shown showed翻译_shown showed短语搭配_shown showed权威例句

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shown showed

play play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. show showed shown 展示 ; 显示 ; 出示

2. show-showed-shown 展示


1. They showed us around the farm(We were shown around the farm), where we saw many kinds of plants.


2. The results of fingerprinting showed that they were distinctive individually. Further it was shown that to analyse NPV with PyGC is feasible.


3. Early in 2013, his doctors announced that tests had shown that despite remaining in a coma, Mr. Sharon showed significant brain activity. But he never regained consciousness.


4. They were shown animated videos centering around numbers — for instance, one video showed eight frogs on lily pads; four jumped away at once, then two came back one at a time.


5. Having been shown around the lab, our headmaster showed us around our library.


6. When I have executed reported and converted them to PDF for Arabic language data then it didn't showed me Arabic but English or numeric data was on shown on reports.


7. Video clips shown on local stations showed them with rifles at the ready as students ran or sought cover and a freakish snow swirled in heavy winds.


8. In the first manipulation two strangers were shown fictional results of a questionnaire they had completed which showed they had identical personalities.


9. These regions all showed increased activity when teens were shown apopularity rating that did not match their own, meaning that they hadthis neural response prior to changing their own rating.


10. Lab studies have shown that an increase in sleep deprivation showed an increased risk of obesity and diabetes.


11. But, the nappers who described dreaming about the task showed dramatic improvement, 10 times more than that shown by those nappers who reported having no maze-related dreams.


12. Pictures shown on television at the time showed Sakamoto in the "junihitoe" 12-layered kimono worn by women of the imperial household on formal occasions.


13. Also we only showed pieces that were fresh to the market and had not been shown before in Maastricht or anywhere else.


14. In MRI scans, women showed less activation than men in the area of the brain that controls emotions when shown the same visual cues.


15. Although many studies have shown inhibitory effects of polyphenols on LDL oxidation, there have been an equal number of studies that showed a null effect on this variable.

很多研究表明多酚有抑制LD L氧化的作用,但是相同多的研究表明其并没有这样的作用。

16. But when it was shown at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival, international distributors showed no interest.


17. The Chinese children showed no obvious directionality effect, and the backward anaphora was shown to exist in the Chinese language;


18. In the article "Leveraging reusable code, Part 2," I showed an API definition for a train car, as shown in Listing 3.


19. In the as-is process, the staffing levels showed that some roles were over-utilized, resulting in process bottlenecks, as shown in Figure 8.


20. Other studies have already shown that tumor biology can change. One study, for example, showed that half of cancers change when they spread to the sentinel node.


21. Tests showed levels of chromium 6, a chemical that has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals, at 20 times the allowable limit.


22. The lesions that had showed on T2 image is clearly shown on DWI, and was larger than that on T2 image.



1. If the polls are accurate - and I think they are - that showed Republicans losing badly among independents, it might be somebody like a John McCain who has shown a proven ability to appeal to these independent voters to get them back into the Republican fold.

NPR: Democrats Storm Back from Oblivion

2. But what Ryan showed was the same courage and strength that so many HIV-positive activists have shown over the years and shown around -- show around the world today.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Signs Ryan White HIV/AIDS Act

3. Amateur video taken from another balloon and shown on Al-Jazeera Mubasher television showed the balloon's final moments.

NPR: Fiery Balloon Accident Kills 19 Tourists In Egypt

4. Having been trained to detect similarities among images, the apes were shown a female's portrait and then given a choice between two other faces, one of which showed her offspring.

WSJ: The Brains of the Animal Kingdom

5. Waitrose stressed that one test had shown the meatballs to be 100% beef but decided to issue a statement to customers after a second test showed some pork.

BBC: ABP Freshlink in Shettleston

6. Mr Lumley said images shown to the jury showed Mr Baker removing "bags and bags" of evidence from the flats but the defendant said he was handling stolen goods for a "dealer".

BBC: John Coates murder trial: Robert Baker tells of 'shock'

7. Alert viewers pointed out that the time indicator in the corner of the screen showed that the footage was being shown out of sequence.

ECONOMIST: Plots, sting operations and treason

8. Dr Miller's results, however, showed that this biochemical difference could not, by itself, account for the weakness of the responses shown to infection by the depressed women.

ECONOMIST: The power of negative thinking | The

9. At first he struggled to settle at Real but showed that he has already shown that he's got what it takes to make a real impact at international level by scoring two goals against England at Wembley in February 1999 and scoring for Real in their Champions League semi-final triumph over Bayern Munich.

BBC: Nicolas Anelka

10. He quotes an Israeli study which showed that when graphologists were shown strictly neutral texts with no relevant information about the candidate - their level of performance plummeted.

BBC: A French love affair... with graphology

11. Video shown to him by doctors treating the affected patients "showed pretty clearly that they had been gassed", Mr Loyd says.

BBC: 'Growing evidence' of chemical weapons use in Syria - UK

12. Video shown at a Vatican news conference showed workers preparing the Sistine Chapel for the secretive conclave.


13. Several months later a federal appeals court threw out Tobin's conviction on the grounds that the statute under which he had been convicted was "not a close fit, " and the court questioned whether the government had shown that Tobin showed an intent or purpose to harass.

FORBES: Magazine Article

14. Magistrates were shown police video which the prosecution claims showed signs of people living in the flat at number 77a London Road.

BBC: Three men in court over Brighton flat squatting

15. The defendant smiled briefly when his "Warcraft" character was shown, one of the few times he showed emotion on Monday.

CNN: Rampage suspect says he acted to save Norway

16. And we need to make sure that they courage they showed, the courage that our forces have shown is actually matched by determination to get the real result."

VOA : standard.2009.09.11

17. This represents the upright struts on a ladder that I showed you before, it represents this backbone that's shown by - that's formed by polymerizing the pentose's together through phosphate's always going 5' to 3', 5' to 3'.

线条代表梯子,上下的支柱 之前给你们演示过,代表由多聚戊糖分子,通过磷酸基从5'端向3'端方向,连接起来的主链生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. Jurors at the High Court in Edinburgh were shown tyre tracks which prosecutors claimed showed how Mr Nekoo was chased by Stephen Nolan, who was driving his black cab.

BBC: Taxi driver Stephen Nolan jailed for Ebrahim Nekoo murder

19. In particular, when tackling the crisis, which is still upon us today, the leadership that President Obama has shown, and showed at the time, have been of a special value to us all.

WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by President Obama and President Sarkozy of France

20. The first two studies shown at the American College of Cardiology conference yesterday may have actually given investors pause: They showed that, in patients for whom Lipitor and Zocor had been working well, Zetia provided an additional drop in cholesterol of at most 13.8%--less than many analysts had hoped, given earlier results.

FORBES: Schering-Plough And Merck's New Hope

21. Security camera video shown to the jury Wednesday showed him walking with a blanket wrapped around him as he passed Sankey.


22. Friedhoff and Buxbaum have shown two things: First, they showed that lovastatin could prevent cells from making beta amyloid in the test tube in doses that could be realistically given to patients.

FORBES: Magazine Article

23. Whereas the previous figures had shown that consumer spending grew by 0.3%, the new ones showed that it rose by 0.1%, the lowest in over four years.

ECONOMIST: A weaker economy needs easier money

24. Following the trial the judge said Grant has "never shown any remorse" and his allegations about his wife planting his semen at crime scenes to frame him showed the attacker's "complete amorality".

BBC: Night Stalker rapist Delroy Grant jailed for 27 years

25. They found that observational studies showed a 38% reduced risk of colorectal cancer, matching well to the 42% reduction shown by randomised trials.

FORBES: Meta-Analysis Adds New Evidence For Cancer Benefits Of Daily Aspirin

26. The statements listed the FRNs as collateral (although they had already been sold) and showed the quarterly interest purportedly earned on the FRNs (which were shown as a credit against the loan interest).

FORBES: Sometimes You Should Just Pay The Tax

27. The jury was shown CCTV of Mr Edwards leaving the bar, and footage from some time later which showed a golden coloured Rover car driving past.

BBC: Colchester drive-by shooting 'followed drink row'

28. Jurors at the High Court in Edinburgh were shown tell-tale tyre tracks which prosecutors claimed showed how Mr Aryaei Nekoo was chased by Stephen Nolan at the wheel of his black cab.

BBC: Stephen Nolan

29. Another more recent study has shown that even high levels of phthalates showed no effect on the genital development of marmosets, let alone humans activist claims to the contrary.

FORBES: Connect



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