to make better是什么意思_to make better的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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to make better


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1. To make it better 开始好转 ; 使其更好地 ; 就能开始好转 ; 就开始好转

2. gǎi shàn to make better 改善

3. Start to make better work 开始好好工作

4. How to Make Better Love 唱片名

5. Change to make life better 改变使生活更美好

6. How to Make Better Decisions 地平线

7. wish to make better music 希望做出更好的音乐

8. To make a better place 创造一个更美好的地方

9. to make plants grow better 使作物生长良好


1. Enable your enterprise to make better informed business decisions.


2. Virtualisation lowers costs by enabling firms to make better use of their servers and buy fewer new ones.


3. By knowing precisely what you are receiving and what you are missing out on, you ought to be able to make better decisions.


4. Here, there's a clear opportunity to stop people from wasting money by encouraging them to make better financial decisions.


5. Therefore, in order to make better use of technology, it need to re-understand, evaluate and reconsider the negative consequence which followed by technology development.


6. So how to make better interpretation of economic policy is the theme of this thesis.


7. We need to make better use of these resources, no matter when they work or where they are located.


8. Meanwhile, laws on seedling crown formation and ways of controlling its elongation have been studied so as to make better use of seedling rootstock.


9. Chinese cartoon makers are searching for new ways to make better cartoons.


10. We really do take in what people say and try to make better stuff.


11. Mr Cameron’s supporters talk of “libertarian paternalism”, or nudging people to make better choices.


12. Ask them what data they need to make better decisions and document the answers.


13. To reduce those Numbers, some schools are teaching children to make better food choices.


14. Africa also needs to make better use of similar lands.


15. Businesspeople who monitor the governance indicators are likely to make better decisions.


16. Therefore, in order to make better use of cost and improve the efficiency of brand communication, it is more and more necessary to assess the efficiency of communication.


17. His fascinating ideas and insights give a new perspective on how Reiki works which inspires us to make better use of our skills.


18. They seem to make better proposals when they are out of office than when they are in power.


19. Basic way to make better use of materials in foreign armies management of equipment procurement in foreign armies


20. But Droke said the pair also have advised her how to make better use of class time.


21. Therefore, they demand more precise and reliable measuring technologies for advertising effectiveness desperately to make better investing decisions.


22. To make better use of them they were sometimes split into smaller "virtual machines", each of which could run its own operating system and application.


23. The third tip is to make better use of online social networks, particularly to make contact with new people.


24. We try something, and see how it works out - and then we have more information to make better decisions in the future.


25. There are options now for leading more energy-efficient lives that should enable people to make better personal choices.


26. So what can you do to make better use of this powerful technology?


27. Therefore, land allocation system should be reformed so as to make better use of urban land resources and ensure the development of commercial housing.


28. People with more information are empowered to make better choices.


29. The precondition to make better reception work in colleges is to learn its features, purposes and requirements.


30. After all, previous research has shown that breakfast increases satiety14, reduces total energy intake and sets us up to make better food choices throughout the day, likely because we start out with better breakfast options like fiber-and nutrient-dense foods.


31. Virtualisation lowers costs by enabling firms to make better use of their servers and buy fewer new ones.


32. Being smarter is about being able to make better decisions.


33. How to make better use of good in this policy?


34. Any tips on how to make better, quicker decisions?


35. Now Peru is trying to make better use of one of its prime resources, in two ways.


36. In order to make better use of data from geophysical logging, fuzzy theory and data of logging were adopted to identify lithofacies.


37. The WEF is a body that enlightens people, that helps them to make better informed decisions.


38. And they will seek out employers who try hard to make better work-life balance a reality.


39. The ability to make better decisions.


40. You ought to be able to make better-informed, more reasonable decisions.


41. And the teachers also taught them to make better change bags.

老师还教他们做更好的零钱袋。《中考真题- 2015 重庆 阅读C》

42. Busier people have less time to shop and want to make better use of their time.


43. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today.


44. Having a detailed map would allow the CCB to make better business decisions based on an impact analysis of the changes.


45. How to Make Better Use of the Library to Write the Graduation Thesis


46. Many companies have seen an opportunity to make better quick, point-of-care flu diagnostics.


47. Knowing the complexity can help you to make better estimates of the work required.


48. How to make better use of cement raw materials of higher alkali content


49. Students intended to make better use of the view of the Kai Tak Airport runway by building a Mega Structure in the area.


50. Knowing what you like and dislike, what you do well in and what you find difficult allows you to make better decisions about friendships, schoolwork and so on.


51. Enable your enterprise to make better informed business decisions.


52. What are three steps that managers can take to make better decisions?


53. It is important how to make better to construct revamping engineering in safety during its run.


54. has excellent documentation with examples that show how to make better use of a database.

or g具有优秀的文档,其中的例子展示了如何更好地使用数据库。

55. How to make better use of their cultural tourism resources is an important question for the current development of Nanyang tourism.


56. Embracing the fact that you can change will allow you to make better choices, and reach your fullest potential.


57. Businesses are continually searching for ways to make better use of their computing resources.

商家继续找寻着可以充分利用计算资源的方式。《provided by jukuu》

58. When you provide more detailed search conditions by having more predicates in a query, the optimizer has a chance to make better choices.



1. how can we use this to make the world a better place.

我们如何用它来营造一个更加美好的世界。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 干细胞和伦理

2. Roberto Clemente once said: "Anytime you have an opportunity to make things better and you don't, then you are wasting your time on Earth."

VOA : special.2010.04.11

3. Raikes was straightforward about the need for groups like Gates to make better use of data.

FORBES: Jeff Raikes On The Challenges And Successes Of The Gates Foundation

4. Getting kids to make better choices in even little ways like this can add up over time.

FORBES: 'What Would Batman Eat?' Getting Our Kids To Make Smarter Choices

5. and generally tries to make the world a better place.

他们努力创造一个更美好的世界。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 被学问的自由所迷住

6. He further called for SEC Chairman William Donaldson to make better use of his bully pulpit in championing financial reform.

FORBES: Spitzer, Bogle Say SEC Needs Focus

7. And often, if you want to make a lot of it, you have to think about the thermodynamics of the system, how fast the reactions will go and kinetics, and then whether they'll go, the thermodynamics, and sometimes then you need to adjust the reactions, maybe use a transition metal to make it go better.

这种分子就不能正常工作,而且通常来说,如果你要大量生产一个东西,你必须考虑系统的热力学,反应速率和动力学,还有反应是否会发生,热力学,而且有时候你需要调整反应的发生。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

8. I decided to make myself some strong coffee so I could work better.

VOA : special.2009.05.03

9. and so it's just like, you kind of like learn how to keep the world a better place, like make it a better place.

内容是怎么样让世界变得更美好,更适合居住。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 高中生活怎么样?

10. The algorithm can be taught to make better choices via like and dislike buttons.

FORBES: Technology

11. You might think that its function is to make you more - a better cyclist but that's not its only function.

你也许只知道它的作用是--,使你成为一个更好的自行车手,但这并不是它的唯一功能生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. And we were talking about how he wants to find ways to sort of fix and make better the,

我们谈论的是,他想用什么样的方式来提高教育,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 优秀的MBA人们

13. It's not exactly the kid-glove treatment, but it does stand to make better the lives of millions of people.

CNN: Rubio's tough line on immigration makes sense

14. A lot of people started coming back here, you know, to live, and so make things better.

很多人开始回到这里,他们回来生活,并且让一切变得更加美好。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 哈莱姆的变迁

15. "Even if you are not a celebrity, if you are not rich, if you are not famous, you can do something to help make this world a better place."

VOA : special.2009.08.10

16. That means developing sophisticated analytical capabilities that enable us to make better decisions across the business.

FORBES: Connecting marketers to the Forbes audience. What is this?

17. I mean the technology is, you know, it's a tool to help make a better movie,

我是说,技术是一种帮助我们拍更好的电影的一种工具,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 没有特效的话

18. I know where the young people come together, we have the possibility of doing whatever it takes to make the world a better place."

VOA : special.2009.07.01

19. The essay that you read was produced at the behest of his French publisher. They wanted him to write something that would make people feel better about the book, that would give some account of its origin and give some defense for its publication and its content.

你们所读到的那篇短文就是在法国出版商的要求下写的,他们希望他写些什么来让人们对这本书产生更多的好感,来交待这本书的缘起,并且为它的内容和它的出版进行辩护。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. "What IMBRA does is it just introduces some common-sense safeguards that we're going to allow foreign women to make informed decisions and to better protect themselves.

VOA : special.2011.02.14

21. How can we better equip ourselves to make better decisions both in the voting booth and in public policy?

FORBES: Becoming A Better Voter: Reading For The Next Election

22. The competition will also force Apple to make better products and explore new avenues.

FORBES: Apple Vs. Hero Worshippers

23. Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work by Chip and Dan Heath.

FORBES: Spring Break Reading for Entrepreneurs: 7 Useful New Business Books

24. He inherited a system of a split, but we have got to make better use of it.

BBC: Rangers manager Walter Smith bemoans fixture imbalance

25. They feel they have the right to live on the islands to make a better living.

VOA : special.2009.12.16

26. And they will seek out employers who try hard to make better work-life balance a reality.

ECONOMIST: Now is not a good time to be a man

27. But it would offer a way to make better raincoats, and is also a proof of principle.

ECONOMIST: Monitor: Encouraging hydrophobia | The

28. He worried about design and comfort, and why most companies didn't have the brains--or the guts--to make better shoes.

FORBES: Finding His Footing

29. He said life is sometimes really hard, but you can make it a lot better if you try to prepare for it.

VOA : special.2010.05.16

30. "And every person in America needs to make better choices and obviously not to buy it.

VOA : standard.2010.08.11

31. That was not Riis' last battle to make life cleaner and better for many people.

VOA : special.2010.08.01

32. And what struck me most about conversations that I had, either in Leverett or other houses, were students is their sense of mission,your sense of mission, your desire to do good, to make the world a better place.

在与学生的交谈中,让我印象最深的是,无论是在莱弗里特宿舍或其他地方,学生们的使命感,你们的使命感,你们对成功的渴望,让世界变得更美好的愿望。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

33. It doesn't really make it any better that you're also going to give amnesia and drive insane somebody else.

这完全不会让我觉得好些,即便你说你要给别人洗脑,把她逼疯。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. So in a sense the fact that there's a more critical screen, there's more of a careful thought process, the fact that customers are pickier with their money today, all of that really is a chance to make people better.

所以实际上,如果环境更为挑剔,人们的构思过程就会更为严谨细致,现在的消费者花每一分钱都精打细算,这其中产生的是让人们生活的更好的商机。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

35. In our new study, 84 percent of respondents reported that big data is enabling their companies to make better decisions.

FORBES: Will Big Data Actually Live Up To Its Promise?

36. "We're going to make better use of land that's already in the urban growth boundary, " Bragdon says.

CNN: Polluted rivers stain Portland's image

37. If you get them to make better decisions, you might have a better world.

FORBES: Magazine Article

38. The top driver, selected by 72% of all respondents, was to make better informed business decisions.

FORBES: Turning Data Into Business Value

39. She gave examples of parents who struggled to make a better life for their disabled children.

VOA : special.2009.08.23

40. It may be that a diversity of views helps investors to make better calls.

ECONOMIST: Choosing co-investors

41. If I decide there's a better way to get input, and there is, then I can make it to change what I don't have to change the code that uses the input.

如果我觉得有更好的获取输入的方法,我可以直接改去用这种方式,而不用更改使用了,输入处的代码。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

42. And we'll discuss the current research and why people get these disorders and what's the best way to make them better.

我们将会讲到当前的研究成果,解释为什么人们会患有这种心理障碍,以及什么才是治疗他们的最好方法心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. Today we're going to be talking about meditation and how to bring these practices into our life, to make life better and feel more connected.

今天我们来谈谈沉思冥想,以及如何在生活中具体实践,让生活更好,更有关联感。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

44. Consumers need more information concerning educational value in order to make better decisions.

FORBES: Economic Theory and Tuition

45. We would all like to make better decisions both personally and professionally, so how is it done?

FORBES: Three Steps to Making Better Decisions

46. You come to make better decisions by making not-so-good decisions and then correcting them.

WSJ: What's Wrong With the Teenage Mind?

47. And we think just providing that transparency will make families -- will enable families to make better decisions.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

48. As banks break down internal divisions, they have the opportunity to make better use of client data.

FORBES: Banks Can Add Two Points to ROE By Reducing Complexity Says IBM

49. "Is it possible to make those relations better after separation than before.

VOA : special.2009.07.30

50. Public companies are keen to make better use of capital in Europe too.


51. My awareness helps me to make better choices and take preventative measures to hopefully avoid a diagnosis in the future.

FORBES: Let's Move From Breast Cancer Awareness To Collaboration Around Solutions

52. They are doing so to better present themselves, to make better first impressions especially in working environments.

FORBES: South Korean Men Embracing Makeup, Driving Male Cosmetic Industry

53. Engineers have been puzzling over how to make better electricity storing devices since the dawn of electricity.

FORBES: A123 Bites the Dust Because They Forgot Their ABCs

54. Alfred learns the preferences of the user over time to make better recommendations, same as Siri.

FORBES: Google Gets Alfred But It's Certainly No Siri

55. and then use the proceeds, use the profits that you make from selling the product to make the product better.

然后用得到的钱,用销售产品的收入和利润来改进产品。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 广告和价格的关系

56. Reality: Millennials can be smarter because they have easier access to information to make better decisions.

FORBES: A Multitude Of Myths About Millennials

57. By the time he came back to Stanford in 1992, Khosla was neck-deep into manipulating soil bacteria to make better drugs.

FORBES: A Dirty Business

58. Cleveland warned that it would be far better to make safe,careful, and intelligent changes in the tariff laws now.

VOA : special.2010.05.20

59. He was a writer who used all his energy to make the world a better place for poor people.

VOA : special.2010.08.01

60. And they say the new genome will make it possible to better protect genetic diversity.

VOA : special.2009.05.05







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