北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 9 Learning Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips 教案

学考宝 作者:佚名



Unit 9 Learning
Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips
Teaching Plan
【Teaching aims】
Students will be able to
1. listen to an interview about effective ways to learn English
2. extract specific information while listening, choose the best answer and complete missing information
3. discuss effective ways of learning English
【Teaching key and difficult point】
Listening for specific information from an interview
【Teaching procedures】
Step 1. Revision
Read the following words and phrases. Write down their meanings in Chinese .
(1) simplified _______________ (8) recommend_______________
(2) classic _______________ (9) sufficient_______________
(3) unfamiliar_______________ (10) input_______________
(4) memorise_______________ (11) normally_______________
(5) strategy _______________ (12) in context_______________
(6) effectively_______________ (13) in chunks_______________
(7) acquire_______________ (14) beyond the classroom_______________
Step 2.Warming-up
What difficulties do people have in learning English
What are effective ways of learning English
I find it hard/difficult to remember/memorise the spelling of the words.
I have great difficulty in understanding the sentence structure.
I have poor pronunciation/vocabulary/fluency in speaking.
Tips on English Learning
to read simplified classic works
to check the dictionary while reading
to guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word
to memorise grammar rules and do a lot of exercises
Read the four listed tips on page 56.
Step 3. Listening
1.Listen twice and choose the best answer.
1)Why do they invite Dr.Smith to the programme
A. To teach them how to read English coursebooks.
B. To share with them effective English learning strategies.
C. To show them how to use a dictionary when learning languages.
2)How does Yang An normally memorise new words
A. She memorises the word list.
B. She learns words in context.
C. She learns words in chunks
3)What does Su Qin find a big headache for her
A. Learning grammar.
B. Reading classic literature.
C. Dealing with unfamiliar words.
4)What is Dr. Smith's advice on learning grammar
A. Doing a lot of grammar exercises.
B. Using grammar rules in speaking and writing.
C. Memorising grammar rules over and over again.
Check the answers as a class.
2.Listen and complete.
①What is Dr. Smith’s advice on effective English learning
Dr. Smith’s advice is to ____________________ of English beyond the classroom. One way to do that is _________________. He recommends that you try ___________________________. The other way is to ____________.
②What is his suggestion on learning words
Firstly, you should ______________________. A lot of the time, you’ll be able to __________________ of an unfamiliar word without ____________.
Also, you should learn _________________. For example, we say “open the book”, but “turn on the computer”.
③What advice does he give on learning grammar
Just memorising the rules is ___________. His advice is that when you learn a grammar rule, you should try to use it in ______________________________. By doing so, you’ll be learning grammar in a more natural way than from a grammar book.
1) Play the interview for students to complete the missing information.
2) In pairs, students review their answers.
3) Play the interview again for students to confirm their answers.
4) Low level students can refer to the interview script on pages 108 and 109 to complete the missing information.
5) Review the answers as a class.
Step 4.Post-listening
1)Do you find Dr. Smith’s advice helpful
2)What are other ways to learn English vocabulary and grammar effectively
①Writing and rewriting can be helpful.
②Translating can also be helpful.
③Watching movies and TV series and dubbing.
1. Write down the phrases related to learning English tips.(C )
2. Create a poster to present the ways to learn English vocabulary and grammar.(B )
3. Suppose you are Li Hua. Your friend Xiaoming doesn't know how to learn English well. Write a letter to give him some suggestions.(A )


北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 9 Learning Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips 教案



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