人教版 九年级 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.单元检测模拟(无答案)

学考宝 作者:佚名



人教版 九年级 Unit 4 单元检测模拟
1.David never fights with his classmates, _____
A.does he B. doesn’t he C. isn’t he
---Do you often go shopping there
2.---No, I ______ go shopping there. Because the things there are too expensive.
A.usually B. always C. sometimes D. seldom
3._____ is not easy to make dream come true.
This B. It C. That D. There
4.Poor sleep has an ________ on our memory and learning.
A.influence B.Introduction C.instruction D.information
5.Our teacher takes_____ us.he says we are the best.
A.pride of B.proud of C.pride in D.proud in
6.The US First Lady Michelle Obama encouraged students to study abroad in her ________ when visiting Peking University on March 22, 2014.
A.story B.speech C.letter D.diary
7. ---The number of tourists ______ over 33 million this year.
---Yes.A large number of tourists ______ so far because of the new look of our city.
A. is;have come B.is;has come C.are;has come D.are;have come
8. ---Do you ______ anything else
---Well, I want another postcard.
A. spread B. create C. require D.influence
9.—Where's Tony now
—I saw him _____ in the garden a moment ago and I told him _____.
A. play; go home B. playing; to go home
C. playing; goes home D. play; going home
10.—Is everybody here today
—No. Li Ming is from class, because he is ill.
A. absent B. different C. far D. humorous
It was a sunny summer day and I walked back home after school. When I stood in front of the door, I was 11 to find that the key had disappeared from my pocket. It was a disaster (灾难) for me, 12 I only had one key, and my parents were away on business for several days.
I walked 13 the community, hoping to find the lost key. But I couldn’t find it. I called my mom and she told me to go to my aunt’s home. My aunt lives in another building of our community. I was sad, but I had no 14 . The next morning, when I was going to school, I saw something 15 on the window of the security hut (保安亭). It was my key. “Unbelievable!” I was quite surprised as I 16 the key in my hand.
“Is that 17 , kid ” the old guard asked.
“Yeah. I lost it yesterday. Who sent this ” I replied. The old man said, “I don’t know 18 . Someone picked it up last night.”
I was happy and deeply moved. To pick up a key from the ground and take it to the security hut is not something special, but it means so much to me. I cannot 19 my thanks to the person who found my key. But I can 20 his or her good action by becoming a person who has no hesitation (犹豫) to help others.
( )11.A.happy B.Excited C.shocked D.patient
( )12.A.because B.but C.so D.though
( )13.A.away B.through C.over D.around
( )14.A.time B.chance C.choice D.energy
( )15.A.leaving B.shining C.falling D.moving
( )16.A.held B.found C.borrowed D.lifted
( )17.A.his B.hers C.yours D.theirs
( )18.A.early B.Exactly C.carefully D.really
( )19.A.bring B.realize C.prepareD.express
( )20.A.pass on B.give away C.look up D.take
Around 20 years ago I was living in Seattle and going through hard times. I could not find satisfying work even though I had a lot of experience and a master’s degree.
To my shame, I was driving a school bus and living with friends to save money. I had lost my apartment. I had been through many job interviews with no luck.
One day, while doing my rounds through a suburban neighborhood I felt anger inside me and thought: “Why has my life become so hard !”
Immediately after this internal scream, I pulled the bus over to drop off a little girl. As she passed she handed me an earring, saying I should keep it in case somebody claimed it. It had the words “BE HAPPY” painted on it.
Yeah, yeah, I thought. Then it hit me. I had been focusing only on what was wrong with my life rather than what was right! I decided then to make a list of 50 things I was grateful for.
At first, it was hard, then it got easier. One day I decided to list 75. That night I got a phone call from the manager of a large hospital. About a year earlier I had designed a college course on stress management. She asked me if I would do a one-day seminar for 200 hospital workers. I said yes and got the job.
My day with the hospital workers was great. I got a standing ovation and many more days of work. I know that it was because I changed my attitude to gratitude.
The day after I got the earring, the girl asked me if anyone had claimed it. I told her no and she said: “I guess it was meant for you then.”
I spent the next year doing training workshops all around the Seattle area and then decided to risk everything and fly to Scotland. One month later I met my wonderful Scottish wife and best friend of 15 years now.
“The best attitude is gratitude” has been my motto for years now and yes, it completely changed my life.
1.The writer saved money by ________.
A.eating vegetables B.living with others
C.doing many jobs D.selling the house
2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.The writer made a list of 75 things he was thankful for.
B.The writer’s wife has been his best friend for 15 years.
C.The writer has lived in Seattle since 20 years ago.
D.The writer did the training for 200 hospital workers.
3.What does the underlined word it in paragraph 6 refer to
A.To make a list of things he was thankful for.
B.The words “BE HAPPY”.
C.To forget that his life became so hard.
D.The special earring the girl gave to the writer.
4.What is the writer’s job after receiving the earring
A.Driver. B.Seller. C.Doctor D.Trainer.
5.Which would be the best title for the passage
A.How to Save Money B.The Girl and I
C.Be a Good Trainer D.Be Gratitude
1.She is a shy girl. She’s always (silence) in class.
2.—I’m going to miss you, dear.
—I feel (exact) the same.
3.The staff in this shop is very _______(help).
4.London is different from most ________(Europe) capitals.
5.Our new maths teacher gave a brief ________(introduce) about himself.
1. 当他六岁的时候,他能骑自行车。
He ________ ________ ________ ride a bike when he was six years old.
2. 如果你尽力了,你最终会成功的。
If you try your best, you will ________ ________ in the end.
The doctor advised him _______ _____ _____ any longer.
The first paragraph is a ______ _______ about the changes in your life.
He still plays the piano _____ ____ ____ _____.




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