maximum amount翻译_maximum amount短语搭配_maximum amount权威例句

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maximum amount

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  • 最大数量:指某物或某种情况下可达到的最大数量或限制。

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1. maximum amount of commodities 最大的商品的数量 ; 最高金额的商品 ; 最大的商品数额

2. maximum amount limitation 经 最高额限制

3. maximum amount of insurance coverage 最高保险额

4. minimum and maximum amount 最小与最大约定数量

5. the maximum amount of time 最大量时间

6. maximum amount limitations 最高金额限制 ; 最高额限制

7. allowable maximum amount 最高容许限度


1. Legal Thinking on Mortgage of Maximum Amount


2. It also allows control over the maximum amount of CPU time available to a particular job, which is quite useful for an administrator.


3. What is the maximum amount I can upgrade to?


4. The maximum amount for online credit card payment per transaction is HKD 20,000 ( USD 2,570 ).

而每次以信用卡于网上付款的最高金额为HKD20,000 ( USD2,570 ).《互联网》

5. This is the maximum amount of damage an item can inflict on something.


6. The idle-timeout-seconds element specifies the maximum amount of time a bean remains in the cache.

idle-timeout-seconds 元素指定 bean 驻留缓存中的最长时间。

7. Structure that contains the maximum amount of time for the client to wait for the server to return results.

结构,包含客户端等待服务器返回结果的最长等待时间。《provided by jukuu》

8. You should keep all of your receipts so you can claim the maximum amount.


9. The maximum amount of time an element will take to register to ARM is set to 3 minutes.


10. I'm sorry to say that according to the authorization center's rule of the American Express card, the maximum amount drawable each time cannot exceed four hundred US dollars.

很抱歉,根据运通卡授权中心的规定,私人支票兑付的最大限额为每次400美元。《provided by jukuu》

11. The maxperm tunable parameter indicates the maximum amount of memory that should be used to cache non-computational pages.


12. We reached the maximum amount of memory used in a few of the configurations (these configurations had lower amounts of memory).


13. Borrowing Limit The maximum amount a bank is willing to loan a borrower.


14. But Obama raised$ 32 million in January, to Clinton's$ 13 million, causing concern among her supporters, many of whom have already given the maximum amount permitted by law.


15. Setting Maturity for Maximum Amount Guarantee and Evaluating Legal Risks


16. What's the maximum amount of wine you're allowed to take through customs duty-free?


17. The maximum amount of time the server should spend searching.

伺服器花在搜的上限。《provided by jukuu》

18. The second part presents the establishment of the mortgage of maximum amount.


19. Set the maximum amount of alcoholic drinks to take on each occasion, e . g . two beers.

定下每次饮酒的最高上限, 譬如两杯啤酒.《互联网》

20. The maximum amount a bank is willing to loan a borrower.


21. This parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory that can be allocated for the query heap.


22. This achieves the maximum amount of density of materials without external force.


23. If you do not specify a maximum amount of AOT code that can be stored, then the default setting is to use the entire cache.


24. The maximum amount of the processor used for a production environment is in the75 percent range.


25. The letter of credit against which the draft is drawn must state the maximum amount.


26. A TimedTest takes as parameters a test and a maximum amount of time for the test to execute.


27. There is no maximum amount in universal deposit temporarily.


28. The maximum amount of physical memory the process has required since it was started.


29. This timeout value is the maximum amount of time that the client that sends a search request can wait for a response before timing out.


30. Is there a maximum amount of sites I can look at?

我能观看网页的最高数额有限制吗?《provided by jukuu》

31. The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded.


32. Practical Problems of Maximum Amount System


33. What is the maximum amount that the organization can afford to lose?


34. I need the maximum amount of information you can give me.


35. 'a deficit of 8% is the maximum amount we can afford in the current situation,' he said.

他说,占GDP 8%的赤字规模是我们现在所能承受的上限。

36. The drive to produce the maximum amount at the minimum cost


37. Define the maximum amount of user VDISK space to INFINITE.


38. The maximum amount of the processor used for a production environment is in the 75 percent range.

生产环境的处理器的最大使用量在 75% 左右。

39. You will be reimbursed for appropriate expenditures up to the maximum amount of the approved allocation.


40. To add insult to injury, there is a maximum amount any family can get.


41. The determination of the maximum amount guarantee is also called the final accounts of maximum amount guaranteed.


42. Research on Making of Railway Transport Price Using Theory of Minimum Cost Maximum Amount


43. When making travel plans, work out the maximum amount you can afford to spend.


44. The maximum amount for online credit card payment transaction is HKD 20, 000 ( USD 2, 570 ).

而每次以信用卡于网上付款的最高金额为HKD20, 000 ( USD2, 570 ).《互联网》

45. How many colour of the maximum amount do you accept on a Tee?


46. That will extract the maximum amount of information back out of the database again.


47. There was a maximum amount you could put into each round based on your level in the firm.


48. The maximum amount a bank is willing to loan a borrower.


49. And then write down the maximum amount you'd be willing to pay for this mug or one identical to it.


50. What is the maximum amount of memory any single process on Windows can address?


51. The maximum amount you can lose is the price of the call.


52. The maximum amount of time the transaction can exist, before it is aborted.

事务在中止之前能够存在的最长时间。《provided by jukuu》

53. By creating tests that exercise the user interface itself, developers can test the maximum amount of code with the fewest number of tests.


54. Advertisers can also set your keywords advertising prices and the daily maximum amount.


55. Gets the maximum amount of physical memory used by the associated process.

获取关联的进程使用的最大物理内存量。《provided by jukuu》

56. Define the maximum amount of system VDISK space to the maximum allowed.


57. And the maximum amount of bacteria allowed in every milliliter of milk surged to 2 million from 500-thousand under the original standard.


58. The Max field describes the maximum amount of CPUs that you can add after performing a DLPAR operation.


59. The maximum amount of time that the database engine should require to recover a database.

数据库引擎恢复数据库所需的最长时间。《provided by jukuu》

60. The preceding maximum amount does not include interest and costs of litigation.


61. Sequential unconstrained minimization technique minimum and maximum amount


62. The last part explains the social function and the defects of the maximum amount hypothec.


63. Your main objective should be to gather a maximum amount of diagnostic information just before and around the time of a problem.


64. Maximum amount of memory supported in bytes.

以字节表示的所支持的最大内存数。《provided by jukuu》

65. The Legal Construction of the Guarantee System for Margin Trading: A Framework Analysis from Maximum Amount Pledge


66. What's the maximum amount of wine you're allowed to take through customs duty - free ?

海关准许携带酒类的最大 免税 限量是 多少 ?《简明英汉词典》

67. That means a lot less work to reach a maximum amount of people.


68. What's the maximum amount of wine you're allowed to take through customs duty free?

海关允许你携带酒的最高免税额是 多少 ?《互联网》

69. Exception: If you're unsure about your job security, you want to marshal the maximum amount of cash possible.



1. In a Dutch auction, a company reveals the maximum amount of shares being sold and sometimes a potential price for those shares.

FORBES: Social Media IPOs Should Consider Going Dutch

2. Cloud seeding is a technology that facilitates rainfall by extracting the maximum amount of moisture from the atmosphere, condensing it around chemical pellets.

FORBES: Venezuela: Recent Rain And Claims of Cloud Seeding

3. Both blades and turbines will have to get bigger, better, and stronger in order to harvest the maximum amount of energy at the lowest cost.

FORBES: In A Bold Move, Massachusetts Stakes Out Its Role in US Offshore Wind Development

4. Nifty 4600 put options have the maximum amount of open interest of any Nifty index option contract as of close of market on Thursday.

FORBES: Locals Shorting India Stock Market

5. The government recently slashed the maximum amount the retailers are allowed to buy, from 500lb (225kg) a month to 300lb.


6. As a thought experiment, it asks whether you prefer to focus on the maximum amount of pleasure in any given experience or the average pleasure.

WSJ: Dan Ariely on How to Get Your Kids to Move | Ask Ariely

7. She works extra hours each week and contributes to her employer's version of a 401(k), but doesn't feel financially able to contribute the maximum amount.

WSJ: Boomers Find 401(k) Plans Come Up Short

8. The law mandated a minimum 25-cent-per-hour wage, in addition to setting the maximum amount of hours most employees could work per week at 44.

FORBES: Minimum Wage: Good Cause Or Economic Pariah?

9. In many cases, the children's donations came on the same day or about the same time their parents contributed the maximum amount allowed under federal law.

CNN: Small children, big political donations

10. Mr. BAKER: Let's say they implement the maximum amount, 13 and a half or 14 percent, whatever it is.

NPR: Alabama Town Questions an Economy of Socks

11. Thirty seconds is the maximum amount of time that you have to impress the judges with your video entry.

BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

12. If we paid the maximum amount for the death of your relative, then you'll say no more.

NPR: Charges Expected Against Marines in Haditha Case

13. Didn't it make his staff suspicious, he was asked, that so many peers were claiming the maximum amount?

BBC: England

14. The higher 960bn figure relates to spending commitments - the maximum amount that can be allocated to programmes during the budget period.

BBC: EU budget: Leaders edge towards compromise deal

15. Israeli police spokesman Gil Kleiman said the attack was clearly planned to cause the maximum amount of casualties.

BBC: Israeli investigators at the scene of the double bombing

16. What we want is a system that hits the sweet spot, of encouraging the maximum amount of both, original and derivative.

FORBES: Perhaps Richard Stallman Has The Solution To Software Patents?

17. "Everyone is on the limit here, running wide, using the maximum amount of track and the kerbs and unfortunately it started to break up, " he told reporters.

CNN: Raikkonen on a roll at Jerez

18. "We are working intensely under a very short time span to have a maximum amount of information to able to find the black boxes, " she said.

BBC: Air France crash: Tail section found on Atlantic seabed

19. Ina Drew, the executive who ran the Chief Investment Office where the losses occurred, volunteered to return her pay to the maximum amount allowed by the bank.

WSJ: Banks Bow to New York on Clawbacks

20. The Italian government succeeded in selling the maximum amount of bonds it had planned to offer, though yields surged.

WSJ: Blue Chips Jump 156 Points

21. In April 2011 the maximum amount of childcare support available through tax credits was cut from 80 to 70%.

BBC: London parents struggling to pay for nurseries: Survey

22. To get the maximum amount of nutrients from food I always recommend eating fresh foods over packaged or processed.

FORBES: The 8 Best Smart Phone Apps For Weight Loss

23. In addition, if you are not sure how long your stay will be, Lonely Planet advises asking for the maximum amount of time: three months.

BBC: Search the

24. The environment and process offered the absolute maximum amount of learning possible.

FORBES: Connect

25. This is where somebody--the government, usually--imposes an orderly drilling plan to get the maximum amount of oil out of the ground.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. Although they cannot draw more than the maximum amount - which is approximately equal to a good health annuity - there is more flexibility over the death benefits.

BBC: Enhanced annuities: Who can benefit?

27. The change enables tenants and landlords to find out the maximum amount of LHA available before an agreement is reached.

BBC: Woman given ?12k a month for home

28. The gadget does need to be in good working order and returned with the original parts to receive the maximum amount of trade-in value.

FORBES: Best Buy Officially Launches Buy Back Program

29. Put that way we can see that what we actually want is to have the maximum amount of imports at the very lowest prices that we can.

FORBES: US And EU Free Trade Negotiations: No, This Is An Appalling Idea, Truly Terrible

30. In December the department announced increases to the maximum amount parents may have to contribute towards their children's fees, which is decided by means testing.

BBC: Universities agree Guernsey and Jersey student fees



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