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英 [ˈɡrænstændɪŋ]play美 [ˈɡrænstændɪŋ]play

  • n. 哗众取宠;炫耀
  • v. 哗众取宠(grandstand 的现在分词形式)

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grandstanding /ˈgrænˌstændɪŋ/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Grandstanding means behaving in a way that makes people pay attention to you instead of thinking about more important matters. 哗众取宠

    Opponents of the measure say it's political grandstanding that could prove devastating to the economy.




1. Grandstanding Problem 逐名问题

2. Not Grandstanding Action 没有哗众取宠行动

3. No Grandstanding 没有哗众取宠

4. Stop Grandstanding 别再惹人注意

5. And Some Grandstanding 也有哗众取宠

6. Grandstanding Model 炫耀模型

7. Not Grandstanding 不哗众取宠

8. Tears are grandstanding 泪水哗众取宠

9. Grandstanding hypothesis 逐名效应说


1. The fact that high reputation PE/ VC organizations failed to significantly reduce the IPO under-pricing rate of their invested companies showed, to some degree, that the Grandstanding Model did not fit to Chinese GEM.


2. Are you grandstanding for TV cameras?

你是想上电视吗?《provided by jukuu》

3. Then Douyin suspended his 600000-follower account for "grandstanding through gaudy content."


4. Grandstanding on topics you know little about makes you disingenuous-your deception oozes from every paragraph to an informed reader.


5. There is no flowery language, not grandstanding action.


6. The topic may be obvious, but a close reading prompts an urge to question whether it could have been said with fewer words and less grandstanding.


7. Open societies might be full of complications, delays and political grandstanding but they are also good at creativity and invention.


8. Like most debates around banking, the discussion about the extent to which banks can game the system to lower their risk-weighted assets ( and hence their capital requirements), would benefit from less grandstanding.


9. I mention I like the drop is BEYOND, as if dropping because too many people like them, so the drop in the number of people putting in grandstanding there, but lost slightly fresh.

而我说起我喜欢滴是BE YOND来,好像是因为喜欢他们滴人太多,所以在一些标新立异哗众取宠滴人那里,反而失去咯新鲜。

10. This missile is pompous grandstanding by a very small man.

这枚导弹是这个小个子男人的雄伟的外表。《provided by jukuu》

11. And what they want is, I think, an honest assessment of what it's going to take to solve the problem and not a lot of petty backbiting and grandstanding.


12. It's 'grandstanding,' says another manager with a tech multinational. 'There are far more important bilateral business and trade issues for both countries.'


13. Cynics accused Hillary and me of grandstanding to increase our popularity among people who would otherwise oppose any tax increase.


14. Zhao's comments are petty, superstitious and self promoting. Isn't it ironic that a Hollywood movie is a better representative of china than this grandstanding Chinese national?


15. Much of this is grandstanding. But there is a serious economic point.


16. This is not mere philosophical grandstanding.


17. Both sides engaged in predictable grandstanding, but a turnout of just 26% showed exactly what voters thought.


18. Celia thought, despite all his grandstanding and politics, he cares too.

西莉亚想, 尽管他热衷于哗众取宠和党派政治, 但也并非无动于衷.《辞典例句》

19. Predictably, much of that time was instead spent grandstanding.


20. What that means, however, is taking on the big long-term issues, above all health costs - not grandstanding and penny-pinching over short-term spending to help a distressed economy.


21. Emphasising that this is about keeping up, rather than grandstanding, she talks about Europe facing an "innovation emergency".


22. This is simple grandstanding by Congress.


23. Mr McCain, for all his efforts at bipartisan grandstanding, will find it hard to escape guilt by association with the Bush administration.


24. But quietly so. Even when an archetypal Allen quip slips out, there are no eye-rolls, no grandstanding, no bada-boom.

But quietly so.即使一句典型的艾伦式讽刺脱口而出,他也不会眨一下眼睛,不会有哗众取宠的表演或者bada-boom 。

25. The sheer size of the fine had an element of grandstanding about it.


26. Danny: I think it's just grandstanding and Schirru is being made a sacrificial lamb.


27. Still, for all the grandstanding, a consensus does seem to exist.


28. Mr Obama's calm and collected response to the turmoil on Wall Street contrasted sharply with Mr McCain's grandstanding.


29. I was grandstanding. I can be like that.

旁观者清,我也可以像你一样。《provided by jukuu》

30. Stop grandstanding, Sally. Everyone can see you.


31. Dissidents within Syria often accuse exiles of being too keen to spend time grandstanding in Western capitals.


32. But Mr Sarkozy is not one to miss any opportunity for global grandstanding.


33. CIC is not alone in its frustration with political grandstanding on SWF investments in the West.


34. Opponents of the measure say it's political grandstanding that could prove devastating to the economy.


35. Listen, it may bravado, Norman grandstanding to me that he spotted a genius early on.

听着, 这可能有点夸张, 诺曼向我吹嘘他一早就发现了这个天才.《期刊摘选》

36. Lucio, Brazil — Forget the grandstanding of players like Ronaldinho (Dunga has), captain Lucio is what makes Brazil tick.



1. President Jagdeo is now practised at international grandstanding about ceding Guyana's rainforests in a noble global cause.

BBC: Why the West should put money in the trees

2. Tony Blair and George Bush were right to ignore Jacques Chirac's grandstanding and liberate Iraq anyway.

ECONOMIST: Allende remembered

3. Rhodri Morgan says the opposition are just "grandstanding" - playing games to score political points.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | The way ahead for EU funding

4. But given that this is an election year in America, the potential for grandstanding is endless.

ECONOMIST: Will Congress do its bit for peace?

5. This grandstanding was begun by Antonio Carlos Magalhaes, a tough conservative political boss from Bahia, in the backward north-east.


6. Despite the grandstanding, their views about raising taxes are the same: only in unforeseen circumstances.

ECONOMIST: The Democratic race: Nasty isn’t nice | The

7. How appalling these companies are to use exactly the same taxation laws as the grandstanding politician herself?

FORBES: The Gorgeous Joy Of Tax Dodging By Starbucks, Google And Amazon

8. But now it is time to subordinate the political grandstanding to the needs of economic recovery.

FORBES: It's Time To Finalize The Robo-Signing Settlement

9. Both sides engaged in predictable grandstanding, but a turnout of just 26% showed exactly what voters thought.

ECONOMIST: An entrepreneur shakes up the political landscape

10. There has been sufficient political grandstanding about the robo-signing settlement to last a lifetime of Sunday news shows.

FORBES: It's Time To Finalize The Robo-Signing Settlement

11. Was this the noble act of a mindful coach, or was this public relations grandstanding at its finest?

FORBES: Tressel's Treaty: Noble Or Naive?

12. In May, U.S. congressmen Henry Waxman, Joe Barton and Edward Markey got in on the grandstanding.

FORBES: On Google And Other Misunderstood Wireless Data Collectors

13. His unpretentious calm may suit the chancellor better than the erratic grandstanding of Mr Sarkozy.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

14. This contrasts with French-style grandstanding that is high on domestic feelgood, but low on achievement.

ECONOMIST: Tony Blair needs a good row in Washington

15. With grandstanding on both sides, a comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian settlement, covering everything, is virtually unobtainable.

ECONOMIST: For Palestine, bring in Solomon

16. His new commitment to make it independent is designed to dispel doubts that he was just grandstanding.

ECONOMIST: National Health Service

17. Writing in the Sunday Times, he warned ex-Cabinet members it was not the time for "grandstanding".

BBC: Students have continually opposed the plans

18. As president, Lula has shown little patience for tree-huggers (see article), never mind grandstanding gringos.

ECONOMIST: Energy in Brazil

19. Instead of watching the grandstanding and tribal chauvinism with wry amusement, we have become active participants.

CNN: In the Field

20. For all his grandstanding and televised press conferences, Mr Spitzer seems to have some good points.

ECONOMIST: Why investors should always be suspicious of advisers

21. Mr Obama's calm and collected response to the turmoil on Wall Street contrasted sharply with Mr McCain's grandstanding.

ECONOMIST: Lexington

22. To Alocozy's lawyer, Stephen Shaiken, the whole affair smacked of grandstanding by the feds.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

23. Instead, Republican lawmakers focused on what they saw as political grandstanding by Schumer and his allies.

NPR: Alberto Gonzales and the Politics of 2008

24. The Spitzer assault includes grandstanding press conferences and threatened enforcement cases against the biggest names in brokerage.

FORBES: Witch Hunt

25. The movie is a triumph for Cheadle he never steps outside the character for emotional grandstanding or easy moralism.

NEWYORKER: Hotel Rwanda

26. Surely, the grandstanding Mr. Crowley was just getting his arguments logged into the public record.

FORBES: Why December 15 Could Be The Day Tax Hikes Crash The Stock Market

27. Opponents of the measure say it's political grandstanding that could prove devastating to the economy.


28. No one believes Europe can let itself go up in smoke for the sake of political grandstanding.

FORBES: The Eurozone Must Follow The U.K. To Resolve Its Crisis

29. Cutting through the political grandstanding, the ACA will create enormous new opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation in healthcare.

FORBES: Healthcare Reform: Rhetoric vs. Reality

30. But he feels they are novices in power, grandstanding on live broadcasts from the parliament, but doing little else.

CNN: Old politics joins new in Egypt

31. Meanwhile, despite all the grandstanding from President Obama and Congress, nothing seems to change in the U.S., either.

FORBES: Italy's Zombie Politicians Have Crossed The Atlantic





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