
学考宝 作者:佚名



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What kind of pet does the woman suggest
A. A dog. B. A fish. C. A cat.
2. Which place is the woman looking for
A. A grocery store. B. A movie theater. C. The railway station.
3. What did the man buy for the woman’s birthday
A. A fruit cake. B. Some apple pies. C. A bunch of flowers.
4. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Classmates. B. Parent and child. C. Teacher and student.
5. Where is the woman
A. In a car. B. In an elevator. C. In a bookstore.
6. What does the man offer to do for the woman
A. Stay home with her. B. Make her some food. C. Drive her to a friend’s house.
7. How did the woman probably get sick
A. From John. B. From the man. C. From her colleague.
8. What does the woman probably do for a living
A. She owns a restaurant. B. She runs a clothing shop. C. She works in a shoe store.
9. What does the man want the woman to do
A. Lend him some money. B. Talk to his father for him. C. Buy him some new T-shirts.
10. What day is it today
A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Sunday.
11. What is the woman planning to do tomorrow
A. See her dentist. B. Attend a meeting. C. Join the book club.
12. How many kinds of membership cards are mentioned by the man
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
13. Where was probably the man when he lost Milo
A. In a park. B. In a café. C. In a car.
14. What does Milo look like
A. He has short hair. B. He’s about 14 pounds. C. He’s black with white spots.
15. Where does the woman tell the man to look first
A. Farther out. B. To the left. C. To the right.
16. What do the speakers decide to do in the end
A. Call the police for help. B. Drive around to look for Milo. C. Run for a couple of blocks.
17. Who is the speaker
A. Ellen. B. Jenny. C. Maria.
18. When is the rain expected to stop
A. On Sunday afternoon. B. On Tuesday afternoon. C. On Thursday night.
19. What was today’s temperature
A. In the low 70s. B. Around 50 degrees. C. Around 45 degrees.
20. What time of year is it
A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Fall.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
In November, National Geographic published its “The Cool List for 2024”, a collection of the most exciting destinations worldwide to visit next year.
Europe topped the list, with 13 locations, including traveling the entire continent(洲) by train. Six places in North America were named on the list, with three in the United States.
A standout location in Europe is Tartu, Estonia. According to Nat Geo, Estonians consider the city to be the “country’s cultural and intellectual heart”. Tartu is home to the country’s oldest university, a designated UNESCO City of Literature, and was selected as one of the European Capitals of Culture for 2024.
The Americas
Three places in the U. S. ranked as the most exciting destinations in 2024. Texas stands out among the list because, in 2024, people in central Texas will be able to see the total solar eclipse set for April 8.
Sikkim, India, is one of the smallest states in the country. The area offers visitors the opportunity to go climbing. Over a quarter of Sikkim, India, is covered by Khangchendzonga National Park—a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
According to Nat Geo, Sierra Leone is a country to watch in 2024. The international airport in Freetown got a major renovation in 2023 and many roads are also being upgraded. The report mentions that tourism is blossoming in West Africa. Sierra Leone’s first Hilton is set to open its doors next year.
21. Which continent has the highest number of the listed destinations
A. Europe. B. The Americas. C. Asia. D. Africa.
22. Where can you visit a World Heritage Site
A. Tartu. B. Texas. C. Sikkim. D. Sierra Leone.
23. Where is this text most probably taken from
A. An art magazine. B. A travel website. C. A food menu. D. A book review.
For Christina and her team, planting trees isn’t the only goal. She hopes to employ residents, especially youth, to get their hands in the dirt and see how they can grow change.
Groundwork Bridgeport hired a team of youth and trained them to provide ongoing care for trees in the community(社区). They serve the neighborhoods where they live, monitoring the trees, providing basic care, and connecting with their neighbors. Their “patrolling” is improving each tree’s longevity while giving them valuable experience and a good payment.
“We’re using data and technology to be able to find even down to the specific city block of where trees are needed the most,” said Amy Lester, Ventures Project Coordinator, Arbor Day Foundation. With a NatureQuant NatureScore of 10, the east Bridgeport neighborhood was flagged as desperately needing trees. NatureQuant is a tech and research company that helps the Arbor Day Foundation determine where trees are needed most in urban spaces.
The most recent program that happened in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation was a tree giveaway. Fifty trees were given to residents of the neighborhood identified by NatureQuant.
Residents showed their support for the effort by coming out in full force. They know what the trees mean to their community, to their health, to the next generation of those growing up in east Bridgeport.
24. What did Groundwork Bridgeport hi re a youth team to do
A. To cut down trees. B. To provide guidance.
C. To care for trees. D. To get a good payment.
25. How did NatureQuant locate areas where trees are needed most
A. By counting numbers. B. By using technology.
C. By giving away trees. D. By observing trees.
26. Which of the following best describes the impact of the giveaway project
A. Far-reaching. B. One-sided. C. Short-lived. D Time-wasting.
27. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. A Tree Planting Plan by Groundwork Bridgeport
B. Employ the Next Generation of Tree Planters
C. A Tree Giveaway Program to Communities
D. Tree Planting Cooperation Between Communities
If we want to define grit, the correct way to put it is as a non-cognitive trait (非认知特性) based on someone’s ability to insist despite many challenges and obstacles to achieve a given goal. It is the trait that tells you to keep trying at something when everyone else has given up on you. It is a measure of emotional intelligence and well-being.
New research revealed that students with grit tend to gain a higher grade point average than their less gritty classmates. They are also more likely to win in spelling contests even with a lower verbal IQ.
Grit is equally important as intelligence. One of the most famous stories in science is how Isaac Newton came up with the concept(概念) of universal gravity. An apple fell from a tree, and this sparked the genius that later revealed the secret of why things keep falling back to Earth. Such narratives are very appealing stories but discouraging. There is no hard work, just a new concept produced by a gifted man. The apple story then proved wrong. It took many, many years of labor and failures before he came up with the concept. The purpose of this article though is not to undermine intelligence. Newton was clearly a genius, but intelligence alone would not have made him reach their goals.
“Nobody is talented enough to not have to work hard, and that’s what grit allows you to do,” says Angela Duckworth, the foremost researcher on the field of grit study. In her study, Duckworth isolated two qualities that seem to define gritty people. The two important qualities separated are:
·The tendency to not give up tasks from mere changeability
·The tendency to not give up tasks in the face of obstacles
To end this post, I leave you with a quote from Kahlil Gibran, “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are burned with scars.”
28. How does the author explain the meaning of “grit” in paragraph 1
A. By giving a definition. B. By offering an example.
C. By listing some facts. D. By making comparisons.
29. What does the author want to say by mentioning the apple story of Isaac Newton
A. To show the importance of labor. B. To show his born intelligence.
C. To show the importance of grit. D. To show his great achievement.
30. What does the underlined word “undermine” in paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Stress B. Lose C. Develop. D. Weaken
31. Which statement will Duckworth probably agree with
A. Gritty people favor changeable work. B. Gritty people are more likely to insist.
C. Gritty people are allowed to work hard. D. Gritty people tend to achieve higher success.
An experimental pill(药丸) looks set to cause more weight loss than existing treatments such as Ozempic, based on early trial results reported on 7 March.
The pill, called amycretin, led people to lose 13 per cent of their weight over three months, more than twice the amount seen with Ozempic.
Ozempic is a product name for the compound semaglutide. They work by copying a gut hormone(胃肠激素) called GLP-1 that is normally released after eating. This makes people feel full and reduces their appetite (胃口).
Amycretin, however, copies GLP-1 and a different hormone called amylin, which seems to make it more effective still—at least over the first three months of treatment. People taking amycretin lost 13 per cent of their weight in this period, Novo Nordisk announced on 7 March. This is more than the same amount for Ozempic of 6 per cent.
“However, we can only know for sure how the drugs measure up long term when they are compared under exactly the same condition in a single study,” says Drucker. “We need head-to-head trials.”
Another warning is that medicines that work by copying GLP-1 have been used for more than a decade and so their safety profile is well understood, which isn’t the case for copying amylin. Novo Nordiskhas also said that amycretin’s side effects were similar to those of Wegovy, which tend to be vomiting and diarrhoea (呕吐和腹泻).
“Being available in tablet form would be a great advantage for people who don’t like injections,” says Daniel Chancellor at global pharmaceutical business analyst Citeline. “An oral Pill is very attractive.”
32. How does Ozempic work to cause weight loss
A. It takes the place of daily exercise. B. It turns the blood sugar into hormones.
C. It produces a GLP-1-like hormone. D. It copies a hormone called amycretin.
33. How can we know the long-term effects of the drugs
A. By doing head-to-head trials on the drugs. B. By finding proper conditions for the drug.
C. By measuring the amount of the drug. D By conducting series of clinic trials
34. What is paragraph 6 mainly about
A. Warnings from failed cases. B. Concerns for medicines copying amylin.
C. Positive effects of amycretin. D. Composition of amycretin and its uses.
35. What is the author’s attitude toward amycretin
A. Positive. B. Concerned. C. Doubtful. D. Objective.
How many advertisements have you seen in your life 36 Advertisements are a great way to make people aware of products, issues, and more. But has advertising become a problem for society If let me rate the current online advertising risks, I would probably give 2 points. 37
Advertising makes us associate happiness with consumerism (消费主义). After they’ve achieved to ruin our self-esteem(自尊), advertisements are trying to fool us into thinking that only products and services can make us feel better. 38 What is it You guessed right: Shopping. Once they achieve to make you feel ugly, they sell you beauty products so you can improve on your ugliness. Once they manage to make you believe that you are not important, they sell you expensive clothes so you can attract the attention of others. And so on and so forth.
39 We have an economic system in which people have to make money in order to survive—and this can be clearly seen in the advertising industry. By showing you what the ideal life is supposed to be, and then making you compare your ordinary life to it, they slowly lead you to believe that you’re not beautiful, intelligent, confident, and so on, until they fully convince you that you are basically not good. The reason To make you feel insecure so that they can then emotionally control you.
In short, advertisements promise you happiness, provided that you spend money in return. The result 40
A. Advertising pushes us to make money.
B. Advertising makes us feel that we’re not good enough.
C. So what exactly are the main problems of advertising on society
D. The average person sees between 280 and 310 advertisements per day.
E. Without shopping, advertisements tell you that you can’t find happiness.
F. In other words, advertisements create a problem and then offer us a solution to it.
G. Consuming stuff you don’t even need and leading to waste that is pollution our planet.
第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分55分)
Lobb, a 24-year-old banker from Toronto, has been sharing everything with his friend, an artificial intelligence engineer Jafri.
One day, the two were 41 in a lunchtime workout on Pier(码头) 15, overlooking the East River, when Lobb froze. “Somebody’s in the water,” he said. 42 Jafri could respond, he climbed over the rail and jumped into the cold water without any slightest 43 . Seeing this, Jafri also swan-dived towards him even without 44 his shoes.
45 the unconscious victim, Lobb saw that it was a big, middle-aged man. He was 3feet 46 the surface by the time Lobb reached him. The rescuer dove, 47 the man and kicked upward until they both appeared above the water. With great efforts, the pair 48 brought him back to Pier 15 where a crowd had gathered.
Both men, extremely 49 from 20 minutes in the water and bleeding from numerous cuts, watched as rescue workers loaded the nearly drowned man into a(n) 50 and drove away. They even 51 learned who he was, what became of him or how he’d fallen into the river.
In place of that knowledge, they have a story they get to tell now, another experience that has further 52 their bond. Lots of people were on the piers that day, 53 only the two of them jumped in the water—because, they say, they were the fittest people there and, so, had a moral responsibility.
“If I know I’m 54 ,”Lobb says, “why wouldn’t I help ”
Jafri 55 , laughing, “People always say, ‘If your friend were in danger, would you reach out to him ’ I think I answered that one.”
41. A. chatting B. arguing C. quarreling D. whispering
42. A. Until B. When C. Before D. As
43. A. motivation B. difficulty C. response D. hesitation
44. A. taking off B. holding up C. putting on D. giving away
45. A. Measuring B. Protecting C. Approaching D. Tapping
46. A. above B. below C. over D. beside
47. A. beat B. grasped C. cheered D. hurt
48. A. frequently B. suddenly C. eventually D. professionally
49. A. tired B. delighted C. disappointed D. interested
50. A. ship B. helicopter C. bike D. ambulance
51. A. sometimes B. ever C. never D. still
52. A. tightened B. ruined C. challenged D. rescued
53. A. because B. so C. yet D. plus
54. A. rude B. clever C. strong D. capable
55 A. debates B. greets C. adds D. begs
As the pursuit of health becomes an important hobby for many young people, a trend known as “New Chinese-style Wellness” has taken over social media 56 (platform). Health is no longer a term typically to the middle-aged and elderly. Faced with intense 57 (compete) in education and their careers, those born in the 1990s and 2000s have already embarked on a journey 58 (safeguard) their health.
The concept of “New Chinese-style Wellness” emphasizes the idea of a light and nutritious diet. 59 (addition), it promotes mental health by combining traditional Chinese medicine theories to regulate emotions and achieve 60 balanced development of physical and mental health. Furthermore, it advocates for light exercise, such as tai chi, to 61 (strength) the body and achieve the goal of wellness and fitness.
The information from the Z Generation Nutrition Consumption Trend Report, published in 2022, also 62 (show) that young people are becoming the main drivers of health-related consumption, among 63 the 18 to 35 age group accounts for 83. 7 percent.
According to data from Meituan Waimai, a major Chinese food delivery platform, since September 2022, the weekly search volume for “healthy milk tea” nationwide has doubled. Consumers 64 (age) between 20 and 30 account for over half of the searches, with young people in Shanghai leading the trend, 65 (rank) first in the country for using the search term.
66. Tourism is the major source of i for this area.
67. The car c into a big stone and burst into flames.
68. You can e your currency for dollars in the bank.
69. There was a power failure, so they were t in the lift.
70. After the accident, Lin Tao s to his feet and dialed 110.
71. We should raise public a of the protection of the Earth.
72. It is believed that keeping a b diet is beneficial to our health.
73. Not knowing his phone number, I couldn’t get in c with him.
74. That is really a f for eyes and makes your journey worthwhile.
75. As a teacher, you should know the s and weaknesses of your students.
76. I had my car parked in a car park, where we could get the car battery c .
77. Passengers will be r to take all their belongings when getting off the train.
78. I saw her w something into his ear, obviously not wanting to be heard.
79. With the children making so much noise outside, I can’t get a in my study.
80. Naadam is r by three events: horse racing, wrestling and archery.
81. She picked herself up and limped away (眼泪汪汪地).
82. (令我满意的是), he has finished the work on time.
83. Their faith and courage (帮助他们渡过难关) at last.
84. More and more people are (意识到) the seriousness of pollution.
85. Our classroom (配备了) the latest multi-media computer.
86. There is your room key and you should (结账离开) before 1 p. m.
87. What needs to be specifically noted is that the activity is (免费).
88. My adviser recommended that I should (报名参加) advanced literature.
89. (既然) you have accepted the mission, get it adequately prepared.
90. We have (绝对相信) in Sarah’s abilities to host the party.
第四部分 应用文写作(满分15分)
假定你是李华,为了弘扬中华民族的传统美德,你校将以“Morals and Virtues”为主题举办英文演讲比赛。请你写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:
1. 你对善举的理解;
2. 以事例说明;
3. 你的期望。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The Chai n of KindnessDear fellow students,That’s all, thank you!
Text 1
M: I want a pet. Should I get a dog or a cat
W: How about a fish A dog or a cat is too much work. A fish is easy to take care of, and you can leave it alone for most of the day.
Text 2
W: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the railway station, please
M: Sorry. I’m a stranger here, too. But why don’t you ask that man who is sitting in front of the grocery store You see the store I’m talking about The one next to the movie theater…
Text 3
M: Happy birthday, honey!
W: Oh, a bunch of flowers! Thank you. You’re always so sweet.
M: Well, I intended to buy you a fruit cake and some apple pies from Collin Street Bakery. But they’re all sold out, so I bought you these flowers.
Text 4
W: I don’t understand the math problem on the board. Can you help me
M: I’m kind of busy working on my homework. Why don’t you ask the teacher to help you
Text 5
M: Can you hold the door for a minute, Lucy I’ve got a big bag full of books here.
W: Hi, Matt. Nice to see you! Up to the fourth floor
Text 6
M: Do you want to go over to John’s house tonight
W: No, I think I’m getting sick, so I should probably just stay at home and rest.
M: Oh, okay. You should drink some tea and stay warm. Would you like me to make you some soup
W: No, thanks. I’m not hungry. I might just go to sleep, actually. I had to get up very early this morning for a meeting. One of my co-workers seemed ill, so I might have gotten sick from her.
Text 7
M: I was thinking of starting my own business. I know you wanted me to take over your restaurant business, but I can’t stand working in the food industry.
W: OK. But what do you really want to do
M: I want to sell skateboards, clothing, and shoes.
W: You want to run a clothing shop
M: No. It’s actually a skateboarding shop.
W: What would make your shop different from all the others
M: I thought we could make our own T-shirts. Maybe you and Dad could lend me some money first.
W: Sounds OK to me, but you’ll have to talk to your dad about this, too.
Text 8
M: Good morning. Can I see your membership card, please
W: Well, I’m actually here to join the book club today.
M: I’m really sorry. There is something wrong with the computer. If you can come back on Monday—that’s tomorrow—we can sign you up then. And we have a discount on Mondays and Tuesdays.
W: Oh, but I have to see the dentist tomorrow, and I have a meeting to attend on Tuesday.
M: In that case, you can leave your information on this piece of paper and I’ll put your application into the computer tomorrow.
W: Oh, that’s wonderful!
M: Which membership would you like: a one-year membership, a three-year membership, or a lifetime membership There is a special gift for the lifetime membership.
W: Let me see. I think a one-year membership is right for me.
Text 9
M: I lost my dog! Can you help me look for him
W: Yes, of course. When was the last time you saw him
M: I tied him up right here as I went to grab some coffee. When I came back outside, he was gone.
W: Okay, what does he look like
M: He’s white with black spots. He’s around 40 pounds and has short hair. His name is Milo, and he always comes when he’s called.
W: I’ll take the streets going to the right, and you take the streets going to the left. Meet me back in front of the coffee shop in 10 minutes. If we don’t find him, we can take my car to look farther out.
M: Do you think I should call the police
W: I doubt if they’ll have time to help. But I don’t think we’ll need them. Look over there in that park two blocks down!
M: It’s Milo! Quick, let’s run over there!
W: Let’s go!
Text 10
W: That was Ellen with tonight’s news. Good evening, I’m Jenny with this week’s weather report. Although it was sunny today, it looks like a storm is headed in tonight, with rainfall supposed to last until Sunday afternoon. We should expect thunder and lightning tomorrow morning, which will last into late Tuesday afternoon. The rain should let up a bit by Thursday night, although light showers will last through the end of the week. Today, we saw temperatures in the low 70s, but this week, certain areas will reach a low of 45 degrees at night and 50 degrees during the day. With Thanksgiving coming up, there will be a lot of traffic this week as people head to holiday celebrations. Please be careful when driving in the rain, especially in areas that are likely to flood. Have a great week, everyone! Now over to Maria with the traffic report.
1—5 BCCAB 6—10 BCAAC 11—15 ABBAB 16—20 CBAAC
21—23 ACB 24—27 CBAB 28—31 ACDB 32—35 CABD
36—40 DCFBG
41—45 ACDAC 46—50 BBCAD 51—55 CACDC
56. platforms petition 58. to safeguard 59. Additionally 60. a
61. strengthen 62. shows 63. Whom 64. aged 65. ranking
66. income(s) 67. crashed 68. Exchange 69. trapped 70. struggled
71. awareness 72. balanced 73. Contact 74. feast 75. strengths
76. charged 77. reminded 78. Whispering 79. Absorbed 80. represented
81. in tears 82. To my satisfaction 83. carried them through
84. aware of 85. is equipped with 86. check out
87. free of charge 88. sign up for 89. Now that
90 absolute confidence/faith
The Chai n of Kindness
Dear fellow students,
I am Li Hua, a student of Senior 1, feeling greatly privileged to be here to share my understanding of the act of kindness and its significance in our lives.
To me, a good deed is not just an act of kindness but a reflection of one’s character and a simple gesture that have a profound impact on others. Last year, I encountered a senior citizen struggling to carry her groceries. Without hesitation, I offered to help her. Her grateful smile and heartfelt thanks left a lasting impression on me, reminding me that even the smallest acts of kindness can bring immense happiness to others.
I sincerely hope that everyone can recognize the power of morals and virtues and embody them in action.
That’s all, thank you!









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