江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末考试 英语试题 (含解析,无听力原文及音频)

学考宝 作者:佚名



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.What season is it now
A.Summer. B.Fall. C.Winter.
2.What’s the relationship between the speakers
A.Strangers. B.Friends. C.Neighbors.
3.What are the speakers going to do
A.Take a walk in the park. B.Go swimming in a pool. C.See some birds along the coast.
4.Where is the conversation likely to take place
A.In a restaurant. B.In an office. C.In a hotel room.
5.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A football enthusiast. B.A football match. C.Their university days.
第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.Why does the woman want to go to Paris
A.To go on business. B.To hold her wedding. C.To celebrate her wedding anniversary.
7.When does the woman plan to return from Paris
A.On Sunday. B.On Monday. C.On Friday.
8.What does the man mean
A.He just got a raise.
B.He can’t skip his meeting.
C.He’ll call the moving company tonight.
9.When will the man probably be home
A.About seven o’clock. B.At ten o’clock. C.By five o’clock.
10.Why did Adam go to bed late
A.His son felt sick. B.He watched a film. C.He repaired his computer.
11.Why did his son wake him up
A.He was ill. B.He was scared. C.He was hungry.
12.Why did Adam borrow money
A.To get a bus ticket. B.To buy petrol. C.To buy lunch.
13.What is the woman’s suggestion
A.Going to bed early. B.Relaxing himself. C.Taking good care of his son.
14.What training did the man find strange at first
A.Operating the spaceship.
B.Dealing with emergencies.
C.Experiencing weightlessness.
15.How did the man describe the life in the spaceship
A.It was not as hard as expected.
B.Eating was the biggest problem.
C.The sound was quite frightening.
16.What was the purpose of the man’s space trip
A.To study outer space. B.To do research on Earth. C.To do experiments on medicine.
17.What is the man doing now
A.Teaching science. B.Doing space research. C.Helping improve science education.
18.What does “Sahara” mean in Arabic word
A.Greatness. B.Desert. C.Heat.
19.What borders the Sahara Desert in the east
A.The Mediterranean Sea. B.The Atlantic Ocean. C.The Red Sea.
20.Which film was shot in the Sahara Desert in 2018
A.Aquaman. B.Spectre. C.Star Wars.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共 15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
This wild fish oil is a top quality, sustainably sourced formula containing the omega-3 fatty acid EPA and DHA to support overall wellbeing.
Heart Health
Omega-3 fatty acids support a healthy heart system.
Brain & Nervous System Health
DHA helps support brain health and maintain a healthy nervous system, the communication center responsible for sending messages around the body.
Eye Health
High concentrations of DHA are found in the pupil of the eye. DHA helps maintain eye health.
Anti-inflammatory (抗炎) & Joint Health
Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that fish oil helps relieve mild joint pain and inflammation.
Healthy Mood Balance
Fish oil helps support healthy mood balance.
Children’s Development Support
Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA support development of a healthy brain and eyes for children up to 12 years old of age.
Directions for Use
Adult Dosage (剂量) General Health: One capsule daily. Brain Health & Nervous System Support: One capsule daily. Cardiovascular health: Two capsules daily. Eye Health: Three capsules daily. Mood balance: Three capsules, twice daily. Healthy blood lipids: Seven capsules daily. Joint support: Five capsules, twice daily. Child Dosage 1-12 years: Two capsules daily. Squeezed into juice or milk, or as directed by a health care professional.
Do’s and Don’ts
If symptoms(症状) persist, talk to your health professional.
Store below 25℃ in a cool dry place. Do not use if a capsule is broken.
1. What can this wild fish oil help with
A. Liver failure. B. Hearing loss. C. Vision decline. D. Mental illness.
2. How many capsules should one take every day for healthy joints
A. Six. B. Seven. C. Five. D. Ten.
3. What is the text
A. A healthy recipe. B. A health research paper.
C. Health product directions. D. A commercial advertisement.
My mom was admitted to the ICU. I got the news 10 minutes before I was scheduled to be interviewed for a higher position. It was unprofessionally last minute to cancel. But I knew I couldn’t give it my full attention. So, I emailed to explain. The program office r replied immediately, urging me to focus on my family. “The overall goal over the coming weeks is to just be a good daughter,” she said. “We can wait.”
Since my mother’s cancer diagnosis (诊断), she has overcome many obstacles, for which we are incredibly grateful. But as the years passed and I mixed my caregiving role with my professional responsibilities, I found myself increasingly falling short at work. I was missing events because I was with her for treatments. I didn’t apply to training because I couldn’t focus. I was making silly mistakes, forgetting things and asking for extensions. I feared I was letting down my colleagues.
But in time, I came to feel I was in the right place. As it happens, my research is in a field seeking to assess and improve health care. With my mother’s illness, I suddenly went from studying it in a removed way to being completely, heartbreakingly in the middle of it. Besides the helplessness, stress, and sadness, I found I just couldn’t turn off my research brain, studying her care and texting colleagues with ideas, which reassured me that even though I was currently only giving my career about 50% of attention, I was more engaged than ever with my scientific questions.
I also learned that some good could come from allowing the boundaries between my work and life to blur (模糊). I received empathy, understanding and kindness from my program officer and colleagues. I learned how being weak brought out the best in people. I no longer try to predict what will happen next. Instead, I try to focus on my newfound appreciation for the things like friendship, connection, and sometimes unexpected support. And although I sometimes miss the clean boundaries I used to have, I’ve learned to embrace the blurriness.
4. What can be learned from the first paragraph
A. The author missed an important interview.
B. The author gave up her job due to her mother.
C. The author failed to get promoted to be a professor.
D. The author was blamed for her absence from an interview.
5. How does the author contribute to the work now
A. By writing papers. B. By entirely working remotely.
C. By working as a social worker. D. By providing first-hand resources.
6. Which of the following might the author agree with
A. Roses given, fragrance in hand. B. Every cloud has a silver lining.
C. What a man needs most is appreciation. D. When all else is lost, the future still remains.
7. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. Empathy, why do I value B. Work and life, how do I balance
C. Medical research, why do I care D. Family or career, which do I choose
You’d never mistake a goat for a dog but on an unreasonably warm afternoon, I almost do. I’m on a farm in northern Germany, trying to keep my head due to work stress. Sixty Nigeria goats are taking turns crashing their horns (角) against wooden fences. Then, during the chaos, something remarkable happens. One of the animals raises her head and stares thoughtfully at me, her widely spaced eyes and odd pupils seeking to make contact — and perhaps even connection.
It’s a look we see in other humans, in our pets and in our primate (灵长类) relatives, but not in animals raised for food. Or maybe we just haven’t been looking hard enough.
That’s a cool idea here at Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), one of the world’s leading centers for exploring the minds of goats, pigs and other livestock. Scientists here are exploring the mental and emotional lives of animals we’ve lived with for thousands of years, yet, from a cognitive (认知的) perspective, know almost nothing about.
The work is part of an effort to overturn the idea that livestock are dumb and unworthy of scientific attention. Over the past decade, researchers at FBN and elsewhere have shown that pigs show signs of empathy and that goats match dogs in some tests of social intelligence. What shocks some experts is that cows can be potty (便盆) trained, suggesting a self-awareness behind the blank stares and chewing.
“There’s a lot to be learned by studying the mental lives of these creatures,” says Christopher, a Johns Hopkins university psychologist. Disregarding livestock, he says, has been a “missed opportunity” by the scientific community. The field faces challenges, however. Farm animals can be huge, many are hard to train, and traditional funders and standard journals have generally rejected such studies. But as scientists push past these obstacles, they are getting insights not only into minds of livestock, but into the evolution of our own cognition. What they learn could even change the way we house and treat these creatures.
8. Why does the author mention Nigeria goats
A. To conserve wild life. B. To conduct researches.
C. To relieve work stress. D. To introduce livestock studies.
9. Which of the following has been confirmed by scientists
A. Nigeria goats are mild animals.
B. Pigs can relate to others in some cases.
C. Goats beat dogs in some intelligence tests.
D. Self-awareness exists behind the goats’ blank stares.
10. Why are the farm animal studies ignored
A. Farm animals are stupid.
B. These studies lack practical values.
C. Few sponsors are willing to fund those studies.
D. Farm animals are unworthy of scientific research.
11. What is Christopher’s attitude towards farm animal studies
A. Dismissive. B. Favorable. C. Objective. D. Cautious.
Mobile phones are set to be prohibited in schools across England as part of the government’s plan to minimize disturbance and improve behavior in classrooms. New mobile phones in schools guidance issued today backs headteachers in prohibiting the use of mobile phones throughout the school day, including at break times.
Many schools around the country are already prohibiting mobile phone use with great results. This guidance will ensure there is a uniform approach across all schools.
By the age of 12, 97% of children have their own mobile phone, according to Ofcom. Too much time spent on mobile phones in schools can lead to online bullying, distraction and classroom disturbance which, in turn, can lead to lost learning time.
Last year, UNESCO called for smartphones to be banned from schools as evidence showed it was linked to reduced educational performance and that too much screen time had a negative impact on children’s well-being.
Schools will be supported to prohibit mobile phone use with different approaches including banning phones from the school handing in phones on arrival at school, and keeping phones securely locked away at school.
The guidance will respond to concerns from parents about mobile phones, with the latest data from Parent Kind’s National Parent Survey, revealing that 44% of parents are concerned about the amount of time their children spend on electronic devices, rising to 50% of parents of secondary school children.
“We are making long-term decisions to ensure all pupils have world class education. This guidance builds on that work which has delivered 89% of schools rated good or outstanding by Ofsted, up from just 68% in 2010. Our plan is working with school standards rising across the board. England has leveled up the international rankings for academic attainment through our multimillion-pound Maths and English program. We are now one of the top performing countries in the Western world for Maths and reading. The government will continue to build on this progress by delivering crucial reforms including by creating the Advanced British Standard.” Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said.
12. What does the underline word “uniform” in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Consistent. B. Critical. C. Contradictory. D. Conventional.
13. Which of the following approach is NOT backed by the new guidance
A. Introducing phone lockers in the school. B. Disabling the Internet access in the school.
C. Requiring students to hand in phones on campus. D. Restricting students from taking phones to school.
14 Which adjective can best describe the new guidance
A. Well-grounded. B. Cost-effective. C. Energy-consuming. D. Ground-breaking.
15. What is mainly talked about in the text
A. Mobile phones use meets with opposition in British schools.
B. A new guidance of mobile phones in schools has come into effect.
C. British education has made great achievements in the past few years.
D. The British government rises to the challenges posed by parents actively.
第二节 (共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Music is all around us. ___16___ Advertisers have long understood the popularity and emotional power of music and made good use of it. They spend much time and money securing the right soundtrack (配乐) for an advertisement in order to boost sales.
___17___ It expands pictures and colors words, and often adds a form of energy available through no other source. Music matching the main message of an advertisement has a positive effect on consumer engagement. It can result in enhanced attention, a positive emotional response and improved brand recall. Thus, it contributes to the effectiveness of an advertisement.
Take the visually simple but interesting advertisement for Air France, with the soundtrack of Mozart’s Piano Concerto No.23, for example. ___18___ The advertisers hope that viewers will associate those qualities with the airline. Hundreds of viewer comments about the music used in advertising suggested it was successful.
Music is also effective at triggering feelings of nostalgia (怀旧之情). The emotional memories music arouses in advertisements serves as a reminder of consumers’ past experiences. ___19___
However, the use of popular music in advertising can also cause arguments around the tension between artistic effort and commercialism. Consumers sometimes passionately oppose the use of music produced by respected musicians in advertisements. ___20___ For example, Nike’s use of Beatles’ song Revolution was seen by some as using Lennon’s lyrics to sell shoes. It made some Nike wearers so angry that they refused to buy the products.
A. It highlights greatness and elegance.
B. Music is the facilitator of advertising.
C. Music helps cut down the cost of advertising.
D. This, in turn, helps business reap commercial benefit.
E. They believe that doing this destroys the beauty of music.
F. It’s a popular art form which accompanies our daily lives.
G. But some people argue using music is a way to show respect for musicians.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
I’ve loved to sew all my life. I started sewing clothes for my dolls at 7. In my 20s, I began to refashion used clothes I bought at second-hand shops. Since then I have ___21___ hundreds of second-hand clothes into stylish outfits.
However, about 10 years ago, when ripping out (拆除) the silk lining from a blue evening dress, I ___22___. There was a hidden pocket I failed to notice. I ___23___ out a small photo of a young woman wearing the same blue evening dress. She ___24___ a soft smile and looked to be in her early 20s. This evening dress had ___25___. It was speaking to me. But I was now tearing it apart. I felt ___26___.
I mentioned my ___27___ to my daughter. She said, “Mom, you should be ___28___ of your sewing creations. You’re keeping clothes out of landfills and you’re creating new fashions from old. Consider it a(n) ___29___ if you find objects in the pockets. The clothes are talking to you!”
I agreed with her. The clothes were indeed talking to me, ____30____ interesting details in the pockets. Of course, most of the clothes I refashion don’t have ____31____ within. However, over the years, some curious objects have amused me or made me ____32____.
All these sewing discoveries have made me ____33____ refashioning clothes even more. And I have learned to be ____34____ when ripping linings open. I decide to display these discoveries in my sewing room with ____35____. I feel like they are quietly speaking to me.
21. A. combined B. integrated C. transformed D. transported
22. A. paused B. proceeded C. posed D. denied
23. A. put B. ruled C. gave D. pulled
24. A. managed B. wore C. forced D. flashed
25. A. fame B. culture C. history D. civilization
26. A. dizzy B. guilty C. greedy D. angry
27. A. concerns B. interests C. attempts D. ambitions
28. A. fond B. ashamed C. proud D. aware
29. A. core B. price C. basis D. bonus
30. A. requiring B. recording C. restricting D. revealing
31. A. surprises B. signals C. supplies D. samples
32. A. reflect B. suffer C. abandon D. erupt
33 A. quit B. enjoy C. bear D. oppose
34. A. braver B. gentler C. ruder D. merrier
35. A. respect B. sympathy C. curiosity D. envy
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分 10分)
Chinese teas play a very important part in the cultural life of the Chinese people. But in ___36___(compare) with other daily necessities in life, Chinese tea is not really cheap to buy. The Biluochun Tea of Suzhou is one of the ten most famous teas in China. The fact that it is very ___37___ (cost) can boil down to different factors.
To begin with, the Biluochun Tea of Suzhou, ___38___ name was supposed to be given by Emperor Kang Xi of the Qing Dynasty, ___39___ (date) back to 1,000 years ago and has been among the most famous in China.
Secondly, it is available only in a small area in the Taihu Lake ___40___ (surround) the East Hill of Suzhou and is picked up only in late March or early April.
Besides, the Biluochun Tea of Suzhou ___41___ (know) for its beautiful shape, green color, fragrant smell and pure taste. These, all make the tea a top quality one. In addition to its distinctive taste, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are believed to promote ___42___(relax), improve digestion, and boost the immune system.
Also, the Biluochun Tea of Suzhou has ___43___ very complex processing technique. A small tin of tea requires 60,000 spears (新芽) to make. When ___44___ (pick) in early morning, the tea leaves have to be repeatedly pressed, rubbed and rolled ____45____ hand over heat, which is particularly labor intensive and time-consuming.
第三节 单词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
46. Through the Belt and Road I______, the Silk Road is once again promoting the exchanges of different civilizations. (根据首字母单词拼写)
47. You can check other resources to determine whether your source is r______.(根据首字母单词拼写)
48. The old sailor was lost at the sea, at the m______ of the wind and bad weather. (根据首字母单词拼写)
49. To her disappointment, she always found herself in c______ with her parents over her future career. (根据首字母单词拼写)
50. The manager didn’t a______ of the proposals they put forward at the meeting, considering it impractical. (根据首字母单词拼写)
51. The French football star is still ______ (谈判) a new deal with the club.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
52. Some college students take ______ (临时的) jobs to gain experience and money.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
53. We are working on the ________(假定、设想)that everyone invited will turn up. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
54. You should decide what mode of transport to use and allow for possible traffic ______ (耽搁).(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
55. AI contributes to ______ (简化的) crop tracking, harvesting and processing. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
第四部分写作 (共两节,满分35分)
第一节 (满分15分)
56. 假定你是李华,下周你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你围绕“Learning for life”写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:
Good morning, everyone! I’m Li Hua. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thanks for your listening!
第二节 (满分 20分)
57. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使其构成一篇完整的短文。
Sadness hit me when I realized that 4 p. m. had gone unnoticed. Every day, a few minutes before the hour, my cute dog, Jake, would stare at me, pushing me to get his dinner. Now Jake is gone, and the disappearance of the comforting pace he brought to my days is like a minute-by-minute reminder of my loss. Friends comfort me by telling me I saved him. But a rescue organization did that. By the time I met him, he had already been saved, just not settled.
The real story is that Jake saved me. Before Jake, I was living in a total mess, addicted madly to video games. I lost interest in any schoolwork and skipped classes a lot. Electronic devices were what I cared about most. My parents were deeply concerned about me but it’s tricky to handle a stubborn teenager, taking the wrong way. Shortly afterwards, I dropped out of school.
It felt so good at the very beginning. I locked myself inside my bedroom, lost in violent games and losing track of time and meals. Fights with parents occurred frequently. I thought my life would be that forever, but one day, without any trace, those games couldn’t interest me anymore. I sank into a deep sorrow, feeling everything in my life was blank and meaningless. That lifelessness swallowed me whole. I was consumed with boredom and emptiness. I was separated from the world by a sheet of dirty glass. Me on inside, everything and everyone else on the other. I avoided socializing. I rarely reached out. I assumed the worst in people and figured they saw the worst in me. My parents were anxious and appointed a therapist for me.
That’s when I first met Jake. I was waiting for a traffic light when I spotted an adoption event and then Jake, with his big eyes drooping (低垂), in which I saw his pain, just as he saw mine. I could tell his eyes glittered when approached. After living a whole irresponsible life, I decided to be responsible for something.
1.所续写短文的词数应为 150左右;
I adopted him without hesitation, thus opening a new chapter of his life.
Jake, too, witnessed great changes in me.
第一部分 听力 略
1. C 2. D 3. C
【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Eye Health标题下的“Eye Health High concentrations of DHA are found in the pupil of the eye. DHA helps maintain eye health.(眼睛健康瞳孔中含有高浓度的二十二碳六烯酸。DHA有助于保持眼睛健康)”可知,这种野生鱼油可以帮助维持眼睛健康,防止视力下降。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据Adult Dosage (剂量)表格中“Joint support: Five capsules, twice daily.(关节支持:五粒胶囊,每日两次)”可知,为了关节健康,每天需要服用的胶囊数量是5颗,两次,即总共10颗。故选D。
(3)推理判断题。根据文章的标题“WILD FISH OIL 400 SOFT CAPSULES(野生鱼油, 400粒软胶囊)”以及第一段“This wild fish oil is a top quality, sustainably sourced formula containing the omega-3 fatty acid EPA and DHA to support overall wellbeing.(这种野生鱼油是一种优质、可持续来源的配方奶粉,含有omega-3脂肪酸EPA和DHA,有助于整体健康)”以及文章的内容可知,文章详细介绍了野生鱼油软胶囊的成分、功效及针对不同健康需求的推荐剂量,并强调了其对多个方面的健康益处及服用指导。由此可知,这是一篇关于健康产品的说明,旨在为消费者提供产品的使用指导和信息。故选C。
4. A 5. D 6. B 7. B
(4)细节理解题。根据第一段的“My mom was admitted to the ICU. I got the news 10 minutes before I was scheduled to be interviewed for a higher position. It was unprofessionally last minute to cancel. (我妈妈住进了重症监护室。我在预定接受更高职位面试的10分钟前得到了这个消息。取消是不专业的最后一分钟)”可知,作者在面试前十分钟得知母亲住进ICU的消息,虽然取消面试很不专业,但作者还是选择了取消。所以作者错过了一次重要的面试。故选A。
(5)细节理解题。根据第三段的“I found I just couldn’t turn off my research brain, studying her care and texting colleagues with ideas, which reassured me that even though I was currently only giving my career about 50% of attention, I was more engaged than ever with my scientific questions.(我发现我无法关闭我的研究大脑,研究她的护理,并给同事发短信提出想法,这让我放心,尽管我目前只关注我的职业生涯约50%,但我比以往任何时候都更专注于我的科学问题)”可知,作者在研究她母亲的护理时,会给同事们发短信提出自己的想法,这说明作者现在是通过提供第一手资源来贡献自己的工作的。故选D。
(6)推理判断题。根据最后一段的“I also learned that some good could come from allowing the boundaries between my work and life to blur (模糊). I received empathy, understanding and kindness from my program officer and colleagues. I learned how being weak brought out the best in people..(我还了解到,让我的工作和生活之间的界限变得模糊可能会带来一些好处。我从项目官员和同事那里得到了同情、理解和善意。我学会了软弱是如何让人发挥出最好的一面的)”可知,作者意识到脆弱也能激发出人们最好的一面,并开始珍惜友谊、人际关系以及有时意想不到的支持。由此可推知,作者可能会同意“黑暗中总有一丝光明(即每个困难都有好的一面)”的观点。故选B。
(7)主旨大意题。根据最后一段的“I also learned that some good could come from allowing the boundaries between my work and life to blur (模糊). I received empathy, understanding and kindness from my program officer and colleagues. (我还了解到,让我的工作和生活之间的界限变得模糊可能会带来一些好处。我从项目官员和同事那里得到了同情、理解和善意)”以及全文可知,文章主要讲述了作者因母亲生病需要在工作和家庭之间做出选择,最终学会了拥抱这种模糊状态,并从中收获了很多。所以“工作和生活,我如何平衡”适合作本文的标题。故选B。
8. D 9. B 10. C 11. B
【解析】(8)推理判断题。根据第一段的“Sixty Nigeria goats are taking turns crashing their horns (角) against wooden fences. Then, during the chaos, something remarkable happens. One of the animals raises her head and stares thoughtfully at me, her widely spaced eyes and odd pupils seeking to make contact—and perhaps even connection.(60只尼日利亚山羊轮流用角撞击木栅栏。然后,在混乱中,一些不同寻常的事情发生了。其中一只动物抬起头,若有所思地盯着我,她的眼睛间隔很大,奇怪的瞳孔试图建立联系,甚至可能建立联系)”以及第三段的“That’s a cool idea here at Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), one of the world’s leading centers for exploring the minds of goats, pigs and other livestock.(这是农场动物生物学研究所的一个很酷的想法,该研究所是世界上探索山羊、猪和其他牲畜思想的领先中心之一)”可推知,作者描述了自己在农场上的经历,并特别提到了山羊的行为,这实际上是为了引入接下来关于家畜(尤其是山羊)认知和情感生活的研究。故选D。
(9)细节理解题。根据第四段的“Over the past decade, researchers at FBN and elsewhere have shown that pigs show signs of empathy and that goats match dogs in some tests of social intelligence.(在过去的十年里,FBN和其他地方的研究人员已经表明,猪表现出同理心的迹象,山羊在一些社会智力测试中与狗相匹配)”可知,科学家已经观察到猪表现出同情心的迹象,能与他人的感受产生共鸣。故选B。
(10)细节理解题。根据第五段的“The field faces challenges, however. Farm animals can be huge, many are hard to train, and traditional funders and standard journals have generally rejected such studies.(然而,该领域面临挑战。农场动物可能很大,许多很难训练,传统的资助者和标准期刊通常拒绝接受此类研究)”可知,由于农场动物体型大、难以训练,以及传统资助者和标准期刊通常拒绝这类研究,导致农场动物研究难以获得资助;由此可知,农场动物研究被忽视的原因是很少有赞助商愿意资助农场的研究。故选C。
(11)推理判断题。根据第五段Christopher的话““There’s a lot to be learned by studying the mental lives of these creatures,” says Christopher, a Johns Hopkins university psychologist. Disregarding livestock, he says, has been a “missed opportunity” by the scientific community.(‘通过研究这些生物的心理生活,我们可以学到很多东西,’约翰霍普金斯大学心理学家克里斯托弗说。他说,忽视牲畜是科学界‘错失的机会’)”可知,Christopher认为研究这些动物的精神生活能学到很多,忽视它们是一个错失的机会。由此推知,他对农场动物研究是支持的。故选B。
12. A 13. B 14. A 15. B
【解析】(12)词句猜测题。根据划线单词前的“Many schools around the country are already prohibiting mobile phone use with great results.(全国各地的许多学校已经禁止使用手机,并取得了很大的成效。)”可知,全国各地的许多学校已经禁止使用手机,且取得很大成效,结合划线单词中的“This guidance will ensure”和“approach across all schools”可知,此处表示该指导方针确保所有学校使用“统一的”方法,所以划线单词的意思与A项“Consistent.统一的”意义相近。故选A项。
(13)细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Schools will be supported to prohibit mobile phone use with different approaches including banning phones from the school, handing in phones on arrival at school, and keeping phones securely locked away at school.(学校将通过禁止手机进入学校、在到达学校时上交手机、将手机安全地锁在学校等不同的方法来禁止使用手机。)”可知,新指导要求学生禁止带手机进学校、到校上交手机以及将手机安全地锁在学校,并未提到禁止在学校上网。故选B项。
(14)推理判断题。根据尾段中的“We are making long-term decisions to ensure all pupils have world class education. This guidance builds on that work which has delivered 89% of schools rated good or outstanding by Ofsted, up from just 68% in 2010.(我们正在做出长期决定,以确保所有学生都能接受世界一流的教育。这项指导是建立在这项工作的基础上的,这项工作使被教育标准局评为优秀的学校从2010年的68%上升到89%。)”可知,这项指导是建立在这项工作的基础上的,这项工作使被教育标准局评为优秀的学校从2010年的68%上升到89%,由此可知,这项新指导是有充分理由的。故选A项。
(15)主旨大意题。根据首段中的“Mobile phones are set to be prohibited in schools across England as part of the government’s plan to minimize disturbance and improve behavior in classrooms. New mobile phones in schools guidance issued today backs headteachers in prohibiting the use of mobile phones throughout the school day, including at break times.(作为英国政府减少干扰和改善课堂行为计划的一部分,英国各地的学校将禁止使用手机。今天发布的学校新手机指导意见支持校长禁止在学校全天使用手机,包括在休息时间。)”以及下文介绍的制定该项指导的原因以及取得的成效可知,本文主要介绍的是一项关于在学校使用手机的新规定已经生效。故选B项。
16. F 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. E
【解析】(16)上文“Music is all around us.(音乐就在我们身边)”以及下文“Advertisers have long understood the popularity and emotional power of music and made good use of it.(广告商早就了解音乐的受欢迎程度和情感力量,并很好地利用了它)”说明音乐无处不在,所以广告商早已认识到音乐的普及性和情感力量并善加利用。空处承上启下,F项中的It指代前文中的Music,“a popular art form”和下文中的“popularity and emotional power of music”相呼应,说明音乐是一种流行的艺术形式,伴随着我们的日常生活。所以F项“它是一种流行的艺术形式,伴随着我们的日常生活。”符合语境,既强调了音乐的普遍性,又能自然过渡到音乐如何被广告商所用。故选F。
(17)下文“It expands pictures and colors words, and often adds a form of energy available through no other source. Music matching the main message of an advertisement has a positive effect on consumer engagement.(它扩展了图片和单词的颜色,并经常添加一种无法通过其他来源获得的能量。与广告主要信息相匹配的音乐对消费者参与度有积极影响)”说明音乐在广告中的作用。空处需要概括下文的内容,引出音乐在广告中的作用。B项“音乐是广告的促进者。”符合语境。故选B.
(18)上文“Take the visually simple but interesting advertisement for Air France, with the soundtrack of Mozart’s Piano Concerto No.23, for example.(以法航的广告为例,这则广告在视觉上很简单,但很有趣,有莫扎特《第23号钢琴协奏曲》的配乐)”说明此处列举了法国航空公司的例子,使用了莫扎特的钢琴协奏曲作为背景音乐。空处解释法国航空公司为什么这么做的原因。A项中的It指代了前文中的“Piano Concerto No.23”,说明该曲子突显了伟大与优雅,说明A项“它突出了伟大和优雅”符合语境,正好对应了莫扎特音乐给人的一般印象,同时也暗含广告商希望观众将这些特质与航空公司品牌联系起来的意图。故选A。
(19)上文“Music is also effective at triggering feelings of nostalgia (怀旧之情). The emotional memories music arouses in advertisements serves as a reminder of consumers’ past experiences.(音乐也能有效地引发怀旧情绪。音乐在广告中唤起的情感记忆可以提醒消费者过去的经历)”说明音乐能激发怀旧之情,并且这种情感记忆能够提醒消费者过去的经历。空处需要进一步解释这种怀旧情感如何帮助广告达到目的。D项中“这反过来又有助于企业获得商业利益。”符合语境。故选D。
(20)上文“However, the use of popular music in advertising can also cause arguments around the tension between artistic effort and commercialism. Consumers sometimes passionately oppose the use of music produced by respected musicians in advertisements.(然而,在广告中使用流行音乐也会引发关于艺术努力和商业主义之间紧张关系的争论。消费者有时强烈反对在广告中使用受人尊敬的音乐家制作的音乐)”说明消费者有时强烈反对在广告中使用受尊敬的音乐家的作品。空处需要解释他们的反对理由,E项中的They指代前文中的“Consumers”,说明他们认为这样做会破坏音乐之美。故选E。
21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. D
31. A 32. A 33. B 34. B 35. A
解析(21)考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那以后,我将数百件二手衣服变成了时尚的服装。A. combined结合;B. integrated融合;C. transformed转变;D. transported运输。根据上文“In my 20s, I began to refashion used clothes I bought at second-hand shops. ”可知,作者把二手衣服改造成了时尚的服装,即衣服的形状、外观等发生了变化。故选C。
(22)考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,大约十年前,当我拆卸一件蓝色晚礼服的丝绸衬里时,我停顿了一下。A. paused暂停;B. proceeded继续进行;C. posed摆姿势;D. denied否认。根据下文“There was a hidden pocket I failed to notice.”可知,作者在拆除晚礼服的衬里时发现了隐藏的口袋,因此他停了下来。故选A。
(23)考查动词词义辨析。句意:我掏出了一张年轻女子穿着同样蓝色晚礼服的小照片。A. put放置;B. ruled统治;C. gave给予;D. pulled拉,抽出。根据上文“There was a hidden pocket I failed to notice.”以及空后“out a small photo of a young woman wearing the same blue evening dress.”可知,作者是从晚礼服的口袋里掏出了一张照片。故选D。
(24)考查动词词义辨析。句意:她微微一笑,看起来二十出头。A. managed管理;B. wore露出,面带;C. forced强迫;D. flashed闪现。根据空后“a soft smile”可知,照片上的女子面带柔和的微笑。wear a smile 表示“面带微笑”,符合语境。故选B。
(25)考查名词词义辨析。句意:这件晚礼服有历史。A. fame名声;B. culture文化;C. history历史;D. civilization文明。根据上文“However, about 10 years ago, when ripping out(拆除)the silk lining from a blue evening dress, I ___2___ . There was a hidden pocket I failed to notice. I ___3___ out a small photo of a young woman wearing the same blue evening dress.”可知,拆除的晚礼服里藏有旧照片,暗示着它有着自己的故事或历史。故选C。
(26)考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我觉得很内疚。A. dizzy晕眩的;B. guilty内疚的;C. greedy贪婪的;D. angry生气的。根据上文“But I was now tearing it apart.”可知,作者意识到自己正在拆解一件带有情感价值的衣物,因此感到内疚。故选B。
(27)考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把我的顾虑告诉了我的女儿。A. concerns关心,忧虑;B. interests兴趣;C. attempts尝试;D. ambitions野心。根据上文“This evening dress had ___5___ . It was speaking to me. But I was now tearing it apart. I felt ___6___ .”可知,作者对于拆毁晚礼服感到内疚,此处向女儿表达的应是这种心理上的“忧虑”。故选A。
(28)考查形容词词义辨析。句意:妈妈,你应该为你缝制的作品感到自豪。A. fond喜欢的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. proud自豪的;D. aware意识到的。根据下文“You’re keeping clothes out of landfills and you’re creating new fashions from old.”可知,作者向女儿表达忧虑后,女儿在安慰作者,让她为自己的创作感到骄傲。故选C。
(29)考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你在口袋里发现东西,就把它当作是一个额外的收获吧。A. core核心;B. price价格;C. basis基础;D. bonus奖励,额外收获。根据下文“ All these sewing discoveries have made me ___13___ refashioning clothes even more.”可知,女儿认为如果作者在口袋里发现东西,就应该把它当作一种奖励,因为这会让她的缝纫作品更加有趣和特别。故选D。
(30)考查动词词义辨析。句意:衣服确实在和我说话,通过口袋里的有趣细节透露它们的故事。A. requiring需要;B. recording记录;C. restricting限制;D. revealing揭露,透露。根据上文“The clothes were indeed talking to me”可知,衣服上的口袋透露着有趣的细节,这让作者感到衣服在和她说话。故选D。
(31)考查名词词义辨析。句意:当然,我重新设计的大部分衣服口袋里都没有惊喜。A. surprises惊喜;B. signals信号;C. supplies供应品;D. samples样本。根据下文“However, over the years, some curious objects have amused me or made me ___12___ .”可知,此处指作者在改造衣物时并不总是能在口袋里发现东西,所以是“没有惊喜”。故选A。
(32)考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,这些年来,一些奇怪的物件让我感到好笑或让我深思。A. reflect反映,思考;B. suffer遭受;C. abandon抛弃;D. erupt喷发。根据上文“This evening dress had ___5___ . It was speaking to me. But I was now tearing it apart. I felt ___6___ .”可知,作者在衣服里面发现的这些意外的“惊喜”让作者陷入深思。故选A。
(33)考查动词词义辨析。句意:所有这些缝纫发现让我更加享受改造衣物的过程。A. quit 放弃;B. enjoy 享受;C. bear 忍受;D. oppose 反对。根据上文“Consider it a(n) ___9___ if you find objects in the pockets. The clothes are talking to you!”可知,这些意外的发现增加了作者的乐趣,因此是更加“享受”这一过程。故选B。
(34)考查形容词词义辨析。句意:而且我已经学会了在撕开衬里时更加温柔。A. braver 勇敢的;B. gentler 温柔的;C. ruder 粗鲁的;D. merrier 愉快的。根据上文“But I was now tearing it apart. I felt ___6___ .”可知,鉴于之前发现照片的内疚感,作者在处理衣物时变得更加小心和温柔。故选B。
(35)考查名词词义辨析。句意:我决定在缝纫室里怀着敬意展示这些发现。A. respect 敬意;B. sympathy 同情;C. curiosity 好奇;D. envy 嫉妒。根据句中“I decide to display these discoveries in my sewing room”可知,作者对这些衣物及其背后的故事持尊重态度,因此选择以“敬意”展示。故选A。
parison 37. costly 38. whose 39. dates 40. surrounding
41. is known 42. relaxation 43. a 44. picked 45. by
【解析】(36)考查名词。句意:但与生活中的其他日用品相比,中国茶真的不便宜。设空处填名词comparison作介词in宾语,in comparison with“与……比较”,为固定短语。故填comparison。
(38)考查定语从句。句意:首先,苏州碧螺春茶,它的名字应该是清朝康熙皇帝所赐,可以追溯到1000年前,是中国最著名的茶之一。空格处引导非限制性定语从句;先行词为the Biluochun Tea of Suzhou,设空处指代先行词的所有格,在从句中作定语,此处指的是“碧螺春的名字”,此定语从句用关系代词whose引导。故填whose。
(39)考查动词的时态与主谓一致。句意:首先,苏州碧螺春茶,它的名字应该是清朝康熙皇帝所赐,可以追溯到1000年前,是中国最著名的茶之一。分析句子结构可知,空格处需要填入谓语动词,此处描述的是事实情况,所以用一般现在时,主语为the Biluochun Tea of Suzhou“苏州碧螺春茶”,所以谓语动词用单数。故填dates。
(40)考查非谓语动词。句意:其次,它只在苏州东山周围的太湖一小片地区才有,而且只有在3月底或4月初才有。空格处需要填入非谓语动词,逻辑主语the Taihu Lake与动词surround之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用现在分词作后置定语。故填surrounding。
(41)考查一般现在时与主谓一致。句意:此外,苏州碧螺春茶以其形美、色绿、香、味纯而闻名。be known for因……而出名,此处描述的是事实,所以用一般现在时,主语为the Biluochun Tea of Suzhou,be动词用单数形式is。故填is known。
(44)考查非谓语动词。句意:在清晨采摘时,茶叶必须反复用手加热压榨、揉搓和翻滚,这是一项特别劳动密集型和耗时的工作。when引导时间状语从句,状语从句主语与主句主语一致,为the tea leaves,从句可省略为“when+分词”结构作状语,动词pick与主语之间为动宾关系,所以用过去分词。故填picked。
(45)考查介词。句意:在清晨采摘时,茶叶必须反复在高温上用手反复挤压、揉搓和翻滚,这是一项特别劳动密集型和耗时的工作。此处表示“用手工”,为by hand,所以用介词by。故填by。
46. Initiative##nitiative
【解析】考查名词。句意:通过“一带一路”倡议,丝绸之路再次促进了不同文明之间的交流。通过the Belt and Road可以推断,这里考查的是“一带一路倡议”,应填名词initiative意为“倡议”;此处为一般名词构成的专有名词,首字母应大写,the Belt and Road Initiative“一带一路”。故答案是Initiative。
47. reliable##eliable
48. mercy##ercy
【解析】考查名词。句意:老水手在海上迷失了方向,任由风和恶劣天气的摆布。根据首字母提示可知,空处需要名词mercy“怜悯”,构成短语at the mercy of“任由……摆布,受……支配”。故填mercy。
49. conflict##onflict
【解析】考查名词。句意:令她失望的是,她发现自己总是与父母在自己未来的职业选择上发生冲突。根据首字母提示可知,空处需要名词conflict“冲突”,构成短语in conflict with“与……有冲突,与……不一致”,表示她在职业选择上与父母意见不一,存在冲突。故选conflict。
50. approve或者pprove
【解析】考查动词。句意:经理没有同意他们在会议上提出提议,认为它们不切实际。根据“impractical”可知,经理对会上提出的建议是不支持的,再结合首字母可判断,应该填入approve,意思是“赞成,同意”,为不及物动词,approve of是固定搭配;空前didn’t,设空处填动词原形。故答案是approve。
51. negotiating
52. temporary
53. assumption
【解析】考查名词。句意:我们假定所有被邀请的人都会出席。空格处作介词on的宾语,且前有冠词the ,故空格处填名词。根据汉语提示可知填assumption。
54. delays
55. simplified
【解析】考查过去分词。句意:人工智能有助于简化作物跟踪、收获和加工。此空为非谓语动词形式作定语修饰crop tracking,根据提示的汉语,表示“简化”应为simplify,与crop tracking之间为被动关系,所以此处使用过去分词形式simplified意为“简化的”符合句意。故填simplified。
56. Good morning, everyone! I’m Li Hua. Today I’d like to talk about “”Learning for Life.” In today’s fast-paced world, lifelong learning is vital. It empowers us to keep up with change, enhancing personal growth and career prospects.
To achieve this, we must cultivate a thirst for knowledge. Read widely, explore diverse fields, and embrace online courses. Setting goals and holding ourselves accountable are key. Additionally, we should practice active listening and engage in discussions, which can foster deeper understanding. So I urge you all to make lifelong learning a lifestyle. Let’s not be satisfied with what we know. Remember, it’s not just about learning to live, but living to learn. Let’s embark on this thrilling quest together, for the joy of learning knows no limits.
Thanks for your listening!
57. I adopted him without hesitation, thus opening a new chapter of his life. Jake brought a newfound purpose into my existence. His presence demanded routine and responsibility, pulling me out of the dark abyss that I was sinking in. Slowly but surely, his unconditional love and companionship began to mend the broken pieces of my shattered self. I found myself gradually stepping out of the shadows, engaging more with the world around me. Jake’s simple needs and boundless affection became the guiding light that led me back to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.
Jake, too, witnessed great changes in me. As I embraced the role of a caring and attentive pet owner, Jake blossomed into a happy and content companion. His once sorrowful eyes now sparkled with joy and trust, mirroring the newfound happiness that had bloomed within me. We became each other’s pillars of support, navigating life’s challenges together with unwavering loyalty. With Jake by my side, I rediscovered the beauty of human connections and the warmth of genuine friendship. Our bond transcended words, speaking volumes through simple gestures and shared moments of love and understanding. In rescuing Jake, I found myself being rescued in return, with our intertwined destinies guiding us towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.


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江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末考试 英语试题 (含解析,无听力原文及音频)

江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末考试 英语试题 (含解析,无听力原文及音频)

江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末考试 英语试题 (含解析,无听力原文及音频)

江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末考试 英语试题 (含解析,无听力原文及音频)



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