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英 [ˈevɪdənt]play美 [ˈevɪdənt]play

  • adj. 清楚的,显然的

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evident /ˈɛvɪdənt/

  • 1.
    形容词 If something is evident, you notice it easily and clearly. 清晰易见的

    His footprints were clearly evident in the heavy dust.



    The threat of inflation is already evident in bond prices.


  • 2.
    形容词 You use evident to show that you are certain about a situation or fact and your interpretation of it. 显然的强调

    It was evident that she had once been a beauty.


  • 3.
    →see also   self-evident





definite distinct evident 【导航词义:明白的,明显的】

definite adj. 明确的,确切的

〔辨析〕 指答复、安排等明确肯定、不会改变的;也可指事物显而易见的。

例1: She demanded I give a definite answer.


例2: It is necessary to fix a definite date for the submission of your paper.


例3: There was a definite feeling that things were getting better.


distinct adj. 清晰的,明显的

〔辨析〕 指可以清楚地看到、听到或闻到的。

例1: There is a distinct smell of cigarettes in the room.


例2: The outline of the building became distinct.


evident adj. 明显的

〔辨析〕 指根据事实显而易见的。

例1: It was evident that she was excited.


例2: It was evident to him that she was lying about her age.


例3: His love for the girl was evident in all that he did.


例4: Harry's courage during his illness was evident to all of us.


例5: It is evident that there will be some job losses.



1. It is evident that 显而易见 ; 很明显 ; 显而易见的是 ; 显然

2. self-evident truth 公理

3. self- evident 一系列不证自明

4. and it's evident 并且它是显然的 ; 和它的明显 ; 很明显

5. self-evident 自明的 ; 不言自明 ; 明显 ; 显示得很清楚

6. tamper evident 防揭换 ; 防篡改

7. self-evident principle 不言自明的法则

8. evident code 明码

9. self evident 不言而喻的;不证自明的


1. It's evident to me that they have no experience in this work.


2. Subsequent angiography and embolization occurred every 6 weeks until no new vessel formation was evident.


3. China was the first country in the world to plant rice. This is evident in the remains of rice covering an area of 400 square metres found in the ruins of Hemudu in Yuyao County, Zhejiang Province, which dates back more than 6000 years.


4. It's evident that someone has been here.


5. It is also evident that poverty is dropping dramatically around the world.


6. It has now become evident to us that a mistake has been made.


7. The mistake was immediately evident.


8. It was evident that someone had gone through my possessions.


9. The applause made it evident the play was a hit.


10. That it is a definition of the relevant concept should be evident.


11. Certain stratal relationships are evident.


12. The pathogenesy of DN is very complicated, and traditional chinese medicine have evident special feature and superiority in treating DN.


13. In fact, the 1800 s were the heyday of modern caroling, and that influence is still evident.

其实, 十九世纪是现代颂歌的全盛时期, 那时代对现在影响还是十分明显的.《期刊摘选》

14. This player occasionally forces errors when serving and teamwork in doubles is evident.


15. The spokesman made it evident that no compromise was yet in sight.


16. This fact is too evident to require proof.


17. It's evident that he wants to make a cat's paw of you.


18. It is self-evident that we will never have enough resources to meet the demand.


19. This gender difference was evident regardless of whether the operation was elective, urgent or emergency.

不管手术是否有选择性, 病情紧急或急症,性别差异是明显的.《期刊摘选》

20. For most thinkers since the Greek philosophers, it was self-evident that there is something called human nature, something that constitutes the essence of man.


21. His love for the girl was evident in all that he did.


22. The threat of inflation is already evident in bond prices.


23. She had a purposeful air, and it became evident that this was not a casual visit.


24. As one writer observes: "Although it is now evident that artefacts are as easily altered as chronicles, public faith in their veracity endures: a tangible relic seems ipso facto real."


25. It's evident that he lost his way.


26. Never before in history has the issue of excess exploitation been more evident than now.


27. It was evident to him that she was lying about her age.


28. This is most evident in cases where it results in the extinction of entire salmon populations.


29. This photo studio's credit is evident. The photos may speak Everything for it.

本摄影公司信用昭著, 让照片来向您叙述一切.《期刊摘选》

30. Early archegonial development is already evident two weeks after pollination.


31. It's evident that the plan is impracticable.


32. There are two evident advantages of this type of rotation.


33. It is evident that smoking is harmful to health.


34. The prospect became more evident.


35. She looked at her husband with evident pride.


36. This is evident in the artwork from the period.


37. His footprints were clearly evident in the heavy dust


38. The servant quitted the apartment with evident signs of astonishment.


39. It was evident that she was excited.


40. The problems are evident in these reports from the Shareholder Executive.


41. Under the mentioned background, the biomedical sensor technology has quick and evident advancement at recent years.

在这些背景条件下, 生物医学传感技术在当今世界得到了快速的发展并取得了明显的进步.《期刊摘选》

42. Harry's courage during his illness was evident to all of us.


43. Mr Wills unfolds his story with evident enjoyment.


44. Obstructionism is generally most evident at the stage of implementing a law.


45. It was evident that her physical strength could not support her strenuous task.


46. It was evident from the first that he never intended to carry out his promise.


47. Mike. Anyway, answer was very evident. So Jason let Carol Mike leave the room first.

迈克无话可说. 无论如何, 答案已经非常明显的. 因此,詹森让迈克先出去.《期刊摘选》

48. The talks made little evident progress towards agreement


49. In all this was evident the hand of the counterrevolutionaries ( John Reed )

在所有的事情中,这件是明显的反革命插手的事 ( 约翰里德 )《期刊摘选》

50. Don't censure her before the truth is evident.


51. Perhaps, he was secretly rather flattered by her evident desire for his elderly company.


52. It is also evident in the small park, which preserves Wu's first factory, a whitewashed, single-storey building.


53. The results showed that AM 60 B magnesium alloys has an evident heredity in casting.


54. It is shown by application that this method possesses evident practicability.


55. The orchestra played with evident enjoyment.


56. The impact of modern technology on the biosphere is evident worldwide.


57. His footprints were clearly evident in the heavy dust.


58. The prospect for passage of the bill was somewhat cloudy, in view of its evident unconstitutionality.

由于这个议案明显地违反了宪法, 它能否得到通过的前景就有点不明显了.《简明英汉词典》

59. The immense difficulties facing European businessmen in Russia were only too evident.


60. Wise words or books that aim to teach us to tackle this daunting issue are, almost without exception, putting stress on mutual understanding and respect, the significance of which seems self-evident.


61. He signed his name with evident satisfaction.


62. Contraction of front and side parts as cells die off was observed in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty and seventy-year-olds.


63. Compared with other social insurances, maternity insurance has evident sexual characteristics.

与其他社会保险相比, 生育保险具有明显的性别特征.《期刊摘选》

64. Her evident joy at his return somewhat embarrassed him.


65. Interestingly, this trend isn't evident in baseball, where additional individual talent keeps improving the team's performance.


66. It was impossible not to see his evident admiration.


67. It was evident that she had once been a beauty.


68. The cities are bombarded day after day in an evident effort to force their surrender.


69. China's stimulus has an obvious economic dimension, already evident in accelerating growth.

中国的刺激方案具有明显的经济角度, 在促进增长方面已效果显著.《期刊摘选》

70. Interestingly, this trend isn't evident in baseball, where additional individual talent keeps improving the team's performance .

有趣的是,这种趋势在棒球运动中并不明显,因为在棒球运动中,更多的个人才能只会不断提高球队的表现。《高考真题- 2019 北京 七选五》

71. Our evident fence around the residence is our confidence of correspondent defense.


72. No evident relation between coke true relative density and microstrength was f.


73. It was evident that she had once been a beauty


74. Dant è s sighed; it was evident that his neighbor distrusted him.

唐太斯叹了一口气, 很明显的他的邻居不信任他.《期刊摘选》

75. He spoke with evident disappointment.


76. The need of training is too evident.


77. It is no coincidence that in Vancouver security patrols are particularly evident around the low-rise apartment buildings where the athletes will be housed.


78. The immense difficulties facing European businessmen in Russia were only too evident


79. The development of an understanding of the self becomes evident between the first and second years of life and shows rapid elaboration in subsequent years.


80. The privations of monastery life were evident in his appearance.


81. It is evident that there will be some job losses.


82. It must be evident to all of you that he has made a mistake.


83. Conclusion Zhi Qing Capsule has an evident effect on resisting the lipid metabolism disturbance and atherosclerosis.


84. It is quite evident that a project of such magnitude cannot be completed with just a few people.


85. It was evident that she had once been a beauty...


86. Loss is evident if you don't consider all the angles.


87. There is evident correlation between prognosis and brain CT grouping of hemorrhage of thalamus.


88. It is evident by medium weeping, hissing, leaking or dripping out around the sealed areas.

很明显的媒介哭泣, 嘶嘶声, 漏水或滴水了周围地区的封锁.《期刊摘选》

89. The dangers of such action are self-evident.


90. The growing interest in history is clearly evident in the number of people visiting museums and country houses.


91. His footprints were clearly evident in the heavy dust...


92. Signs of a rebound are evident in the City, the British equivalent of Wall Street.

作为英国的华尔街, 伦敦金融城已浮现明显的回升迹象.《期刊摘选》

93. The profound connection between identity and communication is dramatically evident in children who are deprived of human contact.


94. The challenge is particularly evident in the workplace.


95. This view is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as climbers go through five ecosystems in the space of a few kilometers.


96. Optimism remains the right starting-point, but for workers the dislocating effects of technology may make themselves evident faster than its rhythm.

乐观主义仍然是正确的出发点,但对工人来说,技术的错位效应可能会比其节奏更快地显现出来。《六级真题- 2015年 6月 1卷 短文填空》


1. JAEGAR-MILLER: Some of that spirit is evident in the uptown neighborhood, where damaged was minimal.

NPR: New Orleans Businesses Ready for Tourists' Return

2. But the true scale of how Zynga mismanaged the franchise is only now becoming evident.

FORBES: Zynga's Endless Nightmare

3. The passions at play were evident both inside and outside the House chamber.

VOA : standard.2010.03.22

4. There might be a little more of Nietzsche suggested in that, than Machiavelli, but I think the Machiavellian overtones are very evident.

这之中也许有更多尼采的成份,而非马奇亚维利,但我认为马奇亚维利式的言外之意,是非常明显的。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Surely such behaviours as were evident at the bank would have led to clawbacks.

FORBES: Is Barclays Going To Put Its Money Where Its Mouth Is On Performance Incentives?

6. This oddly democratic phenomenon is also evident in the nearly 6 million square foot Dubai Mall.

FORBES: It's A Mall World After All

7. But the juxtaposition of self-evident with self-executing sets forth a challenge that every executive faces.

FORBES: Second Inaugural Address: A Lesson for Executives

8. It is evident Aristotle writes that as it becomes increasingly one as it becomes increasingly unified--the city -it will no longer be a city.

亚里士多德写到,事实是,当城市愈趋近于一体,愈结合在一起,它便不再是一座城。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. It seems to me to be evident that whatever it's other characteristics, the West has created institutions of government and law that provide unprecedented freedom for its people.

在我看来,很显然,就算各国国情千秋百态,但西方建立的政府机构与设立的法律制度,都给与其治下的公民史无前例的自由古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. Phnom Penh, the legacy of the Khmer Rouge's murderous rule two decades ago is still evident.


11. No evident reduction has been made in U.S. commitments and responsibilities around the world.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | So Much For The Vision Thing: Clinton-Aspin Defense Budget Is Risky Business

12. Since the 1st of January it has become more and more evident to my mind that the war is henceforth to be conducted upon a different basis.

自元旦以来,我越来越明白,至此,实际上战争,被触发的起点不同美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. Mr Robinson said such a stance had been evident on welfare reform, pension reform and parades.

BBC: Sinn Fein 'paralysed' by SDLP says Robinson

14. The closer FTC got to actually acting, the more evident this became, it seems.

FORBES: Lesson From The Google Case: There Is No Such Thing As Antitrust Policy

15. No, they weren't like that, the Greeks were ahead of them and it's evident that they borrowed stuff from the Greeks in every element of life, although it didn't shape their lives in a potent, fundamental way.

不,他们不是文明的,希腊人比他们先进,也有证据表明,他们从希腊人那里学习了生活中的各种东西,虽然这些并未从根本上,有力地改变他们的生活古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. That's evident at the international level where Gordon has been leading the international efforts at coordination.

BBC: John Reid MP, Former Cabinet Minister

17. Starck's influence is evident from the complex design concept to the hands-on manufacturing process.

ENGADGET: LaCie teams up with Philippe Starck on the Blade Runner limited edition hard drive

18. This culture was evident even in the colonial days of the early 17th century.

FORBES: Magazine Article

19. From shopping malls in the United States, stocked with Chinese-made goods, to busy Chinese factories where the goods are made, it's evident the two countries rely heavily on each other.

VOA : standard.2009.11.10

20. It became evident that he knew as much about these pieces as any specialist.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

21. Now, it's evident from the schematic representation or the way I've described the sanctuary that holiness increases as you move deeper into the sanctuary.

从图上所再现的或者,从我对圣所的描述,很明显随着我们进一步走近圣所,它的神圣性就会进一步增加。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. As I said,the rest of the organization of the class I think is pretty well self-evident.

我刚才说了,本课的教学内容,非常明显。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Mr Wills unfolds his story with evident enjoyment.


24. The distinctions between east and west are becoming far less evident, both socially and economically.

BBC: Glaswegian goes east

25. Sofia Charlotte of Brandenburg-- I don't know who the hell that is, but it's got to be some royal hanger-on-- wrote that "It is evident that he has not been taught how to eat properly."

勃兰登堡的索菲亚·夏洛特,我不知道那是谁,不貌似是位皇家食客,她写道,"很明显没人教过他吃饭的礼仪"欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. They are our brothers. We are winning in this fight, because we are awakeningthe American people to the dangers thatwe have spoken about so many times that is so evident today...

VOA : standard.other

27. Tim is an extremely hard worker, evident by the shape he came back in this offseason.

WSJ: New York Jets Release Tim Tebow

28. In truth, it is not self-evident that China harbors such an aspiration at least not for now.

FORBES: China May Not Be A U.S. Ally, But It's Also Not An Adversary

29. "That spirit of cooperation, that new spirit that we had anticipated in the Western Hemisphere was very, very evident in the way we conducted our business,"

VOA : standard.2009.04.19

30. The depth of the mess created by the financial crisis is evident in its aftermath.

FORBES: Does The SEC's Case Against Fannie And Freddie Help Big Banks?

31. There are certain key features of Deuteronomistic thought that are evident from Joshua through 2 Kings One is the belief in the divine election of Jerusalem.

申命记的观点也有某些主要特点,从《约书亚书》到《列王记》都非常明显,一个是对圣地耶路撒冷选择的信仰。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. He also noted that this trend will be most evident in the Auckland region.

UNESCO: Ethnic Diversity Broadcasting Forum, June 2009

33. If it wasn't evident before that mobile devices are taking over, it's quite clear now.


34. To think this is self-evident is to misunderstand who's riding roughshod over public pensions.

FORBES: Magazine Article

35. It is evident that we want the truth,he said.

VOA : standard.2010.04.12

36. German militarism was even then evident, a portent of the great conflict to come.


37. The team's drowsiness was evident throughout in the opening period.


38. Notice the freedom that he exercises in unfolding what feels like an improvisatory monologue in which he makes you race to keep up with him as he follows a semi-hidden logic that he treats as self-evident.

注意他随意地展开,一段即席的独白,让所有人都跟随他的脚步,而他跟随着自己若隐若现的但自认为显而易见的逻辑。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. At that point, the question of whose side the President is on will be self-evident.


40. Rabe says the League's indicates that most of the votes on energy and the environment were split along party lines, reflecting the deep political divisions evident in other Congressional efforts.

VOA : standard.2010.02.25

41. It is evident that this city and graveyard date back to the early Dilmun period.

BBC: Bahrain digs unveil one of oldest civilisations

42. His own distinctiveness was always evident at school.


43. Its meaning will not be evident to you on a first reading.

其中意涵在你首度阅读时,并不明显。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. He says, sort of toward the top of the right-hand column, page 768: It is evident that the bulk of poetry consists of statements which only the very foolish would think of attempting to verify.

右侧栏的上面,Richards写道:,诗歌中显然有大量不真实的陈述,而只有傻子才试图去核实它们。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. These two dialogues, it should be evident, I mean, differ not only in content but in their dramatic context.

这两本语录,很明显地,不只是内容不同,其戏剧性的脉络更是不同。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. The lobbying efforts will be fueled by a powerful sense of victimhood that already is evident.

WSJ: Bush Blinks on the Auto Bailout

47. While those founding truths about liberty and equality may have been self-evident, they are not self-perpetuating.

WHITEHOUSE: A White House Reception for Justice Kagan

48. Never mind that I had long struggled with the theological implications of life's evident unfairness.

CNN: Is our suffering God's will?

49. But this feeling of division is evident in many places and certainly in Alexandria.

BBC: Egypt's challenge: Returning home to Alexandria

50. But the good will and high hopes so evident in January quickly gave way to the realities of trying to achieve results in politically polarized Washington.

VOA : standard.2009.12.29

51. That is to say, it is not self-evident, or it is not always intuitively obvious what our interests are.

即正义不是不言而喻,或总是直觉明显地能确定,我们的利益何在。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. If you go back to the Declaration of Independence, it doesn't say: "We Americans believe these truths to be self-evident. " It says: "We believe these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, and all men are entitled to life liberty and the pursuit of happyness."

如果你回头再看看独立宣言,上面并没有说:,美国人相信,这些都是不言而喻的真理“,上面所说的是,我们相信这些真理不言而喻,从而,人人平等,所有人都拥有,人身自由,都有追求幸福的权利“国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

53. The timing, speed, and specific sectors where this plays out may not all be evident today.

FORBES: On The Verge of Change: A View of Our Future Energy World

54. For some of you, this will seem self-evident; for others, it'll seem like a great puzzle.

对你们中的一些人来说,这似乎显而易见;,但对别人来说这很让人困惑。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. Infrastructure needs like pipelines and electrical transmission lines will become more evident as production increases.

FORBES: The Real Winners Of The Global Economy: The Material Boys

56. Bright's emergence as one of Australia's premier cycling hubs is evident even before you leave town.

BBC: Exploring Australias High Country on two wheels

57. This was such an evident truth that there was no gainsaying it.


58. The possibility and power of a new social contract via sustainably conscious consumers is evident.

FORBES: Living in a World of Seven Billion

59. It is evident that these different Mycenaean towns, all throughout the Greek world, on both sides of the Aegean Sea, were in touch with each other.

很明显,这些位于爱琴海两岸的,希腊世界里的不同迈锡尼城市,都是互相联系的古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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