
学考宝 作者:佚名




英 [əˈprɒksɪmətli]play美 [əˈprɑːksɪmətli]play

  • adv. 大约,大概

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around about approximately roughly 【导航词义:大约】

around adv. 大约

〔辨析〕 多用于非正式场合,常见于美国英语。也用作 around about。

例1: She has around ten million US dollars in the bank.


例2: Janet left here around seven o'clock.


about adv. 大约

〔辨析〕 表示实际数量可多可少或数值、尺寸等可大可小,也作 round about。

例1: They left the museum at about 10 o'clock.


例2: He lives about 5 miles away.


approximately adv. 大约

〔辨析〕 多用于书面语,强调接近精确数值、数量、时间等,误差较小。

例1: The plane will be taking off in approximately ten minutes.


例2: He owes me approximately 400 US dollars.


roughly adv. 粗略地,大致上

〔辨析〕 指按粗略估计,不强调十分接近精确数值。

例1: There were roughly 300 people there.


例2: The Antarctica is a continent centred roughly on the South Pole.



1. be approximately 差不多 ; 将近

2. approximately equal 约等于,近似等于

3. roughly-approximately 大概 ; 大约

4. APPROX Approximately 大约 ; 近似 ; 近似的 ; 近乎

5. approximately ad 近似地 ; 约计 ; 大约 ; 大致

6. is approximately equal to 约等于号 ; 约等于 ; 约即是号 ; 约便是号

7. approximately equal to 约等于

8. stick approximately 在附近逗留或等待

9. approximately semicontinuous 近似半连续的


1. In the course of the 1930s steel production in Britain approximately doubled


2. This new technology allows for continuous mode scanning, which cuts scanning time to approximately 25 minutes.


3. Among industrial countries, agriculture accounts for percent of GDP and approximately 14 percent of exports.

在工业国, 农业占国内生产总值的3%强,占出口的大约14%.《期刊摘选》

4. Its sales in fiscal 2007 were approximately $ 90 million.


5. Studies show that people use approximately one fifth less energy when they are billed for exactly what they use.


6. Flooding shaped the outflow channels approximately 3 billion years ago, about the same times as the northern volcanic plains formed.


7. We are due to leave Folkestone in about five minutes and a journey to Boulogne will take approximately two hours.


8. They did not have even an approximate idea what the Germans really wanted.


9. Kona and Hilo have approximately the same rainfall in a given year.


10. The ratio of abdominal to vaginal hysterectomy is approximately 3:1.


11. Approximately 80 % of the annual acetylene production of the United States is used for chemical syntheses.


12. Could potential UK partners contact you approximately two weeks after you receive your partnering report?


13. They currently undertake moderate-intensity exercises every day, at levels requiring approximately 60 to 80 percent of the astronauts' maximum strength.


14. China is the world's most populous country with a population of 1.1 billion , which makes up approximately a quarter of the world population.

中国是世界人口最多的国家,有11亿, 约占世界总人口的四分之一.《现代汉英综合大词典》

15. Calculation formula doe s not dispose approximately, is a exact explain of geometry method.

在保持精确几何关系的条件下,简化了几何造斜率的计算方法,所有计算公式都未做近似处理, 是几何法的精确解.《期刊摘选》

16. The poles of a gate are approximately one meter apart.


17. Do anyone of you know approximately how much higher it goes?


18. This exercise takes approximately 20 minutes.


19. At approximately 11:30 p.m., Pollard finally gave his consent to the search


20. Suspects are two black males, approximately 20 years of age.


21. Approximately 50 percent of all marriages in the US end in divorce.


22. The U.S. GDP is approximately US $ 10 trillion, thus the market capitalization is 84 % of the GDP.

美国的国内生产总值指数达到约10万亿美金, 这样人们就可以算出该股指占国内生产总值的比重为84%.《期刊摘选》

23. By Wednesday, approximately 1.3 million cold-chain products had been sampled for nucleic acid testing, with 47 tested positive.


24. Something approximating to a fair outcome will be ensured...


25. A checkpoint image approximately equal to the virtual memory consumed by a job while it runs.


26. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time.


27. Why are there still approximately ninety-nine female secretaries for every one male?


28. There are about ( or around, approximately) 100 people.


29. The temperature of reservoir decreases approximately in exponential with the distance center of well bore.


30. The line of sight must be approximately perpendicular to the horizontal axis.


31. Tip: E is the Euler's constant, which is the base of natural logarithms ( approximately 2.7183 ) .

提示: 自然对数的底“E”是一个常数, 它的值大约等于 2.7183.《期刊摘选》

32. For the bulk of our species' approximately 200,000 year lifespan, we had no means of precisely representing quantities.


33. The journey took approximately seven hours.


34. This breakup could further be justified ( approximately ) by examining statistics on existing rockets.

通过对现在火箭的调查统计,可以进一步 ( 近似地 ) 证明这种分法是合理的.《辞典例句》

35. The deserts, which already occupy approximately a fourth of the Earth's land surface, have in recent decades been increasing at an alarming pace.


36. Take approximately 60 mg up to four times a day, unless advised otherwise by a doctor.


37. The American Trucking Association lists approximately 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the U.S.


38. Messi skill, approximately the as Ronaldo.

梅西技能, 大约与罗纳尔多一样.《期刊摘选》

39. In developed countries, the average weight of a full-term newborn baby is approximately 3.4 kg, and is typically between 2.7kg-4.6 kg.


40. He owes me approximately 400 US dollars.


41. Onset of CVD as coronary heart disease begins approximately 10 years later in women than men.


42. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time.


43. The conservatory measures approximately 13ft x 16ft.


44. There are approximately 1,000,000 people in the city.


45. There are approximately one million people in the city.


46. There are approximately 12 million migrants with their dependants living in the EU countries.


47. There were approximately fifty people there.


48. I do exercises for legs approximately once a week and most of my leg workouts include ballet movements and yoga stretching.


49. Approximately two thirds of people have lied about reading a book which they haven't.


50. Combined , SABIC and SABIC Innovative Plastics have approximately 30,000 global employees and nearly 60 locations worldwide.


51. Approximately 182,800 new cases of invasive breast cancer are diagnosed in the United States per year.


52. Approximately 40 % of all women who die are struck by heart disease or stroke.


53. China is the world's most populous country with a population of 1.1 billion, which makes up approximately a quarter of the world population.


54. Tests take approximately 1 minute and 15 seconds to complete.


55. During several years of gambling in that casino, Williams, a state auditor earning $35000 a year, lost approximately $175000.


56. Simple cuboidal epithelium is a single layer of cells whose width and height are approximately equal.


57. Still Jefferson freed Hemings's children—though not Hemings herself or his approximately 150 other slaves.


58. Approximately 2 percent of children, under 18 years of age, have some level of hearing loss.


59. Approximately 20 states prosecute these cases under existing criminal laws.


60. The flight takes approximately three hours.


61. I have approximately 200 yuan.


62. By about 6 weeks of age, most babies begin to show something approximating a day/night sleeping pattern.


63. There are between 3000 and 6000 public languages in the world, and we must add approximately 6 billion private languages since each one of us necessarily has one.


64. Protons circling in it move at approximately the speed of light in a vacuum.


65. He was monitored in the recovery room for approximately 30 minutes following the anaesthesia.


66. Each of these characteristics sharply distinguishes the 21,000 people who left for New England in the 1630s from most of the approximately 377,000 English people who had immigrated to America by 1700.


67. Hong recalled that approximately end of 2003, she had SONG Huai.

张红回忆说,大约2003年年底, 她认识了宋怀.《期刊摘选》

68. Regular boarding will begin in approximately in ten minutes time.


69. The microstructures of duplex stainless steels consist of ferrite and austenite in approximately equal amounts.


70. The answer in round figures was approximately ¥1 billion.


71. Dudok alone shaped most 21th century Hilversum and approximately 75 buildings still bear his unique characteristics, His masterpiece, Hilversum Town Hall, was built in 1928-1931.

杜尔克自主打造了21世纪希尔弗瑟姆的大部分城景,其中大概75座建筑仍有他的个人风格。他的杰作希尔弗瑟姆市政厅建于1928-1931年。《高考真题- 2015 湖北 阅读C》

72. Even if the new population is of a different species, it can approximately fill the niche vacated by the extinct population and keep the food web intact.


73. Such a rhythm whose period is approximately—but not exactly—a day is called circadian.


74. Our English teacher is approximately in her forties.


75. I am expecting her to return at approximately 2: 30.


76. Take approximately 60mg up to four times a day, unless advised otherwise by a doctor


77. It total of seven product family contains approximately 300 species of environmentally acceptable products.


78. The ear when drawn snugly the jaw end approximately 2 inches from theof the nose.


79. How much would you say is a mid-range bottle of wine approximately?


80. The plane will be taking off in approximately ten minutes.


81. Approximately 500 extras are needed for this scene.


82. The yolk contains all the fat and approximately half of the protein of the egg.


83. Shanghai Railway Station By Taxi: approximately 20 mins.

上海火车站出租车: 20分钟左右.《期刊摘选》

84. China has the world's largest number of terrestial vertebrates, with a total of 1,800 species, which accounts for approximately one-tenth of the same species of vertebrates in the world.


85. And recent studies show that approximately half of parents in US studies reported spanking their children in the past year and one-third in the past week.


86. The space there is nearly full up. We can stow only approximately 10 tons at most.

那里空间几乎满了, 我们最多只能装大约10吨.《期刊摘选》

87. APEC currently has 21 members, including most with a coastline on the Pacific Ocean. Members account for approximately 40 percent of the world's population, 54 percent of the world gross domestic product, and about 44 percent of world trade.


88. The approximate cost varies from around £150 to £250...


89. The asthenosphere corresponds approximately to the low-velocity zone.


90. Approximately 46 percent of couples are guilty of 'Netflix cheating' and the behavior has tripled1 over the past four years.


91. The weather looks good and we are expecting to land in London approximately fifteen minutes ahead of schedule.


92. A ground is a region of approximately zero voltage.


93. The times are approximate only.


94. Approximately $150 million is to be spent on improvements.


95. The experimental result indicates that this relation approximately obeys the superposition principle.


96. Approximately two-thirds of the income derived from this total output is paid out to workers as wages and salaries, the remaining third serving as compensation to the owners of the capital goods.


97. Analysts estimate that the industry generated approximately $ 5 billion in revenue this past year.


98. Funeral flowers will be removed in approximately three days.


99. This is a recorded message lasting approximately four minutes and it provides general information on the town bus tour.


100. Approximately every 11 years the number of visible sunspots reaches a maximum.


101. The American Trucking Association lists approximately 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the U. S.


102. In hot summer, approximately 10% of people would appear abnormal in their mood and behavior, which is heart's heat stroke. Example:


103. Statistical Method for Approximately Calculating Water Environmental Capacity of an Area


104. At approximately 11:30 p.m., Pollard finally gave his consent to the search.


105. According to most calculations, race walkers moving at a pace of six miles per hour would burn about 800 calories per hour, which is approximately twice as many as they would burn walking, although fewer than running, which would probably burn about 1,000 or more calories per hour.



1. But this is only true for an ideal gas and it's approximately true for other things.

但这只对,理想气体城里。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. My wife, makes approximately 160% more than I do, with a salary in three figures.

FORBES: Readers Say

3. The tallest rock, Mt Olga (546m, 1066m above sea level) is approximately 200m higher than Uluru.

BBC: Lonely Planet's top 10 in Australia's Northern Territory

4. Paul: In terms of daily traffic, we have approximately 870, 000 visitors a day in Q1 2011.

FORBES: Mecox Lane and E-Commerce in China

5. Approximately 20% said they are either reducing their stock holdings or favoring less volatile stocks.

FORBES: AAII Sentiment Survey: Bears Take Down Bulls

6. "The amount of damages the cases will be claiming, you are looking at approximately eight to 10 million cars.

VOA : standard.2010.03.26

7. "It slashed U.S.and Russian strategic nuclear forces from 1990 levels of about 10,000 deployed strategic warheads each down to approximately 6,000 by the year 2001,"

VOA : standard.2009.12.07

8. The remaining 21.36% of the Arsenal shares are spread among approximately 1, 200 minor shareholders.

BBC: Usmanov ups the ante at Arsenal

9. Approximately three dozen animated characters, like Dumbo, pass by the portholes throughout the day.

BBC: Keeping Disney magic afloat

10. Consumers in the United States buy approximately 450 million pairs of jeans every year.

CNN: Happy Birthday, blue jeans! We made you this photo album

11. ERRC Programmes Coordinator Tara Bedard has told VOA News there have been dozens of attacks against the approximately "There's been 30 attacks in the last two years.

VOA : standard.2009.08.22

12. By 1860 there were approximately 4,000,000 slaves in the United States, the second largest slave society slave population--in the world.

截至1860年,美国大约有,四百万的奴隶,也因此使之成为了,世界历史上的第二大奴隶社会美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. The expansion would bring the mine to production of approximately 830, 000 ounces of gold annually.

FORBES: Tasiast 'Pre-Feasibility Study Does Not Mean Imminent Construction' -- Kinross CEO

14. The Dutch-designed devices keep approximately 10, 000 gallons of urine off the streets a year.

BBC: Why Londons loos have gone from gross to engrossing

15. You had mentioned that the losing side casualty numbers were approximately about 15%?

您前面提到了伤亡者,大约是百分之十五古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. These deadly strains cause death in approximately half of the patients diagnosed with them.

FORBES: The Antibiotic Bubble -- A Quest For Continued Antibiotic Effectiveness

17. u=0 And it's approximately equal to zero for all real gas processes.

在所有理想气体绝热过程中Δ,对真实气体近似为零。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

18. That figure is approximately five times what the nation spent to fight terrorism the previous year.

CNN: graphic

19. You are asked to submit an abstract of approximately 100 words.


20. Okinawa is Japan's smallest prefecture in terms of land, but it is home to about half the approximately 47,000 U.S.military personnel on bases and ships in the country.

VOA : standard.2009.11.11

21. The UK division, which accounts for approximately 14 percent of total company sales, reported weak results.

FORBES: Signet Jewelers U.S. And E-Commerce Businesses Lead To 10.4% Jump In Q1 Sales

22. I am a graduate of a technical university and have been employed as a technician with Company or approximately 10 years.


23. So we would say the real interest rate equals the nominal rate-- approximately equals--the nominal rate minus the inflation rate.

我们可以推出实际利率约等于,名义利率减去通货膨胀率金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. "The number one foreign country is Mexico." "Approximately 20 percent of our cases involve victims from Mexico."

VOA : standard.2010.05.24

25. The meeting lasted approximately two hours -- probably a little less than two hours.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

26. Yemeni detainees are the largest group among approximately 250 men held at Guantanamo.

VOA : standard.2009.05.06

27. The president's visit to Ohio is part of a six week push to focus attention on the impact of the approximately on job creation.

VOA : standard.2010.06.18

28. Don't let anyone ever tell you that the victims of terrorism in any century are anywhere approximately near the victims of state terrorism.

千万别相信任何人跟你说的,有任何一个世纪,恐怖主义的受害者,可以和国家恐怖主义的受害者相提并论1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Compare this combined rate of approximately 10% annually to what you would pay other lenders.

FORBES: Losing Sleep Over Owing The IRS?

30. Government spending this year is estimated to decline by approximately 2.0 percent in real dollars.

FORBES: Budget Cuts Don't Stop Bull Markets

31. Approximately 77% said that organizations should disclose all of their direct and indirect political expenditures.

FORBES: Political Advertising and Corporate Responsibility: A Call for Shareholder Action

32. So the long-term cost, or the major cost is approximately the same as both models.

因此本项目的长期成本,或者主要成本,都是和其他两种模式差不多的。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

33. Approximately 30 percent of the cottonseed's weight is in the hull, or outer covering.

NPR: Texas Cotton: 'Farmer Profits at Every Step'

34. We have approximately 400 pupils.


35. By his calculation, cats kill approximately 50 million birds each year in Germany alone.

FORBES: Scientist Pitches Proposal to Curb Bird Deaths: A Tax On Cats

36. Approximately 500 soldiers who had responsibility for patrolling greater Belfast will be placed on reserve status.

BBC: Further NI troops reduction

37. So what we're going to do is we're going to look at some numbers that are approximately the probabilities of scoring when you kick the penalty kick in different directions.

接下来,我们来用数字表示,在不同角度踢点球射门,能够得分的概率博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. In the US alone, between 1970 and 2007, the US population increased by approximately one-third.

BBC: Earth News - Noise pollution threatens animals

39. So delta u of reaction is approximately equal T to negative Cv for the calorimeter times delta T.

所以反应的ΔU近似等于,负的量热计的Cv乘以Δ热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

40. The Ben-my-Chree suffered damage approximately four metres above its water line but no passengers were injured.

BBC: Isle of Man ferry collision: Ben-my-Chree back in service

41. Sudden heart failure occurs in approximately one out of 100,000 students each year.

VOA : standard.2009.12.12

42. There were approximately 34 people who worked directly on those medals. They got quite attached over two-and-a-half years.

VOA : standard.2010.02.16

43. Over there ... You turn on your radio, your car radio, to your FM classical music station and what number approximately would you go to?

那边的同学,你打开汽车里的收音机,调到古典音乐频道,然后你通常会调到哪个电台呢聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. "Today,the United States deploys approximately 2,200 strategic warheads on approximately 800 strategic nuclear delivery vehicles, which is the jargon for the missiles and the bombers with long ranges,"

VOA : standard.2009.12.07

45. As a result, BLS adds approximately 50, 000 jobs per month to the Establishment Survey report.

FORBES: Why Jack Welch Has A Point About Unemployment Numbers

46. But Cochrane finds that cash flow variation accounts for approximately zero percent of market variation.

FORBES: John Cochrane's Unpleasant Fiscal Arithmetic

47. The TrueBridge investment team has reviewed approximately 2, 400 alternative managers, including 800 venture managers.

FORBES: Midas List 2013: The Methodology

48. There are approximately seven spots available for next round of terms which begins in January 2013.

FORBES: IRS Seeks Advisory Council Members

49. This remarkable letter was written when Plato was very old, approximately 50 years after the trial and execution of Socrates.

那封了不起的书信,是在柏拉图年迈时所写,大约是,苏格拉底被审判及处决后的,50,年。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. Nanga Vhuthilo provides food and essential services to more than 100 families and approximately 230 children.

WHITEHOUSE: Travels with The First Lady: Africa

51. The conservatory measures approximately 13ft x 16ft.


52. "The Wall Street Journal has reported that the individual states are losing approximately $5 billion annually, simply from the lost taxes caused by the illegal cigarette black market."

VOA : standard.2010.08.11

53. All of them mean it's really not inertial, but it's approximately inertial.

这一切都意味着它不处于惯性状态,但它很接近惯性状态基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. We've also laid approximately 217, 000 feet of protective boom, and there are more on the way.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Makes Statement on Economy and Oil Spill

55. The service counts approximately 1, 000 sites that are optimized for the Visor and Palm devices.

CNN: HandSpring gains wireless Web access

56. The number of electrons in an atom is deduced to be approximately equal to half the atomic weight.

原子中的电子数,将近是原子质量的一般。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

57. You'll have weekly - approximately weekly homework assignments that account for 10% of your grade, but they have an impact beyond the 10% because if you can do the homework and you understand the homework, you're going to have no problem with the exams.

你们有个周作业,大约是每周一次,这个作业占总分的百分之十,但这个作业对分数的影响大得多,因为你如果你做了并弄懂了家庭作业,考试就没问题了生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. And to give you, again, a feeling for the complexity of these systems, the cerebellum contains approximately 30 billion neurons.

小脑包含大约三百万个神经元,这也能够让你再次体会到,这些系统的复杂性心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. Yes, sir. We're at approximately This is the site of the old...

VOA : standard.other

60. At the same them, we started experiencing budget cuts since 2007, that have equaled approximately $3.6 million,".

VOA : standard.2009.05.22

61. Approximately $150 million is to be spent on improvements.


62. Percentage of maximum capacity has gone from approximately 93.58% per game down to 75.60%.

FORBES: Money Wasn't the Only Thing that Madoff Stole from Fred Wilpon

63. But in 1860 American slaves, as a financial asset, were worth approximately three and a half billion dollars that's just as property.

但在1860年,美国奴隶作为财产所有,市值约35亿美元,只是作为财产而言美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. They did about two or three events up there and they raised approximately a million dollars.

NPR: Presidential Candidates Target Black Music Festival

65. Senator Pryor then asked, "Of those who are polygraphed, what percentage are found unsuitable for service?" "Approximately 60 percent."

VOA : standard.2010.03.11





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