外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 1 A New Start Understanding ideas 教学设计(表格式)

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B1U1: Understanding Ideas Basic Information
Students High School Grade One Duration One periods (45 minutes )
Type of the lesson Reading
Teaching material Unit 1 My First Day at Senior High, Senior High School English Book 1, Published by FLTRP
Material analysis Thematic context Man and self-school life
Text type Diary
Text analysis What: The text in this lesson is a diary that introduces Meng Hao's first day at senior high school. The article describes Meng Hao's emotional changes before he goes to school, when he arrives at school, during the English class and after the English class. How: The article unfolds by following the chronological order. The key words are mainly those related to senior high school, emotional changes, actions, etc., such as curious, campus, rush to. The text has many sentences describing Meng Hao's psychological activities. Why: The moral value intended in this text is that it is normal for students to be nervous on the first day at senior high. What's more, keeping calm and prepared makes everything a good beginning.
Learner analysis What they already known: Students has already previewed the new words and expressions and they can introduce their experiences and feelings in Chinese. What they don't know: Students are unable to introduce their feelings in English, and it is difficult to make sentences with new expressions. What they will know: Students need to simplify long and difficult sentences according to the context, cultivate their English language sense and language awareness, and learn to express simple experiences and feelings in English.
Teaching objectives Based on the analysis of material and learners, and subject core competencies in General Senior High School Curriculum Standards, teaching objectives are followed: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to : summarize the main idea and understand the text by predicting and skimming (Language ability); identify Meng Hao's major experiences based on the chronological order and summarize his emotional changes (Language ability); interpret the meaning of "A good beginning is half done", and build confidence in high school learning and life. (Cultural awareness); utilize language knowledge related to the topic to narrate their experiences on the first day of high school (Thinking capacity).
Teaching focus The teaching focus is to identify Meng Hao's major experiences based on the chronological order and summarize his emotional changes.
Teaching difficulty The difficult point is to narrate their experiences on the first day at high school.
Teaching resources Textbook, multimedia courseware, students' worksheet,blackboard and chalk.
Teaching Procedures
Note: T=Teacher Ss=Students
Steps Teaching activities Design purposes
Pre-reading (5 minutes)
Step 1 Warming up (3 minutes) T plays a video about some freshmen on the first day at senior high. Before watching the video, T asks Ss 2 questions: What impressed you most on the first day at senior high How did you feel about your new school And T encourages Ss to use the words and expressions in the textbook to share their own ideas. Create a situation to lead Ss to the theme; Explain key words and expressions in real situation.
Step 2 Predicting (2 minutes) T guides Ss to predict the text type according to the date and the pictures. And therefore T demonstrate the features of a diary: a diary is daily record of personal experiences, reflections(反思), or feelings. Activate students knowledge about the form and characteristics of a diary.
While-reading ( minutes)
Step 3 Read for structure (5 minutes) T asks Ss to find out what Meng Hao wrote in his diary and finish the table on page 2. T: Why did he wrote these things in his diary Maybe it left Meng Hao a deep impression and he had many emotional changes. So let's figure out how Meng Hao wrote his diary. Then, T let Ss match the pictures with the time, from which Ss learn the text is based on the chronological order and the structure of the text. T writes down a coordinate. Retrieve information about the structure of the text and give Ss an overall understanding of the text. By using a coordinate system, it makes Ss more clear about the structure and the development of the text.
Step 4 Read for main idea (3 minutes) Ss skim the text quickly and choose the best description of Meng Hao's first day at senior high. (1) He found the English class difficult and was not sure what to do. (2) With the English teacher's support, he thought senior high was easy and felt confident about his future. (3) He was not sure about life at senior high, but after the English class, he felt more confident.(correct answer).
Step 5 Read for details (20 minutes) Ss find the key words to complete the table. T takes the first column as an example and asks Ss to figure out the other tables by themselves. After 5 minutes, T check the column one by one,and finish the coordinate: During checking the answers, T make Ss pay much attention to some new words and expressions. Para.6: "butterflies in my stomach" means a feeling a nervousness. Ss translate "我考前会常感到不安" by using this phrase. Suggested answer: I used to get butterflies in my stomach before tests. Para.4-7: Ss find out the emotional words and the corresponding actions,for example: from "try to turn on my brain" ,we can see that Meng Hao is nervous. And there still are many words Ss can find,such as: frightened, embarrassed, and relaxed. After checking the answers, T: How did Meng Hao express his feelings Through "woke up, rushed out of", we know he used vivid action words to describe his feeling. Through his own mental activities, we know that he also wrote his psychology. And from the teacher's suggestions, we know that words and dialogue are used. During this process, T guides Ss to find out when Meng Hao is during the class, the climax appears. Reading for details is to identify Meng Hao's major experiences based on the chronological order and summarize his emotional changes. With the help of T, Ss simplify long and difficult sentences according to the context, which cultivates their English language sense and language awareness, and learn to express simple experiences and feelings in English.
Post-reading ( minutes)
Step 6 Further thinking (4 minutes) T: What's your understanding of the saying "well begun, half done." Suggested answer: If you have a good beginning, your chance of success is greatly improved. "Well begun" refers to the experiences Meng Hao had on the first day. Keeping calm and being prepared were important. Those life lessons were a good beginning for Meng Hao's new school life. Interpreting the meaning of "A good beginning is half done", and build confidence in high school learning and life. (Cultural awareness);
Step 7 Sharing (5 minutes) What have you found most impressive on your first day at senior high Using the new words and expressions we learned today to narrate your experiences. And write a short passage after class. Useful expressions: Over and over again,in one's eagerness, step into, make a good impression, butterflies in one's stomach, in panic, too...to.., put one under pressure, keep calm and be prepared, make the most of. Example passage: Today marks my first day of high school. When I step into this new chapter, I was very nervous. Because I want to make a good impression, I feel butterflies in my stomach. Despite the panic, I remind myself to keep calm, be prepared, and make the most of this opportunity. Utilizing language knowledge related to the topic to narrate their experiences on the first day of high school.
Blackboard Design


外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 1 A New Start Understanding ideas 教学设计(表格式)

外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 1 A New Start Understanding ideas 教学设计(表格式)

外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 1 A New Start Understanding ideas 教学设计(表格式)





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