plain packaging翻译_plain packaging短语搭配_plain packaging权威例句

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  • 烟草简单包装:规定香烟盒不得展示一切品牌信息,只允许制造商在烟盒上用指定的大小、字体在指定的位置展示品牌,并印上健康警告和其他法律要求的信息。

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. The Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 简装香烟法


1. Cigarette giant British American Tobacco Australia is seeking an urgent appeal to the High Court for access to legal advice it says will prove proposed plain packaging laws are flawed.


2. Tobacco companies have vowed to sue Ireland and the UK, which also passed plain packaging laws this month.


3. Ten years after setting a trend with its workplace smoking ban, Ireland is pushing ahead to be the first EU state with plain packaging for cigarettes, despite fierce opposition1 from tobacco companies.


4. If the Government aims to introduce plain packaging then a display ban is unnecessary.


5. Plain packaging is a measure, under the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, pioneered in Australia.


6. Two years ago, Australia introduced plain packaging – adorned with such gruesome warnings that the adjective hardly fits.


7. BATA reaffirms its opposition to plain packaging of tobacco products and believes any such proposals do not hold up to close scrutiny.


8. Plain packaging reduces the attractiveness of tobacco products, restricts tobacco advertising and promotion, limits misleading labeling, and increases the effectiveness of health warnings.


9. Plain packaging would be another step in the reclassification of cigarettes from inviting consumer products to narcotics.

简单包装是另一个方法,将香烟从诱人的消费品重新归类到麻醉剂。《六级真题- 2016年 12月 2卷 阅读A》

10. BATA reaffirms its opposition to plain packaging of tobacco products and believes any such proposals do not hold up to close scrutiny.


11. The use of plain packaging to reduce tobacco consumption provides a good example.


12. And there will be a promise of more research on whether forcing cigarette firms to sell their products in plain packaging could further reduce the appeal to under18s.


13. MPs voted overwhelmingly in favour of Labour amendments to the children and families bill last February that included the power to regulate for plain packaging.


14. MPs voted overwhelmingly in favour of Labour amendments to the children and families bill last February that included the power to regulate for plain packaging.

去年2月,议会议员多数票支持对儿童和家庭法案的工党的修正案,包括调整为简单包装的权力。《六级真题- 2016年 12月 2卷 阅读A》

15. Although Australia would be the first country in the world to mandate plain packaging, New Zealand, Canada and Britain have considered a similar approach and are closely watching developments.


16. Two years ago, Australia introduced "plain" packaging-adorned with such gruesome warnings that the adjective hardly fits.


17. Ash research manager Amanda Sandford said packaging was now the main form of tobacco promotion and said plain packaging would be a first step to stop misleading information.


18. Evidence from Australia suggests plain packaging pushes society further along that road.

澳大利亚的证据表明简单包装使吸烟人数进一步下降。《六级真题- 2016年 12月 2卷 阅读A》

19. Lawmakers will vote to introduce plain packaging in the new year.


20. Plain Talk about Book Packaging Art


21. Any attempt to introduce plain packaging in Australia and in other countries will see BATA, as a global company, take every action necessary to protect their intellectual property rights.


22. But it is not inevitable, as libertarians argue, that plain packaging will then be imposed on alcohol, fizzy drinks or fatty foods.


23. The company wanted a Department of Health document from 1995 that it claims advises against plain packaging of tobacco products.


24. However, they did point to other more imminent challenges, including the advent of plain packaging.


25. Iceland also wants to follow Australia's lead by forcing tobacco manufacturers to sell cigarettes in plain, brown packaging plastered with health warnings rather than branding.


26. " Plain packaging would prevent tobacco manufacturers from providing consumers with information about products that are legally available in retail outlets," he said.


27. BATA has taken the government to the Federal Court over its refusal to release legal advice obtained by the Department of Health in1995 on the plain packaging of cigarettes.


28. Some corporate political activity is clearly meant to help shareholders and employees, even if it is deeply damaging to citizens "health, such as tobacco companies" agitating against plain cigarette packaging.

有些企业的政治活动显然是为了增进股东和员工的利益,即便这些活动对民众健康危害巨大,比如烟草企业鼓动反对简单香烟包装(plain cigarette packaging,上面的吸烟有损健康警示信息更鲜明——译者注)。

29. BATA wants the plain packaging push scrapped altogether because, it argues, the commonwealth is planning to unlawfully acquire its intellectual property rights.


30. Evidence from Australia suggests plain packaging pushes society further along that road.


31. One of the proposals under consideration is plain packaging.


32. Ash research manager Amanda Sandford said packaging was now the main form of tobacco promotion and said plain packaging would be a first step to stop misleading information.


33. The illegal tobacco market continues to grow costing the Federal Government more than$ 600 million per year in lost revenue and plain packaging will only exacerbate this growing problem.


34. Take "hard discounters", stores such as Aldi and Lidl that offer a limited range of cheap products in plain "white-label" packaging.


35. Although Australia would be the first country in the world to mandate plain packaging, New Zealand, Canada and Britain have considered a similar approach and are closely watching developments.


36. Doctors and health groups have lauded the move to plain packaging, saying it will stand as one of Australia's greatest ever public health achievements.


37. "Plain packaging would prevent tobacco manufacturers from providing consumers with information about products that are legally available in retail outlets," he said.


38. No jewelry (including wrist watches), other than plain wedding bands, is worn in food processing and packaging areas.


39. The government has said the laws reflects Australia's obligations under the World Health Organization's2005 framework against tobacco, which urges states to consider plain packaging laws.



1. People are still giving up and steps such as the display ban and plain packaging - if it happens - stop the industry making smoking attractive.

BBC: Smoking: Can the nation kick the habit?

2. Plain packaging is seen by campaigners as the next step in discouraging young people from taking up smoking.

BBC: Plain cigarette packs review ends

3. It's known that Britain, France, Norway, India and New Zealand have been among those following the Australian court case closely, to see if there are any lessons for similar plain packaging measures in their countries.

BBC: Australia smokers given plain packs

4. If approved by EU member states and the European Parliament, the Directive would, among other things, seize 75% of the tobacco package for graphic warnings and permit states to seize the entire label through plain packaging.

FORBES: Connect

5. Last December Australia became the first country in the world to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes.

BBC: Cigarette pack plan 'won't increase smuggling'

6. And, according to Ms Armstrong, the tobacco industry is not quaking with fear about a wave of plain packaging legislation.

BBC: Would you buy Brand X cigarettes?

7. She said the need now was to do more to prevent children and young people from taking up smoking, and she repeated the charity's call for the introduction of plain packaging for tobacco.

BBC: Childhood asthma 'admissions down' after smoking ban

8. Tobacco products in Australia must be in plain packaging without logos and have graphic health warnings as of December 1.

CNN: Tobacco health warnings around the world

9. The government said it was intending to begin a consultation on plain packaging by the end of this year.

BBC: Over 40% of cancers due to lifestyle, says review

10. Australia is currently the only country which has agreed to plain packaging, although the policy has been challenged in the courts by manufacturers.

BBC: Plain cigarette packs review ends

11. To achieve this the government is putting the squeeze on smokers through ever tougher regulation such as the ban on tobacco displays (which is being rolled out) and the introduction of plain packaging (which is being considered).

BBC: Smoking: Can the nation kick the habit?

12. So, the clause on plain packaging added while the bill was in the House of Lords may fail.

BBC: Would you buy Brand X cigarettes?

13. The minimum pricing proposal for alcohol is an example of this, as is the plain packaging suggestion for cigarettes which has already been put forward by ministers.

BBC: Why are we so unhealthy?

14. Your packaging is plain due to shipping codes?

FORBES: Bringing The Magic Kingdom To Your Customers

15. The government is also due to begin a public consultation before the end of the year on whether to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes in order to lessen their marketing appeal to young people, help make health warnings more effective and help reduce the number of smokers.

BBC: Cigarette vending machines banned in England

16. But cigarette packets will no longer be mini, mobile advertising boards and, for those working to reduce smoking levels, plain packaging is an important stage in the shift to a smoking-free society.

BBC: Australia smokers given plain packs

17. Plain packaging will also exacerbate an already serious counterfeiting problem in parts of the EU. If unregulated, counterfeit cigarette packages are essentially indistinguishable from regulated products, consumers are at greater risk of purchasing dangerous products.

FORBES: Further Down the Slippery Slope: The EU's Tobacco Package Property Seizure

18. New Zealand says it will put all tobacco products into plain packaging, following the landmark move by Australia last year.

BBC: New Zealand to act on tobacco packaging

19. The charity urged the government to commit to plain, standardised packaging of tobacco, which is considered less appealing to youngsters.

BBC: Cigarette pack plan 'won't increase smuggling'

20. "Plain packaging is a game changer, " says Anne Jones, a veteran of anti-smoking campaigns.

BBC: Australia smokers given plain packs

21. The charity called on the government to commit to the plain packaging plan, as was introduced in Australia in December 2012.

BBC: '570 children a day' start smoking

22. There was no place in the Queen's Speech for proposals to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes or legislation on minimum alcohol pricing, although Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has insisted both plans are still under consideration.

BBC: Queen's Speech: Immigrants face tougher rules
















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