人教版 九年级 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.单元练习(无答案)

学考宝 作者:佚名



人教版 九年级 Unit 4 单元练习
1.The number of books in the bookshop is about 10,000 and a number of them______ about science.
A.is B.was C.are D.were
2.—We're supposed to recycle paper and bottles.It can help the environment.
—_______.It can save money,too.
A.It’s nothing B.Best wishes
C.I agree D.Never mind
3.---You’d better advise him _______ if he doesn’t want to lose the job.
---I will.
to work hard B. work hard
C. working hard D. works hard
4.—I don’t know_________ next.
—Let’s ask our teacher for help.
A.what to do B.what should I do
C.how to do D.how I should do
5.It is important_____people_____learn team spirit (团队精神).
A.of; of B.of; to C.for; to D.to; to
6.—Dad, can you tell me ___ I miss her very much.
—Next month, dear.
A.when my mum will come back B.when will my mum come back
C.how my mum goes to work D.where will my mum go
7.Our teachers often require us ________ for our dreams.
A.study B.studying
C.studied D.to study
8.Tom ________ live in London, and he ________ the life in New York now.
A.was used to, usedn’t to B.used to, isn’t used to
C.used to, usedn’t to D.was used to, isn’t used to
9.Mary used to in the countryside, but now she is used to in the city.
A.live ; live B.live ; living C.living ; live D.living ; living
10.—Mom, I'm afraid I can't win the competition.
—Believe in yourself, my boy, and tell yourself _____.
A. to give up B. not to give up
C. to give away D. not to give away
It was a cold winter afternoon before the New Year. My parents and I were sitting on the chair and 1 for the train. There were many people in the waiting hall.
A 2 who was in dirty clothes and thin sat nearby. It seemed to tell me that he was homeless. “He must be cold and hungry. Maybe I should help him,” I said to myself.
Just at that moment, a well-dressed young couple walked towards him. “Excuse me,” the man said. “My wife and I bought two meal boxes but one was 3 for us. We hate to 4 good food. Can you help us out ” He handed the boy a meal box.
The boy thanked them and opened the box 5 and carefully. When he saw an old thin man in dirty clothes entering the hall, he stopped and stood up and offered the old man his seat. He 6 his jacket and covered it on the old man’s shoulders, saying, “A gentleman gave me the warm meal, 7 I just finished eating. I hate to waster good food. Can you help me out ” He put the still-warm meal box in the old man’s 8 without waiting for an answer.
“Sure, son, but I want you to 9 that sandwich with me. It’s too much for a man at my age.”
We were all moved. Dad went away and soon returned 10 cups of hot coffee and a big pizza. Mum and dad went up to them, “Excuse me …”. I rushed into a supermarket and took out my pocket money. It was so cold that afternoon but I felt much warmer than I had ever thought possible.
( )1.A.caring B.asking C.looking D.waiting
( )2.A.boy B.girl C.man D.woman
( )23.A.Important B.Thankful C.Enough D.harmful
( )4.A.make B.waste C.provide D.eat
( )5.A.Sadly B.Successfully C.Happily D.nervously
( )6.A.put off B.took off C.turned off D.showed off
( )7.A.but B.and C.or D.if
( )8.A.eyes B.arms C.feet D.hand( )9.A.Communicate B.share C.compare D.argue
( )10.A.with B.at C.to D.in
Six years ago,Ann graduated(毕业)from college with a degree in Art. Now she is twenty-nine and works for a large computer company. She takes classes twice a week after work. She is learning to use the computer program PowerPoint. “I enjoyed the college,but my job doesn't use the information I learned at college,”Ann says. “The course is helping me to do my job better.”
In the past,when students graduated from college and got a job,they usually stopped studying. Today,lifelong learning is becoming more common. In many countries,some people return to school in their late twenties,thirties,or even older to get a higher degree. More people are taking training courses to improve their working skills after work. People can also get degrees or training through the Internet.
Ann's sixty-year-old mother and father are taking courses in Art and Music. "We love these two subjects. Learning is so much fun," they say happily. “It's never too old to learn.”
( )1.The underlined word “degree” in the passage means _________.
A.温度 B.程度 C.学位 D.位置
( )2.Ann graduated from college when she was _________.
A.twenty-nine B.twenty-six C.twenty-three D.twenty
( )3.More people are taking training courses after work in order to _________.
A.improve their working skills B.enjoy Art and Music
C.study computer programs D.make more money
( )4.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Ann doesn't want to use the information she learned at college.
B.People in the past usually stopped studying after graduating from college.
C.People can only get information from their teachers.
D.Ann's parents are too old to learn Art and Music.
( )5.The best title of the passage is _________.
Internet Studying B.College Education
C.Art Learning D.Lifelong Learning
1.The cute girl covered her face with her hands to hide her ______(shy).
2.Kate used _______(drink) milk every morning.
3.Henry is used to ________( read) books before he goes to bed.
4.He used (sleep) late on weekends, but now he gets up early.
5.—Do you have any (traditional) to celebrate the festival
Now I get _____ _____ attention everywhere I go.
You really _____ a lot of talent and _____ ____ to succeed.
It is the first time that I speak ________ ________.
I am sorry.I just cannot _______ _______ _______ today.
He used _____ _____ tennis after school.




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