Unit 6 Our local area Topic 3 How can I get to the library?练习(无答案) 仁爱版七年级英语下册

学考宝 作者:佚名



U6T3 Section A
1. ---Excuse me, is there a hospital near here
---Yes, go a_____ this street to the end, and you’ll find it.
2. ---Excuse me, which is the way to the zoo
---Go up this street and t_____ left at the first street. You’ll find it on your left.
3. --- How long is the ruler
--- It is about one m_______ long.
4. There is a new b______ over the river.
( )1. There is a big supermarket _____ the corner of the road. I always go there to buy some things.
A. across B. on C. to D. in
( )2. ---Where is the museum
---It’s about two hundred meters ____ ____ the left.
A. along on B. along turn C. away turn D. away to
( )3. ---How can I get to the hospital
---_____, I’m new here.
A. Thank you B. That’s all right C. Sorry, I don’t know. D. You’re welcome.
( )4. There is a small shop ____ the park _____ the hospital.
A. both; and B. from; to C. close; to D. between; and
( )5. ---Are there any bibraries near your home
---Yes, there is one just _____ my home.
A. across from B. on C. across D. from
1. 怎样能到达历史博物馆呢?
____________ ______________ I ______________ ______________ the history museum
2. 去银行的路怎么走?
Which is __________ ___________ ___________ the bank
3. 沿着这条大街往前走,在第一个十字路口向左拐。
__________ _________ the street and __________ left ________ the _________ ___________.
4. 它在右前方大约100米处。
It’s________ one __________ __________ ___________ __________ the right.
5. 我是新来的。
I’m _________ here.
6. 穿过这座桥,你会发现左边有一幢白色的大楼。
________ _________ the bridge, and you ________ ________ a white building ______ your left.
It is Sunday today. Anna goes shopping with her mother. She wants her mother to buy her a new coat. In a shop, she finds a green coat. She tries it on. It’s too small. She wants a big one, but the big one is not green. Anna doesn’t like other colors. “Let’s go to another shop to have a look.”her mother says. Then they go to another shop. It is big and there are many kinds of coats in different colors and sizes. Anna tries on a green one. It looks nice on her. So they take it for forty-five yuan.
7. 街道的拐弯处有一家邮局。
________ ________ a post office ________ the street __________.
8. 你住在什么样的房子里?
__________ _________ _________ home ________ _________ _________ __________
9. 我为此感到很抱歉。
I ________ ____________ ____________ that.
10. Mr. Smart 住在马路的尽头。
Mr. Smart ____________ __________ _____________ ___________ ____________ road.
11. 我们小区有许多高楼及小花园。
_________ __________ _________ tall buildings and small gardens in our ______________.
12. 停车场和火车站离这儿不远。
The ________ ________ and the _________ __________ _________ _________ __________ __________ here.
13. 我厨房的排气扇坏了。
My _______ __________ ____________ ___________.
Section B
1. ---Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Xinhua bookstore
--- Go along this road u________ you get Longhang Road. You will find it on your left.
2. Don’t worry. You’ll see the yellow building on your left. You can’t m_______ it.
3. --- Mom, I would like to play soccer.
--- OK, but you s_______ do your homework first.
4. There is a p______ phone on the street corner. We can go there to call mother back.
5. You can take Bus No.1 to the park, the c________ to the No.5 bus at Green Road.
( )1. It’s too far. You need to _____ Bus No.128 to go there.
A. get B. take C. drive D. by
( )2. Turn right at the ____ street, then take the No. _____ bus, it’ll take you there.
A. one; First B. first; One C. first; First D. one; One
( )3. It is about two kilometers _______.
A. away B. long C.far D. near
( )4.---Excuse me, how can I get to Times Supermarket
---_____, you will see it on your left.
A. Turn the right and go on B. Right turn and go on
C. On the right and walk on D. Turn right and walk on
( )5. The People’s Hospital is a little far. You ____ to take a bus there.
A. may B. can C. need D. must
____________________ __________________________ ________________________
___________________ __________________________ _____________________________
____________________ __________________________
1. My telephone doesn’t work.
________ ___________ _________ ____________ your telephone
2. I live in an apartment building.
___________ _______ ___________ home do you live in
3. There is little milk in the bottle.
________ __________ milk __________ __________ in the bottle
4. There are some flowers in the garden.
_________ in the garden
5. There are some bus stops near Mary’s house. (一般疑问句)
____________ __________ ___________ bus stops near Mary’s house
6. There are some bus stops near Mary’s house. (否定句)
_________ ___________ ____________ bus stops near Mary’s house.
7. What’s the matter with your bike (同义句)
__________ ____________ ___________ your bike
8. Miss Lin rents a double room from Jane. (同义句)
Jane _______ a double room _________ Miss Lin.
Section C
一、1. ---What’s wrong with Mike
---He had an __________(事故) and hurt his leg.
2. Before we c________ (横穿)the road, we should stop and look both ways.
3. If you drive too fast, you’ll get a t_________ for s_____________. (超速罚单)
4. Don’t ride your bike too fast or you’ll __________ ____________. (受伤)
5. You must _________ ___________ (小心) when you cross the road.
6. I’ll stay at home ________ (直到) the rain stops.
7. That sign means ________(危险的). Don’t go there.
Every year there are many traffic accidents. We must ________ __________ _________ ________.
2. 在英国,道路上车辆是靠左行驶的。
In England, traffic ________ ____________ ____________ __________ of the road.
3. 我们过马路时要注意安全。
We must _________ _____________ when we _________ the road.
4. 当红灯亮的时候,我们必须停下来。
We must stop __________ ____________ ____________ _____________ _____________.
5. 帮助老人和孩子过马路是件好事。
____________ ____________ ________ help old people and children ___________ the road.
6. 走路时为了确保安全我们应该如何做?
__________ ___________ __________ __________ when we _________ near the road
7. 书店在学校对面。
The bookstore __________ ___________ ___________ the school.
8. 我能听见你正在弹钢琴。
I can ___________ you ___________ ____________ _____________.
9. 音乐很优美,但恐怕声音有点大。
The music is very __________, but __________ ____________ _________ too __________.
10. 先生,这是您的酒后驾车罚单。
___________ __________ __________ __________, sir.
1. _______! The baby is sleeping.
A. Dangerous B. Keep quiet C. Be careful D. Don’t park
2. It’s not safe to drive too _______.
A. slow B. slowly C. easy D. fast
3. We must wash hands ______ meals.
A. after B. before C. when D. while
Alice is from England. She is thirteen. She studies in a high school in Linzhou, Henan. Alice often gets up at about 6:30 on weekdays. She often has a glass of milk, an egg and some bread for breakfast. She goes to school at 7:30 and gets there before 8:00. Alice has breakfast with her parents at 7:25 this morning. “Have a cake, Alice. It’s very nice.” her mother says.“No, thank you, Mom. I have to go now. School starts at 8:00.”
4. Some children ______ their lives in the river every year.
A. miss B. loses C. lose D. misses
5. He ______ the road after me.
A. across B. cross C. crosses D. to
6. ---Excuse me, how can I get to the library
---Walk ______ and turn left ______ the traffic lights. You will find it.
A. along; to B. along; at C. on; to D. on; at
7. She often _____, so she must ______ reading.
A. read; like B. reads; likes C. reads; like D. read; likes
8. It is good _______ poor people.
A. helping B. helps C. help D. to help
9. In my school, the teachers and classmates _______ kind to me.
A. all are B. are all C. all D. both
10. I am ________ my book, I can’t _______ it.
A. look for; find B. find; look for C. looking for; find D. finding; look for
1. Zhou goes to bed after she finishes her homework. (同义句)
Zhou __________ __________ _________ bed _________ she finishes her homework.
2. I get there after him. (同义句)
He _________ there ___________ me.
3. How can I get to the hotel (同义句)
____________ ____________ ___________ _____________ _________ the hotel
4. Her mother always buys her new books. (同义句)
Her mother always __________ _____________ _____________ __________ ___________.
5. You must do your homework first. (祈使句)
__________ _____________ homework first.
6. Drive fast, please. (否定句)
_________ __________ fast, please.
7. My home is about 500 meters away from here.
_______ ____________ is you home from here
8. She goes to the library twice a week.
__________ __________ _________ she ___________ __________ the library
9. You can keep this book for a week.
___________ ____________ ___________ ___________ keep this book
10. The bank is across from the park.
____________ ____________ the bank
五、综合填空 (根据所给单词的适当形式填空)
nice, under, bottle, eat, can, look, of, thing, sing, be, on
Come and have a ______ at the picture. It’s a picture _______ Helen’s room. We _____ see a lot of ________ in it. There _______ some apples and five ________ of water on the table. There ______ a glass of milk, a clock and two books _____ the desk. Oh, ______ the bed, there’s a cat. It is __________ something. There’s a bird near the window. It is _________ now. It’s a ________ room.
在教室里 __________________________ 在游泳池 _____________________________
在花园里 __________________________ 在厨房 ______________________________
在门后 __________________________ 早起 ______________________________
在我的左边 ____________________________ 紧挨着他 _____________________________
人行道 _______________________________ 公用电话 _____________________________
斑马线 ______________________________ 红绿灯 _______________________________
在对面 _______________________________ 立即 ______________________________
在角落 ________________________________ 在这张桌子的右边 ______________________
飞机模型 _____________________________ 三棵苹果树 ____________________________
客厅 _________________________________ 在这个院子的中央 _______________________
Section D
1. ---What’s the old man doing
---He is ____________ (wait) a bus.
2. I get up early every day, so I’m never ____________(late)school.
3. Sir, this is the ticket for ____________ (speed).
4. Be ____________ (care)! The traffic is very heavy.
5. You should turn left at the ___________ (three) corner.
6. It’s too late! You need _____________ (go) home by bus.
7. Peter, _____________ (not play) on the street. It’s not safe.
8. She is on the ____________ (two) floor.
9. What time ___________ the English class ___________(begin)
10. Mother usually _________ (tell) me __________ (do) my homework first.
11. How about __________ (go) swimming with me
12. Tom ________ (like) soccer, but now he ______________ (watch) TV.
1. look for, he, apartment, under, month, $100
2. Mr. Li, she, rent, bike, from
3. there are, desk, computer, on, three
4. like, people, live, house, garden, with
5. under, shoes, bed
6. in front of, garden, house, beautiful
7. bird, some, tree, there are
People often get hurt when they c___________ the road. M_______ of those are old people and children. Old people are hurt because they usually can not see or hear very w_______. Children are hurt because they are not c__________. They don’t look and listen b________ they go across the road.
When you w_______ across the road, you must s________ to look b______ ways, left and right. If there are no buses or cars, you can go across the road. You must walk f________. It is not s________ to run.
1. No left turn.
2. No U-turn.
3. You must not be late for school.
4. You must look both ways before crossing the road.
5. You should be quiet in the reading room.
6. You must finish your homework first.
Jeff likes fish very much. He buys some fish and takes it home. When(当……时候) his wife(妻子) sees the fish, she says to herself,“Good! Now I ask my friends to have lunch, and we can have the fish.”They like eating fish very much. When Jeff comes home in the evening, he can’t find the fish and his wife says,“Oh, your cat eats it.”And she gives Jeff some bread for supper. Jeff is not very happy. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop nearby(附近). Then he says to his wife,“My cat is one kilo and the fish is one kilo, too. The fish is here. But where is my cat ”
1. 沿着这条路往下走。
2. 当红灯亮时,你们要等待。
3. 你不会错过它的。
4. 书店在学校对面。
5. 沿着这条街一直走到头,你会在你左边找到它。
6. 很高兴收到你的来信。
7. 我喜欢在书房里玩电脑。
8. 别把这些钥匙放在这儿,请把它们放好。
9. 你的书桌上有什么?
10. 为什么不上楼看看呢?
11. 需要我的帮忙吗?(你想要我的帮助吗?)
12. 你的电脑怎么了?
13. 我能听见你正在听歌。
1. There is a post office _________ __________ (靠近)the hospital.
2. There is a __________ __________ __________(三口之家) ext to my house.
3. Is there a museum ____________ ________ ____________ ___________(在街道的拐角处)?
4. There is a supermarket _________ ____________ __________ _________ (在……末端)the street.
5. Excuse me, how can I _______ _______ (到达)the park
6. Go along the street and turn left at the first __________ ___________(交通灯).
7. Mr. Fat is __________ Mr. Thin’s ___________ (在……中间)Mr. Xu’s.
8. She is looking for a house with _______________ (家具).
1. Do you live in a townhouse (用 a farmhouse改成选择疑问句)
Do you live in a townhouse ____________ _________ ____________
2. There are some books on the students’ desks. (单数句)
There ________ __________ ________ on the __________ ___________.
3. My friend likes the house with two floors.
_________ __________ ___________ house does your friend like
4. There is something wrong with the piano. (同义句)
The piano _________ ____________.
5. What’s the matter with you (同义句)
______________ ___________ with you
6. The store is not far from my home. (同义句)
My home _________ _________ the store.
7. There are many apples in the box. (同义句)
There are ____________ ___________ __________ apples in the box.
There are __________ __________ apples in the box.
8. There are no houses near the garden. (同义句)
There __________ __________ __________ houses near the garden.
( )1. Excuse me, how can I ___ the train station.
A. get B. gets to C. get to D. gets
( )2. She is afraid of the dark. She will not go to bed _____ her mother comes back.
A. before B. after C. when D. until
( )3. _______ the street and you can find it.
A. Acorss B. Go through C. Go across D. Along
( )4. ______ I _____ take the bus.
A. Need; to take B. Do; need to take C. Do; need by D. Need; take
We know it is safe to o__________ the traffic rules. W________ we cross the road, we must be c_______. So we must look both ways before we cross the road. Many drivers are very careful , but some of them always drive too f___________. So we can often see the police giving the t_________ for s___________ to them. Sometimes we can see a traffic a__________ on the road, and some people get h_______ in the a___________. That’s too bad. At l________, we will say to the drivers: D_________ drive too fast, and make you and other people safe.


Unit 6 Our local area Topic 3 How can I get to the library?练习(无答案) 仁爱版七年级英语下册

Unit 6 Our local area Topic 3 How can I get to the library?练习(无答案) 仁爱版七年级英语下册

Unit 6 Our local area Topic 3 How can I get to the library?练习(无答案) 仁爱版七年级英语下册

Unit 6 Our local area Topic 3 How can I get to the library?练习(无答案) 仁爱版七年级英语下册

Unit 6 Our local area Topic 3 How can I get to the library?练习(无答案) 仁爱版七年级英语下册


















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