step along是什么意思_step along短语搭配_step along权威例句

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step along

v. 走开

英 [step əˈlɒŋ]play 美 [step əˈlɔːŋ]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. I passed along the step 穿过过道

2. Every step along the way 在每一天 ; 每一步迈在街上 ; 都如此靠近


1. We took another steady step along the path of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.


2. The documentation provided us with excellent strategy recommendations at each step along the way, and the RUP's tool mentors helped us understand how each Rational tool could and should be applied.

RUP 的文档在实施 RUP 的道路的每一个步骤上为我们提供了卓越的策略建议,并且 RUP 的工具指导也帮助我们理解 Rational 的每一个工具应该如何被应用。

3. Please step along, there is plenty of room in the rear.


4. I've planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway.


5. Naturally, at every step along the way, we wondered whether we were making the right parenting decisions.


6. A SOA roadmap is incremental and allows a company to deploy SOA iteratively, deriving value from each step along the way.


7. The results of the stress tests were a big step along the road the administration is taking.


8. A person is required to do something almost every step along the way!


9. For jack, this job was a mere step along the road to power.

对杰克来说,这份工作只是通向权力之路上的一步。《provided by jukuu》

10. The transform from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture is not an isolated process, the process deepen step by step along with the transform and upgrade of whole struction of national economy;


11. At every step along the way, your soul will be tested.

每一步漫漫走来, 你的灵魂将接受考验.《互联网》

12. Tell Quohog to step along.


13. But certification is just one step along the way.

证明还只是第一步。《provided by jukuu》

14. Image-led travel deals site 101Holidays is taking yet another step along the Long Tail of travel, this time with the launch of a site targeting newlyweds.


15. Moreover, Continuous Inspection has the added benefit of making it more likely that risks can be reduced at every step along the way, rather than waiting until the very end of a project.


16. Somalia has taken a big step along its so-called for ending a period of political transition toward a new government.


17. The first step along these lines was XHTML Basic [W3C Recommendation] which defines the minimum set of XHTML modules required for any language that counts as XHTML.

沿着这条路线,第一步就是XHTML Basic [w3c推荐标准],它定义了任何作为XHTML的语言都必须具有的最小XHTML模块集。

18. Every little step along the way is a success - celebrate the fact that you even started!


19. A Method of Increasing the Load-Bearing Capacity of Non-Rock-Inlaid Manual Piles Setting Several Step Flanges along the Pile Shaft


20. The station is "off the planet and it's the first step outward -- not an end in itself but a step along the way.


21. The app is only the first step along the way, however, and Kogan hopes to build the business into a media company and lifestyle brand, similar to Oprah or Martha Stewart, she says.


22. It was still in the old streets of Chengdu. I followed you step by step along the smooth stone flagging. I watched your back and consoled myself: father was still in sound condition.


23. Above, notice that the timeout was increased by1 second at each step along the way, which is not very realistic.


24. Business glossaries are one step along the path of establishing precise semantic definitions across an organization.


25. Each of them at one point in their life didn't have any title or much status to speak of, but they had passion; a commitment to following that passion wherever it would lead, and to working hard every step along the way.


26. I'll guide Peter every step along the way.


27. Each careful step along the byway.


28. The connection cannot be disturbed or altered. The side door can be demounted only when the oven goes wrong, check it step by step along the connection.


29. For special cases, you can now override the process template, navigating to another activity in the process, rather than having to move through each step along the way.


30. At every step along the way, our soul will be tested.


31. It's been an exciting ride and I'm glad that you were with me every step along the way.


32. During seedling stags, nitrogen was mainly used to hastening growth of blades, the level of root depending on nitroge, raised step by step along with the growth course.


33. Such a move would be a visible step along the road to turning the renminbi into a global reserve currency.


34. After 2 hr from root secretions acting on phosphorus and potassium mineral, activating ability achieves largest, and strengthen step by step along with raising of temperature.


35. When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way.


36. This is an absolutely essential step along the route towards stem cell therapy which everybody in the business recognises as a potentially very important development in medicine.


37. Because your confidence will stronger and stronger with every step along way.


38. A person is required to do something almost every step along the way!


39. Aiming at solving the optimization problems with linear constraint, this paper presents a new method, in which a point is chosen through gradient side-movements, such that the step along the direction of negative gradient of objective function is maximum.


40. The purpose of life isn't to get it all done but to enjoy each step along the way and live a life filled with love.


41. Meanwhile we step hastily along through the powdery snow, warmed by an inward heat, enjoying an Indian summer still, in the increased glow of thought and feeling.


42. Students from all over the world take a major step along their life's journey when they participate in an educational exchange.


43. Red and other colored lanterns, small and large, blaze at every step along the cobbled streets, which are lined by shops selling all types of knick knacks.


44. Contrast between three dimension and two dimension flow of drainage in coal mining area the fractional step difference method along flowing line for two dimension flow problem


45. Moreover, Continuous Inspection has the added benefit of making it more likely that risks can be reduced at every step along the way, rather than waiting until the very end of a project.


46. Each careful step along the by way.


47. For every little step along the way, celebrate your success, and give yourself a reward.


48. Every new moped or litre of petrol sold, every new supermarket product purchased, is one more small step along the economic transition& and one more turn of the screw by the profit-led industries.


49. The Medicine Man slowly moved with his step along the line of the dancers, always facing forward.


50. Turning down a quiet cul-da-sac, the three identical homes, all clad in shades of grey, step along the sloping lot, resonating with the surrounding greenery as well as the nearby bungalows.


51. The documentation provided us with excellent strategy recommendations at each step along the way, and the RUP's tool mentors helped us understand how each Rational tool could and should be applied.


52. People with positive outlooks recognise that each obstacle is a step along the way and that there is much that can be learned from setbacks.


53. I planned each charted course; each careful step along the by way, and more, much more than this, I did it my way.


54. Typically, you would see this code in the form of variable += 1, but in this case it's expanded to each step along with a sleep in order to exacerbate the concurrency problems.

通常情况,你会看到这样的代码variable += 1,但是在这种情况下,这个例子在每一步增加sleep 加剧并发问题。

55. A SOA roadmap is incremental and allows a company to deploy SOA iteratively, deriving value from each step along the way.


56. Unlike Europeans, who are moving away from marriage, even younger Americans generally expect to put a ring on it, and view cohabitation as a practical step along the way.


57. Now that you have a high-level view of the Ajax roundtrip, I'll zoom in for a more detailed look at each step along the way.


58. This manager action is one step along that path.


59. We also determine the managed objects in the MIB as well as the polling structure, then point out the polling step increases along with the number of the managed objects increases and the polling step lengthens along with the observation stage reduces. 3.


60. I've planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway.


61. At every step along your roadmap, in every layer of your architecture, you can use IBM products to provide you the right tools and infrastructure for your SOA at any stage in its lifecycle – plan, develop, deploy, manage.


62. You need to treat friends differently at every step along the way.


63. Step along, please. Fares, please.

请向里靠, 请买票.《互联网》


1. The Internet is only a step along the way to realising new value systems.

FORBES: Why Facebook Town Hall Shows Obama is Missing the Point on Innovation

2. Adam describes his feeling that with hospitals, every step along the way, the doors would keep opening.

FORBES: How to Get a Great Job Today

3. And the fact that the language hasn't been a contentious issue in this election, I think is a very important step along that road.


4. Both energy giants have been trading in lock-step along with mirroring indicators.

FORBES: Deepwater Euro Mess: Don't Touch BP, Call The COP

5. Each of those activities is an important step along the way to fame and fortune for an author, and the bad news today is that traditional publishers now only consistently do one of those five activities: acquire books.

FORBES: Should You Write an eBook?

6. We wanted to learn what we needed to do each step along the way.

FORBES: The Case for Startups Not Taking Venture Capital Too Early

7. I'm out of numbers so I can just write down the 7 and now, if you're following along, what step comes next?

再没有数字了,所以直接将7写下来,下一步是什么?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

8. Those interactions occur at each step along a customer journey.

FORBES: Connect

9. "It is a significant step and hopefully it is the last step along that journey, " he said.

BBC: Northern Ireland devolution debate

10. At each step along the way (at least until he joined Compaq) he managed to join more and more prestigious teams.

FORBES: CEO Wanted: No Experience Necessary

11. The high-volume reversal candle alerted us that it was time to switch gears and look for a bounce, while measuring composure of the bounce at each step along the way.

FORBES: How Technical Analysis Has Given Great Trading Cues All Year Long

12. At every step along the process, he demonstrated integrity.

FORBES: Connect

13. And this is a step along the way.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

14. He called the deal a "step along the way" and said the United States hopes the agreement will be implemented.

CNN: N. Korea to disable nuclear complex

15. This is a step along the way of implementing that policy.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

16. Today we're taking the first step along that road.

BBC: Viewpoint: UK economic future 'depends on engineers'

17. And this is one useful and important step along that journey.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Signs the JOBS Act

18. But it is an important step along the long road towards the isolation of the remaining gunmen.

ECONOMIST: Policing Northern Ireland

19. Along these lines, the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins took the general step of suggesting that animals are the vehicles through which genes exploit to reproduce.

按此种方法,进化论生物学家理查德·道金斯,采取常规方式建议到动物是工具,可被用于繁衍基因。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. That is a move toward the end of the Tehran tyranny, and a step along the road toward democracy, which is the only real hope of defusing Iran.

FORBES: Freedom's Edge

21. It is one possible step along the road to pinch-to-zoom, but it is definitely not pinch-to-zoom itself.

FORBES: Agency Rejects Crucial Apple Patent

22. The next step along the entrepreneurial continuum is the Mainstream Entrepreneur (ME).

FORBES: Can Entrepreneurship Be Learned?

23. (OMITTED) Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl of Arizona announced a plan to step up border security, including a request for 3,000 National Guard troops along the Arizona-Mexico border.

VOA : standard.2010.04.21

24. QE3 is another step along this tragic path.

FORBES: The Wages Of Bernanke: Winners And Losers From QE3

25. In terms of workplace innovation the Kinect appeals to consumers-as-employees because it is one more step along the road away from text-based screen life.

FORBES: Why XBox Kinect is More Important Than Apple's iPad

26. Instead, she's simply relishing her return, vowing to appreciate each step along the way.

WSJ: Foot healed, Blanka Vlasic will return at NY meet

27. "So they're going to fight you every step along the road, tooth and nail, " Dessler says.

NPR: Mayors Take Action as Texas Slacks on Climate

28. "We welcome the increase in the number of graduates in work, but this is just a small step along a long road to tackling unemployment for graduates and other young people, " she said.

BBC: Rise in number of Scotland's graduates in permanent jobs

29. The company kept FDA apprised each step along the way as we worked to evaluate our own meta-analysis, along with the other available data, and take appropriate action.

FORBES: Glaxo Alleges Errors In Nissen's Critique Of FDA's Handling Of Avandia

30. It's a step along this journey that we're following.

BBC: Meri Huws

31. She has been confused at every step along the way about what this motion is supposed to do.

BBC: Debate on ECHR right to family life

32. In an era of unprecedented efforts by the U.S. central bank, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke took another step along an unproven path Thursday by launching an open-ended asset purchasing program.

FORBES: Bernanke's Digging A Hole For Future Fed Chairmen

33. This is a complementary step along the way.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing









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