
学考宝 作者:佚名



清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第一篇


  During this years Qingming Festival, my dad and my whole family went to sweep graves. We first took a car to Bali, and then climbed a long mountain road along the road. Our legs were tired, but fortunately, the scenery along the road was pleasant, which diluted our fatigue. Otherwise, my younger brother would have been croaking. Finally, I arrived at the mountaintop. At that time, I was really stunned because there were at least a thousand "houses" on the mountaintop, and people rushed in like a tide. Everyone chose to come here today to worship their ancestors. The layered tombstones, arranged in a row, seem spectacular but also a bit chilling. If it werent for the crowds now, I might have been scared out of my wits. They say that numbers are beautiful, but at this point, numbers may not necessarily be beautiful, but rather a bit scary!


  Adults first place the flowers and fruits they worship in front of the tombstone, burn incense for worship, and after burning half a pillar of incense, they can burn gold paper in the stove. Looking around, the dense smoke of the mountain gives off a unique flavor. After the worship, the adults distributed the boiled eggs to everyone and told us to eat them immediately. We should not take them home, and then throw the eggshells onto the cemetery. Everyone stood in line, bowed to their ancestors, and extinguished the flames to ensure safety. Another important thing was to clean up the garbage, otherwise this mountain would soon become a garbage mountain.


  On the way back, my father once said with great emphasis that we should send the ashes of our ancestors to the spiritual bone tower for placement. Not only do we listen to scriptures and recite Buddhism all day long, but it is also more convenient for us in the mortal world. Dont let the only way up the mountain be blocked and not afraid to be taught every Qingming Festival. However, the elders who are qualified to make decisions are divided into things and cannot be contacted. Dad spoke with a hint of helplessness, sigh! Today, with the prosperity of modern industry and commerce, where have family ties gone. It suddenly reminds me of a new poem that our teacher taught us: "Why are the stars in the sky so crowded like the people on the ground? Why are the people on the ground so distant like the stars in the sky?"


  On the Qingming Festival, we not only worship our ancestors, but also understand their background and origins, so that we can know where we come from, fulfill our filial piety, and immediately achieve filial piety, because "filial piety is the first of all virtues". Filial piety has no timetable, and we must always do what we say and want to do in our daily lives. Qingming Festival made me realize my duty as a descendant, so it is a great holiday!

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第二篇


  Qingming Festival is the fifth solar term among the twenty-four solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar, and it is also an important traditional folk festival. On Qingming Festival, the weather is clear and sunny, the temperature warms up, plants and trees sprout, and all things prosper.


  There are many traditional customs during the Qingming Festival, and there are also significant differences in different regions.


  The Qingming Festival, also known as the "Cold Food Festival," is a day when no one starts a fire to cook hot meals. Instead, they can only eat pre prepared cooked food, cold dishes, and cold noodles. But with the progress of the times and changes in peoples attitudes, these customs have also undergone significant changes, and people are not only eating cold noodles and dishes. However, there are still two more cold dishes on my dinner table, "Pig Ears" and "Mixed Cucumbers".


  Grandpa said that an important activity on Qingming Festival is to sweep graves and worship ancestors. On this day, people go to their ancestral graves to sweep and worship, which means lighting wax, incense, burning paper money, setting off firecrackers, hanging paper on the graves, and sprinkling wine to offer sacrifices. Remembering deceased loved ones and expressing grief.


  My grandfather also told me that the custom of burning paper and setting fire should be changed because it can easily cause fires and cause significant damage to mountains, forests, and grasslands. On television, people are called upon to promote civilized worship and sweeping, replace burning paper and setting fire with offering flowers, toasting, bowing, playing music, etc., revisit the teachings of their loved ones during their lifetime, fulfill their wishes, make greater contributions to society, and be the descendants of deceased loved ones.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第三篇


  In my personal eyes, all the festivals in this world are joyful, but there is also one festival that is sad, which is Qingming Festival.


  In a few days, it will be Qingming Festival. I am not as excited as usual, but rather depressed because it is my ancestors who are going to the grave. My ancestors loved me the most during their lifetime and left me with everything delicious and delicious. However, last year, this merciless illness took away her life. Since then, I have never eaten my ancestors favorite grapes again, because every time I eat them, I feel like I see them carefully picking grapes for me to eat. Every time I shed these sad tears.


  On Qingming Festival, my mother and father came to the ancestral tomb with paper money. As soon as I arrived at the tomb, I said, "Ancestor, we came to see you. How are you doing underground? We all miss you very much. I want to say to you, Im sorry. When you were in the hospital at the last moment, you said you wanted to see me, but I was playing in the park. Even the last time you saw me, I didnt see you. From then on, I decided not to play anymore. Ancestor, you know, I understand now, not a child that worries my parents."


  At this moment, my mother walked into me, holding me with one hand and wiping away the tears in her eyes with the other, saying, "Grandma, look how sensible Zhou Zhou is now. He is no longer the mischievous child he used to be. Grandma, you must bless him! Do you know that Zhou Zhou often mentioned you during your absence, saying that he didnt even see your last face because of his playfulness. He regretted it very much. Just a few nights ago, he mentioned you again, saying how much he wanted to throw himself into your arms again, listen to your stories, and sing."


  After Mom finished speaking, she lit incense, burned paper, and filled the grave. We were walking home, but I felt that every step of my journey was so heavy

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第四篇


  The night before Qingming Festival, I dreamt that my uncle was talking to me. He said, "Tao Tao, you have grown so big.".


  The next morning, after breakfast, my mother and I went back to our hometown. Before we could have a drink, my mother took a shovel, paper money and a pot and we set out. After a while, I asked my mother: "Why hasnt my uncles graveyard arrived yet?" My mother said: "See? Just walk to the big tree in front of us. Then my mother and I walked for a while, and we finally arrived.


  Arriving at my uncles cemetery, my mother dug a circle around him with a shovel. Then, my mother and I started burning paper money. First, my mother lit a few sheets of paper for 20 yuan, and then I took out a pile of 100 yuan ones from the tape. I threw one sheet first and then another. At this moment, I saw my mother throwing a few sheets, so I also learned how to throw a few sheets. After throwing 100 yuan, I started throwing 500 yuan ones. Finally, my mother and I threw away all the money in a bag, and I said to my mother, "Uncle doesnt have to worry about not having enough money to spend now. If only we had so much money in reality.". Mom continued, "Youre thinking strangely beautiful.". After finishing speaking, my mother and I left.


  This Qingming Festival, I learned that life is very important, just like the person in a sketch said, what is money? It is worthless to life. Also, although you are very wealthy, without life, whats the use of having so much money? Thats why we cherish life.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第五篇


  The phrase "rain falls heavily during the Qingming Festival" is indeed true. On the morning of April 5th, Grandpa Sun went on vacation, and the dark clouds were so happy that they celebrated the Water Splashing Festival ahead of schedule. Raindrops as big as beans poured down on the anti-theft window, making a ringing sound. I suddenly woke up, today is Qingming Festival.


  Along the way, accompanied by rain and darkness, we drove back to our hometown. After packing up, we went up the mountain to sweep the tomb. Walking along the winding mountain road and taking muddy steps, we arrived at the cemetery. There are a total of five tombs in the cemetery, of which four are co burial tombs. Although I have never met some people before, they are all predecessors of our old Li family. We, the younger generation, burned paper and kowtowed our heads to each ancestor, while the little aunts and grandmothers beside us turned to burning paper and muttered to the tombstone. When I arrived at the last tomb, the sadness accumulated in my heart seemed to overflow. Every kowtow was incredibly heavy, and my eyes gradually became moist. A few crystal clear tears hung on my eyelashes, swaying and falling. Because thats Grandpa Five! I invited Grandpa! Standing in front of his tomb, I kept the tombstone open for a long time. The scenes of my grandfather being with me when I was a child played a movie in my mind: my grandfather often took me to play in the village, took me to see the old yellow cattle in the fields, led me on a small stone covered path, and gave me many small umbrellas... It seems that the heavens have also heard the sadness in my heart, and the tears that I finally put away fell again, and the rain pattered down······


  On the way down the mountain, I saw many people rushing up the mountain. This plot echoes Du Mus poem again:


  During the Qingming Festival, rain falls one after another, and pedestrians on the road are about to lose their souls.


  Excuse me, where is the tavern? The shepherd boy pointed to Apricot Blossom Village from afar.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第六篇


  "During the Qingming season, the rain falls profusely, and on the road, I speak of my desire to captivate my soul." This is the Qingming in the eyes of Du Mu, a great poet. In the past, the clear sky did not rain, but instead it was foggy. Mom and Dad had no way to sweep graves for a long time.


  My dad told me that Qingming Festival is a festival for worshipping ancestors and has a history of 2500 years in China. Every collective has its own ancestors, passed down from generation to generation, which gave us yesterday. It is a traditional Chinese custom to express condolences and remembrance for our ancestors during the Qingming Festival, and only those who remember and feel hatred are real people.


  During the Qingming Festival, people often use objects such as paper wreaths, stinky fires, and green cakes to express their grief. With the improvement of the times, people began to replace flowers, which is more environmentally friendly. It is not suitable for anything, but rather for expressing emotions.


  Last night, I hung an hourglass at the head of the bed to greet me, watching the sand slowly spread from one end to the other. The scene where my grandfather and I were together was like lifting a film, showing a special look in front of me, especially when he laughed loudly while fishing with me I dont know if the Grandfathers Guild will sneak back to look at me like the little boy Haru from "The Blue Sky", but I really miss him.


  During Qingming Festival, the sky is clear and bright, which is a season for the revival of all things and also a good time for sightseeing and stepping on the green. Taking advantage of the bad weather to breathe fresh air in the suburbs is also a custom during the Qingming Festival. Every festival has a rich connotation, and as I grow up, I will know more about it.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第七篇


  During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily, and pedestrians on the road feel like they have lost their souls. Qingming is a day for the Chinese nation to worship ancestors, sweep tombs, and remember our ancestors. Before and after the Qingming Festival, many people used different ways of mourning to pay tribute to the martyrs, express their grief, reminisce about revolutionary history, reflect on the present and the past, and receive education on revolutionary traditions.


  Looking back at the history of our party and country, whether in the bloody years of war or the peaceful era of socialist construction, countless martyrs selflessly sacrificed their precious lives for the cause of the party and the people, composing earth shattering and inspiring magnificent poems. Without their sacrifice, there would be no where we are today. We commemorate them to learn from their unwavering revolutionary spirit of sacrificing their lives, shedding their blood, and persevering in order to achieve their ideals and beliefs.


  Excellent traditions are precious spiritual wealth, reflecting the outstanding spirit of the Chinese nation. "Remembering history, comprehensively grasping the present, and creating a brilliant future." We commemorate our martyrs to commemorate their achievements, draw inspiration from their deeds, and be deeply shocked in our hearts. We take the baton of heroes and pass it on, achieving the glory of the whole nation.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第八篇


  Every year on Qingming Festival, except when I didnt go to the grave to sweep graves when I was a child, I participate in tomb sweeping activities at other times. Everyone should not only sweep graves during Qingming Festival, just like me. During Qingming Festival, besides sweeping graves, I also visit my hometown to see my old friends. I play and chat with them, and so on.


  We finished chatting and playing, and then we watched the weather judgment. If the weather was good, we went to pick strawberries. If the weather was bad, it didnt matter. At my aunts house, we could watch TV, play computer games, and have delicious food and drinks. I wanted both options, but I could only choose one, unless I was a clone. But this kind of thing is impossible, so I can only look forward to this time of year coming soon!


  During the Qingming Festival, rain falls one after another, and pedestrians on the road yearn to break their souls; What a beautiful poem! Every Qingming Festival, coupled with returning to the beautiful hometown of a small city, even if its raining, holding an umbrella and absorbing the moist air, that feeling is not something that can be felt growing in a foreign land! Just because the time is too short, there wont be much time to enjoy the leisurely life in the fields during the holiday ancestor worship!


  Hurry up and grow up! As the saying goes, when drinking water, one should think of the source, when eating fruits, one should worship the tree head. My parents love me so much, and my elders love me so much. Therefore, I must be sensible and not disappoint everyones expectations of me!

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第九篇


  Today is Qingming Festival. As soon as I finished breakfast this morning, my dad asked me to go to the wilderness and fold some willow sticks to put on the door. I said, "Okay.".


  I came to the willow trees in the wilderness and saw the willows fluttering all over the sky under the wind of the spring girl. I climbed up the tree and carefully folded off many willows. When I returned home, my dad saw me back and asked me to the willows into the door. I brought a ladder, climbed up the door, and with one thrust, the willow twig unexpectedly broke. My dad said below, "Dont use too much force, gently. I followed my dads method and gently ed it, and sure enough, I succeeded!"!


  Today, not only did I learn how to plant willows, but I also learned about the customs of planting willows during the Qingming Festival.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第十篇


  I remember every Qingming Festival, the atmosphere at home was always a bit heavy. When I was a child, I didnt know why, but now that I have grown up, I gradually understand that Qingming Festival is a day when the living express their condolences to the dead. My mother said that she used to have an older sister and younger brother. When she was in her teens, she died of illness, which had a great impact on her grandparents. No wonder on every day when family reunites, they always look at photos and shed tears.


  This year, my parents have agreed that on Qingming Festival, our family will accompany my grandparents on a spring outing, and we can no longer let them immerse themselves in pain. Qingming Festival should also be celebrated happily.


  Early in the morning, the spring is bright and the sun is shining brightly. The lovely little birds are singing on the branches with their smiles on their faces. Our family set off against the warm spring breeze. Along the way, I sang and danced, making my grandparents happy.


  Wow, the park is so lively! A sea of people. The blue sky is covered by a variety of kites, and against the backdrop of white clouds, it appears particularly beautiful. The peach trees on the roadside are full of pink peach blossoms. When the wind blows, these peach blossoms fall like fairies one after another. Looking at the pleasant scenery, my grandparents mood also improves. They helped me take out the kite and joined the kite flying team. We ran hard, and the kite finally flew into the sky, rising higher and higher, like a happy little bird soaring freely. Looking at the kite, we all laughed.


  When we got home, we went to my uncles grave. My parents told my uncle that my grandparents are in good health and our family is doing well, so he can rest assured. I also told my uncle that my studies are also very good. Our family also bought a new house and will soon move in with my grandparents. While reciting silently, I accidentally said, "Wishing Uncle and Auntie a happy Qingming Festival." My mother pinched me and secretly glanced at my grandparents. I was also so scared that I stuck out my tongue. I didnt expect my grandmother to say, its okay. They saw us today and heard so much from us. They must be very happy and happy, right


  Yeah, why cant we say it? Whether its the dead or the living, we must all be happy! Happy Qingming Festival!

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第十一篇

  The tomb sweeping day is one of the traditional festivals in China. On April 5th, people start to visit their ancestors’ tombs. Generally speaking, people will bring the home-made food, some fake money and paper-made mansion to their ancestors. When they start to honour their ancestor, they will light up some candles and incense, put some flowers around the tombs. The most important thing is to put the home-made food in front of the tombs. The food, also known as sacrifices, is usually made up with a chicken, a fish and some pork. It’s a symbol of the offspring’s respect to the ancestors. People believe that the forbears will share the food with them. The children dedicate the food and money to their forbears in order to show their love and caring. The young offspring will go down on their knees and pray for their ancestors. They can say their wishes in front of the tombs and the ancestors will make their dreams come true.In some provinces of China, people use different activities to commemorate this day, for instance, spring-outing, swinging, tree planting and making special food. One special food is Ay Tsao rice balls. It looks like Tang-yuan, but its colour is green. Mix the Ay Tsaojuice with the rice powder, then make it into small balls. The Ay Tsao rice ball is done. People believe that eating Ay Tsao rice balls can get rid of the bad luck and everything will go smoothly. Other activities such as spring outing, tree planting are the other ways to commemorate the forbears. For one thing, it is a sign that people should look into the future and embrace the hope; for another thing, we do hope our ancestor rest in peace.


清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第十二篇


  April 4 is Tomb Sweeping Day, and everyone has to go back to their hometown to visit the tomb.


  My dad called me up early in the morning, and I looked at the house. It was only me and dad who got up. Dad went out to buy something, and I woke up my sister and sister. Mom didnt have to call anymore.


  After a while, we set off. The road ahead was easy to walk, and when we reached the narrow intersection, the whole car rolled like a ball, and the people in the car seemed to be upside down. Previously, we could only walk into this mountain road.


  When we reached the mountain, the adults cleared the weeds next to the stone tablet. In fact, it was all our children pulling grass, and some difficult to pull grass was done by adults using tools to loosen the soil!


  Adults put a few flowers next to the stone tablet, then put chicken blood in a bowl and place it in front of the stone tablet. There is a pit in front of the stone tablet where soil is placed. Put chicken blood, fruits, and tofu in front of the soil, and the adults ask us children to come and incense!


  When sending money to my grandparents, each child was eager to ask for "give me some, give me some gold ingots, give me some of that" while I stood on the side, others gave me and I wanted it. I couldnt throw the money there or into the fire pit!


  After burning the money and offering good incense, we left and even picked up a pine cone on the way downhill. I also met wild strawberries on the way back to my hometown.


  I look forward to your arrival every Qingming Festival!

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第十三篇


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls." I think this poem has many loopholes when it comes to this years Qingming Festival, because the scorching sun on this day makes people feel like they are going to melt, which is completely inconsistent with this line of poetry.


  On Qingming Festival, I followed my parents to sweep graves. We bought a few bouquets of flowers and drove to the Ke Yanzhou Mountain Cemetery. As soon as I got off the car, I saw many people coming and going, holding various items of worship to pay homage to their ancestors. Lets first come to Grandma Tais tombstone. Although I havent seen Grandma Tai before, the photo of Grandma Tai on the tombstone still makes me feel very familiar. We placed the flowers in front of Grandma Tais tomb and continued to climb to the mountaintop. In the highest rows of tombstones, we found Grandpas piece. Looking at the kind smile on my grandfathers photo, I suddenly remembered the scene when I was a child. No matter how mischievous I was, my grandfather always protected me and loved me. My parents told me that my grandfather loves me the most. Thinking of this, I couldnt help but shed tears of longing. After a while, I silently wiped away my tears and placed the flowers in front of my grandfathers tomb, bowing three times seriously. Finally, we descended the mountain with longing and reluctance.


  On the way home, I was thinking: although some relatives may have left us, they will always stay in our thoughts.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第十四篇


  When we mention Qingming Festival, our noses ache because it is a festival to sweep the graves of deceased martyrs. Without those heroes, there would be no new China today.


  On Qingming Festival, I really wanted to go and sweep graves, but my mother didnt allow it. There were my grandfather and grandmother who loved me the most. In fact, my grandfather also died in battle, When I sleep, I occasionally recall my grandfather and grandmother. On Qingming Festival, I burned incense and paid tribute to my grandparents in our community. My expression was very serious, fearing that I might upset them. I also hope that Grandpa and Grandma can have a good day in heaven.


  During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. They ask where the tavern is, and the shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village from afar. When we mention this poem, we can feel that the Qingming Festival is very desolate and tragic, because it is accompanied by light rain, and people tie white cloth on their heads to pay tribute to their families. The scene is very tragic, making everyone feel that the Qingming Festival is a day of longing.


  Finally, I would like to say to Grandpa and Grandma again, "Grandpa and Grandma, you must live happily in heaven. Dont be angry, I will study hard and make you laugh every day!"

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第十五篇


  Today is Qingming Festival, which reminds me of Du Mus poem. During Qingming Festival, rain falls heavily, and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls. Excuse me, where is the tavern? The shepherd boy pointed to Apricot Blossom Village from afar.


  Todays sky is gloomy and it feels like only a few drizzles. Our family is going to sweep the grave of my deceased grandfather today. The scenery in the countryside is very beautiful, with green grass everywhere, which adds a bit of vitality to the monotonous earth. However, when I see this beautiful countryside scenery, I cannot be happy, but I really want to cry. We stood in front of my grandfathers grave, burning paper for him, kowtowing to him, "Grandpa, Ive come to see you." As we spoke, we remembered how my grandfather used to love me the most. Although he was strict, he was very, very kind. If there is a mistake, adults always criticize me first, but my grandfather is very fair. He criticizes whoever is wrong. My grandfather often praises me in front of his cousins, "You see how obedient your sister is and what you want her to do, you have to learn more from her." Thinking of his proud tone of praise, my eyes couldnt help but moisten. Grandpa, could you tell me why you left so early? Do you have the heart to leave my grandmother alone in this world? Do you know why grandma always sits in the car and doesnt get off to see you? Its not because shes angry with you, but because shes afraid that when she comes to you, shell burst into tears and cant stop. I finally couldnt help it anymore. The tears around my eyes finally flowed down, and I let them flow down. I couldnt help but cry, "Grandpa, your nephew and grandson havent even looked at you yet. Why did you leave?"


  "Grandpa, rest in peace. After you leave, I will be filial to my grandmother and make her no longer so sad! Grandpa, rest in peace, I will study hard and not disappoint your expectations of me!"

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第十六篇

  On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. Traffic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely jammed. The customs have been greatly simplified today. After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and favorites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.

  This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased. Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.



清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第十七篇


  The annual Qingming Festival has arrived again, and our family agrees to pay tribute to our grandfather. The aunt was concentrating on Paper Cuttings. In a twinkling of an eye, the huge white paper turned into small and delicate paper money, which was sent to grandpa in the distance. Grandma and Mom are making dumplings to express our longing for our loved ones. My father and uncle are preparing gifts: apples, bananas and my grandfathers favorite Baijiu.


  After everything was ready, our whole family went to the cemetery. There, the deceased fell asleep peacefully. Dad and Uncle removed the weeds from the grave and added a lot of new soil. Uncle is sweating profusely, but I can still see that his mood is heavy. The north wind howls, as if heaven is with us. He occasionally rolls up yellow sand to pave the way for his grandfathers long journey. We respectfully placed the fruits, dumplings, and other offerings we brought there, and squatted down devoutly. Take out the cut paper currency from the big pocket; One by one, slowly ignite. The flames danced happily, carrying our thoughts to our grandfather in the distance. Auntie whispered a prayer, praying for our relatives to protect us. After burning the banknotes, we bowed four more times, and everyones eyes turned red. I whispered to my grandfather, "Grandpa, I miss you so much... you must also miss us." Dont worry, I have grown up and I will take care of myself and my grandmother. We will come again next year for Qingming Festival. In fact, we should come frequently.


  When I get home, I always turn around, talk to my grandmother, and sing to her. Grandma, dont mention how happy she is. My parents praise me for being wise. This years Qingming Festival taught me the meaning of life. I think I will love life, respect my family, respect my parents, and my grandfather will rest in peace under the grave.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第十八篇


  The annual Qingming Festival has arrived again, and the streets are crowded with people who cannot squeeze in. Do you think its strange? How could there be so many people? Because Qingming Festival is our market day in Xizhang Town.


  Early in the morning, my family had not yet woken up, and various cries could be heard on the street. The vendor set up a stall the day before yesterday, and today they went back to make a lot of money in order to do business earlier.


  When I arrived on the street, there were already many people on the street. I ran around in the middle of the crowd and finally found a suitable stall where I wanted to eat the food. My younger sister and I drooled over it, sometimes buying this one, sometimes buying that one, and almost all the delicious food from the vendors was eaten by us. The boss there was so busy that his face turned red, thinking he had made a lot of money this time.


  More and more people are crossing the heavy human wall and arriving at a small stall, which turned out to be a toy stall. After watching it, my sister and I were playing the game console in a noisy manner. Mom really took us and had to buy us game coins. This game is very simple, my sister and I had a great time playing it together.


  My sister and I ate and played, and from morning to noon, and then from noon to sunset, we reluctantly left the bustling market. I murmured inwardly. "Qingming Festival is really fun! I hope next years Qingming Festival will come soon!"

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第十九篇


  The Qingming Festival falls between April 4th and 5th every year. The solar term indicating the arrival of spring. There are also many interesting activities and basic knowledge about Qingming Festival! Swinging on the swing.


  Swinging on the swing was an ancient custom. Swing not only improves physical and mental health, but also shapes the essence of heroism. So far, this custom is still being passed down among people. Go for a spring outing. Spring outing, also known as spring outing. In ancient times, it was called Tanchun, Xunchun, etc. On April Qingming Festival, spring returns to the earth, and nature presents a vibrant scenery everywhere, making it a great time for outings. Chinese folk customs have always maintained the habit of Qingming outings. Planting trees. Therefore, from ancient times to the present, China has had the habit of planting trees during the Qingming Festival, and the custom of planting trees has been passed down to this day. Fly a kite. Flying kites is also a popular theme activity during the Qingming Festival.


  During the Qingming Festival, people not only release during the day, but also at night. It is said that this can eliminate diseases and disasters, and bring good luck to oneself. Sweeping graves. The custom of sweeping tombs during the Qingming Festival has become increasingly prominent. Tomb sweeping is to better mourn the departed family and loved ones, as well as to cherish their memories. Although they are no longer in the world, their experiences before their death are still clearly visible in everyones minds. This longing is eternal and unforgettable. Insert willows. It is said that the custom of planting willows during the Qingming Festival is to better commemorate the agricultural ancestor Shen Nong, who taught the people how to cultivate crops. So far, it has been widely circulated. Shooting willows. Shooting Willows is a mobile game that trains archery skills. It is also a custom of Qingming Festival. A bent bow hits a gourd, and a pigeon flies out. The winner is judged by the height to width ratio of the pigeons flight. Tea picking. During the Qingming Festival, the weather in the southern region warms up, making it a good time to pick tea. Longjing, located in West Lake, China, is well-known worldwide to this day.


  After reading the customs and interesting activities of Qingming Festival above, everyone must have a certain understanding of Chinese culture and art. However, there are also many customs and legends related to Qingming Festival, which requires everyone to continue to master and grasp.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第二十篇


  The Qingming Festival has arrived, and our family of three came to the ancestral tomb to pay their respects to our ancestors. Dad took out a long set of firecrackers and hung them on the tree. Just as I was about to light them, I ran away as soon as I saw them, afraid of exploding me. You might say, a man is a big man, afraid of shooting, cowardly! I used to play firecrackers a lot and it was crazy. Once, I took out several cannons from home, lit them with a lighter, and proudly boasted to my friends. A gust of wind blew and the fire burned my hands, but before I could react, there was a sudden "thunderbolt". My poor little hand was deeply hurt in that moment, and I cried and called for my mother... My parents heard this and quickly took me to the hospital to bandage my wound. For several days in a row, my hands were painfully painful, and the feeling made me tremble all over now. From then on, I learned a lesson and never dared to shoot again.


  As soon as the gunfire that frightened me fell, we took out a lot of "money" - one billion, one hundred million, ten million, one million... various denominations of "ghost coins" were available, and we burned them one by one at the grave. My dad gave me a few more incense sticks and said, "First kowtow to my ancestors, then express my hope..." I knelt down in front of the grave, kowtowed three times, and smiled at the grave, saying, "Bless me that I look handsome than anyone else, and flowers bloom when I see them!"


  Dad took out a few Qingming fruits and placed them in front of the grave as offerings, pouring a pot of old wine onto the tombstone


  After the burial was over, my dad gave me a few Qingming fruits, making my mouth water three thousand feet. Take a bite, your mouth is fragrant and the taste is amazing!

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第二十一篇


  April 5th is the Qingming Festival, also known as the National Tomb Sweeping Festival. The beginning of Qingming Festival is due to Jie Zhitui, a clean official from the Spring and Autumn period. In order to commemorate Jie Zhituis loyalty, the people also banned fire during the Cold Food Festival and planted willows during the Qingming Festival. Later, it became a national legal holiday.


  Our family arrived at the cemetery before 7 oclock. Although it was a bit early, when we went out, the streets were still bustling with traffic. Grandma said, "Everyone who goes to sweep graves has to prepare things according to their schedule, such as five colored paper, chicken, fish, incense, and flowers that our ancestors loved before..." The most important thing is to have a sickle, because we need to tidy up the cemetery environment. Weeds grow profusely during the Qingming Festival, I wonder if its due to the high water content in the wilderness.


  A very interesting thing happened before we went to sweep graves. Our family members are used to checking if they have all the necessary supplies, and our aunt is responsible for preparing boiled eggs. However, after the cemetery, we are busy searching for boiled eggs. As we all know, Qingming Festival is a big day, and no one should forget it. Who knew that a big bad dragon caused everyone to be busy.


  Qingming Festival is an important day for ancestor worship, tomb sweeping, and careful use of fire during tomb sweeping to prevent fires.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第二十二篇


  Qingming is one of the 24 solar terms in China. Due to the fact that the 24 solar terms objectively reflect changes in temperature, rainfall, phenology, and other aspects throughout the year, ancient laboring people used them to arrange agricultural activities. The "Astronomical Training of Huainanzi" states: "Fifteen days after the spring equinox, when the Dou finger reaches B, the Qingming wind arrives." According to the "Hundred Questions of the Year", "All things grow at this time, and are clean and bright. Therefore, it is called Qingming." As Qingming arrives, the temperature rises and the rainfall increases, making it a great season for spring plowing and planting. Therefore, there are agricultural proverbs such as "before and after the Qingming Festival, order melons and plant beans" and "planting trees and afforestation is better than the Qingming Festival". It can be seen that this solar term is closely related to agricultural production. However, as a festival, Qingming is different from pure solar terms. The solar term is a symbol of phenological changes and seasonal order in China, and festivals contain certain customs and commemorative significance.


  Qingming Festival is a traditional festival in China and the most important festival for worshipping ancestors and sweeping tombs. Tomb sweeping, commonly known as burial, is an activity of worshipping the deceased. Most Han and some ethnic minorities sweep tombs during the Qingming Festival.


  According to old customs, when sweeping graves, people should bring alcohol, food, fruits, paper money, and other items to the cemetery, offer food in front of their loved ones graves, burn paper money, cultivate new soil for the graves, fold a few tender green branches and them into the graves, then bow and worship, and finally eat the wine and food back home. The poem "Qingming" by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu: "During the Qingming Festival, rain falls heavily, and pedestrians on the road are about to lose their souls. May I ask where the tavern is? The shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village from afar." It depicts the special atmosphere of the Qingming Festival.


  Qingming Festival, also known as Qingqing Festival, falls between April 4th and 6th each year according to the Gregorian calendar. It is the season when the spring scenery is bright and the plants are turning green, and it is also a good time for people to go on spring outings (ancient times called Qingqing). Therefore, ancient people had the custom of Qingming outings and a series of sports activities.


  Until today, the custom of worshipping ancestors and mourning deceased relatives during the Qingming Festival is still prevalent.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第二十三篇


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily, and pedestrians on the road are about to lose their souls." Thats right, today is Qingming Festival.


  Early this morning, my grandmother went out and I asked her why she was going? My grandmother said to me, "Im going to sweep the grave of your great grandfather, who is my father. Stay at home!" I had dinner at home, finished my homework for a while, and flipped through my phone. There was a hot search topic on my phone that read, "Confessing on April Fools Day is not a big deal, confessing on Qingming Festival is the right way." Send me a message that I like you, and the other person will say, "Ah," and youll say, sorry, I was possessed just now.


  On this day, I met a friend online, but her home is not in Zhengzhou. She told me that she went to sweep the grave and the chrysanthemums offered in the cemetery formed a huge battle. At the doorstep of the house, the children followed their elders to the cemetery, and I also went to find my grandmother. My grandmother knelt in front of the grave and whispered something. I went to the grave and called my grandmother. My grandmother asked me to kneel down, and I knelt down. She said, "Call my great grandfather and tell him some small things to get to know you. He passed away before you were born and hasnt even seen you." On that day, I saw the other side of my grandmother and the importance of my great grandfather to her.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第二十四篇


  Today is April 5th, Qingming Festival, which is the day of ancestor worship. Every household is busy cleaning up their ancestral homes, and of course, our family is no exception.


  Today, as soon as dawn broke, my dad urged us to get up quickly. When I heard my dads roar like a lion, I quickly got up. Dragging a heavy pace, we walked towards the toilet to clean up. After everyone finished cleaning up, we went to the cemetery! Because today is Qingming Festival, there is a particularly large crowd of people worshipping ancestors, and cars are like a bustling stream, feeling very crowded. As soon as we arrived there, everyone went to worship the Earth God first. After worshipping the Earth God, we went to the cemetery to sweep the graves. I havent cleared the weeds for a year, have the weeds grown? As soon as we arrived at the cemetery, the weeds really grew so tall that they couldnt be completely burned by a wildfire, and the spring breeze blew again. When I was about to pull out the weeds, my mother reminded me not to worry. She said that not wearing gloves can easily hurt my hands. At this point, Dad took out the prepared candles, lighters, paper money, and sacrificial offerings from the plastic bag. Next, dad lit the candle with a lighter and then burned the paper money. And my mother and I pulled out the weeds together, and my sister, nicknamed "housekeeper" at home, also came to participate. And we were busy until evening, dragging our tired bodies back home. When we got home, we all lay in bed and slept.


  The custom of sweeping tombs during the Qingming Festival originated from the Song Dynasty. On this day, the Song Dynasty paid respects to the new graves, while other graves were worshipped during the Cold Food Festival. Tomb sweeping became increasingly common during the Ming and Qing dynasties. However, there is a legendary story about tomb sweeping during the Qingming Festival that was left behind by Han Gaozu Liu Bang. After defeating the Western Chu hegemon Xiang Yu, Han Gaozu Liu Bang returned to his hometown with glory and thought of worshiping his parents on their graves. However, due to years of war, the graves were overgrown with weeds, and the tombstones were even more crooked, some falling and some broken, making it difficult to recognize the words on the tombstones. Liu Bang was very sad that he couldnt find his parents graves. After praying and praying, he finally discovered his parents graves. Liu Bang quickly sent people to repair the tomb and would come to the grave every Qingming Festival to pay respects. Later on, it evolved into a folk custom of sweeping graves! This kind of story may be a bit far fetched, because according to records, the custom of sweeping tombs during the Qingming Festival only began in the Song Dynasty, more than 1200 years before the reign of Emperor Gaozu of Han.


  Speaking of Qingming Festival, every household sweeps graves together. But during the tomb sweeping process, did you think of your deceased ancestors or parents. I believe that our material enjoyment, as good as it is today, is developed from the wisdom of our ancestors. Some peoples parents do not know how to treat them well during their lifetime, and only realize it after their parents die, offering them expensive food as sacrifices. But do you think this is right? So filial piety should be immediate, so as not to have the regret of trees wanting to be quiet but the wind not letting go, and sons wanting to be raised but not being loved.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第二十五篇


  During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls. Today is April 4th, and the annual Qingming Festival is coming again.


  Every year at this time, my grandmother takes me, my mother, and my cousins to visit graves for a spring outing.


  We walked on the muddy road with our belongings, and the roadside was covered with cauliflower. The wind blew and the fragrance of cauliflower filled our noses, making us intoxicated. We felt like we had entered the immortal mirror of the world, full of spring and a breath of nature. The small pond on the roadside ripples under the spring breeze, clear and bottomless.


  So we arrived at the place where we were sweeping the tomb, and as soon as we arrived, it was filled with smoke and smoke. We arrived at the grave of our mother and grandfather, where our mother lit candles. Our grandmother poured out a handful of grass paper from the bag, took three bouquets of flowers from the bag, ed them into the grave, lit the incense, and bowed three times to the grave. Then, our grandmother lit the grass paper, and a large amount of smoke erupted in an instant, causing a raging fire. I think: wouldnt such a big fire catch fire? Will it not pollute the environment? Finally, we played firecrackers, and with the rumbling sound of firecrackers, we also went back.


  Although everyone will experience sadness during this Qingming Festival, it is very meaningful.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第二十六篇


  Encountering Houshan is during the Qingming Festival every year.


  My grandmothers grave is on the back mountain of my grandfathers house.


  During Qingming Festival, it often rains, but that year was different. The sun was very bright, making people clearly feel a few strands of summer heat. This was also good, as if the sadness of rain during Qingming Festival had disappeared.


  On the way up the mountain, the rapeseed flowers on the roadside have already withered, and there are still some small yellow flowers left on the branches. The light green rapeseed stem has already wrapped around the tender rapeseed. Although I missed the dazzling golden color of the past, it made me smell the fragrance of rapeseed. Looking around, it looks like a deep green carpet, lying flat on an endless hillside, emitting the joy of a bountiful harvest. The sun is like a shy salted egg yolk, hanging high on the mountaintop, neither hot nor cold, neither urgent nor slow, everything is just right! At this moment, it feels like walking in a beautiful rural oil painting, slowly joyful and longing in this beautiful scenery.


  After a moment, we arrived at my grandmothers grave and placed the tribute and incense candles in a staggered manner in front of the tombstone. We poured two cups of wine and placed them on both sides of the tribute. Then we lit two candles and nine incense sticks in sequence, and lit the paper money. Looking at the flickering flames, this moment was heavy with both remembrance and wishes. Remembering the departed loved ones, I wish living relatives and friends peace and prosperity through all difficulties. The final step of sacrifice comes to an end with the sound of firecrackers, but the long memories brought by sacrifice are only the beginning.


  My hometown Deyang, this small town always evokes countless longing for me. When I was young, there lived my beloved and beloved grandmother here. My grandmother played with me, took me to do farm work, and affectionately called out my nickname; Now, this small town is buried with my beloved grandmother. There is a small tombstone on the back mountain, with my grandmother inside and me outside.


  The city is still that city, but without my grandmother, I believe she will always live in my heart and never leave.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第二十七篇


  Qingming Festival is a solemn and sorrowful day. Like most of my classmates and teachers, I came to the Martyrs Cemetery with reverence and a hint of reverence, to sweep the graves of the fallen revolutionary heroes.


  We stand under the tall tombstone of the martyrs and look up at the eight strong and powerful characters on the tombstone: Revolutionary martyrs are immortal! The monument stands majestically there, like a brave revolutionary soldier standing tenaciously in the face of difficulties and dangers. Behind the monument stands a lush and towering ancient tree. The hero we praise lies in the ancient forest.


  Standing in front of the martyrs tomb, I couldnt help but fall into deep contemplation and nostalgia for them. They sacrificed their lives and shed their blood in times of war, in order to protect their country and benefit the people in times of crisis. It was a comfortable living environment that they bought for us with their lives. Todays peace is what they bought with their lives, and todays happiness is also what they expect. In fact, the people have not forgotten them either. They are buried here in order to come and see them frequently, so that more people can remember them and our descendants can remember them.


  Sight is a dialogue, and remembrance is the shock and indelible memory that a history of baptism of blood and fire brings to our souls. Their tenacious spirit of hard work and the quality of courage to sacrifice will be our most precious spiritual wealth, and will also inspire us to constantly strive!

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第二十八篇


  Qingming Festival is here again. It is a day of ancestor worship. On this day, I will never forget the peaceful world that our ancestors exchanged with blood. Now, we should make good use of our time to create a more peaceful and beautiful world!


  Qingming Festival is not only a commemoration of ancestors, but also a beautiful and special festival for thinking about the future. We should use this young time to realize our dreams and ideals. We should strive to read and study hard!


  Wishing you all a happy Qingming Festival!

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第二十九篇


  Our family goes to sweep graves every Qingming Festival, which falls on the fifth day of the fourth lunar month. Relatives from far away places come back to sweep graves on this day. I will temporarily stay at the uncles house across from me, rest for a while, and then the whole family will go to the bone tower to pay respects together.


  On the morning of Qingming Festival, the weather was quite gloomy. It started to rain a few drops, and it was really Qingming Festival. Fortunately, the sun came out in the afternoon, and the weather was fine without rain, which was much more convenient.


  Grandma prepared a lot of dishes and fruits to say goodbye early in the morning. She first went to the market to buy a lot of dishes and fruits, and also bought gold paper and silver paper money to burn incense and say goodbye. Grandma cooked a lot of delicious dishes, and I even wanted to sneak a bite after reading them! There are really many places to worship, such as the Earth God worshipped in the hall, ancestors, the entrance outside, and the foundation owner. How complicated! Although I dont understand, I still help my grandmother with food and vegetables with my brother, so that its convenient for her to pay respects, and also help with folding paper money to burn?


  I had a very rich lunch and fruit at noon. I was really full and satisfied. After watching TV for a while, all of our relatives and grandparents took a car to go to the bone tower to worship our ancestors. Similarly, my grandmother prepared a basket of rice to worship our ancestors and remember them. Arriving at the Nagu Pagoda, I saw many people and their families worshipping their ancestors together, which was very touching. On weekdays, the population is sparse, but today there is a lot of traffic and crowds. I put my hands together and paid respects to my ancestors. After a while, I will go back with my family.


  The annual tomb sweeping during the Qingming Festival is a tribute to our ancestors and a virtue of the Chinese people.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第三十篇


  During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls. Although I have to go tomb sweeping, my hometown is far away and dance classes are not yet on vacation, so I can only go hiking on this vibrant green land.


  My ancient hero is undoubtedly the famous Yue Fei. If you cant sweep the graves of your loved ones, then go and bury my idol, which is actually quite good.


  Yue Fei Temple, commonly known as Yue Wang Temple. In Zhuxian Town. I thought my suggestion wouldnt be accepted, but to my surprise, my dad always thinks its not good for me to stay at home, so he decided to take us there. I really wanted it to happen. The next day, my mom and dad took the three of us to Zhuxian Town, oh yeah.


  Before reaching Zhuxian Town, a gray white statue towered high in the northeast corner of the town, shining brightly amidst the trees and becoming even taller. It goes without saying that this was Yue Fei, the hero of the Southern Song Dynastys resistance against Jin.


  After a few intersections, you arrived at Yuewang Road, which is named after the temple. The Yue Fei Temple is right in front of us. A four big character, neither high nor low, entered my eyes, Jingzhong Yue Temple. As soon as I entered, I could see five people who had killed Yue Fei. As soon as I saw them, my anger surged and I kicked them hard before finally giving up. I finally saw Yue Feis true face today. I was so happy that I wanted to jump up and down, constantly clamoring for photos and group photos. In the temple, there were several soldiers and generals who joined forces with Yue Fei to kill the enemy, all standing majestically, and their sense of justice immediately rose. Several small flower beds have decorated Yue Fei Temple beautifully. Yue Fei Temple truly lives up to its reputation. Its getting late and we should go back. Although we havent had time to go to some places yet, I know this is the happiest Qingming Festival.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第三十一篇

  April 4th is the Tomb-sweeping Day in China, which is one of the most important traditional festivals. The young people will come back home and sweep tomb with their families.


  The meaning of Tomb-sweeping Day is to honor the ancestors and it has more than 2500 years history. Chinese people pay special attention to remember their ancestors, so no matter how far they are, they always know where they are from.


  When they are old, they will return to the place where they are from. It is a good tradition. The sense of belonging makes people feel safe. Whats more, the relationship between relatives makes the whole family become stronger, because people are united by the same ancestors. Thus, they treat each other as families and give support all the time. What a great tradition it is.


清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第三十二篇


  It is the annual Qingming Festival again, with hot and dry weather. Although the government has promoted a ban on burning fires and grass in the mountains, some people still do not listen to advice, resulting in smoke and fire trucks everywhere on the road this day. I cant help but recall the terrible experience last year.


  That time, my relatives and I were sweeping graves on the mountain. Last year, the wild grass that had been completely hoed borrowed some spring breeze and grew wildly on the entire mountain. Several uncles worked hard to hoe for a long time, but there was no effect. Someone suggested lighting the fire, and everyone began to hesitate. In the end, someone said, "Just be careful if you light it." So the fire went on like this. Im worried on the side, cant I? What if I cant control it? The uncles broke off a branch and leaf from the tree, ready to wait and put out the fire. I stared closely at a small cluster of flames, slowly growing bigger and bigger. I pushed my dad and said, "Its okay, put out the fire quickly." After listening for a moment, the uncle said, "Wait a moment, wait until it gets even cleaner, its okay." Unexpectedly, as the wind blew, the fire grew even bigger and stood by, almost scalded by the scorching temperature. Sweat rolled down my head, and I covered my mouth and nose, taking a few steps back. At this moment, everyone began to put out the fire, but the wind kept blowing. Every time it was about to be extinguished, the scattered sparks were reignited, becoming even more uncontrollable. Everyone panicked and fought desperately, even my aunts and I joined in. We are so anxious that if we continue like this, the entire mountain will be burned down. At this moment, the patrolling police arrived upon hearing the news and joined the firefighting team. With their help, the fire was finally brought under control and quickly extinguished.


  I looked at the burning black land nearby and felt a wave of fear in my heart. The police sternly criticized, "Dont you know there are regulations? Burning is not allowed on the mountain. What if it causes a fire? Can you bear the consequences?" Perhaps other places still need help, but they didnt say much and hurriedly left.


  When did the Qingming Festival see a surge of rain and fire?


  The beginning of many tragedies is often just a small mistake, and the occurrence of many tragedies is often beyond our expectations. Just like this time, at first I just wanted to burn grass, but later I couldnt control the fire. Fortunately, there was no accident, which is already fortunate.


  The fire can sometimes be uncontrollable, we must be careful with the use of fire and never ignite it on the mountain. In case of an emergency, we should first protect ourselves and then immediately call the police. We need to strengthen our learning of fire prevention knowledge to prevent accidents from happening.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第三十三篇


  April 5th is a well-known day, which is an important solar term among the 24 solar terms. It marks the end of the withering winter and the true arrival of the sunny and windy spring. At this time, due to the warming temperatures in most parts of China, all things sprout, making people feel particularly fresh and pure, hence the name "Qingming Festival". Everyone will use this day to visit their ancestors graves and tidy up the surroundings to express their longing and gratitude for their ancestors.


  Early in the morning, our whole family, led by our grandparents, arrived at our ancestors cemetery. In addition to carrying tools to tidy up the cemetery, we also prepared three columns of fragrant incense for our ancestors to report to them, praying for their blessings on our health and success in everything.


  The graves of our ancestors are located in the "wilderness" where weeds are overgrown. It took a lot of effort to tidy them up. After worshipping our ancestors, we have to burn paper money. Everyone is careful and afraid of causing a fire because the roads here are all "sheep intestines paths". If a fire breaks out, it will be inconvenient for fire trucks to enter and exit, which would be more than worth the loss.


  The Qingming Festival is an important day for us to commemorate our ancestors, and its main significance is to hold the spirit of "being cautious in the end and pursuing the future" towards our ancestors, with the concept of "drinking water and thinking about the source". The happy days for future generations are the result of the hard work and hard work of our ancestors. We should have a grateful heart and cherish the kindness of our ancestors.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第三十四篇


  Qingming Festival is a traditional festival in China. On this day, there is inevitably a sad smell in the air. During this festival, every family thinks about the past of their deceased loved ones.


  On Qingming Festival, we will go to sweep graves, while my grandparents will bring some food there. When we arrived at the tomb, we would set up the dishes, light candles, and then stand in a semicircle around the tombstone. Then, no one could speak, and the whole room remained silent, silently recalling the events of the old mans life. On this rainy Qingming Festival, peoples tears may not be less than the rain.


  During the Qingming Festival, people not only reminisce about the past of their loved ones, but also think about the origin of the festival.


  The origin of Qingming Festival is said to have originated from the ritual of "tomb sacrifice" by ancient emperors, and later it was also imitated by the people. Along with ancestor worship and tomb sweeping on this day, it has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation throughout history.


  The Qingming Festival also has a name, which is the Spring Outing Festival, which marks the turn of mid spring and late spring. It is one of the four traditional festivals in China, the day of ancestor worship and tomb sweeping, and also one of the most important festival ceremonies. The traditional Qingming Festival in Chinese culture has a history of over 2500 years since today.


  On Qingming Festival, every family goes to sweep graves. Many elderly people in rural areas, such as my grandparents, will keep the old customs and want to bring some food to the grave for their loved ones to enjoy. They will also light candles, and everyone will silently watch and recall the old mans past. In the end, we can only silently pack up our things and then leave silently.


  On Qingming Festival, people silently come to the graves of their loved ones, and after a while, they can only silently leave.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第三十五篇

  Qing Ming Festival, also called Tomb-Sweeping Day or Pure Brightness Day. Its a combination of sadness and happiness.

  It is an occasion for the whole family to go on a tour, to offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased.

  After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and favorites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.

  In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers, people also enjoy hope of Spring on this day.

  The Qing Ming Festival is a time when the weather gets warmer, sometimes sun shines brightly and some times rains drizzly, the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively. Since ancient times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings. At this time tourists are everywhere






清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第三十六篇


  On the Qingming Festival, as I walked along the muddy countryside path, the pungent smell of mud kept rushing into my nostrils. A large area of rapeseed flowers in the distance rushed into my view, with lush rapeseed leaves and bright yellow petals that became even more beautiful after being wet by the rain. My grandfathers tomb was approaching.


  When I arrived at my grandfathers grave, Aunt Liu had already started crying to him about missing him. A ripple shaped like Aunt Liu appeared in my heart, but I still held back my tears.


  The burning paper felt like I was on the phone with my grandfather, conveying everyones emotions. Looking at the paper scraps that were getting further and further away from me, it opened up my memories of my grandfather. On this rainy day of Qingming, I learned a sincere emotion of cherishing.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第三十七篇


  Today, my father, mother, uncle, aunt, brother and I went to visit the tomb of Taigong and his wife.


  When we got there, we put on vegetables, fruits, wine and rice, lit candles, and then we all bowed a few times. There are a lot of revolutionary martyrs beside us. I think that only when these martyrs shed blood can we have a happy life today.


  I must study hard, cherish todays happy life and be a good child.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第三十八篇

  Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to ones deceased ancestors and family members. Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival.


  Literally meaning "clear" (Qing) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. It is a "spring" festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears. Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qing Ming day. Among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated.


清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第三十九篇


  When the annual Tomb Sweeping Day came, my mother decided to take me back to my hometown after school on Wednesday. After school, with excitement and curiosity, I boarded the bus home with my mother.


  Two hours passed in a blink of an eye, and my hometown appeared before my eyes. Tomorrow is Qingming Festival, and we are going to pay homage to our loved ones, elders, and nurses who will always sleep peacefully. We are about to see our dear grandparents. When the car stopped, I quickly jumped off and ran to the front door of my hometown. I couldnt wait to push open the door and saw my white haired grandfather standing up to greet me. Excitedly, I stepped forward and hugged him.


  Grandpa said, "Tomorrow well go burn paper for our ancestors." I agreed with all my heart.


  On Qingming Day, we set off with umbrellas, paper, firecrackers, and other items. In no time, we arrived at the destination, and Grandpa took out the paper money and burned it. We were burning paper, and my grandfather told me about his past deeds: he was a filial son and famous far and wide. Still hardworking and hardworking, he is a respected good master... After finishing speaking and burning the paper, he took out the prepared cannon, which is my strong point. I immediately went forward to open the outer packaging, hung the firecrackers on the tree, and lit them. I found that when firecrackers explode, they emit colorful light, its really colorful. When Grandpa adds new soil to the grave, we will pack it up and go home.


  After arriving home, I secretly made up my mind to study hard and live up to the good traditions passed down from my ancestors. Be a filial son, listen to the elders, and become an excellent student praised by others.

清明节英语作文带翻译(通用40篇) 第四十篇


  During the Qingming Festival, rain falls heavily, and pedestrians on the road feel the urge to break their souls... This is a poem used by ancient people to describe the Qingming Festival. April 5th is the Qingming Festival, and people go up the mountain to sweep graves and worship their ancestors. This custom of mourning for deceased loved ones has been passed down to this day.


  Today, its the annual Qingming Festival again, with no rain and clear skies for thousands of miles. Our family crowded very early with the purpose of going up the mountain to sweep the tomb and pay homage to my grandfather.


  Along the way, the spring breeze brushes my face and the air is fresh. We drove to the foot of the mountain, and Dad took out the prepared sacrificial supplies. He also brought his "engineer shovel" and hoe, making the mountain road difficult to walk. My father and I each carry the same tool, and my father said that I am also a young man and I need to learn to try various appropriate labor. At the edge of the grave, my father cut down the miscellaneous trees, while I used a hoe to clean the dead branches and leaves around the grave. My mother and sister tore off the wallpaper and hung flowers. We were busy one by one with enthusiasm, and in no time, we finished. Our family prays: bless our family with good health. Nowadays, it is a civilized worship, so we do not set off fireworks.


  Suddenly, I noticed some Yingshanhong not far ahead. I called out to my mother, who was overjoyed. I quickly picked some and brought them back, with bright colors. Insert it into the soil next to the grave for Grandpa to appreciate its beauty.





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