
学考宝 作者:佚名



校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第一篇

  Today is our schools sports meet. All classes are going downstairs together to participate in the collective project.

  After the opening ceremony of the school sports meet, the first event is football shooting. All the students in our class lined up and took turns shooting football into the goal. Although I didnt get into any of them, our class actually got 90 points!

  The second project is about to begin.

  Before we started, the teacher let us rest for a while and gave each of us a box of milk. After drinking it, the teacher took us to the basket and practiced for a while. Then the shooting game began, and some of our classmates threw basketballs, which fell into the basket without making a sound; Some balls are still spinning around the rim, hesitating for a while before deciding to enter the basket; Some balls seem to dislike the basket, jumping out as soon as they reach the basket. I was always the last one until I heard that our class had 36 balls, which made me feel relieved.

  Its time for the third project - jumping rope. Two teachers each held a rope and shook it vigorously, letting us jump over one by one in just ten minutes! Strangely, before I couldnt even jump over one, but today I jumped over one after another, skipping over and over again, adding one point after another

  The morning sports meeting has come to an end.

校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第二篇

  Today, we are very happy. What are we happy about? We are so happy because we are going to participate in the annual track and field meet!

  The main events of the sports meet include military parade, running 60 meters, running 400 meters, and face to face relay race, among which my favorite is the 50 meter face to face relay race.

  The 50 meter head-on relay race has begun! When I arrived at the battlefield, I was both nervous and excited. I was so nervous that I was afraid of losing my stick. What about excitement? I just hope to get first place.

  Get started! The teacher waved the flag downwards, and Min ran to Kai at a speed of 100 meters. Kai picked it up and said, Yes! Our class is ahead!! The first place beckoned to us.

  But just when I was secretly happy, oh no, Wang dropped his baton! My heart suddenly became anxious, my goodness! Our class fell behind to third place, and it was my turn. I rushed over with 100% strength and sweat, and reached second place.

  Its time for Lin, who runs very fast and easily got to first place. However, when handing over the baton, ah! It fell off again! Every step taken by Lin made my heart feel extremely sad. If this person were me, I would definitely pull out the relay baton and run.

  Li is starting to sprint. Although Li runs fast, the other classmates are not bad either. Its really a fierce competition, and there must be one loss!

  Finally, hey! Unfortunately, we came in second place.

校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第三篇

  I am looking forward to the annual sports meet finally coming.

  Early in the morning, I put on my sports clothes and walked happily to school with light and agile steps. The school is beautifully decorated, with performances such as playing and jumping, startling people step by step, flying into the cuckoo nest, parent-child relay, hundred hits and 100 hits, left kick and plate, water hitting, double dragon bead grabbing, 100 meter sprint, group gymnastics, folk dance, group relay, tug of war, treasure hunting, and lottery.

  I lost the 100 meter race and the result was unnamed. I am very disappointed, but its okay. I will continue to work hard next year. The team relay race has started, and everyone is putting in all their strength. The cheers of each class resound through the sky, and when the referees whistle sounds "beep!", everyone is pushing forward with all their might. However, we lost, but it doesnt matter. Next year, we have another chance to play.

  I hope to win first place in next years sports meet, and I also hope that next years sports meet can come soon. We must work hard and keep up the good work.

校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第四篇

  I woke up early that day, put on my beautiful Korean uniform, and arrived at school, waiting for the long-awaited sports meet. I am particularly happy, but also a little nervous because this year I was selected as an athlete and participated in mens high jump and softball.

  Our 56 classes came to the playground wearing the clothes of 56 different nationalities, just like the song, 56 nationalities, 56 flowers, 56 brothers and sisters are one family... The sports meet officially started with the announcement of President Xiong.

  Finally, in the afternoon, the teacher called out my name, and it was time for me to go to the softball field. I threw the first ball with all my strength, and then threw the second ball. Standing beside me, Teacher Shi kept cheering for me. She didnt expect me, who was so small, to throw so far. If Teacher Wang and Teacher Zheng were here, they would definitely be surprised and cheer for me.

  The next days high jump, I jumped for the first time, jumped for the second time, but when I jumped later, because I didnt choose the right angle, I bumped into the pole next to me and couldnt make it to the finals. I was feeling depressed and only heard a scream of "ah". It turned out that our classmate Yang Yikun had won first place in high jump and even broke the school record!

  Although I didnt make it to the top three in this sports meet, my mother said its okay. As long as I keep exercising, I will definitely achieve good results next time. Later, when I found out that our class had achieved a good result of fourth place, my heart blossomed with joy!

校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第五篇

  The sports meet started, and the playground immediately became lively. Every class is cheering for their team members, and our class is no exception.

  As soon as the gunshot rang out, the athletes flew like arrows off the string towards the finish line. At first, all the athletes were straight, but gradually bent. As a result, each athlete achieved excellent results and received a series of certificates exchanged for their sweat.

  The high jumper stood outside the sandpit waiting for the referee and teacher to shoot and say prepare! The high jumper jumped over the pole like a grasshopper, and some athletes couldnt jump at all, so they had to jump around. Unfortunately, they were all eliminated by the referee teacher.

  The long jumper stands on the starting line, ready to run. The referee teacher fired a shot, and an athlete started running. He ran to the take-off point and jumped like a frog, landing in the sandpit. Then, he also achieved excellent results. Returning to my seat, I took off my shoes and saw that they were filled with sand.

  The annual sports meet, I hope the next one will be even more exciting than this one!

校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第六篇

  Last week we had the school sports meet on our school sports ground. All my classmates took active parts in it. Sometimes we watched the sports games closely.Sometimes we gave loud cheers to the sports members.

  John took a part in 1500-metre race. He was the fastest runner in the race and won the first place. Lisa did not do well in high-jump, so we said “come on” to cheer her up. I took part in 200-metre running race.

  As soon as I heard the starting PANG, I tried my best to run faster than others. As I was running I could hear “Come on! Come on!”from my classmates.This gave me great strenth. Finally I was the first person to get to the finishing line.I was number one.

  As a result, my class won the first prize in the sports meet. How proud we were! It was really an exciting day.

校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第七篇

  In the golden autumn season, with the clear autumn air, we welcome the annual sports meet.

  This sports meet has three events: sandwich dribbling, racket catching, and one barrel of the world. The students were all excited to show off their skills, and the sandwich dribbling began. It required six people in a group, with one person holding a tennis racket and two tennis rackets sandwiching a tennis ball between them. The six rackets had to be stacked together, and six people were simultaneously teleported to the other group of students. The students watched anxiously from the audience, afraid that the students on the field would not cooperate well, and that the speed would be affected due to falling balls during the running process. The students cooperated very well, and our class achieved good results in this event. We were so happy that we wanted to jump up.

  Finally, it was time for our team to take the field. We played in pairs, with one person throwing the ball and the other receiving it. It seemed quite simple, but my teammates and I didnt cooperate well and lost two balls in a row. Throwing too fast or too slowly didnt work. We had to react quickly, move quickly, and coordinate with our teammates speed. The classmates in the audience cheered us on loudly, and soon we both got into the right state and caught the ball together. We were extremely happy, but it was a bit regrettable that our overall performance was not very ideal.

  The sports meet ended in tension, excitement, and unfinished moments. Although our classs final performance was not the best, it taught us the importance of unity through the sports meeting.

校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第八篇

  On this sunny Sunday, the annual campus athletics meet grandly opened at the Third Middle School!

  At 7:30 in the morning, all the students from our school arrived at the venue, filled with excitement. The sports meet has finally begun! I patiently listened to the principals speech. At this moment, Zhang Shuwen hurriedly ran over from the front and asked me to hold up the class sign. I gladly agreed and stood at the front of the line, where I could see the wonderful display of my first grade classmates in all directions, truly without any blind spots. After each class performance, I give the warmest applause.

  The most lively part of the sports meet is undoubtedly the competition! Our classs Xiaoqi is participating in a 60 meter race. With a loud bang, the contestants in the competition flew out like birds, charge! Xiaoqi used to surpass several people, but was overtaken by them again. Not good, Xiaoqi has fallen to the end! I shouted anxiously from the audience, Xiaoqi, come on! Xiaoqi, come on... Other classmates also shouted loudly. But reality is always cruel! No matter how loud the shouting is, it cannot determine the results on the field. Due to a lack of momentum, we unfortunately finished last. When Xiaoqi returned to her seat, her head hung down like a deflated ball, obviously looking very sad. I comforted her, "Its okay, its okay, grades dont matter, youve already tried your best!" After a while, she burst into tears and smiled.

  We have always adhered to the principle of "friendship first, competition second" in this sports meeting, and I will come back to watch next years sports meeting again!

校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第九篇

  we had a very interesting sports meeting.


  First we had the throwing competition.Johnny throw the furthest.


  Then we have the 50 meters dash, I won the secound.Peter who was in class 7 grade 4 won the first place.Then its 200 meters running.I ran the first place.


  After I finishe my dash running, I went to have the long jump. Michele tried, but Jennifer jump further than Michele, Peter jumped further than the two, finally I jump the furthest.


  Next we have the relay race。We have eight people to have the competition.Im the first, so I can ran as fast as I can.The other people tried their best to run, and I tried the best, so Im proud of me, finally we can just get the sixth, but Im happy say, we all tried the best.

  What an interesting sports meeting that Ill never forget.


校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第十篇

  Yesterday, the sports meet started. Today is our fourth grade competition. Every contestant is very excited, very excited. They are preparing to showcase their talents at the sports meet and win honors for their class.

  The first project is skipping rope, which is also my project. Before the competition, I thought I could jump at least a hundred times. In fact, I cannot. Take a look at the actual situation of the game: except for me, every student seems to jump very easily, singing cheerful songs in the air with the jump rope in their hands, much like a tamed pet; As for me, I am clumsy. The rope was either broken by my foot, hit my hat on my back, or wrapped around my foot. Completely disobeying commands and making endless mistakes. In the end, the referee gave me a score of "five". Ah! What a terrible result! Not only did he blush, but he also dragged down the performance of the whole class in the competition.

  The second event is a relay race. As soon as the referee gave the order, the students flew out like flying legs. The relay race mainly tests the teams ability to cooperate. From my personal perspective, I think all students have this characteristic. You see: A student tries their best to run towards another student and hands over the baton in their hand. Look at that unwavering attitude and never give up spirit, how precious it is!

  In addition, there are kangaroo jumps, 400 meter races, and tug of war competitions. Many students have proven through their actions that they and their class are the strongest.

  Finally, our class achieved excellent results with the highest total score, demonstrating the sportsmanship of unity, hard work, and perseverance throughout the class.

校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第十一篇

  When Teacher Wang announced in class that the annual sports meet was about to begin, the students were excited and more active in participating in sports and exercise than usual.

  The sports meet finally arrived, and the students happily came to the playground. Firstly, there was the opening ceremony, with 56 teams dressed in distinctive costumes of 56 ethnic groups. Our lucky class 3 represents the Korean ethnic group, and I think we must be the most eye-catching on the playground.

  The man started the 800 meter race and saw Teacher Wang fire a signal gun. Huh! Why isnt it ringing? Originally, Teacher Wangs gun went blank, but the athletes still rushed out like rockets. My good friend Deng Lingbo was at the forefront at first, but later he couldnt achieve a good ranking due to lack of physical strength. Although his grades were not ideal, I think he is already very capable. His spirit of striving and fighting is always worth learning from.

  Although I didnt participate in this years sports meet, I believe that as long as I keep exercising, I will have the opportunity to participate next year.

校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第十二篇

  At this sports meet, many touching events occurred in our class, such as cheering for classmates in the relay race, and everyone became hoarse; I fell while running for the honor of my class, so I immediately stood up and ran; After the athlete finished running, the cheerleaders enthusiastically dressed him up

  But the students from Class 5 surprised me greatly. Originally, their running ability was better than that of Class 4, but during the competition, their team was lazy and scattered. After running, the students went to play without cheering for other students, so Class 4 won in the end. After 6 classes finished the competition, we finally came to our class to compete against Class 4 (7). Class 7 used to be a losing team for our class, so I was relieved. I gave my glasses to my injured desk mate who couldnt participate - Taiyue Kangyao, and he promised to help me hold them first.

  Beep ", the whistle sounded, and the first contestant in our class, Wang Yuzhi, ran out quickly like the wind. The other party also sent a strong student to run the first leg, fortunately, fortunately, there was not much difference. When the second Jiang Yanxi ran back, there was a difference of over 10 meters. Its okay, I will definitely keep pushing forward and catch up with them in fourth place! Li Chuyilin, the third runner, handed over the relay baton to me. When I reached the corner, I heard a familiar voice: "Hey desk mate, come on, you will definitely catch up with him!" I saw that it was Taiyue Kangyao. After hearing these words, I gritted my teeth and bravely charged forward, finally catching up a little bit.

  Through this sports meeting, I deeply realized that if a class is united, good results are definitely achievable!

校园运动会英语作文(通用13篇) 第十三篇

  Today, our school held a sports meet. After a morning of rigorous selection, our class finally produced a group of experienced athletes who will hold the final in the afternoon.

  Finally, in the afternoon, under the command of the teacher, the athletes galloped on the wide track like galloping horses, and the classmates shouted loudly: Come on! You can definitely do it! Someone happily held up a sign that said you are the best, as if the first place was none other than themselves. The students in the audience are also very busy, always writing press releases under the scorching sun. After finishing them, they run to the podium as fast as possible to cheer and encourage these lively athletes. Because the athletes received so much encouragement from their classmates, the first place quickly emerged. Ah! There was a scream from the audience. It turned out that my classmate had won first place and even broken the school level record!

  The audience is still so lively, all athletes, failure is not terrible, because you have once again stepped up a step like victory.





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