feel cheap是什么意思_feel cheap短语搭配_feel cheap权威例句

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feel cheap

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  • 感觉廉价:形容一个人在某种情况下感觉自己不值钱,不受尊重或被轻视。

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  • 觉得身体不舒服;感到惭愧



1. Don T Feel Cheap 不要觉得便宜


1. On the other hand, Lombardo adds, a bargain can be a cheap thrill, literally, and when it makes you feel smart, that's a positive thing.


2. I think a lot of the trainees feel they are a cheap source of labor.


3. When a teacher learns that his students think ill of his lecture, you bet he will feel cheap.


4. A little bit, pulled two door design in the delicious eating too two pickled fish and experience personalized service, but feel that this design is really cheap, cute and cool!


5. But feel free to cheap out on the vodka. Its taste gets lost in the complex mix.


6. Can you still find a way back to the taste of cheap wine, the feel of grass between your fingers and a world that was all shimmering reflections?


7. Sometimes feel cheap, looking for the feeling of pumping, are numb, or shameless.

有时候觉得自己很贱, 想找抽的感觉, 是麻木, 还是无耻.《互联网》

8. The plastic back didn't feel too cheap.


9. I profoundly feel satisfaction, particularly price, this is special cheap!


10. Because then you feel so strongly about the product. And not just the fact you are getting a used cigar butt cheap. Then it is compelling.


11. Did Sarah feel poor by cheap living?


12. The teacher made the girl feel cheap by making her stand in front of the class.


13. A: Jetta drivers seem particularly fond of their cars, in part because it is one of the rare economy cars that doesn't look and feel cheap.


14. I think a lot of the trainees feel they are a cheap source of labor.


15. Those populations have been promised benefits to which they feel entitled, and have grown used to a standard of living that may have been exaggerated by the availability of cheap credit.


16. Each loan is so small I'd feel really cheap making a big deal out of it; still, I do resent the fact that she never pays me back.


17. These thoughts seem conflicting, but it is actually quite natural to feel this way - we all want high quality products, but at a cheap price.


18. His treatment of her made her feel cheap.


19. The researchers suggest that choosing to pay less than an announced lower-than-expected price made people feel cheap.


20. Wearing that cheap dress in public made me feel like two cents. ;


21. The way he just left me alone at the disco made me feel so cheap.

他这样把我一个人留在迪斯科舞厅让我感到非常羞辱。《provided by jukuu》

22. The researchers suggest that choosing to pay less than an announced lower-than-expected price made people feel cheap.


23. I feel cheap not being able to return their invitation.


24. They always want you to buy something and then give you some cheap gift to make you feel good.


25. I just feel so cheap and used.

我真可怜啊,被利用了。《provided by jukuu》

26. This makes the experience feel rather cheap and naked.


27. The faint smile had vanished from her face and suddenly she seemed to feel rather ashamed and cheap. She bit her lip.


28. Cronin's 750-page epic is part literature, part gripping horror yarn, but most importantly it's a vampire tale that doesn't feel cheap.


29. Jetta drivers seem particularly fond of their cars, in part because it is one of the rare economy cars that doesn't look and feel cheap.


30. Finally, many wrongly feel Shanghai is a cheap place to live.



1. The Atlas' flattery isn't perfectly executed, however -- the gamepad's shoulder buttons depress with a noticeably loud click and its triggers feel somewhat cheap when directly compared to Microsoft's original levers.

ENGADGET: Green Throttle Games Atlas and Arena hands-on (video)

2. Often, investors feel obliged to invest in risky assets because money is so cheap, without an adequate assessment of risks.

FORBES: 5 Reasons Why Ben is "Killing Me Softly With His Song"

3. It doesn't feel cheap, per se -- but considering that this will become Nokia's highest-end smartphone, it doesn't necessarily feel the part, either.

ENGADGET: Nokia N900 quick hands-on Hands-on

4. The units themselves feel like weighty travel utensils at first, but don't feel too light or cheap.


5. Starting July 26, the annual Oregon Brewers Festival will serve up more than 80 different craft beers from around the U.S. The ease of living on the cheap and chill can make the town feel smug at times, ripe for the satire of "Portlandia, " which has made the place a poster town for hipsterdom.

WSJ: Insider's Travel Guide to Portland, Oregon | Journal Concierge

6. You might like cheap labour scurrying round with a broom in your kitchen - but you feel differently when it is cheap labour doing the job you thought was yours.

BBC: Germany expects influx of Polish workers

7. They will be so cheap that a prudent product designer will feel no guilt over wasting them.

FORBES: Digital rules

8. Specifically, I feel morally authorized to spend an entire year blasting the Red Hot Chili Peppers at maximum volume out of really cheap car-stereo speakers, the ones equipped with chintzy mega-bass, to make up for the 20 years of noise pollution I've had to endure.

WSJ: Joe Queenan on the Sound of One Neighbor Misbehaving | Moving Targets

9. Yes, it feels good in the hand, owed in part to that matte plastic back and subtle arc S-like curve, but the materials feel cheap.

ENGADGET: Sony Xperia TL for AT&T hands-on (video) Mobile

10. We can't comment on picture quality due to the lack of sample shots, but we were certainly impressed by both cameras' build quality -- kudos to Sony for the much improved grip, and we also liked the firm chassis (plus its various knobs and flaps) that didn't feel cheap despite sounding hollow.

ENGADGET: Sony Alpha A390 and A290 DSLRs hands-on Hands-on

11. The feel of the set is a bit light, -- but it doesn't extend to cheap -- the slide is solid with nary a bit of rattle, and the fit where the device's various edges meet is good.

ENGADGET: LG Rumor Touch hands-on Hands-on

12. That may be true elsewhere, too, but a sensitivity to surroundings not wanting to be made to feel cheap is particularly marked in Brazil.


13. The plastic back didn't feel too cheap.

ENGADGET: iPhone 3G hands-on Hands-on

14. Mainland Nova Scotia was said to feel like New England 50 years ago, a friendly, uncrowded maritime paradise with vast tracts of cheap, desirable land.

FORBES: Magazine Article

15. The second piece of advice is, if you actually think you're a more capable investor and think you're able to know things other people don't know, and feel confident to going beyond passiveness--and, of course, passiveness is easy and cheap, you know.

FORBES: Ken Fisher Tells You Why You Need To Be Bullish

16. China and Russia feel cheap shots at the U.S. are cost-free.

FORBES: Fact And Comment



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