牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Out of this world Reading 课文语法填空改编学案(无答案)

学考宝 作者:佚名



Life on a space station
1.__________ n. 缺乏,不存在;缺席→__________ adj. 缺席;不存在;心不在焉的
2.__________ vt. 占用,使用;居住;占领,侵占;使忙于→__________ adj.使用中,有人使用(或居住);被占领的,被侵占的;忙于→__________ n. 占用,使用;居住;占领,侵占;职业
3.__________ vt. 评估,估计,评价→__________ n. 评估,评价
4.__________ n. 动物,生物;人→__________ v. 创造,创作;造成,产生→__________ adj. 创造性的,创作的;有创造力的→__________ n. 创造力;创造性→__________ n. 创造;作品
5.__________ n. 维护,保养;维持,保持→__________ vt.维持;维修,保养
6.__________ n. 面临,遭受;揭露;报道→__________ vt.使遭受;使接触;揭露,揭穿;暴露,显露→__________ adj. 无保护的;无遮蔽的
7.__________ adj. 看得见的;明显的→__________ adv. 明显地,易察觉地
8.__________ n. 不常有的乐趣(或享受);奢侈品→__________ adj. 奢侈的→__________ adv. 奢侈地
9.__________ adj. 永久的,永恒的→__________ adv. 永久地→__________ n.永久,持久性
10.__________ n. (__________)宇宙,天地万物→__________ adj. 普遍的,共同的;普遍存在的
11.__________ adj. 至关重要的,关键性的→__________ adv. 关键地
12.__________ n.天文学家→__________ n. 天文学
13.__________ n.基础,根据;地基;创办;基金会→__________ vt. 创建,创办;建立,兴建
14.__________ n. 起源,起因;出身→__________ adj. 起初的;原作的→__________ adv. 原来,起初
15.__________ n. 发生率,频率→________ adj. 频繁的,经常发生的 →________ adv. 频繁地,经常
16.__________ n. 原因,动机,目的→__________ vt.成为……的动机,是……的原因;激励,激发→__________ n. 诱因,动机
17.__________ n. 投资;投入→__________ v. 投资;投入;授予→__________ n. 投资者
18.__________ vt. 计算,核算;预测→__________ n. 计算;预测→__________ n. 计算器
19.__________ n. 新闻报道;覆盖范围;信息范围→__________ v. 报道;覆盖,遮盖;行走;包括20.__________ n. 助理;售货员;助教 adj. 助理的,副的→__________ v. 帮助,协助→__________ n. 帮助21.__________ adv. 极其,极端地;令人难以置信→__________ adj. 极好的,极大的;不能相信的,难以置信的
22.__________ n.沙土,尘土;灰尘,尘埃→__________ adj.布满灰尘的;灰暗的
23.__________ adj.固定的,不变的;连续发生的,重复的→__________ adv.始终,一直援助,支持
1. astronaut n 宇航员 astronomer 天文学家 astronomy 天文学
2. float vi /vt 浮动;漂流;飘动;飘移 A plastic bag was floating in the water.
The smell of new bread floated up from the kitchen.
bother vt 使烦恼 使担心 bother doing/to do sth 费心做某事
bother with/about sth花费时间精力做某事 The thing that bother me is 让我心烦的事是
n 麻烦 困难 (un) save yourself the bother of
occupy vt 占用 使用= take up 时间空间
占领 侵占 The capital has been occupied.
occupy oneself in doing/with忙于做某事 be occupied in doing/with 使忙于
occupation n 工作 职业 侵占 占领
mosquito cn 蚊子 pl. mosquitoes/ mosquitos (同mango)
microscope n 显微镜microorganism 微生物 microbiology n. 微生物学 microcomputer n. 微型计算 microfiber n. 超细纤维 microchip n. 微芯片 microphone n. 麦克风;话筒;扬声器
7.exposure n 面临 遭遇 揭露 报道 expose vt 暴露 显露 揭露 揭穿 ~ the truth
使面临 使遭遇 使接触 使体验 expose sb/sth to...接触 遭遇... be exposed to
in view of 鉴于 考虑到 considering that 鉴于,考虑到…;就…而论 given that 考虑到;假定
8. furthermore ad 此外 再者
furthermore,+句子= in addition=besides=what’s more
9. vital a =crucial/essential/critical 必不可少的 极其重要的 play a ~role in 在 起关键作用
vitally adv. 极其;紧要地;生死攸关地 vitality n. 活力,生气;生命力,生动性
10. discipline vt 严格要求自己 ~ oneself + to do sth惩罚=punish ~ sb for
训练 管教 ~ your chiild
n训练 纪律自制力 训练方法 行为准则
a. disciplined 训练有素的,遵守纪律的 Self-discipline n.自律能力;自我约束能力
Self-disciplined a.自律的
11. leisure n 休闲 闲暇 a 闲暇的 during ~ time at your ~有空时;空闲时
at leisure 悠闲地
12. comprise vt 包含 包括 组成 构成 = consist of
The class is comprised/consists of/is made up of /is composed of 40 students
scan v 扫描 --scanned --scanning 浏览 ~ (through) sth ~ the list
细看 ~ his face
n 扫描检查 快速查阅--scanner 扫描仪
14. foundation n 基础 根据 地基 创办 基金会
lay the foundation for 为 打下基础
found vt 创办 创建 建立
15. tale cn 故事 fairy tale 神话故事,童话;谎言 folk tale 民间故事
16. origin n 起源 起因
originate v 起源;发源;发端于~ in /from..
17. motive cn 原因 动机 目的=motivation the ~ for 做某事的动机
motivate v 是 的原因 be motivated by 激励 激发 ~ sb to do
18. invest vt 投资 ~ in investment n 投资 investor n 投资者 vest背心马甲
19. calculate vt 计算 核算 预测 calculate on指望;期待 calculation n 计算 预测 calculator计算器 It is calculated that 据估计
20. coverage n 新闻报道 覆盖范围 信息范围 cover v 采访 报道 包含包括 跨越 行进
21 Assistance n 帮助 协助援助 come to someone's assistance 来援助某人
is of assistance to对…有助 with the assistance of
assist vt 帮助 ~ sb with sth/in doing sth
22. shelter n 居所 住处 庇护 vt 保护 掩蔽 vi 躲避(风雨或危险 take shelter from 躲避….
under the shelter of… 在…的庇护下
shelter sb from 保护…免遭…
shelter from 躲避(风雨或危险)
23. nuclear a 核能的 原子能的 核武器的 ~ bomb/war/explosion/industry/power stations
24. circumstance cn 条件 状况 circumstances 境况 (尤指经济状况)
in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下 既然如此 in/under no circumstances 决不 无论如何不
25.absent adj. adj.缺席的;不存在的,缺乏的;be absent from 缺勤;缺席absent-minded心不在焉的
absence n 缺席 缺乏 不存在 in the absence of缺乏 无。。时
in one`s absence/presence be present at
visible a 看得见的明显的invisible
= obvious /evident/apparent
visual a 视力的 视觉的
visibility n. 能见度,可见性;能见距离;明显性
vision n. 视力;美景;眼力;幻象;想象力
Living in space is every would-be ____________(astronaut) dream. My six-month stay on a space station has come to an end, and it has been a ____________ (challenge) but magical adventure. I bet you'd love to know ____________ daily life is like up in space and how it differs from ____________ on the Earth—the low gravity ____________ (definite) makes ordinary things strange!
The ____________(strange) of living in space is apparent from the moment we sleep. Due to the near ____________(absent) of gravity in space, we have to attach ____________(we) so that we don't float around. We usually sleep in ____________ (privacy) quarters, ____________ are more like large cupboards, or in sleeping bags attached ___________ the walls or the ceiling. It's strange that we try to sleep ____________ no pressure against our back, but the unusual beds don't bother us any more. After about eight ___________(hour) of sleep, we start our day of work.
The routine tasks that occupy most of the day are ____________(demand), ____________ they can also extremely rewarding. Our main mission is ____________(conduct) scientific research. We need to evaluate the effects of low gravity ____________ animals and plants. Creatures such as ____________(mouse), fish and mosquitoes have also been sent to the station! In a low-gravity environment, we can learn more about changes in cells ____________ microorganisms under the microscope. As well as ____________(do) these biological experiments, we carry out experiments in other research fields. I ______________(work) on one experiment which locates and tracks lightning over large regions of the Earth. ____________(hope), it will cast new light on the Earth's climate and lead to better lightning protection. With so much ____________(go) on, the space station needs a lot of maintenance, so we constantly check support systems ____________ do some cleaning.
The most challenging work takes place ____________ we need to perform tasks outside the space station, such as testing new equipment, monitoring scientific experiments ____________ repairing the space station. In the circumstances, it's time ____________ a spacewalk. First, we put on our spacesuits, ____________allow us to breathe in space and protect us from ____________(expose) to the cold and radiation. Then we head out, and sometimes perform tasks for hours at a time, with the beautiful Earth visible below. Splendid ____________ the view of the Earth is, spacewalking is not as exciting as you might think. It's ____________(probable) the most dangerous work, with potential risks such as electric shocks. That's ____________ every spacewalk is carefully planned.
In view of the low-gravity environment, eating ____________(be) also different in space. Most food is dried or freeze-dried. It's a luxury to eat fresh food, ____________ fresh produce such as fruit and vegetables can only be delivered to the space station from the Earth every couple of months. Salt and pepper ____________(be) only in liquid form, so that they will not float away and block the air pipes. ____________, liquids can't be easily controlled in space. We must drink water or any other liquids out of a bag through a thin tube of plastic. ____________, to keep our body healthy, we must ensure a ____________(balance) supply of nutrients by taking pills.
____________(spend) some time in the gym is of vital importance to astronauts' health. Did you know that in just five months, astronauts could lose a ____________(significance) amount of muscle and bone mass ____________(Consider) these negative effects low gravity has on the human body, we discipline ourselves to do at least two hours of exercise every day. Exercise in space is not your average workout. We have to be tied onto specially ____________(design) exercise equipment to stop ourselves ____________floating around.
花些时间健身对宇航员的健康至关重要。你知道在仅仅5个月的时间里宇航员就可能会失去相当多的肌肉量和骨量吗 考虑到低重力对人体的这些负面影响,我们严格要求自己每天至少锻炼两个小时。在太空中锻炼跟平常的锻炼不一样。我们必须被绑在特殊设计的运动器材上,以防止自己四处飘浮。
During our leisure time, there's nothing we like ____________(much) than to sit back with the rest of the crew and watch our remarkable planet go by, ____________(take) pictures for our family and friends back home. As the space station travels ____________ a speed of about 17,500 miles per hour, we get to see the sunrise every 90 minutes. In these precious ____________(moment), all the challenges of life in space seem worth it.


牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Out of this world Reading 课文语法填空改编学案(无答案)

牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Out of this world Reading 课文语法填空改编学案(无答案)



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