2024届高三英语一轮复习:读后续写人与动物类(收养 the loneliest dog Charlie)讲义素材

学考宝 作者:佚名



读后续写 人与动物类(收养 the loneliest dog Charlie)
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
I was eating breakfast at home in Hampshire in March this year, scrolling through (滚动浏览) social media on my phone, when a story caught my eye. It was about a nine-year-old dog, Charlie, dubbed (称为) the loneliest in Britain. He had been in a rescue centre in Somerset for more than 500 days.
For some reason, nobody wanted to adopt him. I clicked on the link and straight away these huge, sad eyes stared back at me. I was emotional. I turned to my husband, Sam, and said: “We’ve got to have him.” He read the article over my shoulder and felt exactly the same way. We wanted to give Charlie a happy home and a new lease of life.(伏笔)
Over the past few years we have tried to adopt a few different dogs, but we haven’ had any luck----we were never top of the list. Sam and I got used to filling in forms and not hearing anything. We’d almost given up hope.
But Charlie is an older dog and we felt we’d be suited—even older dogs have a lot of love left to offer. So we took our time with the application, sent photographs of our house and garden. We explained why Charlie would be happy with us, and then forgot all about it.
A few days later we received an email from Brent Knoll animal centre, saying we’d been shortlisted (把…列入入围名单). We were thrilled. They asked us to visit Charlie to be interviewed and to see if he liked us.
When we arrived we were taken to the staff room. We didn’t know what to expect. We hadn’t been told much about Charlie’s circumstances, but as he had been given up for adoption and hadn’t been placed with a new owner for so long, we thought there might be issues. But the dog that bounded (蹦跳) in was full of joy and charisma (感召力,魅力).
注意:1. 续写词数应为 150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Para.1 He came straight over to us.
Para.2 We feel proud that we’ve given Charlie a new home and a second chance.
二、续写视角 第一人称
1. 原文Para1 It was about a nine-year-old dog, Charlie, dubbed (称为) the loneliest in Britain.
---在续写段落要体现negative---positive的转变:not longer lonely
2. 原文Para2 We wanted to give Charlie a happy home and a new lease of life.
Para1:He came straight over to us. 这里需要厘清原文人物: 主人公I, 丈夫Sam, 狗狗Charlie,作者在原文中一直用he来指代狗,故此处he指的是狗狗Charlie. 续写部分可描述Charlie的外貌、见到我们之后的动作---我们对此的反应(心情),与狗之间的互动---顺利通过了动物救助中心对我们的评估---开心地将狗狗带回家。
Para2: We feel proud that we’ve given Charlie a new home and a second chance.第二段时态要与首句保持一致,根据关键词a new home and a second chance, 这部分可描述Charlie在我家的生活,我们对狗狗的关爱,呼应原文伏笔:We wanted to give Charlie a happy home and a new lease of life. Charlie在新家所获得的关爱,使他不再感到孤独(呼应原文the loneliest in Britain)。我们和Charlie之间也逐渐建立深厚的感情,他成为了我们家的一份子。
He came straight over to us. As soon as he saw Sam, he jumped on his lap as if they’d been best friends for ever. That day, we gave him treats and played ball. The staff at the centre became teary (哭泣的) when it was time to say goodbye. They had looked after him brilliantly for almost two years. The drive back took a few hours but Charlie was well behaved. When he got to our house, he immediately made himself at home.
We feel proud that we’ve given Charlie a new home and a second chance. Charlie gets two walks a day and is getting better at walking on a lead (狗绳) : when we first got him, he pulled a lot. He’s always so happy to see us when we come through the door. Our daughter is in love with him as well. She brings him presents every time she comes round. He’s spoiled and we enjoy him so much. Charlie was once the loneliest dog in Britain. But he’s not alone anymore.
He came straight over to us. Rubbing his paws against my legs, he wagged his tails and ran around us. In response, I patted him on the back gently and greeted him “Charlie” affectionatelly, as if we were long lost friends. The dog then leapt on Sam’s lap and enjoyed his gentle stroke. At the sight of the scene, the staff grinned with delight. It was apparent that Charlie liked us and we could adopt him. Bidding farewell to the staff, we took Charlie home.
We feel proud that we’ve given Charlie a new home and a second chance. We settle him in the comfortable doghouse in the front garden and feed him on his favourite food. Almost every evening, we walk him in our neighborhood. Sometimes, he plays with several other dogs on the grass, bounding and chasing merrily while Sam and I chat with our neighbors. His burst of energy and enthusiasm fill me with a sense of pride and fulfillment. I know that the “loneliest” dog has found his eternal home.
七 素材积累
1 Wagging its tail, the lovely dog licked my hand affectionately.
2 The little dog sat patiently with its tongue hanging out of its mouth.
3 Seeing the dog lying at my foot with his paws rubbing against my shoes, I reached out to stroke his white fur gently.
4 As if understanding what I feared, the dog kept me company just like a bodyguard.
5 It barked excitedly and ran across the room to fetch the ball.
6 Upon our arrival, the dog leapt to its feet and bounded forward.
7 With pricked eyes, it listened closely for a moment and then lay comfortably beside us.


2024届高三英语一轮复习:读后续写人与动物类(收养 the loneliest dog Charlie)讲义素材

2024届高三英语一轮复习:读后续写人与动物类(收养 the loneliest dog Charlie)讲义素材



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