whole process翻译_whole process短语搭配_whole process权威例句

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whole process


英 [həʊl ˈprəʊses]play 美 [hoʊl ˈprɑːses]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Worriless Whole-process 全程无忧

2. The whole process 全过程 ; 整个过程 ; 全程

3. Whole process management 全过程管理

4. Whole Process Cost Management 全过程造价管理

5. Whole Process Design 全过程设计

6. Whole process cost control 全过程造价控制

7. whole process control 全过程控制 ; 全程管理

8. whole process-accompany 全程陪伴 ; 导乐分娩


1. Prompt attention was given to my project throughout the whole process.


2. The whole process will be a race against time.


3. This whole process is what I call Automated Defect Prevention (ADP).


4. The state, it is true, gave money towards their wages. Nevertheless the whole process had not been organized properly


5. There is a lot of anxiety around the whole process of globalization.

人们对整个全球化进程存有不少焦虑不安的情绪。《provided by jukuu》

6. Network optimization is a long process, run through the whole process of network development.


7. The Six Chapter is the whole process of this graduation project experience.


8. We do not describe this whole process here.


9. Not long ago China and Russia wanted to put off the whole process.


10. But now the whole process of inserting those lenses is changing too.


11. Whole process, service without worry'is our service idea.


12. During the whole process of construction, the operational safty and rapacity of track must be guaranteed.


13. It lines through the whole process of sketch study.


14. The whole process makes buying a car privately as painless as buying from a garage


15. The whole process started all over again


16. Analysis and application of whole process simulation for Auto covering parts


17. This has delayed the whole process of marking out the border.


18. Structuring and Practice Research of Equipment Supervision Management System on the Whole Process Control


19. The whole process gets kicked off by requesting a lab resource.


20. The whole process is fully automated.


21. Extrapolating wave field is most important in the whole process.


22. The whole process would be accomplished in a subtle way to avoid giving an impression of over-familiarity that would be likely to produce irritation.


23. The whole process is wasteful and inefficient.


24. Sustainable Development and Whole Process Environment Management


25. Before they start the whole process over again.

它们还有两个月的时间来恢复体重。《provided by jukuu》

26. The whole process usually takes about 10 to 20 minutes.


27. And only when we are enjoying the whole process of unlocking our self-improvement power will we realize that we're beginning to take things light and become happy.

只有当我们享受着释放自我提升能力的整个过程时,我们才会意识到我们开始轻装上阵,变得快乐起来。《中考真题- 2018 北京 阅读D》

28. The whole process can be separated into steps.


29. The value of time but also in the business of the whole process.


30. The whole process started all over again.


31. The whole process is flawed because the logic behind the questions is too simplistic.


32. Turning every single word into the target language would put too much strain on the interpreter and slow down the whole process too much.


33. Integrating the Culture into the Whole Process of Japanese Teaching


34. The whole process makes buying a car privately as painless as buying from a garage.


35. Turning every single word into the target language would put too much strain on the interpreters and slow down the whole process too much.


36. Having a companion makes the whole process much more fun.


37. Complicacy space steel structure construction whole process emulation analysis


38. The whole process takes about two hours.


39. Development on the Simulation Training System for Whole Process of Sulfur Recovering Plant


40. Jane not only believes in her story, but lives it! Self-improvement may not be everybody's favorite word, but if we look at things in a different way, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved.


41. The whole process went more smoothly.


42. The whole process is quite a performance


43. The whole process is wasteful and inefficient.


44. And the whole process stopped for 18 months.


45. Second, the whole process of developing the test system is introduced.


46. The whole process took four weeks.


47. The to borrow and return books the whole process tracking data.


48. Scientific, advanced development, management philosophy guide to the development of the whole process.


49. Whole process simulation of roll forming using dynamic explicit finite element method


50. That makes the whole process of power generation less efficient.


51. Rolling Stock Axle Whole Process Management Project Research


52. The cheat sheet guides you step-by-step through the whole process.


53. Finally, the whole process of the switch was presented.


54. Self-improvement may not be everybody's favorite word, but if we look at things in a different way, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved.

自我完善也许不是每个人都喜欢的词,但如果我们换个角度看问题,我们可能会有更大的机会享受整个过程,而不是数着日子,直到我们完全改善。《中考真题- 2018 北京 阅读D》

55. That whole process took about ten minutes, maybe less.


56. The whole process is pretty intense.



1. However, the whole process is rather more fraught with difficulty than many seem to think.

FORBES: Offshoring and Onshoring: It's All a Bit More Complex Than You Think

2. In line with FIFA's requirements, the whole process takes less than a second to complete.

CNN: Over the line: Goal tech to be used at 2014 World Cup

3. Worryingly, the whole process could come unstuck for lack of supplies in the camps.

ECONOMIST: Angola's wondrous peace

4. This whole process for us started around our kitchen table just a few months ago.

CNN: Thompson's September 7, 2007, speech in Des Moines, Iowa

5. But reformation eliminates the need to supply the cell with pure hydrogen, making the whole process cheaper.

ECONOMIST: The dawn of micropower

6. Eventually, supply will expand and prices will start to fall, pushing the whole process into reverse.

ECONOMIST: Why property markets suffer from bubble trouble

7. So by the time it came, more like, by the time I came to meet this random project that was pretty well change where it's making that, you know In terms of managing this whole process, nothing.

因此,当创造Facebook的念头产生的时候,我已经准备充分并且能够实现它了,但我从未想过关于规划整个过程的事。扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

8. And, so, you have the kings there; and the whole process of absolutism, which you don't have to know about.

因此,存在君主,就存在一系列的专制主义论调,这里就不细说了1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. I have to do this whole stupid process again.

我还得再次重复整个无聊的比较过程。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

10. Then it would need to be tested for efficacy, and that whole process would take several years.

ECONOMIST: A novel idea for stopping the transmission of HIV

11. China, in contrast, doesn't have government inspectors on site for the whole process at each meat-processing facility.

WSJ: What China Can Learn From America's Hot Dogs

12. Because I have the feeling he is skeptical of the whole process.

VOA : standard.2009.07.15

13. Despite our best efforts, the whole process of applying has become part of the myth too.

BBC: A Point of View: The Oxbridge interview

14. The whole process was videotaped, and photos were forwarded to Expeditors staff and the customer in Europe.

FORBES: I'll Handle That

15. The danger is that arguments over one or more parts of the accord delay the whole process.

ECONOMIST: Basle bust-up

16. Many observers were suggesting that the whole process was on the verge of collapse.

ECONOMIST: Colombians dream of peace

17. Welch said he tried to be very forgiving of himself during the whole process and he still is.

CNN: Tired of slights, embarrassment, man sheds 87 pounds

18. One of the primary characters in this whole scientific process is a researcher at Harvard named Walter Willett.

这项活动中的一个领军人物就是,哈佛一位名为沃尔特·威莱特的研究者关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. This whole process takes eight months from final assembly until the keys are handed over and delivered.

CNN: Superjumbo on the streets of tiny French village

20. Now he has ruined - this whole process has ruined the careers of good prosecutors.

NPR: Political Corner: Gonzales

21. So I have to get out the damn scale again and go through that whole process.

那我就不得不再次使用那个讨厌的天平并,进行整个重复比较的过程。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

22. That condenses it back into a liquid, and the whole process can be repeated.

ECONOMIST: Ocean heat may be used to generate electricity

23. The whole process arouses antagonistic feelings that might have been avoided if the employee were treated with dignity.

FORBES: Five Simple Ways to Fire Someone Without Losing Sleep Over It

24. They helped me out with the whole process.

在整个过程中,他们一直在帮我。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 去美国留学

25. The whole process will take you about 20 minutes, and the is worth every bit of it.


26. I could change my external pressure through the whole process, and that's the path.

事实上外界压强,也不必固定。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

27. And then at the end of the process I have another whole step from B-flat back to C, and that gets me back to my octave in that fashion.

最后一步,从降B回到C是一个全音级,然后完成了整个八度聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Has Obama now been written off by most voters as irrelevant to the whole process.

FORBES: Who's On First? Or, Will Anybody Watch Obama's Economic Address?

29. Although bidding would begin in January the whole process could take "a number of weeks", said Ofcom.

BBC: Ofcom outlines 4G mobile auction timetable

30. Jeff, I want to thank you for your leadership on guiding this whole process.

WHITEHOUSE: Meeting of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness | The White House

31. "The whole framework of the joint water committee, with the souring of the of peace process, became antagonistic,".

VOA : standard.2009.08.01

32. In retrospect, it was this instinct that held me together during the whole process.

FORBES: How I Lost My Job, But Not My Dignity

33. So the trick, what we're going to go through here, is this whole scientific process.

因此我们在这儿的技巧是,整个科学过程,并且看看它是怎么进展下去的。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

34. That would prompt long legal battles, making the whole process even slower and costlier.

ECONOMIST: Land reform in South Africa

35. In addition, going after something that excites you will make the whole process less painful.

FORBES: Job Search Strategy Myths

36. This whole process takes just seconds, so the microscope can repeat the process quickly.

MSN: Fruit fly embryo grows into larva in 3-D video

37. Did this derail the whole process and send me back to my old, messy ways?

FORBES: Another Overnight Sensation: Mailbox Is Dropbox's Instagram

38. So that's a pretty cool class because it's a whole design process.

所以我说这堂课很棒,因为它涵盖了设计的整个过程。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : MIT用数字说话

39. But it has been postponed until next month, and the violence in Ituri may derail the whole process.

ECONOMIST: Congo's wars

40. The result of this process if this replication went down the whole length of the DNA would be to form two identical, double stranded DNA molecules.

如果复制过程在整条链上持续进行的话,将生成两条完全一样的,双链DNA分子生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. So, part of the whole process is the elimination of these these municipal privileges and replacing municipal officials, to make a long story short, with people that they have appointed.

他们采取的一个办法,就是取消那些地方政府的特权,更换本土官员,简而言之,就是以近臣取而代之欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. If you were asking questions, like, how high does it go, but you don't ask when does it go to the highest point, then you don't have to go through the whole process of finding the time at which it turned around.

如果你想问,例如,它可以到多高,不过你并没有问它何时达到最高点,那么你不用从头到尾再来一遍,来弄清质点何时转向基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. Unified offers what it calls enterprise-level services to automate the whole process on multiple social sites.

FORBES: Unified Raises $14 Million to Expand Social Operating Platform

44. Former Tory minister Lord Trefgarne asked how much the whole process was going to cost.

BBC: Urgent repairs to Parliament to cost ?69m, peers hear

45. The Smoot-Hawley tariff of June 1930 was the catalyst that got the whole process going.

WSJ: Arthur B. Laffer: Taxes, Depression, and Our Current Troubles

46. Because of the fact that the United Auto Workers and many of the banks -- the biggest stakeholders in this whole process -- have already aligned, have already agreed, this process will be quick,".

VOA : standard.2009.04.30

47. And it's made this whole process a whole lot easier,

这样会让我的整个学习过程更加轻松,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 与护理专业的学生













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