诉讼),提出(申请);发送(消息或报道)给报社;列队行进;锉平
  • 【名】 (File)(匈、塞)菲莱(人名)

复数 files 第三人称单数 files 现在分词 filing 过去式 filed 过去分词 filed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


file /faɪl/ CET4 TEM4 [ filing filed files ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A file is a box or a folded piece of heavy paper or plastic in which letters or documents are kept. 文件盒; 文件夹

    ...a file of insurance papers.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A file is a collection of information about a particular person or thing. 卷宗

    We already have files on people's tax details.


  • 3.
    可数名词 In computing, a file is a set of related data that has its own name. 文件

    Be sure to save the revised version of the file under a new filename.


  • 4.
    可数名词 A file is a hand tool which is used for rubbing hard objects to make them smooth, shape them, or cut through them. 锉刀
  • 5.
    及物动词 If you file a document, you put it in the correct file. 使归档

    They are all filed alphabetically under author.


  • 6.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If you file a formal or legal accusation, complaint, or request, you make it officially. 提起

    I filed for divorce on the grounds of adultery a few months later.


  • 7.
    及物动词 When someone files a report or a news story, they send or give it to their employer. 提交

    He had to rush back to the office and file a housing story before the secretaries went home.


  • 8.
    及物动词 If you file an object, you smooth it, shape it, or cut it with a file. 锉

    Manicurists are skilled at shaping and filing nails.


  • 9.
    动词 to march or walk in a file or files 排成纵队行进

    the ants filed down the hill

  • 10.
    →see also   rank and file
  • 11.
    习语 A group of people who are walking or standing in single file or single file are in a line, one behind the other. 成单行

    We were walking in single file to the lake.




  • n.

    filing 文件归档;锉;锉屑

    filer 锉磨工人;文件编档员;文件装钉员

  • vt.

    filing 锉(file的现在分词)



line file rank row 【导航词义:行,排,列】

line n. 行,列,排;[尤美] 队

〔辨析〕 普通用词,指人或物排成的行列;也指人、汽车等在等候时排成的队伍。

例1: There is a line of trees on either side of the road.


例2: There is a long line at the ticket office.


file n. 纵列

〔辨析〕 指人站立或行走时排成的列。

例1: The soldiers were walking in single file.


例2: It was dark when we set off in file.


rank n. 排,行,列;队列

〔辨析〕 与 line 基本同义,但多指士兵等排成的队列。

例1: On the shelves are rank after rank of liquor bottles.


例2: The soldiers stood in ranks.


row n. 排,行,列

〔辨析〕 指很整齐的一排人或事物,或剧院、飞机、教室里的一排座位。

例1: The students stood in rows.


例2: He sat in the second row.


paper n. 文件;证件

〔辨析〕 指会议、工作等所用的文件、文献,也可指证件,如护照、身份证等,通常用复数。

例1: She left some important papers in her office.


例2: His bed was covered with papers.


例3: His papers were all in order.


file n. 文件,文档

〔辨析〕 尤指计算机中的文件。

例1: close/open a file


例2: a data/graphics/text file


例3: I'm going to copy this file.


例4: Remember to save the file before closing it.



1. file format [计]文件格式

2. file in 陆续编入;编入档内

3. in file 依次;鱼贯;成二列纵队

4. file attribute 计 文件属性 ; 档案属性 ; 取得各文件的属性 ; 文件属性变更

5. file into 鱼贯而入,排队进去

6. file system [计]文件系统

7. Data File 计 数据文件 ; 精句档案 ; 资料档 ; 数据库文件

8. log file 日志文件

9. executable file 可执行文件

10. source file [计]源文件

11. file server 文件服务器 ; 档案服务器 ; 文件服务程序

12. single file n. 单行;一列纵队

13. file sharing [计]文件共享

14. binary file 计 二进制文件 ; 二进位档 ; 创建二进制文件

15. file transfer 文件传输;经由网路将档案由一电脑复制至另一台电脑

16. image file 影像档案,图象档案

17. output file 输出文件

18. text file [计]文本文件

19. on file 存档;记录下来备查

20. file management [计]文件管理

21. data file 数据文件

22. File Format 文件格式 ; 档案格式 ; 文档格式 ; 图片文件格式

23. file size 文件大小;档案大小

24. header file 头文件 ; 标头档 ; 表头档 ; 页眉文件

25. file name 文件名;档案名

26. open file 打开文件;开启档案;非机密档案


1. Manicurists are skilled at shaping and filing nails.


2. Dean is fending off three antitrust lawsuits, the most recent filed by the Justice Department itself.

最近,司法部对迪恩食品提出了三项反垄断诉讼, 迪恩食品正忙于招架.《期刊摘选》

3. They are all filed alphabetically under author.


4. I sang my heart mantra and recorded it for all to share. One file attached.

余自颂心咒并录音以供大家分享. 一档案附呈.《期刊摘选》

5. She used a file to make her nails look pretty.


6. Every file on the same disk must have a different name.


7. By filing a joint application with the assignee with the Trademark Office.


8. He has filed his resignation with the manager.


9. Export the rich text messages to a RTF file easily . 9.


10. The hardcopy Excel file should have an authorized signature with a company chop.


11. This files out of sequence.


12. You can download the file and edit it on your word processor.


13. My sister has brought me no files or saws.


14. How can I read an Excel file on a computer that only has Word installed?


15. Go through each file one by one.


16. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list of files.


17. I didn't get serious about my diet until my stomach filed a lawsuit against mouth.


18. They set off in file behind the teacher.


19. Was there any reason for filing at this particular time?

有何理由非得在此特别时刻提出来 吗 ?《电影对白》

20. He has also filed suit on behalf of the city to stop construction of the fence.


21. Select the landscape option when printing the file.


22. So I quickly designed a skirt on my computer, and I loaded the file on the printer

所以我快速在电脑上设计了一条裙子,然后把文件载入打印机。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

23. Please file it in my 'Research' file.


24. Try sending or receiving the file again.


25. These files can be downloaded, printed or emailed to people you know.

这些文件都可以下载, 列印或用电子邮件发送.《期刊摘选》

26. The backup files can only be restored to the same version of ValuNet Deluxe.


27. The standard set of rules for sending text files across the Internet.


28. The victim has decided to file a lawsuit agaist the irresponsible driver.


29. He used a file to smooth the corner of the wood.


30. Your application will be kept on file.


31. Using UDP protocol to send the file, specify the IP address and port number.

利用UDP协议发送文件, 指定IP地址和端口号.《期刊摘选》

32. Scans the environment for active Bluetooth devices. Lets you send business cards, files and messages.

扫描四周活跃的蓝牙设备. 让你发送名片, 档案和信息.《期刊摘选》

33. The FBI kept a voluminous file on Pablo Picasso.


34. Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes.


35. Extended search results can be saved in a file or sent into order list.


36. Article 11 The claimant may, depending on different injuries suffered, file several claims for compensation.

第十一条赔偿请求人根据受到的不同损害, 可以同时提出数项赔偿要求.《期刊摘选》

37. An error was reported when he tried to write data to the file for the first time.


38. A: Some of the best nail files are professional grade files, available in different types or grits.

最好的指甲锉刀是分级别的那种,有不同型号和粒度(甲锉上数字单位的面积颗粒数, 表示甲锉的粗糙程度).《期刊摘选》

39. The applicant filing an international application for patent shall comply with the provisions of preceding paragraph.


40. We already have files on people's tax details, mortgages and poll tax...


41. Additionally, a method of encrypted file share was introduced into this paper.

在此基础上, 提出了一种文件安全共享的方法.《期刊摘选》

42. You can use HFS ( Http File Server ) to send and receive files.

你可以使用 HFS 让朋友到你的电脑接收档案或发送给你.《期刊摘选》

43. Many applications produce BAK files as part of their autosave procedure.


44. Will you find me a file ? ; Will you find a file for me?

你替我找一把锉刀来好 吗 ?《辞典例句》

45. You will first need to acquaint yourself with the filing system.


46. A secretary can file papers as efficiently as a floppy disk can store them...


47. Merge the old file to this file and send to radio.


48. Create a new directory and put all your files into it.


49. Bills are introduced after they are filed by the seeretary or clerk of the particular House.


50. The bill gives sensitive police files a blanket exemption.


51. What's the best type of nail file?


52. The forms should be filed alphabetically.


53. They questioned the accuracy of the information in the file.


54. The FTPS Server is configured such that no file retrieval is possible.


55. My secretarial duties includes taking shorthand, typing and filing.

我作为秘书的职务包括:速记 、 打字和整理档案.《期刊摘选》

56. We had no computer backup and had to rely on old paper files to reconstruct the records.


57. Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files.


58. If you send an email with attached file , include a text message explaining what it is.

如果你要发送一封带附件的电子邮件, 建议附上一句话以作说明.《期刊摘选》

59. By making the effort to organize and label files so others can understand them, scientists become more organized and better disciplined themselves, thus avoiding confusion later on.

通过整理和标注各类文件以便其他人能理解,科学家们变得更有条理了,也更加自律,以避免日后引发困惑。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

60. Establish the high and low areas with the file . referring to the drawing as you proceed.


61. Jack requests that Nina get Tony to access the Darcet files.


62. File backup means make a ( copy ) of file.

备份指准备档案的 ( 副本 ).《期刊摘选》

63. All the files are arranged alphabetically.


64. Defenders or near relatives of the defendant may, with the consent of the defendant, file appeals.

被告人的辩护人和近亲属, 经被告人同意, 可以提出上诉.《期刊摘选》

65. These values MUST be identical to those defined in the resource file.


66. I've searched high and low for those files.


67. We'll keep your details on file...


68. Each Member shall prohibit and penalize any kind of victimization a seafarer for filing a complaint.


69. Added ability to download files on web browser.


70. If you're looking for your file, it's on the table.


71. He had to rush back to the office and file a housing story before the secretaries went home.


72. I filed for divorce on the grounds of adultery a few months later.


73. Bring file presentation to life by adding graphics.


74. Details of his criminal activities were expunged from the file.


75. Two files have gone missing.


76. Once you modify this file, upload it via RAM.

一旦您修改了这个文件,通过 RAM 来上传它。

77. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the list of files.


78. An application's menu bar and the commands It'sends, are defined in its resource file.

法度 圭臬 标准的菜单条及其所发送的号令是定义在它的资本文件里面的.《期刊摘选》

79. Unable to build custom action named'% 1'because it uses a conditionally installed file.

无法创建名为“%1 ” 的自定义操作,因为它使用着一个按条件安装的文件.《期刊摘选》

80. Responsible for technical service file maintenance and update.


81. We put forward a slogan that really fired the imagination of the rank and file.


82. We put them in the junk file.


83. to have/open/keep a confidential file on sb

有 / 设立 / 保存某人的机密档案《牛津词典》

84. We file patent applications on a variety of ideas that our employees come up with.


85. Our company product file, rubber hammer, etc hardware & tools, with long history, good quality.

公司生产锉刀 、 橡胶锤等五金工具, 历史悠久 、 品质优良.《期刊摘选》

86. She paused as the group of children filed out of the house...


87. Click the above link and save the file to your hard drive.


88. There are a couple more files to read first.


89. Sending and receiving electronic mail , attachment files, viewers, forwarding and replying mails.

发送及接收电子邮件, 附件档, 检视器, 递送及回覆邮件.《期刊摘选》

90. Start a new file and put this letter in it.


91. When you download the font it may be in a compressed format, such as a zip file.


92. to access/copy/create/delete/download/save a file

打开 / 复制 / 新建 / 删除 / 下载 / 保存文件《牛津词典》

93. Copy down the link to the file.


94. Folder Id Determines which folder a message is filed to.


95. Did he retrieve the missing file on Operation Nightfall?


96. Bureau would have to file an inquiry to see whether therea shareholder in Tsinghua University.


97. Debra Moffatt seeks unspecified damages in a suit filed Friday in Chicago.


98. Unable to find any valid Outlook Express mailbox files in the specified directory.


99. Information of the file is the management to the file information of student, teacher and personnel.

档案信息管理则是分别对学生 、 教工、保安的档案信息管理和统计.《期刊摘选》

100. Thats how I remember that downloading is the other computer sending you the file.


101. As he glided over the floor he felt his skin pricked a file lying there.


102. I like it at the top of my file.


103. I filed the letters away in a drawer.


104. The password permits access to all files on the hard disk.


105. Catherine Bond filed that report for the BBC from Nairobi...


106. I filed reports around midnight to catch the sports desk the following morning.


107. Securely access your PC to read and send files from anywhere in the world.


108. He took the liberty of reading my files while I was away.


109. A number of them have filed formal complaints against the police...


110. Send a picture or a music file with your email.


111. As more and more pages are updated the source database the size of the file grows.


112. The blue files are used for storing old invoices.


113. Contains many examples of the many aspects, such as editing interface, file manipulation, and so on.

VC++ 编程100例.包含了很多的实例,包括了很多方面, 如界面编辑, 文件操作等等.十分适合初学者.《期刊摘选》

114. There are 38 files, each 180 meters long.

有38个纵列, 每列长180米.《期刊摘选》

115. I looked your address up in the personnel file.


116. Slowly, people filed into the room and sat down.


117. The program has somehow corrupted the system files.


118. When I studied his file, his departure from Cambridge struck me as most peculiar.

我研究他的档案时, 感到他离开剑桥一事十分奇怪.《辞典例句》

119. ...a file of insurance papers.


120. Introduces briefly the making of help information with exe files.

并简要的提出了使用exe文件 制作帮助信息.《期刊摘选》

121. Locate objects of interest in this file, and copy the objects.


122. He called attention to the fact that many files were missing.


123. Hacksaw, how to use file?

钢锯 、 锉刀怎么用?《期刊摘选》

124. The file bites the metal.


125. He turned the pages of a file in front of him.


126. The file is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page.


127. He failed to file tax returns for 1982.


128. Go call you a lawyer, file you a lawsuit.

去找你的律师吧, 提出你的上诉.《期刊摘选》

129. Includes PC synchronisation and file transfer and Infrared beaming.


130. She filed a suit against the college for sex discrimination.


131. Typical program resources are open files, semaphores, and dynamically allocated memory.

典型的程序资源是打开的文件 、 信号灯和动态分配的内存.《期刊摘选》

132. Template database not specified in config file.


133. He works with a file, a chisel, and an awl.

他工作起来又用锉刀, 又用凿子, 又用锥子.《期刊摘选》

134. I selected a file and pressed the delete key.


135. a box file


136. You will be allowed unlimited access to the files.


137. Do you have an application on file with them?

你向他们提出的申请书有案可查 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

138. Remark : Please note we don't accept the resume in attached files.

注意: 请不要以附件的形式发送简历.《期刊摘选》

139. Beijing Benz against the company, then filed an appeal.

北京奔驰公司不服, 随后提出上诉.《期刊摘选》

140. He sat behind a table on which were half a dozen files.


141. Ensure file all documents correctly and on time.


142. The document was excerpted from an unidentified FBI file.


143. Some programs are capable of emailing the log files to another location.


144. Led by Mr Corral, the 47 filed a motion of unconstitutionality with the Supreme Court.

接着, 这47位参议员在科洛尔先生的领导之下向国家最高法院集体提出,此法案的通过是完全不符合国家宪法的.《期刊摘选》

145. secret police files


146. I made a bit of a boob throwing that file away.


147. Will not you send again it to an once attached file?

将不会再发送到一个一旦附加档案 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

148. Your application will be kept on file (= in a file, to be used later) .


149. This file contains only one record for each user.


150. There was stuff in that file that was private between me and Dr Denny...


151. Describes the File Types Editor, which is used to establish file associations on the target computer.

说明[档案类型编辑器], 此编辑器可用来在目标电脑上建立档案关联.《期刊摘选》

152. It creates a text file that gets stolen.


153. Click Update Project to update the project file without sending a reply.


154. Very good solution to large file transfers, asas send video data can also learn from.

很好的解决大文件传输, 以及视频数据的发送也可以借鉴.《期刊摘选》

155. I'm still looking for that lost file.


156. Files are colored according to their purpose, such as they are source code or a document.

文件根据种类用不同颜色表示, 比如是源代码还是文档.《期刊摘选》

157. I would like to file a complaint.


158. Request the sender turn off password protection on the file and resend the attachment.


159. Time is a file and makes no noise.


160. Each project provides files and code to get you started on a specific kind of solution.


161. You can have your files back after we've checked them.


162. The attorneys offered to file the other photos under seal for the judge to review.


163. A simple program that can send a file through a serial port.


164. How do we transform one type of file to another?


165. They gave me free access to all the files.


166. The first release, 0.2.0, supports beaming file out through IRDA. Receiving will get in soon.

第一个版本0.2.0中, 实现了文件的发送. 接收马上就会支持的.《期刊摘选》

167. Documents generated can be printed, sent as email attachment, and saved as. rtf files.

文件生成可以打印, 发送电子邮件附件, 并保存为. RTF文件.《期刊摘选》

168. This topic lists the names of base classes and files that your project generates.


169. The judge granted the condemned man a respite to enable his attorneys to file an appeal.


170. This software is designed to scan all new files for viruses.


171. He entered a plea of not guilty to the charges filed against him.

他针对对他的指控提出 “ 无罪 ” 的抗辩.《现代汉英综合大词典》

172. How many files would you like on your recent file list?


173. The file was labelled 'Private'.


174. He rifled through his briefcase and extracted a file.


175. M: Let’s start with the bad news that Americans are terrible at technology skills, using email, naming a file on a computer, using a link on the web page, or just texting someone.

男:咱们从坏消息开始吧,美国人在运用技术方面实在是太差了,比如使用电子邮件、给电脑文件命名、使用网页链接乃至于仅仅是给什么人发短信。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

176. to file a claim/complaint/petition/lawsuit

提出索赔 / 申诉;呈交诉状;提起诉讼《牛津词典》

177. A stack of files awaited me on my desk.


178. Henry actually used to boast that he never kept any files.


179. E . g . They tried to file a request with the authorities.


180. Do well in the application of executive expense and record of files per each month.


181. His fingerprints were on file in Washington...


182. For sharpening Mill saws and various cutting tools as a general purpose file for floor workings.


183. The Prussian was modified with filing, cutting and epoxy putty.

用锉 、 刀和环氧油灰修改普鲁士人.《期刊摘选》

184. Wireless Link was sending file data to the other machine.


185. They made their way in single file along the cliff path.


186. When at home, most evenings would be spent reading, cutting up and filing away his photographs...


187. Even the smallest metallic object, whether a nail file or cigarette lighter, is immediately confiscated.


188. AT & T filed a petition to strengthen DID rules for prevention of toll fraud.

提出申请,要求强化DID( 外线直接拨入)规则,以防止长途电话盗打.《期刊摘选》

189. Police have reopened the file (= have started collecting information again) on the missing girl.


190. The best file artificial nails would be a 180 grit.


191. You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file.


192. We were walking in single file to the lake.


193. When you send an e-mail you can also send a file as an attachment and that file can be a graphic, a program, a sound or whatever.


194. Please file it in my ‘Research ’ file.


195. I'm sending the files off to my boss tomorrow.


196. She is the filing clerk of our company.


197. The details are filed away by his three secretaries for future reference.


198. Do you have an application on file with us?

你向我们提出的申请书有案可查 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

199. PDF 417 Barcode Maker also can output a barcode to a picture file.


200. The police are trawling through their files for similar cases.


201. The deadline for filing time only, Alibaba attacks on the media not to make official response.

截止发稿时止, 阿里巴巴公司对此次攻击事件未向媒体作官方回应.《期刊摘选》

202. A jar file is a collection of class files.


203. I have many files in the directory, and have to compress them into a single file.

这个目录下有很多文件, 而我要把它们压缩成一个.《期刊摘选》

204. Select File > Send To > Mail Recipient for Review.



1. You have an idea, have to file a bunch of paperwork -- ten forms,forty-two days.

VOA : special.2010.05.10

2. He has all the information he knows that has been reported on the various elements on file cards He even carried them around in his pocket and he would look at them from time to time and try to devise a scheme.

他将所有他知道的,已经研究出来的元素的信息放到文件卡片上,他将它们随身携带在口袋里,这样他就可以时不时地看它们了,并且试图设计出一个图表。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

3. Sararo is also accused of failing to file accurate federal income taxes for 2004 and 2005.

FORBES: Mortgage Fraud -- Still The Crime of Choice

4. By then, copies of the file and its contents were circulating over the Internet.

FORBES: AOL Lets Info Slip

5. Most of the rank and file saw the stunt for the manufactured fun that it was.

NEWYORKER: Googles Moon Shot

6. In some circumstances, taxpayers get an extension of time to file without having to ask.

FORBES: Not Ready To File Your Taxes? Extension Form, Details Available

7. Sync that work back into my project file when I get back to my office.

FORBES: Ihnatko on the iPad: 'Pack me a lunch'

8. Could this mean more future moves in cloud storage and file sharing for Facebook?

FORBES: Facebook Integrates Dropbox For Facebook Groups

9. I zapped an entire file by mistake.


10. a concertina file


11. The problem with being a public investment company is you have to file quarterly reports about all the things you've invested in.

而公共券商的困难在于,你必须按季度向证交会报告,公司所有的投资活动金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. And then they can download the PDF file to replicate them at home."

VOA : special.2010.12.28

13. And the file says workers responsible for boating and beach safety may be doing a better job of warning people when sharks are seen.

VOA : special.2009.06.16

14. And nearly 800 of those simply sought help but declined to file complaints against their attackers.

WSJ: Hagel: Cadets must stamp out sex assault scourge

15. Same-sex couples with children may or may not be allowed to file as heads of household.

FORBES: DOMA's Tax Hassles for Same-Sex Couples

16. So when later on we're dealing with symphonies and things like that you may be sketching little motivic snippets, little rhythmic snippets, that you'll file away.

那么,以后我们面对交响乐,以及类似音乐时,你可以草画一些动机片段,一些节奏片段,以便将来进行整理聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Filing for extension gives you a six month extension of the original time to file.

FORBES: Not Ready To File Your Taxes? Extension Form, Details Available

18. I sent the file as an attachment.


19. stdio h It pretty much means open this file, standard IO dot H and just paste its contents right here.

它的大致上的意思是打开这个文件,然后把它的内容粘贴在那里。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

20. The International Shark Attack File describes shark attacks as either provoked or unprovoked.

VOA : special.2011.03.15

21. and how we bring a case, how we file a case, what happens at the various stages.

怎样提出诉讼,怎样立案,诉讼每一个阶段是什么。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 哈佛法学院的课程

22. The company said file-sharing users were slowing its traffic.

VOA : special.2010.05.21

23. Both husbands were thrown in jail on trumped-up charges by sympathetic authorities, and released after they promised to file for divorce.

VOA : standard.2010.03.27

24. On Mail for iPhone, users can select multiple messages and swipe to delete, highlight or file them away.

CNN: Yahoo pushes all users to new e-mail

25. The file on this man had been telexed to Paris.


26. But if they default, you can buy them at $90 and if they can't file their financial statements, you're entitled to par.

但是如果他们违约了,你可以在90美元买进0,但是如果他们没有发布他们的财务报表,你有权以票面价值购进。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. Additionally, those pro-level cards can be configured to send different file formats to different locations.


28. Then if nothing changes, it may be time to visit human resources and file a complaint.

FORBES: Daddy Issues In The Office

29. Perhaps, Forbes should make the entire Microsoft Excel file available, as I found at Hurun.

FORBES: Mapping The Wealth Of The World's Billionaires

30. That is we make animation file when you put the current to the coil of the field, getting established magnetic field.

即通过制作动画效果,当你将电流,输送到线圈上,形成磁场。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. That file was electronic message, so suddenly in about 1971, we had e-mail. So an e-mail was pretty much the major use of the internet for the next 20 years.

那种文件就是电子消息,如此突然的,约在,1971年,我们有了电子邮件,电子邮件,基本上是此后20年互联网的主要运用形式。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. "The CIA was showing me my medical file like this," "If you cooperate with us, you will get your medical treatment.

VOA : standard.2009.07.28

33. In the file, AOL used serial numbers in the place of users' screen names.

FORBES: Magazine Article

34. This week,the legislature passed a new anti-file-sharing amendment - the latest to the basic copyright law.

VOA : standard.2009.04.23

35. Developers of the BitTorrent file-sharing process have opened an experimental data-synchronising tool up to the public.

BBC: BitTorrent Sync challenges cloud-based file management

36. Instead, he continued to file patents on his newest ideas, even as he drove us forward.

FORBES: Entrepreneur for Life

37. But programs like Dropbox for file-sharing are also growing as social media networks.

FORBES: As Financial Firms Go Social: The Key Is Integration

38. That just means Congress told detainees at Guantanamo Bay they could not file complaints in civilian court.

NPR: Detainee Suits Caught Between Congress, High Court

39. They formed the rank and file of the republican armies in England against the rule of the king.

在反抗国王统治的战争中,正是他们,组成了这支共和军。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. The file did not include all the information needed by attackers to impersonate users.

BBC: Millions hit by Yahoo Japan hack attack

41. And this is because as you start writing--saving files to your hard drive, what happens is you might save this file here, then this one, then this one, then this one, but very reasonably you might go back eventually and delete this one.

这是因为当你开始对硬盘驱动器进行读写时,你可以保存一个文件到磁盘的某处,然后再一个,再一个,又一个,最后你可能回到这,并删除这一个文件。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

42. In other words, another jumped-up gearhead that management ignores and the rank and file endure.

FORBES: Reprieve For A Dying Species

43. If you want to control a program file, open, copy, paste not get me ready for my trip to Stanford.

如果想要掌控一项程序文件,打开,复制粘贴,并不会铺平通向斯坦福的路。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

44. Lipper gets its numbers from the "Statement of Additional Information" that funds file with the SEC.

FORBES: Hidden Expenses

45. Online music stores and file-sharing have had a big effect on record sales.

VOA : special.2009.04.03

46. After he served additional time, the requirement that he file an amended return was eventually dropped.

FORBES: Once a Survivor, Always a Survivor: Richard Hatch Speaks Out on Taxes, IRS

47. So, at the very top of the file I'm just copying and pasting what was essentially on the slide a moment ago.

在这个文件的顶端,我只是做了复制和传递。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

48. "They need to rethink these double-file restarts for open-wheel cars, " Penske Racing driver Will Power said.

NPR: Pagenaud Wins Crash-Filled Detroit Grand Prix

49. you're the face, you're the person who's supposed to keep the troop, you know, the, the rank and file motivated.

你是球队的标志,是保持球队战斗力和激情的主心骨。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 足球部队长的领导力

50. For some reason, at the top of this file, I've also included what I've called a function prototype.

因为一些原因,在这个文件顶端,我包含了一个函数原型。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

51. Remember that an extension to file is not the same as an extension to pay.

FORBES: Tax Deadline Approaching

52. In two thousand seven, officials ordered Comcast to stop interfering with file-sharing programs used by its Internet customers.

VOA : special.2010.04.09

53. The file gives some likely reasons for the decrease.

VOA : special.2009.06.16

54. He say the government plans to file a court case against Sufi Mohammad after conducting a detailed investigation into his extremist activities.

VOA : standard.2009.07.26

55. However, those who want to remain in the current system can continue to file as before.

FORBES: Death Is Much Less Complicated Than The U.S. Tax Code

56. But the biggest difference between the rank-and-file and the leadership involves diplomacy, and psychology.


57. One of the defense lawyers, Tran Thu Nam, said the defendants plan to file an appeal.

WSJ: Vietnam Court Sentences 14 and Bloggers to Up to 13 Years

58. Right now, I have to take that piece of code and replicate it everywhere I want in my larger file.

现在我要把这段代码,复制到,大文件中的各个部分。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

59. About 500m in, it started to narrow, forcing us into single file as it scythed upwards.

BBC: How Icelands baby volcano was born

60. According to figures from analyst firm Forrester, 14% of European internet users engage in illegal file-sharing.

BBC: Europe mulls file-sharing plans

61. George Burgess leads the International Shark Attack File at the Florida Museum of Natural History of the University of Florida.

VOA : special.2009.06.16

62. ReDigi asks users to download proprietary software, which verifies if a file was bought legally.

BBC: US court to rule on ReDigi's MP3 digital music resales

63. And response back is "Well, yes, we had people at the table, but they were Oxford educated and they didn't represent the rank-and-file people in my culture."

而他们得到的回应是,“是的,的确如此,可是那些人读的可是牛津大学,他们并不能代表,我们的普通民众“人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

64. The International Shark Attack File says the number of shark attacks rose twenty five percent last year.

VOA : special.2011.03.15

65. I saved the file onto a diskette.




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