牛津译林版(2019)选修三Unit 1 Wish you were here Extended reading & Other parts—Language points课时精练五(含答案)

学考宝 作者:佚名



1.Let’s live in harmony nature and create harmonious and dynamic surroundings.
2.The lawn is (dot) with various colors of small flowers,which is really splendid.
3.Contrast fresh vegetables frozen ones and you’ll find the fresh ones taste better.
4.After retirement,the old man made a resolution (settle) in the suburbs.
5.To avoid embarrassment,you’d better learn about Chinese table (manner),which are distinct from yours.
6.The man sent his girlfriend bunch of wild flowers as a birthday present,which was off the beaten track.
7.In distance,a camel was walking easily on the grassland with a few goats surrounding it.
8.We set at dawn so that we could get to the destination on time and find a parking space without difficulty.
9.More time (give),we will go to enjoy other scenic spots including some heroes’ statues.
10.His parents have made a resolution to depart Hawaii from Heathrow Airport.
set off,be stuck in,a bunch of,contrast with,beat down
1.Children’s lives in the countryside those in the big cities.
2.I got up early and for my destination in the distance.
3.The man bought his mother carnation to celebrate Mother’s Day.
4.It was unfortunate to the rain and I was wet through.
5.She took off her hat and let the sun on her.
1.上周六,我前往市中心参观了一场展览。(make one’s way to)
4.有一张“dead bear”的照片吸引了一些参观者。那只熊显然死于饥饿。(starve)
Photographer Rebecca Douglas has always been crazy about the night sky.Her love of the stars has taken the UK resident on “star walking” trips to Iceland and into the Arctic.For nature lovers like Douglas star walking turns out to be a good way to enjoy life.
Hiking at night isn’t uncommon.Plenty of people hike after dark to get to campsites or watch sun rise from a mountaintop.Star walking goes a step further by mixing hiking with stargazing.Rather than heading to an observatory or setting up a telescope in your backyard,star walking takes you on a brief journey to look at the stars from different viewpoints.
“An observatory can never take the place of getting out into a rural landscape under a blanket of stars,” says Gary Lintern of Stargazing Nights in Durham,England,who leads guided night time hikes.“It’s a magical experience,and I enjoy sharing it,especially at some of my favorite locations,like the High Force Waterfall,England’s largest waterfall,in Teesdale.”
There are plenty of studies that show the health benefits of being in nature.Spending at least two hours a week outdoors,particularly while engaging in activities that involve “effortless attention”,can decrease blood pressure,heart rate,and stress levels.Walking at night has the added benefit of improving sleep,which is important for overall health,says Christina Pierpaoli Parker,a behavioral sleep researcher at the University of Alabama.Parker says that star walking works on two physiological processes that determine sleep quality.“Movement and exercise,such as relaxing stargazing walks outside,may facilitate sleep,” she says.
Lintern advises reading up on the night sky before setting out.Free mobile apps,such as Star Walk 2,can help identify celestial bodies and are easy to use—simply point your phones at the sky to get a map.Websites like Sky & Telescope and NASA’s Space Place cover the basics,have in depth explanations for constellations (星座),and offer advice on gear and equipment.
At the end of the day,the best advice is to take it slow and enjoy the journey.
1.Why did Douglas go to Iceland
A.To take photos there.
B.To enjoy the night sky there.
C.To experience daily life there.
D.To search for an observatory there.
2.What can we know about star walking
A.It is a combination of hiking and stargazing.
B.It is similar to stargazing at an observatory.
C.It only requires a telescope in your backyard.
D.It becomes more popular because of Gary Lintern.
3.What does the underlined word “facilitate” in paragraph 4 probably mean
A.Slow. B.Worsen.
C.Prevent. D.Promote.
4.What’s the fifth paragraph mainly about
A.Some useful mobile apps.
B.Famous websites about hiking.
C.Proper suggestions on star walking.
D.Basic knowledge of equipment for stargazing.
“Are you really going to eat another piece of pizza?” It was at my fourteenth birthday party that I received my first 1 related comment.After that day,comments like this 2 in my head longer than they should have.I was 3 picking flaws(缺点) in my figure in the mirror.
I decided that I couldn’t eat like this in order to be 4 .It started out as just a little extra 5 every day,like running,but it quickly turned into 6 meals and working out every night before bed.As I 7 the calories,the comments started to change.Perhaps my 8 comment was “You’re so skinny.”
Maybe others didn’t know it,but their comments were 9 my social construction of beauty.However,my condition slowly became worse.My caloric intake was less than that of a child and I no longer had the 10 to do the things I once enjoyed.
Everything changed when I got a call from the director at my dance studio.She 11 me that she had wanted to move me to the advanced level, 12 she noticed I was too skinny.I then realized I nearly 13 my role in The Nutcracker.I was determined that I wasn’t going to let society’s idea of beauty be the death of me.
I want to get better for real this time.Mirrors and scales(秤) have no 14 of who I am.Social constructions of beauty will always be 15 in the world that I live in but I’ve decided not to let them rule over me.
1.A.habit B.ability
C.health D.weight
2.A.changed B.stuck
C.competed D.recreated
3.A.constantly B.immediately
C.carefully D.regularly
4.A.famous B.special
C.pretty D.brave
5.A.support B.exercise
C.reward D.practice
6.A.ordering B.serving
C.quitting D.cooking
7.A.cut down B.took in
C.concentrated on D.engaged in
8.A.unexpected B.favorite
C.brief D.familiar
9.A.fueling B.admitting
C.improving D.explaining
10.A.time B.mood
C.plan D.energy
11.A.informed B.warned
C.reminded D.persuaded
12.A.and B.but
C.since D.though
13.A.played B.forgot
C.lost D.picked
14.A.amount B.intention
C.sign D.idea
15.A.true B.meaningful
C.different D.present
Experts say the bee population is getting smaller because of climate change and other human caused 1. (activity).We are building houses and cities on land where they live,and using chemicals 2. are killing them.Last winter,U.S.beekeepers lost almost 40% of their colonies(蜂群),3. (make) them suffer great losses.
Thiele,4. beekeeper,says the usual ways people raise honey bees 5. (be) bad for their health.He rejects the white boxes that 6. (tradition) beekeepers use.He also refuses to use chemicals,smoke or protective clothing when he works with bees.He touches them 7. his bare hands.Thiele says his hives(蜂巢) are both a way to save bees and a personal project.
When bees crawled(爬) over his hands and arms,he said,“It feels so close and I feel how 8. (deep) we belong and how important it is 9. (keep) them safe from harm.”
He adds that honey bees show how fragile the life is.He makes a 10. (far) remark,“As if they are really mirroring where we are at this time on this planet.”
Ⅰ.1.with 2.dotted 3.with/and 4.to settle 5.manners 6.a 7.the 8.off 9.given 10.for
Ⅱ.1.contrast with 2.set off 3.a bunch of 4.be stuck in 5.beat down
Ⅲ.1.Last Saturday,I made my way to the city centre to visit an exhibition.
2.It was two years since I visited an exhibition last time,so I was excited.
3.As soon as I got there,I found the exhibition hall was surrounded by so many people.
4.There was a picture called “dead bear” attracting some visitors.The bear apparently died of starvation.
5.The picture warned us that we should protect wild animals and learn to live in harmony with nature.
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,主要讲的是星空漫步结合了徒步旅行和观星的活动,对于观星者的身心健康都有好处,并告诉了我们做一名观星者的必要装备。
1.B [细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,道格拉斯去冰岛是为了欣赏那里的夜空。故选B。]
2.A [细节理解题。根据第二段中“Star walking goes a step further by mixing hiking with stargazing.”可知,星空漫步是徒步旅行和观星的结合。故选A。]
3.D [词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“Walking at night has the added benefit of improving sleep”以及“Parker says that star walking works on two physiological processes that determine sleep quality.”可知,Parker认为星空漫步有利于睡眠,因此画线词facilitate的意思是“改善,提升”,和promote意思相近,故选D。]
4.C [段落大意题。通读第五段可知,第五段主要讲的是关于进行星空漫步的适当建议。故选C。]
语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者因为别人的评论对自己的身材不满,开始减肥,但因为过度减肥,差点失去了舞蹈角色,这让作者意识到不应该过分在意别人的评论,要做真实的自己。
1.D [根据上文的“Are you really going to eat another piece of pizza?”可知,对方认为我太胖了,不应该再吃一块披萨了,由此可知,这是一条与体重有关的评论。故选D。]
2.B [根据下文的“I was picking flaws(缺点) in my figure in the mirror.”可知,我不断地在镜子里挑自己身材的缺点,由此可知,这些关于体重的评论一直停留在我的脑海中。stick in one’s head/mind经久不忘。故选B。]
3.A [根据上文的“After that day,comments like this in my head longer than they should have.”可知,这些关于体重的评论一直影响着我,由此可知,我开始不自信,不断地在镜子里挑自己身材的缺点。故选A。]
4.C [根据句中的“I decided that I couldn’t eat like this”可知,我决定不能再像这样无节制地吃东西,由此可知,我少吃东西是为了身材好,为了漂亮。故选C。]
5.B [根据句中的“like running”可知,我会每天跑步,由此可知,刚开始我会每天做一点额外的运动。故选B。]
6.C [根据上文“I decided that I couldn’t eat like this in order to be .”可知,为了漂亮,我决定减肥,由此可知,我开始停止吃饭。故选C。]
7.A [根据下文“You’re so skinny.”可知,大家说我瘦了,由此可知,我减少了卡路里。故选A。]
8.B [根据句中“You’re so skinny.”可知,“你太瘦了”是我最喜欢的评论。故选B。]
9.A [根据上文“After that day,comments like this in my head longer than they should have.”可知,他们的评论一直停留在我的脑海里,我很在意,受到刺激,才决定减肥,由此可知,他们的评论正在刺激我对美的社会建构。故选A。]
10.D [根据句中“My caloric intake was less than that of a child”可知,我的热量摄入不足,由此可知,我没有精力做我曾经喜欢的事情了。故选D。]
11.A [根据上文“Everything changed when I got a call from the director”可知,她告诉我她想把我提升到高级水平。故选A。]
12.B [根据句中“she had wanted to move me to the advanced level”和“she noticed I was too skinny”可知,上下文为转折关系,她想把我提升到高级水平,但她注意到我太瘦了。故选B。]
13.C [根据句中“she noticed I was too skinny”可知,她认为我太瘦了,不太适合《胡桃夹子》中的角色,由此可知,我几乎失去了在《胡桃夹子》中的角色。故选C。]
14.D [根据下文“I’ve decided not to let them rule over me”可知,我决定不让别人对我外表的评论影响我,由此可知,我不再过度减肥,镜子和秤都不知道我是谁,我要做真正的自己,have no idea of...意为“不知道……”。故选D。]
15.D [根据句中“but I’ve decided not to let them rule over me”可知,虽然社会对美的建构一直存在,但我决定不让它们统治我,我要做真正的自己。故选D。]
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了气候变化和其他人为活动导致蜜蜂数量的减少以及养蜂人蒂勒独特的养蜂方法与感悟。
1.activities [考查名词复数。此处other修饰可数名词复数,故填activities。]
2.that/which [考查定语从句。空处引导限制性定语从句,先行词为chemicals,指物,关系词在从句中作主语,故填that/which。]
3.making [考查非谓语动词。空前是一个完整的句子,此处应用非谓语动词作状语,根据句意判断,此处应用现在分词作结果状语。 ]
4.a [考查冠词。beekeeper是发音以辅音音素开头的可数名词,此处表泛指,需要用不定冠词a修饰,故填a。]
5.are [考查动词的时态和主谓一致。此处陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,主语为the usual ways,是复数形式,故填are。]
6.traditional [考查形容词。修饰名词beekeepers用形容词,故填traditional。]
7.with [考查介词。分析句子结构可知此处需要填介词,根据句意可知此处表示“用”,故填with。]
8.deeply [考查副词。修饰动词belong用副词,故填deeply。]
9.to keep [考查非谓语动词。it is+adj.+to do sth表示“做某事是……的”,it为形式主语,后面的不定式是真正的主语,故填to keep。]
10.further [考查形容词比较级。上一句说他补充说蜜蜂显示了生命是多么脆弱,此处有一个隐晦的比较意义,表示“进一步说”,故填further。]


牛津译林版(2019)选修三Unit 1 Wish you were here Extended reading & Other parts—Language points课时精练五(含答案)

牛津译林版(2019)选修三Unit 1 Wish you were here Extended reading & Other parts—Language points课时精练五(含答案)

牛津译林版(2019)选修三Unit 1 Wish you were here Extended reading & Other parts—Language points课时精练五(含答案)

牛津译林版(2019)选修三Unit 1 Wish you were here Extended reading & Other parts—Language points课时精练五(含答案)



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