牛津译林版(2019)选修三Unit 1 Wish you were here Extended reading—Reading comprehension课时精练四(含答案)

学考宝 作者:佚名



On May 21,2022,Tom Turcich of New Jersey became the 10th person to walk around the world.Over seven years,he walked 48,000 kilometers across six continents and 38 countries—most of it with his dog Savannah.
Speaking to CNN,Turcich explained that,after a friend died in an accident at age 17,he started to look at life differently and decided to go on a journey around the world.It took over eight years of saving and planning before Turcich finally left his home on April 2,2015—just before his 26th birthday—on his way to Panama.He had a stroller to carry his hiking equipment,a sleeping bag,a laptop,a camera and a box of food.
About four months into the journey,Turcich adopted Savannah from an animal shelter in Texas.She joined him for the rest of the trip,becoming the first dog to walk around the world.The pair walked around 30-40 kilometers a day,spending most nights camping.Some parts could not be done on foot,however—such as when Turcich and Savannah took a boat from Uruguay to Antarctica.In late 2017,Turcich had to return home to recover from an illness he got while traveling through Ireland and the UK.
He and Savannah started walking again in May 2018,going through Europe,North Africa and Turkey before getting stuck in Azerbaijan for six months because of the pandemic.They were able to travel to Kyrgyzstan before taking a plane to Seattle.From there,he and Savannah walked back to New Jersey.
Turcich said the most difficult place to walk through was “desolate” Wyoming.Now that he’s back home,Turcich says he wants to stay in one place for a while and write a book about his trip.
1.What led to Turcich’s decision to walk around the world
A.His thoughtful plan before a birthday.
B.His different attitude towards travelling.
C.The death of his friend at an early age.
D.The adoption of Savannah from a shelter.
2.What can we know about Turcich and Savannah according to the text
A.They spent most of nights in hotels during the trip.
B.Their journey has been recorded in Turcich’s book.
C.Their trip was once interrupted due to Turcich’s illness.
D.The most challenging place for them to walk through was Azerbaijan.
3.What kind of person is Turcich according to the text
A.Creative and curious.
B.Brave and determined.
C.Caring and intelligent.
D.Humorous and cautious.
4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A.To persuade people to travel with a reliable animal.
B.To motivate young people to take a worldwide walking trip.
C.To emphasize the importance of an unforgettable travel experience.
D.To share a story about a man and a dog’s walking around the world.
Soot(煤灰) pollution is speeding up climate driven melting in Antarctica,a new study suggests,raising questions about how to protect the delicate continent from the increasing number of humans who want to visit.
“It really makes us question,is our presence really needed?” says Alia Khan,one of the authors of the new study.“We have quite a large black carbon footprint in Antarctica,which is enhancing snow and ice melt.”
Black carbon is the leftover thing from burning plants or fossil fuels.Soot in Antarctica comes primarily from waste gases of cruise ships(游轮),vehicles,airplanes and electrical generators,although some pollution travels on the wind from other parts of the globe.The dark particles(微粒) coat white snow and absorb heat from the sun the way a black T shirt does on a warm day.The blanket of dark bits speeds up melting that was already happening more quickly because of global warming.When snow and ice are uncovered,they reflect an enormous amount of sunlight before it can turn into heat.
“These are the mirrors on our planet,” says Sonia Nagorski,a scientist at the University of Alaska Southeast.“When those mirrors are covered in a film of dark bits,they are less reflective.That means more heat is trapped on Earth,speeding up melting and contributing to global warming.”
As a scientist who personally visits Antarctica every year,Khan says she is troubled by her own research results.On the one hand,she goes to Antarctica to collect crucial data about how quickly the snow and ice there are disappearing.“But then when we come to conclusions like this it really does make us think twice about how frequently we need to visit the continent,” she says,“and what kind of regulations should be placed on tourism as well.” That could mean requiring that cruise ships and vehicles be electric,for example,or limiting the number of visitors each year.
5.What are the feelings expressed in Khan’s words in paragraph 2
A.Doubt and concern.
B.Confidence and courage.
C.Anger and disappointment.
D.Optimism and certainty.
6.Which of the following is a major source of soot in Antarctica
A.Burnt plants.
B.Tourist vehicles.
C.Black carbon elsewhere.
D.Fossil fuels underneath Antarctica.
7.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to
A.Snow. B.Ice.
C.Sunlight. D.Soot.
8.What might Khan do in the future
A.Help design scientific research regulations.
B.Use electric cars for her daily transportation.
C.Collect more data about Antarctica.
D.Reduce her visits to Antarctica.
Going against the tide of flocking to well known tourist destinations on vacation,a growing number of holidaymakers in China tend to spend their leisure time at lesser known tourist attractions.Reverse tourism (逆向旅游) has appeared as a new trend among young holidaymakers in China.
According to data from an online travel agency,the number of rooms booked at hotels in less traveled cities during the holiday was up 30 percent year on year.Bookings for four star or five star hotels in less traveled places all increased at least 10 times.Some lesser known scenic spots posted double digit growth during the holiday.Baimaiquan Park in Jinan,the capital of Shandong Province,received 52,100 visits in the seven days,up 15.78 percent year over year.
Besides crowds,some vacationers chose less traveled places to save on the cost of trips to popular destinations.In addition,lesser known attractions are not as “commercial” as developed ones and are able to offer more actual experiences and natural encounters.Essentially speaking,total relaxation is becoming a real expectation for many people when they travel.Changes in demand may be the fundamental reason for the popularity of reverse tourism.The pandemic disease is another key factor fueling reverse tourism.As precautionary measures continue,traveling has an unpredictable quality.Travelers have thus become more cautious and tend to choose local attractions or places with fewer tourists.
“The rise of reverse tourism is not a bad thing,” said Zhengzhou Daily.It means that vacationers now have more options,which brings more possibilities to the tourism market.More importantly,it noted,the trend is set to force popular destinations to improve themselves instead of resting on their past honor.
Jiang Han,a senior researcher,said that reverse tourism will become one of the future directions for the market.To give a real boost to the tourism market,Jiang suggested that more efforts be made to tap the potential of underrated(被低估了的),lesser known destinations.It is necessary to dig deeper into the local customs and highlight the local characteristics to improve the quality of local tourism.
9.What is paragraph 2 mainly about
A.The popularity of travel agency in China.
B.The contributions of tourism to the economy.
C.The high income of hotels during holidays.
D.The increasing trend of reverse tourism in China.
10.What may be the root cause of the rise of reverse tourism
A.The effect of the disease.
B.No improvements in famous spots.
C.Holidaymakers’ changing needs for travel.
D.The cheaper prices of the less traveled places.
11.What does Zhengzhou Daily think of reverse tourism
A.It will drop with the recovery of economy.
B.It benefits both tourists and the tourism market.
C.It is helpful to spread local culture to tourists.
D.It stops the development of the famous resorts.
12.What is Jiang Han’s advice on developing the tourism market
A.Finding the potential and features of less traveled attractions.
B.Improving the management of the local tourism.
C.Upgrading the facilities in tourist areas.
D.Highlighting the local tourism through media.
I’m a hiker—“born to hike,” as my husband likes to joke.It does my heart and soul good to take a pack and head out on a trail,especially when I’m alone and can let my mind wander where it will.The experience of hiking is unique,research suggests,conveying benefits beyond what you receive from typical exercise. 1
Hiking can help to keep us calm and happy. 2 But what sets hiking apart from other forms of exercise is that hiking can happen almost anywhere and give you that dose of nature you need to stay happy.
3 Being a professional writer,I sometimes have trouble taking the time to hike in the middle of my workday.But research suggests that hiking doesn’t just feel good,it might also keep my brain in top shape.
Hiking can increase our creativity.I’m sure I’m not alone in finding that walks in nature let my mind wander freely in creative directions. 4 Studies have found connections between creative thinking and nature experiences,too.
Hiking can help strengthen a positive relationship with the natural world.Besides being good for us,hiking may also help the world around us.After all,if we can walk and cover longer distances,we could use cars less and reduce our carbon footprint. 5 It increases our connection to nature.Developing a positive relationship with the natural world can help us to care about its fate,making us more committed to conservation efforts.
A.Hiking can keep our mind sharp.
B.Hiking can improve our professional skills.
C.Beyond that,hiking benefits our planet indirectly.
D.Exercise in general can be a great way to decrease stress.
E.Here is what science is saying about the benefits of hiking.
F.In fact,I’ve written many of my articles while hiking on a trail.
G.This shows that hiking may be one of the best ways to exercise.
语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了汤姆·图希克成为第十个徒步环游世界的人,在七年多的时间里,他和他的狗萨凡纳走过了4.8万千米,横跨了六大洲和38个国家。
1.C [细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,一个朋友的意外离世促使图希克开始环球旅行。故选C。]
2.C [细节理解题。根据第三段中“In late 2017,Turcich had to return home to recover from an illness he got while traveling through Ireland and the UK.”可知,他们的旅行曾经因图希克的病而中断过。故选C。]
3.B [推理判断题。根据文章倒数第三段和倒数第二段内容可知,图希克克服了很多困难完成了全部的旅程。由此体现出他是勇敢且意志坚定的。故选B。]
4.D [写作意图题。根据第一段内容并结合全文可知,文章讲述的是图希克和他的狗萨凡纳一起徒步环游世界的故事。故文章的目的是分享这个故事。故选D。]
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了由于人类对南极大陆的频繁参观,导致煤烟污染加重,从而加速了南极洲的冰雪融化这一现象。
5.A [推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,Khan对于去南极访问持怀疑的态度,Khan已经注意到访问南极会给当地留下大量的黑碳足迹,并且会加速冰雪融化的问题。所以Khan的话语既表达了对此前活动的质疑,也表达了对所产生问题的担忧。故选A。]
6.B [细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句可知,南极洲煤灰的主要来源是游客使用的交通工具。故选B。]
7.C [代词指代题。根据文章第三段中画线词所在句“When snow and ice are uncovered,they reflect an enormous amount of sunlight before it can turn into heat.”可知,此处的意思为在阳光转化为热量之前,故此处的it指代前文的sunlight,故选C。]
8.D [推理判断题。根据最后一段中“think twice about how frequently we need to visit the continent”以及“That could mean requiring that cruise ships and vehicles be electric,for example,or limiting the number of visitors each year.”可知,Khan在重新思考要多久去一次南极大陆以及限制游客的数量,由此可推测,Khan会减少未来去南极洲的访问次数。故选D。]
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了逆向旅游这一旅游新趋势,分析了其兴起的原因和意义。
9.D [段落大意题。根据第二段内容可知,本段主要讲的是逆向旅游在中国呈上升趋势。故选D。]
10.C [细节理解题。根据第三段中“Changes in demand may be the fundamental reason for the popularity of reverse tourism.”可知,度假者不断变化的旅行需求是逆向旅游兴起的根本原因。故选C。]
11.B [细节理解题。根据第四段中“It means that vacationers now have more options,which brings more possibilities to the tourism market.”可知,《郑州日报》认为逆向旅游对游客和旅游市场都有好处。故选B。]
12.A [细节理解题。根据最后一段最后两句可知,江瀚建议发掘人迹罕至的景点的潜力和特色。故选A。]
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文,介绍了科学研究发现的徒步旅行的诸多好处。
1.E [空前一句提到徒步旅行有好处,该句是首段的结尾句,应引出下面各个段落描述的徒步旅行的各种好处,故选E。]
2.D [空后一句说明在进行地点和精神层面上徒步旅行与其他锻炼形式不同,结合“But”可知,空处与下文构成语义上的转折且与锻炼带给人的精神上的影响有关,所以选项D符合语境,故选D。]
3.A [该句位于段首,为本段主题句,根据下文“it might also keep my brain in top shape”可知,本段强调徒步对思维状态的益处,所以A项概括本段主题。故选A。]
4.F [根据本段主题句“Hiking can increase our creativity.”及空前一句可知,本段主要说明徒步能够激发创造力。F项“事实上,我的很多文章都是在徒步的时候创作的”符合本段主题,故选F。]
5.C [根据本段主题句可知,本段强调徒步对自然环境的益处,空前一句说明徒步能够减少碳足迹,C项与上文语义一致且符合本段主题,故选C。]


牛津译林版(2019)选修三Unit 1 Wish you were here Extended reading—Reading comprehension课时精练四(含答案)

牛津译林版(2019)选修三Unit 1 Wish you were here Extended reading—Reading comprehension课时精练四(含答案)

牛津译林版(2019)选修三Unit 1 Wish you were here Extended reading—Reading comprehension课时精练四(含答案)



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