
学考宝 作者:佚名



1.(10分) (Three students are talking about their coming weekend.)
I called you at 7:00 last night and you didn't pick up. (1)   @Lisa
Oh,I was taking a shower.Why did you call me at that time?@Linda
The World Earth Day is coming.The theme(主题)this year is "Planet vs.Plastics(全球战塑)". (2)   
I totally agree with you.@Linda
Good idea. (3)   
We could volunteer to pick up plastic bottles(塑料瓶)in the park. @Lisa
(4)   And more students can join us. @Linda
Sounds good. (5)   I know you are good at painting. @Lisa
No problem.I need to start now.
A.What could we do? B.What were you doing? C.Sure,I'd love to come. D.I was making something useful. E.I think we should play a part in it. F.Could you please make some posters(海报)? G.Why don't we hand out posters after school?
2.(10分)Loving family members is important in life.Just as a writer once said,"Without family,man is(1)   in the world,and cannot live happily."In my family,we all love each other,but even so,misunderstandings(误解)happen sometimes.
One day,(2)   I was doing my homework in my room,my brother came in.I was busy with homework,so I didn't talk to him and just(3)   working.But when I took a break,I found some messy drawings on my notebook.I(4)   got angry and shouted at my brother.
"You can only make(5)   ,and I hate you",I said.Hearing the words,my brother began
crying and tried to explain himself.But I didn't want to listen to it.We didn't talk with each other.The" (6)    "after that kept for a long time between us.
To solve the problem,my mother asked me to see what the drawing is on my notebook.I looked at(7)   carefully.It said,"Happy birthday".Then I felt sorry for what I did.At that moment,I(8)   how inconsiderate(考虑不周的)I was.Although drawing on my notebook wasn't right,my brother's love was(9)   .I said sorry to him,and he smiled back at me.
After this,I knew how to(10)   family members.We should not take misunderstandings to heart.That's because our family members are the people who love us most.
(1) A.usual B.lonely C.strange
(2) A.if B.because C.while
(3) A.continued B.stopped C.remember
(4) A.quietly B.suddenly C.recently
(5) A.money B.stress C.trouble
(6) A.silence B.decision C.training
(7) A.her B.it C.him
(8) A.realized B.argued C.guessed
(9) A.silly B.clear C.crazy
(10) A.depend on B.take care of C.get on with
Volunteer with us
No.2 Shahe Street,Qingxu Come and volunteer at the Green Family Farm in Qingxu,Taiyuan!This summer,we need some student volunteers to help pick up grapes,feed cows and water e and join us!
Call 0351﹣3415328 or e﹣mail us at GoGREEN@ for more information Saturdays 10:00﹣12:00 May 11th June 8th July 13th August 10th Sundays 10:00﹣12:00 May 12th June 9th July 14th August 11th
Help offer greener,and healthier food. Learn more life skills about farming.
(1)The Green Family Farm needs volunteers to help plant trees this summer.    
(2)The Green Family Farm is at No.2 Shahe Street in Qingxu,Taiyuan.    
(3)We can volunteer in the Green Family Farm every weekend from May to August.    
(4)If you want to learn more information,you can call 0351﹣3415328 or send an e﹣mail.    
(5)Students can learn all kinds of life skills at the Green Family Farm.    
4.(10分)Nowadays,whether teenagers should do chores or not has become a hot topic.Here is a post(帖子)about it on .
Question:Should teenagers do chores? Labor(劳动)education catches people's eye these days.But many surveys show that kids are getting lazier and more parents are doing all the housework.Do you think teenagers should spend time on chores?Please leave your comments(评论)about this question.
David Children often get a lot of homework and have much stress about school.So they don't have time and energy to do chores.Parents should do the housework instead of the children.
Bob Doing chores helps children to be more independent.It also teaches them life skills such as washing clothes,cooking and cleaning.Kids should be able to do things by themselves.They can't live with their parents forever.
Mary Doing chores may take a long time.If you are not good at doing chores,you may get into trouble like breaking things or hurting yourself.So there is no need for teenagers to do chores.
Alice We students sit on the chairs all day to study and play with our phones sometimes after school,not wanting to exercise or do other things at all.It is bad for our health. However,doing housework,from doing the dishes to sweeping the floor,can make us move around and keep away from our phones for a while.
Peter If we take the responsibility to do it,parents will be very happy!In fact,all the family members,not just our mothers,should share the housework.It shows our love to the family and the idea of fairness.
(1)The passage is from    .
A.a storybook
B.a report
C.a website
(2)From David's words,we can know that    .
A.David gets a lot of stress from housework
B.David wants to do housework together with his family
C.David thinks that doing chores should be parents' job
(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to Alice's words?    
A.Doing chores is good for children's health.
B,Children just want to make their parents happy.
C.Doing chores can make children independent.
(4)What does the underlined word "responsibility" mean in the text?    
(5)Who has the similar idea with Peter?    
5.(10分)It's normal to have different ideas from others.People may think that disagreement causes fights.However,this is not true,If we communicate with others in a proper way,disagreement will also be happy and educational. (1)   
First of all,we should listen to others carefully when they show different ideas.Sometimes we may want to show our ideas too much,so we don't really listen. (2)   When you listen to others,give them your full attention to show them that your are interested in what they are saying.
Secondly,when somebody doesn't agree with you,don't treat him in an unfair way. (3)   Instead,we should use the facts,not your feelings to communicate with others.Try to realize that their ideas cover something useful,though you don't have to agree with them. (4)   When you show your opinion,make sure you are using "I" language,not "we" language.The use of "we" may let others feel that the speaker feels like ganging together (拉结派).It's not helpful to reach an agreement.
All in all,if we know the truth of communication,it'll be easier for us to reach an agreement. (5)   It is all about listening and understanding.What's more,remember to respect(尊重)each other though we have different opinions.
A.It means we shouldn't get angry with him or shout at him. B.But careful listening is the first step to know others better. C.Thirdly,be sure that you are speaking only for yourself. D.Make sure your friends will agree with you finally. E.Then what is the truth of communication? F.Here's some advice.
6.(10分)Accidents happen more often than you think.Every year in China,3.2 million people die in accidents—that's almost six people every minute.Scientists say that the 10 minutes after an accident can make the difference between life and death.This is why learning first aid(急救)is so important for everyone.
Common first aid training teaches you how to deal with emergencies(突发情况),do CPR(心肺复苏),and treat things like burns,bleeding and broken bones.
You can learn first aid by visiting the official website(官方网站)of China First Aid training.You can also read books or watch videos that can be found on free apps.Going to some first aid camps is also a good idea,and it takes only a few hours to learn some useful skills there.
A Plan for the First Aid Training Camp
Skills (What skills can you learn?) CPR Burns Bleeding Broken bones
Learning Time (How many minutes does it take to learn a skill?) 120 30 60 90
Knowing the importance of learning first aid skills,many schools in Taiyuan have started first aid training lessons.After taking these lessons,a lot of students not only learned how to deal with small accidents,but also learned to keep calm when facing them.
Taiyuan Daily Report On Mar.21st,a man had a sudden heart problem at the subway station.As soon as he fell down on the floor,several warm﹣hearted citizens(市民)came to help.Zhang Hua,a 15﹣year﹣old teenager kept calm and did CPR to the man.While he was saving the man,another citizen called 120 at once.Thanks to their cool heads and kindness,the man was sent to hospital in time. "I just finished the first aid training lessons at school two weeks ago.I never thought I would need to use them so soon,but I'm glad I knew what to do."Zhang Hua told Taiyuan Daily.
(1)Why is first aid important ?
(2)How can people learn first aid skills?(At least two ways.)
(3)If you go to the first aid training camp to learn how to deal with burns and bleeding,how many hours will it take?
(4)What can we learn from Zhang Hua's experience?
(5)What first aid skill did you learn before?Where did you learn it?
he ice area stay since volunteer against provide clean heavy
This year,something really difficult happened on February 17th.On that day,the winds blew strongly and it snowed(1)   in Gansu.The snow and ice made the roads very dangerous.
Many cars couldn't move on the(2)   roads.Most of the people couldn't go out(3)    it was very hard to see anything outside.Nearly 25,000 travelers had to stay in the(4)   of Guazhou County.Among them was a 29﹣year﹣old man from Guizhou.He traveled to Gansu for vacation with(5)   wife,mother and a 6﹣month﹣old baby.While they(6)    in the coldness,the police found them.The policemen helped the family get off the snowy roads.Also,a family there(7)   them with a warm room and hot food.What's more,many other people helped these travelers in different ways.For example,a group of(8)   helped them by giving out food and hot water.And some hotels offered(9)   some free rooms for these travelers to live in.So the travelers got better care and felt much more comfortable.Even though the snowstorm beat(10)    the windows outside,it didn't stop Chinese people from coming together.
They helped each other and showed that even in the cold,they could stay closer and warm each other's hearts.
Word Bank .build an advanced clean city创建卫生城市 .traffic rules交通规则
1.(10分) (Three students are talking about their coming weekend.)
I called you at 7:00 last night and you didn't pick up. (1) B @Lisa
Oh,I was taking a shower.Why did you call me at that time?@Linda
The World Earth Day is coming.The theme(主题)this year is "Planet vs.Plastics(全球战塑)". (2) E 
I totally agree with you.@Linda
Good idea. (3) A 
We could volunteer to pick up plastic bottles(塑料瓶)in the park. @Lisa
(4) G And more students can join us. @Linda
Sounds good. (5) F I know you are good at painting. @Lisa
No problem.I need to start now.
A.What could we do? B.What were you doing? C.Sure,I'd love to come. D.I was making something useful. E.I think we should play a part in it. F.Could you please make some posters(海报)? G.Why don't we hand out posters after school?
【解答】(1)根据上文I called you at 7:00 last night and you didn't pick up.(我昨晚7点给你打电话,你没有接。)和下文Oh,I was taking a shower.(哦,我在洗澡。)可知说的是在做的事情,结合选项,选项B"你在干什么?"符合语境。故选:B。
(2)根据上文The World Earth Day is coming.The theme(主题)this year is "Planet vs.Plastics(全球战塑)".(世界地球日即将到来。今年的主题是"地球与塑料"。)和下文I totally agree with you.(我完全同意你的看法。)可知说的是世界地球日和同意对方的观点,结合选项,选项E"我认为我们应该参与其中。"符合语境。故选:E。
(3)根据下文We could volunteer to pick up plastic bottles(塑料瓶)in the park.(我们可以自愿在公园里捡塑料瓶。)可知说的是自愿在公园里捡塑料瓶,结合选项,选项A"我们能做什么?"符合语境。故选:A。
(4)根据下文And more students can join us. (更多的学生可以加入我们。)和I know you are good at painting. (我知道你擅长绘画。)可知说的是学生加入和擅长绘画,结合选项,选项G"我们为什么不放学后发海报呢?"符合语境。故选:G。
(5)根据下文No problem.I need to start now.(没问题。我现在需要开始。)可知说的是需要开始做某事,结合选项,选项F"你能做一些海报吗?"符合语境。故选:F。
2.(10分)Loving family members is important in life.Just as a writer once said,"Without family,man is(1) B in the world,and cannot live happily."In my family,we all love each other,but even so,misunderstandings(误解)happen sometimes.
One day,(2) C I was doing my homework in my room,my brother came in.I was busy with homework,so I didn't talk to him and just(3) A working.But when I took a break,I found some messy drawings on my notebook.I(4) B got angry and shouted at my brother.
"You can only make(5) C ,and I hate you",I said.Hearing the words,my brother began
crying and tried to explain himself.But I didn't want to listen to it.We didn't talk with each other.The" (6) A  "after that kept for a long time between us.
To solve the problem,my mother asked me to see what the drawing is on my notebook.I looked at(7) B carefully.It said,"Happy birthday".Then I felt sorry for what I did.At that moment,I(8) A how inconsiderate(考虑不周的)I was.Although drawing on my notebook wasn't right,my brother's love was(9) B .I said sorry to him,and he smiled back at me.
After this,I knew how to(10) C family members.We should not take misunderstandings to heart.That's because our family members are the people who love us most.
(1) A.usual B.lonely C.strange
(2) A.if B.because C.while
(3) A.continued B.stopped C.remember
(4) A.quietly B.suddenly C.recently
(5) A.money B.stress C.trouble
(6) A.silence B.decision C.training
(7) A.her B.it C.him
(8) A.realized B.argued C.guessed
(9) A.silly B.clear C.crazy
(10) A.depend on B.take care of C.get on with
【解答】(1)考查形容词。句意:没有家人,人在这个世界上是孤独的。A.usual通常;B.lonely孤独的;C.strange奇怪的。根据Without family(没有家人)可知,没有家人,人在这个世界上是孤独的。故选:B。
(2)考查连词。句意:一天,当我在房间里做作业的时候,我弟弟进来了。A.if如果;B.because因为;C.while当...的时候。根据空格后面的部分I was doing my homework in my room,my brother came in.(我在房间里做作业,我弟弟进来了)可知,一天,当我在房间里做作业的时候,我弟弟进来了。进来这个动作是发生在做作业这个动作的过程当中,所以要用while来填空。故选:C。
(3)考查动词。句意:我忙着做作业,所以我没有和他说话,就继续做作业。A.continued继续;B.stopped停止;C.remember记住。根据前半句I was busy with homework(我忙着做作业)可知,我忙着做作业,所以我没有和他说话,就继续做作业。故选:A。
(4)考查副词。句意:我突然就生气了,朝我弟弟喊道。A.quietly静静地;B.suddenly突然;C.recently最近。根据上文 I found some messy drawings on my notebook.(我在笔记本上发现了一些乱七八糟的画。)可知,我突然就生气了,朝我弟弟喊道。故选:B。
(5)考查名词。句意:你就会制造麻烦,我讨厌你。A.money钱;B.stress压力;C.trouble麻烦。根据上文 I found some messy drawings on my notebook.(我在笔记本上发现了一些乱七八糟的画。)可知,你就会制造麻烦,我讨厌你。故选:C。
(6)考查名词。句意:在那之后,我们之间的"沉默"保持了很长时间。A.silence沉默;B.decision决定;C.training训练。根据上文We didn't talk with each other(我们彼此不说话)可知,在那之后,我们之间的"沉默"保持了很长时间。故选:A。
(7)考查代词。句意:我仔细地看了看它。A.her她;B.it它;C.him他。根据上文my mother asked me to see what the drawing is on my notebook.(我妈妈让我看一下我笔记本上的画是什么)可知,我仔细地看了看它。故选:B。
(8)考查动词。句意:在那一刻,我意识到我是多么的考虑不周啊。A.realized意识到;B.argued争吵;C.guessed猜测。根据上文Then I felt sorry for what I did.(然后我对我的所作所为感到抱歉了。)可知,在那一刻,我意识到我是多么的考虑不周啊。故选:A。
(9)考查形容词。句意:我弟弟的爱是显而易见的。A.silly愚蠢的;B.clear明确的;C.crazy疯狂的。根据这个句子的主语是my brother's love(我弟弟的爱)可知,我弟弟的爱是显而易见的。故选:B。
(10)考查固定搭配。句意:在这之后,我知道如何和家人相处了。A.depend on依靠;B.take care of照顾;C.get on with和...相处。根据下文We should not take misunderstandings to heart.(我们不应该把误解放在心上。)可知,在这之后,我知道如何和家人相处了。故选:C。
Volunteer with us
No.2 Shahe Street,Qingxu Come and volunteer at the Green Family Farm in Qingxu,Taiyuan!This summer,we need some student volunteers to help pick up grapes,feed cows and water e and join us!
Call 0351﹣3415328 or e﹣mail us at GoGREEN@ for more information Saturdays 10:00﹣12:00 May 11th June 8th July 13th August 10th Sundays 10:00﹣12:00 May 12th June 9th July 14th August 11th
Help offer greener,and healthier food. Learn more life skills about farming.
(1)The Green Family Farm needs volunteers to help plant trees this summer.  F 
(2)The Green Family Farm is at No.2 Shahe Street in Qingxu,Taiyuan.  T 
(3)We can volunteer in the Green Family Farm every weekend from May to August.  F 
(4)If you want to learn more information,you can call 0351﹣3415328 or send an e﹣mail.  T 
(5)Students can learn all kinds of life skills at the Green Family Farm.  F 
【解答】(1)细节判断题。根据表格This summer,we need some student volunteers to help pick up grapes,feed cows and water vegetables.(今年夏天,我们需要一些学生志愿者来帮忙摘葡萄、喂奶牛和浇菜。)可知今年夏天,绿色家庭农场需要志愿者帮助种树是错误的。故答案为F。
(2)细节判断题。根据表格No.2 Shahe Street,Qingxu(清徐市沙河街2号)可知绿色家庭农场位于太原市清徐市沙河街2号。故答案为T。
(3)细节判断题。根据表格Saturdays 10:00﹣12:00; May 11th; June 8th; July 13th; August 10th(星期六10:00﹣12:00 5月11日; 6月8日; 7月13日; 8月10日)Sundays 10:00﹣12:00 May 12th; June 9th; July 14th; August 11th(周日10:00﹣12:00 5月12日; 6月9日; 7月14日; 8月11日)可知从五月到八月,我们每个周末都可以去绿色家庭农场做志愿者是错误的。故答案为F。
(4)细节判断题。根据表格Call 0351﹣3415328 or e﹣mail us at GoGREEN@ for more information(咨询电话:0351﹣3415328或电子邮件:GoGREEN@)可知如果您想了解更多信息,请致电0351﹣3415328或发送电子邮件。故答案为T。
(5)细节判断题。根据表格Learn more life skills about farming.(学习更多关于农业的生活技能。)可知学生们可以在绿色家庭农场学习各种生活技能是错误的。故答案为F。
4.(10分)Nowadays,whether teenagers should do chores or not has become a hot topic.Here is a post(帖子)about it on .
Question:Should teenagers do chores? Labor(劳动)education catches people's eye these days.But many surveys show that kids are getting lazier and more parents are doing all the housework.Do you think teenagers should spend time on chores?Please leave your comments(评论)about this question.
David Children often get a lot of homework and have much stress about school.So they don't have time and energy to do chores.Parents should do the housework instead of the children.
Bob Doing chores helps children to be more independent.It also teaches them life skills such as washing clothes,cooking and cleaning.Kids should be able to do things by themselves.They can't live with their parents forever.
Mary Doing chores may take a long time.If you are not good at doing chores,you may get into trouble like breaking things or hurting yourself.So there is no need for teenagers to do chores.
Alice We students sit on the chairs all day to study and play with our phones sometimes after school,not wanting to exercise or do other things at all.It is bad for our health. However,doing housework,from doing the dishes to sweeping the floor,can make us move around and keep away from our phones for a while.
Peter If we take the responsibility to do it,parents will be very happy!In fact,all the family members,not just our mothers,should share the housework.It shows our love to the family and the idea of fairness.
(1)The passage is from  C .
A.a storybook
B.a report
C.a website
(2)From David's words,we can know that  C .
A.David gets a lot of stress from housework
B.David wants to do housework together with his family
C.David thinks that doing chores should be parents' job
(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to Alice's words?  A 
A.Doing chores is good for children's health.
B,Children just want to make their parents happy.
C.Doing chores can make children independent.
(4)What does the underlined word "responsibility" mean in the text?  A 
(5)Who has the similar idea with Peter?  B 
【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据第1段Here is a post(帖子)about it on .(这是新浪网上的一篇帖子。)可知来源于网上,故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据David:Children often get a lot of homework and have much stress about school.So they don't have time and energy to do chores.Parents should do the housework instead of the children. (大卫:孩子们经常有很多家庭作业,学习压力也很大。所以他们没有时间和精力去做家务。父母应该代替孩子做家务。)可知大卫认为做家务是父母的事,故选C。
(3)细节理解题。根据Alice:We students sit on the chairs all day to study and play with our phones sometimes after school,not wanting to exercise or do other things at all.It is bad for our health.However,doing housework,from doing the dishes to sweeping the floor,can make us move around and keep away from our phones for a while. (爱丽丝:我们学生整天坐在椅子上学习,有时放学后玩手机,根本不想锻炼或做其他事情。它对我们的健康有害。然而,做家务,从洗碗到扫地,会让我们四处走动,暂时远离手机。)可知爱丽丝认为做家务对孩子的健康有好处,故选A。
(4)词义猜测题。根据If we take the responsibility to do it,parents will be very happy!(如果我们负起责任去做,父母会很高兴的!)可知 responsibility 应该是责任的意思,故选A。
(5)推理判断题。根据Peter:If we take the responsibility to do it,parents will be very happy!In fact,all the family members,not just our mothers,should share the housework.It shows our love to the family and the idea of fairness. (彼得:如果我们负起责任去做,父母会很高兴的!事实上,所有的家庭成员,不仅仅是我们的母亲,都应该分担家务。它表现了我们对家庭的爱和公平的观念。)和Bob:Doing chores helps children to be more independent.It also teaches them life skills such as washing clothes,cooking and cleaning.Kids should be able to do things by themselves.They can't live with their parents forever. (鲍勃:做家务能让孩子更独立。它还教他们生活技能,如洗衣服、做饭和打扫卫生。孩子们应该能够自己做事情。他们不能永远和父母住在一起。)彼得认为青少年应该做家务,和鲍勃的观点一致,故选B。
5.(10分)It's normal to have different ideas from others.People may think that disagreement causes fights.However,this is not true,If we communicate with others in a proper way,disagreement will also be happy and educational. (1) F 
First of all,we should listen to others carefully when they show different ideas.Sometimes we may want to show our ideas too much,so we don't really listen. (2) B When you listen to others,give them your full attention to show them that your are interested in what they are saying.
Secondly,when somebody doesn't agree with you,don't treat him in an unfair way. (3) A Instead,we should use the facts,not your feelings to communicate with others.Try to realize that their ideas cover something useful,though you don't have to agree with them. (4) C When you show your opinion,make sure you are using "I" language,not "we" language.The use of "we" may let others feel that the speaker feels like ganging together (拉结派).It's not helpful to reach an agreement.
All in all,if we know the truth of communication,it'll be easier for us to reach an agreement. (5) E It is all about listening and understanding.What's more,remember to respect(尊重)each other though we have different opinions.
A.It means we shouldn't get angry with him or shout at him. B.But careful listening is the first step to know others better. C.Thirdly,be sure that you are speaking only for yourself. D.Make sure your friends will agree with you finally. E.Then what is the truth of communication? F.Here's some advice.
【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据下文Each shape has its own symbolic meaning,and nowadays you can find them as gifts for special celebrations,and decorations on clothes.(首先,当别人表达不同想法时,我们应该仔细倾听。)可知,说的是当别人表达不同想法时怎么做。结合选项可知,F.这里有一些建议。符合语境。故选F。
(2)细节推理题。根据下文When you listen to others,give them your full attention to show them that your are interested in what they are saying.(当你听别人说话时,要全神贯注,向他们表明你对他们所说的话感兴趣。)可知,说的是要认真倾听。结合选项可知,B.但是认真倾听是更好地了解他人的第一步。符合语境。故选B。
(3)细节推理题。根据上文Secondly,when somebody doesn't agree with you,don't treat him in an unfair way.(其次,当有人不同意你的观点时,不要以不公平的方式对待他。)可知,说的是中国结的形状。结合选项可知,A.这意味着我们不应该生他的气或对他大喊大叫。符合语境。故选A。
(4)细节推理题。根据下文When you show your opinion,make sure you are using "I" language,not "we"language..(当你表达你的观点时,确保你使用的是"我"的语言,而不是"我们"的语言。)可知,说的是为自己说话。结合选项可知,C.第三,确保你只为自己说话。故选C。
(5)细节推理题。根据下文It is all about listening and understanding.(一切都在于倾听和理解。)可知,说的是沟通的作用。结合选项可知,E.那沟通的真相是什么?符合语境。故选E。
6.(10分)Accidents happen more often than you think.Every year in China,3.2 million people die in accidents—that's almost six people every minute.Scientists say that the 10 minutes after an accident can make the difference between life and death.This is why learning first aid(急救)is so important for everyone.
Common first aid training teaches you how to deal with emergencies(突发情况),do CPR(心肺复苏),and treat things like burns,bleeding and broken bones.
You can learn first aid by visiting the official website(官方网站)of China First Aid training.You can also read books or watch videos that can be found on free apps.Going to some first aid camps is also a good idea,and it takes only a few hours to learn some useful skills there.
A Plan for the First Aid Training Camp
Skills (What skills can you learn?) CPR Burns Bleeding Broken bones
Learning Time (How many minutes does it take to learn a skill?) 120 30 60 90
Knowing the importance of learning first aid skills,many schools in Taiyuan have started first aid training lessons.After taking these lessons,a lot of students not only learned how to deal with small accidents,but also learned to keep calm when facing them.
Taiyuan Daily Report On Mar.21st,a man had a sudden heart problem at the subway station.As soon as he fell down on the floor,several warm﹣hearted citizens(市民)came to help.Zhang Hua,a 15﹣year﹣old teenager kept calm and did CPR to the man.While he was saving the man,another citizen called 120 at once.Thanks to their cool heads and kindness,the man was sent to hospital in time. "I just finished the first aid training lessons at school two weeks ago.I never thought I would need to use them so soon,but I'm glad I knew what to do."Zhang Hua told Taiyuan Daily.
(1)Why is first aid important ?
 Because the 10 minutes after an accident can make the difference between life and death. 
(2)How can people learn first aid skills?(At least two ways.)
 They can visit the official website of China First Aid Training or read books. 
(3)If you go to the first aid training camp to learn how to deal with burns and bleeding,how many hours will it take?
 It will take 1.5 hours. 
(4)What can we learn from Zhang Hua's experience?
 We can learn Zhang Hua not only learned how to deal with small accidents,but also learned to keep calm when facing them at school. 
(5)What first aid skill did you learn before?Where did you learn it?
 I learned how to deal with bleeding.I learned it on the Internet. 
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Scientists say that the 10 minutes after an accident can make the difference between life and death.This is why learning first aid(急救)is so important for everyone.(科学家表示,事故发生后的10分钟可以决定生死。这就是为什么学习急救对每个人都如此重要。)可知,急救很重要是因为事故发生后的10分钟可以决定生死。故填Because the 10 minutes after an accident can make the difference between life and death.
(2)细节理解题。根据第三段You can learn first aid by visiting the official website(官方网站)of China First Aid training.You can also read books or watch videos that can be found on free apps.(您可以访问中国急救培训官方网站学习急救。你还可以在免费应用程序上阅读书籍或观看视频。)可知,人们可访问中国急救培训官方网站或阅读相关书籍学习急救技能。故填They can visit the official website of China First Aid Training or read books.
(3)细节理解题。根据表格Burns 30;Bleeding 60(烧伤 30;出血 60)可知,如果你去急救训练营学习如何处理烧伤和出血,需要30+60=90分钟,也就是一个半小时。故填It will take 1.5 hours.
(4)细节理解题。根据第四段After taking these lessons,a lot of students not only learned how to deal with small accidents,but also learned to keep calm when facing them.(在上了这些课之后,很多学生不仅学会了如何处理小事故,而且学会了在面对小事故时保持冷静。)可知,我们可以学习张华不仅学会了如何处理小事故,而且学会了在学校面对小事故时保持冷静。故填We can learn Zhang Hua not only learned how to deal with small accidents,but also learned to keep calm when facing them at school.
(5)主观表达题。我学过如何处理出血。我是从网上学的。故填I learned how to deal with bleeding.I learned it on the Internet.
he ice area stay since volunteer against provide clean heavy
This year,something really difficult happened on February 17th.On that day,the winds blew strongly and it snowed(1) heavily in Gansu.The snow and ice made the roads very dangerous.
Many cars couldn't move on the(2) icy roads.Most of the people couldn't go out(3) since  it was very hard to see anything outside.Nearly 25,000 travelers had to stay in the(4) area of Guazhou County.Among them was a 29﹣year﹣old man from Guizhou.He traveled to Gansu for vacation with(5) his wife,mother and a 6﹣month﹣old baby.While they(6) were staying  in the coldness,the police found them.The policemen helped the family get off the snowy roads.Also,a family there(7) provided them with a warm room and hot food.What's more,many other people helped these travelers in different ways.For example,a group of(8) volunteers helped them by giving out food and hot water.And some hotels offered(9) to clean some free rooms for these travelers to live in.So the travelers got better care and felt much more comfortable.Even though the snowstorm beat(10) against  the windows outside,it didn't stop Chinese people from coming together.
They helped each other and showed that even in the cold,they could stay closer and warm each other's hearts.
【解答】(1)考查副词。句意:那一天,甘肃刮着大风,下着大雪。根据The snow and ice made the roads very dangerous.(冰雪使道路变得非常危险。)可知,雪下得很大。heavy"厚的",形容词。空格处在句中修饰动词snowed,所以应填副词,heavily"大量地",符合题意。故填heavily。
(2)考查形容词。句意:许多汽车在结冰的道路上无法行驶。根据The snow and ice made the roads very dangerous.(冰雪使道路变得非常危险。)可知,是汽车在结冰的道路上无法行驶。ice"冰",名词。空格处在句中修饰名词roads,所以应填形容词,icy"结冰的",符合题意。故填icy。
(6)考查过去进行时。句意:当他们在寒冷中逗留时,警察发现了他们。根据前文Nearly 25,000 travelers had to stay in the area of Guazhou County.(近25,000名旅客不得不留在瓜州县的地区。)可知,此处指"逗留"。stay"逗留",动词。结合While(当......的时候)以及后句中的found可知,此处用过去进行时,主语是they,所以be动词用were,stay的现在分词是staying。故填were staying。
(7)考查动词。句意:此外,那里的一个家庭为他们提供了温暖的房间和热食。根据句意结合备选词可知,是为他们提供了温暖的房间和热食。provide sb.with sth."为某人提供某物",固定短语。结合前句中的helped可知,该句为一般过去时,所以动词用过去式provided。故填provided。
(8)考查名词。句意:例如,一群志愿者通过分发食物和热水来帮助他们。根据句意结合备选词可知,此处指"志愿者"。volunteer"志愿者",可数名词单数。结合a group of"一群"可知,此处填名词复数形式。故填volunteers。
(9)考查不定式。句意:一些酒店提供清理一些免费房间给这些旅行者居住。根据句意结合备选词可知,是清理一些免费房间。clean"清理",动词。offer to do"主动做",固定短语。故填to clean。
(10)考查介词。句意:即使外面的暴风雪拍打着窗户,但这并没有阻止中国人团结起来。beat against"撞击",固定短语。故填against。
Word Bank .build an advanced clean city创建卫生城市 .traffic rules交通规则
I spent a whole morning looking through every corner in the park and picked up litter and plastic bottles.我花了整整一个上午在公园的每个角落找,捡垃圾和塑料瓶。and表并列。
Although I was really tired after working so long,I felt proud of myself when I saw the park become cleaner and tidier.虽然工作了这么长时间后我真的很累,但当我看到公园变得更干净、更整洁时,我为自己感到骄傲。when引导的时间状语从句。
【解答】 Recently,our city is making an effort to build a national advanced clean city.I also did something meaningful to make our city cleaner and more beautiful.
I still remember the day when I volunteered to clean up the city park with my classmates.After we got there,we were put into two groups.And my group was asked to pick up rubbish around the park.As soon as I knew what to do,I took action at once.I spent a whole morning looking through every corner in the park and picked up litter and plastic bottles.【高分句型一】Then I took them to the rubbish cans.Although I was really tired after working so long,I felt proud of myself when I saw the park become cleaner and tidier.【高分句型二】(活动的经历:我仍然记得那天我和同学们一起志愿打扫城市公园。到了那里后,我们被分成两组。我们组被要求在公园周围捡垃圾。我一知道该做什么,就立即采取行动。我花了整整一个上午在公园的每个角落找,捡垃圾和塑料瓶。然后我把他们带到垃圾桶。虽然工作了这么长时间后我真的很累,但当我看到公园变得更干净、更整洁时,我为自己感到骄傲。)
In order to build our city an advanced clean city,we can start with some little things.We could keep the streets clean by no littering.We could follow the traffic rules without running the red light and so on.Remember every little thing makes a big difference!(建议:我们可以通过不乱扔垃圾来保持街道清洁。我们可以遵守交通规则而不闯红灯等等。记住,每一件小事都会产生巨大的影响!)









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