英语说 go to school, go to bed, go to church 等,分别表示“去上学”“上床去睡觉”“去做礼拜”等,这些好像都含有“主动”的意味,但 go to prison 则感觉有点奇怪,难道一个人还会像 go to school 一样“去坐牢”吗?请专家老师释疑。谢谢!
go to school 与 go to prison 有相似之处,只是形式上的。go to prison 的实际意思不是指像“去上学”那样“去坐牢”,而是指“导致入狱”“被迫蹲监狱”等。如:
You can go to prison for dangerous driving. 鲁莽驾驶可导致入狱。
He says he’d rather go to prison than pay the fine. 他说他宁愿蹲监狱也不肯交罚款。