Starter Unit 1 Good morning ! 第一课时 (1a-2e) 教学设计 (表格式)

学考宝 作者:佚名



Starter Unit 1 Good morning! 1a-2e(教学设计)
教材分析 What : These are three conversations among three different pairs of students.They are Bod and Helen, Alice and Cindy, and Frank, Eric and Dale. The content of conversations is about greeting among them. Why : Let students know how to greet each other and enhance their understanding of the form and meaning of communication. How:The words of the conversation are very simple, which is suitable for the new middle school students’ learning condition. At the same time, the conversation include many English names which can help students know more about it.
教学目标 By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. 语言能力:understand how to simply greet others and know how to read and write the letter A to H. 2. 学习能力:improve their ability of viewing by matching names with their pictures after careful observing and the ability of listening. 3. 文化意识:know name habit of English countries and know how to greet in English. 4. 思维品质:know find the common point of names by comparison and analysis.
教学重与 难点 Teaching important points: understand how to simply greet others and know how to read and write the letter A to H. Predicted parts of difficult points: improve their ability of viewing by matching names with their pictures after careful observing and the ability of listening.
教学资源 Textbook, multimedia courseware, blackboard, and chalk.
教学方法 1. Communicative teaching method 2. Activity-based approach to English learning
Steps Teacher Activity Student Activity Purpose
Lead in (5’)
Step 1 T greets students. Then T invites students to watch a video about 1a and asks them to answer the questions. Ss watch the video and think carefully about the questions. Video can arose students’ scheme and create an active classroom atmosphere.
Step 2 T invites some Ss to answer them and gives them the right answers. Ss answers them and think weather others’ answers are right or not. It can give students a good lead-in about today’ learning and can activate students’ interests.
效果评价 学生是否能专注的观看视频,是否能对积极的思考问题。
Pre-reading (5’)
Step 3 T asks Ss to finish 1a. Ss write down the names by careful viewing the picture. It can help improve Ss’ ability of viewing.
Step 4 T gives Ss eight pictures and asks them to find their right names. Ss should view the It is an another effective way to improve the ability of viewing.
picture carefully the task. in 1a to finish
Step 5 T pose a question “Can you find anything common in their names ?” and lets Ss to Ss think about the question carefully and discuss with It can strengthen students’ ability of communication and
discuss with each other, then answer it. their classmates. help them think critically.
Step 6 T gives Ss some English names to let them to choose. Ss choose their English name. It can help them further feel the culture of English countries.
效果评价 学生是否能积极主动的完成老师布置的任务并给出正确的答案;在与同 学讨论的过程中,学生是否能积极的参与讨论并对比分析得出结论。
While-reading (15’)
Step 7 T plays the recording for the first time to ask Ss to guess what is talking about T plays the recording for the second time to ask Ss to read and to try to imitate the tone and pronunciation of the recording. Ss listen to the record two times, guessing it for the first time and repeating it for the second time. It can help Ss improve their ability of listening. Imitation and repeating can strengthen their tone and pronunciation .
Step 8 T asks Ss to think how to greet , gives a conclusion of the words and sentence of greeting and asks to greet with classmates. Ss should conclude the words and sentence of greeting and greet with classmate. Conclusion can help Ss practice their ways of thinking.
Step 9 T plays another recording for the first time , and let them to guess what is talking. Then T plays another recording for the second time and let them to repeat. Ss listen to the record two times, guessing it for the first time and repeating it for the second time. It can help Ss improve their ability of listening. Imitation and repeating can strengthen their tone and pronunciation .
Step 10 T asks Ss to finish 4a and 2b. Ss finish 4a and 2b. Doing exercises can strength their learning.
效果汇总 学生是否能在听录音时抓住关键词,并猜测出对话大意;学生是否能模 仿和跟读录音并在多次跟读后与同学进行对话;学生是否能根据录音原 文总结出问候的用语。
Post-reading (10’)
Step 11 T invites Ss to watch a video about alphabet to and then ask them to learn to write A to H correctly following the video. Ss watch videos and learn how to write A to H. Videos can attract students so that they will be more focused on learning.
Step12 T asks Ss to finish 2d and shows the right answers on PPT. Ss finish 2d. Doing exercises can strength their learning.
Step13 T lets Ss to talk with each other to finish 2e and shows the right meaning on PPT. Then T shows more abbreviation to Ss. Ss talk with each other about the meaning of HB, CD and BBC. Ss can know abbreviation and be more familiar with English as a language.
效果汇总 学生是否能认真观看视频并且跟视频一起练习字母笔顺;学生是否能积 极主动与同学一起讨论所给缩略词的意思并认真地学习其他生活中缩 略词。
Exercise (5’)
Step13 T asks Ss to finish the exercises on ppt. Ss finish the exercises on ppt. Practice in time can help test students' knowledge of this class.
效果汇总 学生是否能够高效且正确的完成练习。
Conclusion (3’)
Step14 T gives a mind map about what are learned today. Ss recall the learned knowledge of today. Mind map and summary of new knowledge can help students further understand and remember them.
效果汇总 学生是否能与老师一起总结出今日所学知识。
Homework (2’) 1. Write the letters A-H in the correct form, 2 lines per letter. 2. Practice greeting your friends in English after class. Homework can help students strengthen the knowledge which they have learned.
Starter Unit 1 Good morning! 1a-2e


Starter Unit 1 Good morning ! 第一课时 (1a-2e) 教学设计 (表格式)

Starter Unit 1 Good morning ! 第一课时 (1a-2e) 教学设计 (表格式)



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